Chanting & Zazen Circle (Mo thru Sa)

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  • bluemountain
    • May 2021
    • 10

    Here is my version of the Four Vows in Portuguese.

    Salvar todos os seres sencientes, apesar de seres serem inumeráveis
    Transformar todas as ilusões, apesar de as ilusões serem inesgotáveis
    Perceber a Realidade, apesar de a Realidade ser ilimitada
    Alcançar o Caminho Iluminado, um Caminho inalcançável

    Maybe Yuki would do a good job in reciting it since French is closer to Portuguese than English. Just make sure that whenever a word begins or ends with an "R", you say it like the hard Rs in faire or etre. Otherwise, it is just the plain R, as in the Japanese word ringo. The E is pronounced like in danser or the "ai" in partirai. Overall, the other sounds are very similar to French.

    Good luck




    • aprapti
      • Jun 2017
      • 889

      here are the four vows in Dutch:

      Hoe talloos de levende wezens ook zijn,
      ik beloof ze alle te bevrijden.

      Hoe talloos de oorzaken van lijden ook zijn,
      ik beloof ze alle weg te nemen.

      Hoe talloos de poorten van de dharma ook zijn,
      ik beloof ze alle door te gaan.

      Hoe eindeloos de weg van Boeddha ook is,
      ik beloof hem ten einde te gaan.



      hobo kore dojo / 歩歩是道場 / step, step, there is my place of practice

      Aprāpti (अप्राप्ति) non-attainment


      • Ryokudo
        • Apr 2018
        • 254

        Hi all,

        It's great to be back with my dharma brothers and sisters.

        Many thanks




        • Guest

          Hi everyone,

          Here is a French translation of Silent Illumination by Éric Rommeluère, a French zen master. He translated it directly from Chinese. I will read it tomorrow, if you want.


          L’inscription sur le silence et la clarté
          Hongzhi Zhengjue (jap. Wanshi Shôgaku, 1091-1157)
          Translated from Chinese by Éric Rommeluère

          Dans le silence, les mots sont oubliés, / Dans la clarté, cela apparaît.

          Lorsqu’on est transparent, on est dans l'ouvert, / Lorsqu’on l’exprime, dans le numineux.

          Dans le numineux, on brille seul, / Dans la clarté, on revient au merveilleux.

          La lune claire, la voie lactée, / Les pins couverts de neige et les pics de nuages

          Sont plus lumineux encore dans les ténèbres, / Plus étincelants encore dans l’obscurité.

          La grue rêve d'un brouillard glaçant, / L’eau contient l’automne lointain.

          Les immenses kalpa sont vides, / Identiques les uns aux autres.

          Le merveilleux se trouve dans le silence, / L’effort s’oublie dans la clarté.

          Où trouver l’existence merveilleuse ? / Si ce n’est lorsque la vigilance dissipe la confusion.

          Telle est la voie du silence et de la clarté, / La racine du détachement extérieur et de la subtilité intérieure.

          Lorsqu’on pénètre le détachement et la subtilité / Une navette d’or traverse le métier de jade.

          Le complet et l’incomplet s’ajustent, / La lumière et l’obscurité se combinent.

          Sans plus dépendre d’un sujet saisissant et d’un objet saisi, / En un tel moment, ils interagissent.

          Buvez la médecine des vues bonnes, / Frappez le tambour enduit de poison!

          Lorsqu’ils interagissent en un tel moment, / Tuer ou donner la vie ne dépendent que de vous.

          On apparaît à l’intérieur de la porte, / Les branches portent des fruits.

          Seul, le silence est la parole parfaite, / Seule, la clarté est la réponse universelle.

          On répond sans le moindre effort, / On parle sans la moindre audition.

          Les dix mille phénomènes / Irradient de rais lumineux et enseignent la loi.

          Ils s’attestent chacun de leur éveil, / Se questionnant et se répondant les uns les autres.

          Les questions, les réponses et les attestations / S’accordent parfaitement.

          Mais si dans la clarté le silence disparaît / Un déchaînement apparaît sans qu'on s'en aperçoive.

          Les attestations, les questions et les réponses / Parfaitement s’accordent.

          Mais si dans le silence la clarté disparaît / L’opacité devient de trop.

          Lorsque la vérité du silence et de la clarté se réalise, / Le lotus fleurit et le rêveur s’éveille.

          Cent fleuves se déversent dans l’océan / Et mille pics font face à la plus haute montagne.

          Tel l’oie qui préfère le lait, / Tel l’abeille qui butine les fleurs,

          Une fois le silence et la clarté atteints, / Je vous aurais présenté ma tradition.

          Le silence et la clarté de ma tradition / Pénètrent jusqu’au plus haut et jusqu’au plus profond.

          Le corps est shûnyatâ, / Les bras forment le mudrâ.

          Du début à la fin, ce n’est qu’une même règle / D’apparences toujours changeantes et de dix mille différences.

          Monsieur He offre une pierre précieuse / Et Xiangru pointe le défaut dans la pierre.

          Une telle capacité possède ses règles, / La grande fonction ne connaît pas de difficulté.

          L’empereur est dans son domaine, / Le général, au-delà des frontières.

          L’affaire de notre école / Est d’une parfaite adéquation.

          Partout, transmettez-la / Sans jamais vous méprendre.

          Have a nice end of day !

          Sat today


          • Anchi
            • Sep 2015
            • 556

            Lovely ! Oui s'il te plaît ...Merci Beaucoup Yuki !

            Always Great To Sit and Chant In Your company !

            See you all later!!

            Last edited by Anchi; 05-29-2021, 08:54 AM.
            Life itself is the only teacher.
            一 Joko Beck

            安知 Anchi


            • Guest

              Hi everybody !

              Many thanks to everyone who chanted and sat this week (Omom, Ryokudo, Aprapti, Heitou, Kiri_ , Bernie and his mother, John P. and Paul... I wish I didn’t forget someone ).

              It’s great to sit and chant in so good company !

              Have a great weekend,
              Yuki 雪


              • Heitou
                • Feb 2020
                • 101

                Thank You Yuki, I enjoyed it.



                • Jundo
                  Treeleaf Founder and Priest
                  • Apr 2006
                  • 41213

                  Ah, my Dharma Brother and good friend, fellow student of Nishijima ... Éric Rommeluère.

                  Gassho, Jundo

                  ALL OF LIFE IS OUR TEMPLE


                  • Guest

                    Hi everybody,

                    I suggest the reading of Contemplating Mind by Hanshan Deqing this week.

                    « Master Hanshan Deqing (1546-1623), the author of Contemplating Mind, was born in the late Ming dynasty when bureaucratic corruption and social chaos was prevalent. He was the only great Master who recorded his lifelong experience of practice and thoughts. His Contemplating Mind tells the essence of practice in the form of verse. He was distinguished from his peers as wise since his childhood, raising the issue of life and death at the age of 7, seeking life orientation at the age of 12 and ordained as a monastic aged 18. At 19 years, he saw a vision of Amitābha Buddha as he was wholeheartedly chanting the name, intensifying his determination on the path. »


                    Contemplating Mind
                    Hanshan Deqing (1546-1623)

                    Look upon the body as unreal,
                    An image in a mirror
                    Or the reflection of the moon in water
                    Contemplate the mind as formless,
                    Yet bright and pure.
                    Not a single thought arising,
                    Empty, yet perceptive,
                    Still, yet illuminating,
                    Complete like the Great Emptiness,
                    Containing all that is wonderful.
                    Neither going out nor coming in,
                    Without appearance or characteristics,
                    Countless skillful means
                    Arise out of one mind.
                    Independent of material existence,
                    Which is ever an obstruction,
                    Do not cling to deluded thoughts.
                    These give birth to illusion.
                    Attentively contemplate this mind,
                    Empty, devoid of all objects.
                    If emotions should suddenly arise,
                    You will fall into confusion.
                    In a critical moment bring back the light,
                    Powerfully illuminating.
                    Clouds disperse, the sky is clear;
                    The sun shines brilliantly.
                    If nothing arises within the mind,
                    Nothing will manifest without.
                    That which has characteristics
                    Is not original reality.
                    If you can see a thought as it arises,
                    This awareness will at once destroy it.
                    Whatever state of mind should come,
                    Sweep it away, put it down.
                    Both good and evil states
                    Can be transformed by mind.
                    Sacred and profane appear
                    In accordance with thoughts.
                    Reciting mantras or contemplating mind
                    Are merely herbs for polishing a mirror
                    When the dust is removed,
                    They are also wiped away.
                    Great extensive spiritual powers
                    Are all complete within the mind.
                    The Pure Land or the Heavens
                    Can be traveled to at will.
                    You need not seek the real,
                    Mind originally is Buddha.
                    The familiar becomes remate,
                    The strange seems familiar.
                    Day and night, everything is wonderful.
                    Nothing you encounter confuses you.
                    These are the essentials of mind.


                    I wish to see you soon !

                    Yuki 雪


                    • aprapti
                      • Jun 2017
                      • 889

                      thank you Yuki, i am looking forward to read this text in this week.

                      i think you know this already, but there some interesting texts in Taigen Dan Leighton, cultivating the empty mind.

                      i hope to see you tomorrow,



                      hobo kore dojo / 歩歩是道場 / step, step, there is my place of practice

                      Aprāpti (अप्राप्ति) non-attainment


                      • Guest

                        Thanks you Aprapti.
                        I will have a look on this book from Taigen Dan Leighton... you mean Cultivating the Empty Field, don’t you ?

                        Seeing you tomorrow,
                        Yuki 雪


                        • aprapti
                          • Jun 2017
                          • 889

                          of course, Yuki.. excuses..



                          hobo kore dojo / 歩歩是道場 / step, step, there is my place of practice

                          Aprāpti (अप्राप्ति) non-attainment


                          • Ryokudo
                            • Apr 2018
                            • 254

                            Hey Yuki,

                            It sounds interesting as ever, it is lovely how the circle is ever changing. So I will look forward to it mon frere.

                            Maybe we could also do a chant on occasional days as well time permitting?

                            A demain, in gassho




                            • Guest

                              Yes Ryokudo, I miss chanting too.
                              Always ready to chant !

                              See you tomorrow brother !

                              Yuki 雪


                              • Ryokudo
                                • Apr 2018
                                • 254

                                Hey Yuki,

                                By the way I was thinking that as you are pulling together all these texts and also getting into different language variations, we should really start pulling them together in one new document that can be living on the treeleaf site, if Jundo is OK with it naturally. What do you think?



