Chanting & Zazen Circle (Mo thru Sa)

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  • Synjin
    • Mar 2021
    • 19

    Originally posted by Ryokudo
    Hey yuki,

    I'm afraid I am working late tonight so can you run today and tomorrow?
    Thank you for leading today, Yuki.

    Originally posted by Risho
    Sorry guys -this week has been an "interesting" one at work, so I haven't been able to make it. I'm hoping to tomorrow or Thursday. Also, my wife is due 4/22; it's our first baby, and it's a boy so I'm sure I'll have some lack of sleep to look forward to, but I'll drop by when I can, but I'm guessing I'll be sitting the league minimum (15 mins) for a while .

    Congratulations Risho!


    • Guest

      Thanks to everyone who attended Chanting & Zazen Circle this week. A special thank to John P. and his fabulous Enmei Jukku Kannon Gyo chant !

      Yuki (雪)
      Sat today


      • Ryokudo
        • Apr 2018
        • 254

        Originally posted by Yuki
        Thanks to everyone who attended Chanting & Zazen Circle this week. A special thank to John P. and his fabulous Enmei Jukku Kannon Gyo chant !

        Yuki (雪)
        Sat today
        Hey all,

        Yes indeed thanks for being a part of the circle and a special thanks to my dharma frere, Yuki for leading at short notice when I've been snowed at work.

        Seriously gang you are the guys who make this a lovely thing.




        • Ryokudo
          • Apr 2018
          • 254

          Hey gang,

          So I was thinking as it is Buddha's birthday on the 8th, in japan at least ( the rest of Asia is waiting for May, when we can celebrate again), I figured we could also go back to the first chant we learned( most of us anyway) so let's go Heart sutra.

          We have it in Japanese and English on page 4-6 of the retreat handbook and I know yuki has a French version floating around.

          So let's go for that unless y'all have other suggestions.

          I hope that suits and I'll look forward to seeing y'all on Monday.




          • Guest

            Here is the French version of Heart sutra :

            Le Soutra de la Sagesse Qui Nous Mène à l’Autre Rive

            Avalokiteshvara en pratiquant profondement la sagesse
            qui nous mène à l’autre rive, découvrit soudainement
            que les cinq skandhas sont tous pareillement vides.

            Grâce à cette réalisation il dépassa toute souffrance.

            Écoute Shariputra, ce corps même est le vide,
            et le vide même est ce corps.

            Ce corps n’est autre que le vide,
            et le vide n’est autre que ce corps.

            Il en va de même pour les sensations, les perceptions,
            les formations mentales, et la conscience.

            Écoute Shariputra, tous les phénomènes portent l’empreinte du vide:
            leur nature véritable n’est ni l’être ni le non-être,
            ni la naissance ni la mort, ni la pureté ni l’impureté,
            ni la croissance, ni la décroissance.
            C’est pourquoi dans le vide le corps, les sensations,
            les perceptions, les formations mentales et la conscience
            ne sont pas des entités dotées d’un soi séparé.

            Les dix-huit domaines des phénomènes que sont les six organes des sens,
            les six objets des sens et les six consciences,
            ne sont pas non plus des entités dotées d’un soi séparé.

            Le mal être, les causes du mal être, la fin du mal être,
            la voie, la compréhension et la réalisation,
            ne sont pas non plus des entités dotées d’un soi séparé.

            Quiconque peut voir ceci ne voit plus aucun objet à atteindre.
            Et les Bodhisattva qui pratiquent la sagesse qui nous mène à l’autre rive
            ne voient plus d’obstacle dans leur esprit,
            et sans obstacle dans leur esprit ils dépassent toutes peurs.

            Ils détruisent toute perception erronée et réalisent le parfait Nirvana.

            Tous les Bouddhas du passé, du présent et du futur
            en pratiquant la sagesse qui nous mène à l’autre rive
            sont tous capables d’atteindre l’illumination authentique et parfaite.

            Ainsi Shariputra, nous devons savoir que la sagesse qui nous mène à l’autre rive est un grand mantra,
            le plus lumineux des mantras, le plus élevé des mantras,
            un mantra au delà de toute comparaison,
            la sagesse véritable qui a le pouvoir de mettre fin à toutes sortes de souffrances.

            Ainsi proclamons un mantra en éloge à la sagesse qui nous mène à l’autre rive.

            Gate, gate, paragate, parasamgate bodhisvaha!

            See you tomorrow !

            Yuki (雪)
            Sat today


            • Guest

              ... And I add this short chant used for opening the Sutra verse :

              « The Dharma is deep and lovely,
              We now have a chance to see it,
              study it, and practice it.
              We vow to realize it’s true meaning. »

              Mujô jinjin mimyô hô
              hyaku senman gô nan sôgû.
              Ga kon kemmon toku juji.
              Gange nyorai shinjitsu gi.

              Yuki (雪)


              • Risho
                • May 2010
                • 3178

                Originally posted by Synjin
                Thank you for leading today, Yuki.

                Congratulations Risho!
                thank you


                • Ryokudo
                  • Apr 2018
                  • 254

                  Will try to be back tonight


                  • Alihutch
                    • Mar 2021
                    • 1

                    I will be out on Wednesdays


                    • Meredith
                      • Nov 2014
                      • 86

                      I was hoping to be able to join you, but unfortunately my work schedule has changed. I think Saturdays will be only day that'll work



                      • Ryokudo
                        • Apr 2018
                        • 254

                        I'm really sorry but I am still stuck in meetings so can't make tonight


                        • Ryokudo
                          • Apr 2018
                          • 254


                          I'm sorry Yuki and all of you, but it looks like I will be snowed under for the rest of the week, I will try to at least join for zazen tonight, but no promises.




                          • Tai Shi
                            • Oct 2014
                            • 3482

                            Just missed the connection and missed the session, Zazenkai. well guess I was just too late. Maybe next week.
                            Tai Shi
                            Peaceful, Tai Shi. Ubasoku; calm, supportive, for positive poetry 優婆塞 台 婆


                            • Ryokudo
                              • Apr 2018
                              • 254

                              Hi All,

                              I'm really sorry for being away for most of the week, but i know Yuki and John P have ran the ship well, better most would say.

                              Anywho after chatting with Yuki we thought this weeks chant will be Enmei Jukka Kannon Gyo again as you all love it so much, which is on page 14 of the Retreat Chant book (link provided last week).

                              However I will perhaps throw in the occasional Sandokai to keep you on your toes. I shall see y'all tomorrow and expect you to be wonderful.





                              • Guest

                                Hi everybody !

                                Here are some informations about Enmei Jikku Kannon Gyo :

                                « According to the Chronology of Buddha Ancestors (Fozu tongji), compiled by Zhipan in 1269 C E., a defeated and imprisoned general, Wang Xuanmo , received this sūtra in a dream in 450 C E., and the vigorous chanting of it saved his life from execution.
                                As Hakuin, the eighteenth-century Japanese Zen master of the Rinzai School, encouraged his students to chant it, this extrashort scripture has been chanted daily in Rinzai Zen monasteries and centers. It has also been recited in centers of the Sōtō School. The chanting becomes faster and louder while the verse is repeated. »

                                From :
                                Zen Chants: Thirty-Five Essential Texts with Commentary
                                Kazuaki Tanahashi

                                Yuki 雪

