Here is my version of the Four Vows in Portuguese.
Salvar todos os seres sencientes, apesar de seres serem inumeráveis
Transformar todas as ilusões, apesar de as ilusões serem inesgotáveis
Perceber a Realidade, apesar de a Realidade ser ilimitada
Alcançar o Caminho Iluminado, um Caminho inalcançável
Maybe Yuki would do a good job in reciting it since French is closer to Portuguese than English. Just make sure that whenever a word begins or ends with an "R", you say it like the hard Rs in faire or etre. Otherwise, it is just the plain R, as in the Japanese word ringo. The E is pronounced like in danser or the "ai" in partirai. Overall, the other sounds are very similar to French.
Good luck

Salvar todos os seres sencientes, apesar de seres serem inumeráveis
Transformar todas as ilusões, apesar de as ilusões serem inesgotáveis
Perceber a Realidade, apesar de a Realidade ser ilimitada
Alcançar o Caminho Iluminado, um Caminho inalcançável
Maybe Yuki would do a good job in reciting it since French is closer to Portuguese than English. Just make sure that whenever a word begins or ends with an "R", you say it like the hard Rs in faire or etre. Otherwise, it is just the plain R, as in the Japanese word ringo. The E is pronounced like in danser or the "ai" in partirai. Overall, the other sounds are very similar to French.
Good luck

