Chanting & Zazen Circle (Mo thru Sa)

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  • Guest

    Hi everybody !

    Here are the chants we are doing regularly so you don’t have to seek them everywhere. I hope it will help.


    Sat today


    The Three Refuges Verse
    (Sanki Raimon)

    I take refuge in Buddha,
    May all living beings embody the Great Way
    and give rise to the highest aspiration (of enlightenment).

    I take refuge in Dharma,
    May all living beings enter deeply into the Sutras,
    that Ocean of Wisdom.

    I take refuge in Sangha,
    May all living beings support harmony in the Community,
    free from all hindrances.


    Sanki raimon
    (The Three Refuge Verse)

    Ji kie Butsu

    To gan shu jō
    tai ge dai dō
    hotsu mu jō i

    Ji kie Ho

    To gan shu jō
    jin nyu kyo zo
    chi e nyo kai

    Ji kie So

    To gan shu jō
    tō ri dai shu
    is-sai mu ge


    Kaikyo Ge ( used for opening the Sutra verse )

    The Dharma incomparably profound and infinitely subtle
    Is always encountered, but rarely perceived.
    Now we see, hear, receive and maintain this
    may we all realize the Tahtagatha's true meaning.»

    Kaikyo Ge

    Mujô jinjin mimyô hô
    hyaku senman gô nan sôgû
    Ga kon kemmon toku juji
    Gange nyorai shinjitsu gi


    The Heart of the Perfection of Great Wisdom Sutra*
    (Maka Hannya Haramita Shin Gyo)

    A/vo/lo/ki/tes/va/ra/ Bod/hi/satt/va/, A/wa/kened/ One/ of/ Com/pas/sion/,
    In/ Praj/na/ Pa/ra/mi/ta/, the/Deep/ Prac/tice/ of/ Per/fect/ Wis/dom/* Per/ceived/ the/ emp/ti/ness/ of /all /five /con/di/tions/,
    And/ was/ free/ of/ suf/fer/ing/.
    O/ Sha/ri/pu/tra/, form/ is/ no/ o/ther/ than/ emp/ti/ness/, Emp/ti/ness/ no/ o/ther/ than/ form/;
    Form/ is/ pre/cise/ly/ emp/ti/ness/, emp/ti/ness/ pre/cise/ly/ form/.
    Sen/sa/tions/, per/cep/tions/, for/ma/tions/ and/ con/scious/ness/ are/ al/so/ like/ this/. O/ Sha/ri/pu/tra/, all/ things/ are/ ex/pres/sions/ of/ emp/ti/ness/,
    Not/ born/, not/ des/troyed/, not/ stained/, not/ pure/;
    Nei/ther/ wax/ing/ nor/ wan/ing/.
    Thus/ emp/ti/ness/ is/ not/ form/; not/ sen/sa/tion/ nor/ per/cep/tion/,
    not/ for/ma/tion/ nor/ con/scious/ness/.
    No/ eye/, ear/, nose/, tongue/, bo/dy/, mind/;
    No/ sight/, sound/, smell/, taste/, touch/, nor/ ob/ject/ of/ mind/;
    No/ realm/ of/ sight/, no/ realm/ of/ con/scious/ness/; No/ ig/no/rance/, no/ end/ to/ ig/no/rance/;
    No/ old/ age/ and/ death/,
    No/ ces/sa/tion/ of/ old/ age/ and/ death/;
    No/ suf/fer/ing/, nor/ cause/ or/ end/ to/ suf/fer/ing/;
    No/ path/, no/ wis/dom/ and/ no/ gain/.
    No/ gain/ – thus/ Bod/dhi/satt/vas/ live/ this/ Praj/na/ Pa/ra/mi/ta/* With/ no/ hin/drance/ of/ mind/ –
    No/ hin/drance/ there/fore/ no/ fear/.
    Far/ be/yond/ all/ de/lu/sion/, Nir/va/na/ is/ al/rea/dy/ here/.
    All/ past/, pre/sent/ and/ fu/ture/ Budd/has/
    Live/ this/ Praj/na/ Pa/ra/mi/ta/*
    And/ re/al/ize/ su/preme/ and/ com/plete/ en/light/en/ment/. There/fore/ know/ that/ Praj/na/ Pa/ra/mi/ta/
    Is/ the/ sac/red/ man/tra/, the/ lu/min/ous/ man/tra/,
    the/ sup/reme/ man/tra/, the/ in/com/pa/ra/ble/ man/tra/
    by/ which/ all/ suf/fe/ring/ is/ clear/.
    This/ is/ no/ o/ther/ than/ Truth/.
    There/fore/ set/ forth/ the/ Praj/na/ Pa/ra/mi/ta/ man/tra/.
    Set/ forth/ this/ man/tra/ and/ pro/claim/1x) Gate! Gate!
    * Paragate! Parasamgate! * Bodhi! Svaha!
    (Already Gone, Gone) (Already Gone Beyond) (Already Fully Beyond)
    (Awakening, Rejoice)


    Maka Hannya Haramita Shin Gyo*

    Kan Ji Zai Bo Satsu Gyo Jin Han Nya Ha Ra Mi Ta Ji Sho Ken* Go On Kai Ku Do I Sai Ku Yaku Sha Ri Shi Shiki Fu I Ku Ku Fu I Shiki Shiki Soku Ze Ku Ku Soku Ze Shiki Ju So Gyo Shiki Yaku Bu Nyo Ze Sha Ri Shi Ze Sho Ho Ku So Fu Sho Fu Metsu Fu Ku Fu Jo Fu Zo Fu Gen Ze Ko Ku Chu Mu Shiki Mu Ju So Gyo Shiki Mu Gen Ni Bi Ze Shin Ni Mu Shiki Sho Ko Mi Soku Ho Mu Gen Kai Nai Shi Mu I Shiki Kai Mu Mu Myo Yaku Mu Mu Myo Jin Nai Shi Mu Ro Shi Yaku Mu Ro Shi Jin Mu Ku Shu Metsu Do Mu Chi Yaku Mu Toku I Mu Sho Tok ko Bo Dai Sat Ta E Han- Nya Ha Ra Mi Ta* Ko Shin Mu Kei Ge Mu Kei Ge Ko Mu U Ku Fu On Ri Is Sai Ten Do Mu So Ku Gyo Ne Han San Ze Sho Butsu E Han Nya Ha Ra Mi Ta* Ko Toku A Noku Ta Ra San Myaku San Bo Dai Ko Chi Han-Nya Ha Ra Mi Ta Ze Dai Jin Shu Ze Dai Myo Shu Ze Mu Jo Shu Ze Mu To To Shu No Jo Is Sai Ku Shin Jitsu Fu Ko Ko Setsu Han Nya Ha Ra Mi Ta Shu Soku Setsu Shu Watsu Gya Tei Gya Tei * Ha Ra Gya Tei Hara So Gya Tei * Bo Ji Sowa Ka Han Nya Shin Gyo



    Negawaku wa kono kudoku wo motte,

    amaneku issai ni oyoboshi,
warera to shujô to mina tomoni

    butsudô wo jô zen koto wo.

    May the merits of these teachings penetrate into each thing in all places,
    so that we and every sentient being together may realize the Buddha’s Way.


    Ji Ho San Shi

    ø All Buddhas throughout space and time
    ø All Bodhisattvas-Mahasattvas
    ø Maha • Prajna • Paramita •••••••


    Ji Ho San Shi

    Ji hō san shi i shi fu
    Shi son bu sa mo ko sa
    Mo ko ho ja ho ro mi


    Ten-Verse Sutra of Avalokiteshvara
    Enmei Jukku Kannon Gyo *

    (Chant 7 times)
    At one with Buddha
    Directly Buddha
    Also indirectly Buddha
    And indirectly Buddha, Dharma, Sangha
    Joyful, pure eternal being!
    Morning mind is *Kanzeon
    Evening mind is *Kanzeon
    Nen, nen arises from mind
    Nen, nen is not separate from mind.

    Enmei Jukku Kannon Gyo *

    (Chant 7 times)

    Kanzeon Namu Butsu Yo Butsu U In
    Yo Butsu U En
    Bup Po So En
    Jo Raku Ga Jo
    Cho Nen Kanzeon
    Bo Nen Kanzeon
    Nen Nen Ju Shin Ki
    Nen Nen Fu Ri Shin


    The Four Vows

    To save all sentient beings, though beings numberless
    To transform all delusions, though delusions inexhaustible
    To perceive Reality, tough Reality is boundless
    To attain the Enlightened Way, a Way non-attainable

    Shi Gu Sei Gan Mon (The Four Vows in Japanese)







    Buddham saranam gachami
    Dhammam saranam gachami
    Sangham saranam gachami

    Sat today
    Last edited by Guest; 04-12-2024, 02:31 PM. Reason: Being conform


    • Guest

      We sometimes add Sandokai to our chants :

      The Identity of Relative and Absolute


      The mind of the Great Sage of India

      Is intimately conveyed west and east.

      While human faculties are both wise or dull

      In the Way there are no northern or southern ancestors.

      The subtle Source shines clear in the light;

      The branching streams flow in the dark.

      To be attached to things is primordial illusion;

      To encounter the absolute is not yet enlightenment.

      * All spheres, every sense and field

      intermingle even as they shine alone,

      Interacting even as they merge,

      Yet keeping their places in expressions of their own.

      Sights differ primally in shape and character

      And sounds in harsh or soothing tones.

      The dark makes all words one;

      The brightness distinguishes good and bad phrases.

      The four elements return to their true nature

      As a child turns to its mother.

      Fire is hot, water is wet,

      Wind moves and the earth is dense.

      Eye and form, ear and sound, nose and smell,

      Tongue and taste, the sweet and sour:

      Each independent of the other

      Like leaves that come from the same root.

      And though leaves and root must go back to the Source

      Both root and leaves have their own uses.

      Light is also darkness,

      But do not think of it as darkness.

      Darkness is light;

      Do not see it as light.

      Light and darkness are not one, not two

      Like the foot before and the foot behind in walking.

      * Each thing has its own being

      Which is not different from its place and function.

      The relative fits the absolute

      As a box and its lid.

      The absolute meets the relative

      Like two arrow points that touch in mid air.

      * Hearing this, simply perceive what is,

      Make no criterion.

      If you do not see the Way,

      You do not see it even as you walk upon it.

      Walking forward in the way

      You draw no nearer, progress no farther.

      One who fails to see this truth

      Is mountains and rivers away.

      * Listen, those who would percieve this subtle matter:

      * Live well your time by night and day!



      Chikudo daisen no shin,
      tōzai mitsuni aifusu.
      Ninkon ni ridon ari,
      Dô ni namboku no so nashi.
      Reigen myôni kôkettari.
      Shiha anni ruchûsu.
      Ji wo shusûru mo moto kore mayoi.
      Ri ni kanô mo mata satori ni ara zu.

      Mommon issai no kyô,
      ego to fuego to.
      Eshite sarani aiwataru.
      Shikara zare ba kurai ni yotte jûsu.
      Shiki moto shitsuzô wo kotonishi,
      shô moto rakku wo kotonisu.
      An wa jôchû no koto ni kanai,
      mei wa seidaku no ku wo wakatsu.
      Shidai no shô onozukara fukusu,
      ko no sono haha wo uru ga gotoshi.
      Hi wa nesshi kaze wa dôyô,
      mizu wa uruoi chi wa kengo.
      Manako wa iro, mimi wa onjô,
      hana wa ka, shita wa kanso.

      Shikamo ichi-ichi no hô ni oite,
      ne ni yotte ha bumpusu.
      Hommatsu subekaraku shû ni kisu beshi.
      Sompi sono go wo mochiu.
      Meichû ni atatte an ari,
      ansô wo motte ô koto nakare.

      Anchû ni atatte mei ari,
      meisô wo motte miru koto nakare.
      Meian ono-ono aitaishi te,
      hisuru ni zengo no ayumi no gotoshi.
      Bammotsu onozukara kô ari,
      masani yô to sho to wo iu beshi.

      Ji sonsure ba kangai gasshi,
      ri ôzure ba sempô sasô.
      Koto wo uke te wa subekaraku shû wo
      esu beshi.
      Mizukara kiku wo rissuru koto nakare.
      Sokumoku dô wo ese zumba,
      ashi wo hakobu mo izukunzo michi wo shiran.
      Ayumi wo susumure ba gonnon ni ara zu,
      mayôte senga no ko wo hedatsu.

      Tsutsushin de sangen no hito ni môsu,

      kôin munashiku wataru koto nakare.

      Mokushō 黙唱
      Sat today


      • Bion
        Senior Priest-in-Training
        • Aug 2020
        • 5094

        Originally posted by Yuki
        Hi everybody !

        Here are the chants we are doing regularly so you don’t have to seek them everywhere. I hope it will help.
        Ah, lovely! Thank you for bumping this!

        Sat and lah
        "Stepping back with open hands, is thoroughly comprehending life and death. Immediately you can sparkle and respond to the world." - Hongzhi


        • Jundo
          Treeleaf Founder and Priest
          • Apr 2006
          • 41208

          May I redo the wording somewhat here?

          The Three Refuge Verse
          (Sanki Raimon)

          I take refuge in Buddha,
          with the prayer that living beings may embody the great way
          and give rise to the highest aspiration.

          I take refuge in dharma,
          with the prayer that living beings
          may enter deeply into the sutras, that ocean of wisdom.

          I take refuge in sangha,
          with the prayer that living beings may ensure
          that the great assembly is entirely free from hindrances.
          We should have a version for our Sangha, and the reference to 'prayer' here is a concern.

          I will work on this. It is something that I have been meaning to do for a long time.

          Gassho, Jundo



          • Guest

            Thanks Jundo !

            We can’t wait to see the new formulation !

            Mokushō 黙唱
            Sat today


            • Bion
              Senior Priest-in-Training
              • Aug 2020
              • 5094

              Originally posted by Jundo
              May I redo the wording somewhat here?

              We should have a version for our Sangha, and the reference to 'prayer' here is a concern.

              I will work on this. It is something that I have been meaning to do for a long time.

              Gassho, Jundo

              Please do! I was the source of the wording for this one, and I don’t remember where the wording comes from. I did check in our chants sub and noticed it wasn’t there. I noticed now that the Sanki Raimon in the Soto Zen Liturgy book is actually nicer. My apologies!

              Sat and lah
              "Stepping back with open hands, is thoroughly comprehending life and death. Immediately you can sparkle and respond to the world." - Hongzhi


              • Jundo
                Treeleaf Founder and Priest
                • Apr 2006
                • 41208

                Originally posted by Bion
                Please do! I was the source of the wording for this one, and I don’t remember where the wording comes from. I did check in our chants sub and noticed it wasn’t there. I noticed now that the Sanki Raimon in the Soto Zen Liturgy book is actually nicer. My apologies!

                Sat and lah
                I looked at several versions and the original, and would like to leave aside the word "prayer" and such. The original is as follows ...

                自帰依仏, 当願衆生, 体解大道, 発無上意,

                自帰依法, 当願衆生, 深入経蔵, 智慧如海,

                自帰依僧, 当願衆生, 統理大衆, 一切無礙.

                SANKI RAIMON

                So, adjusting this version, how about ...

                The Three Refuges Verse
                (Sanki Raimon)

                I take refuge in Buddha,
                May all living beings embody the Great Way
                and give rise to the highest aspiration (of enlightenment).

                I take refuge in Dharma,
                May all living beings enter deeply into the Sutras,
                that Ocean of Wisdom.

                I take refuge in Sangha,
                May all living beings support harmony in the Community,
                free from all hindrances.

                I borrowed some wording from another Soto-shu version here:

                I thank you for your patience (maintaining harmony in the Community ), as I seek to refine our Chants to be more suitable for this age.

                Gassho, Jundo

                Last edited by Jundo; 04-12-2024, 04:12 AM.
                ALL OF LIFE IS OUR TEMPLE


                • Jundo
                  Treeleaf Founder and Priest
                  • Apr 2006
                  • 41208

                  And here is a little background on this chant ...

                  Our Chant at Treeleaf reads ... The Three Refuges Verse (Sanki Raimon) I take refuge in Buddha, May all living beings embody the Great Way and give rise to the highest aspiration (of enlightenment). I take refuge in Dharma, May all living beings enter deeply into the Sutras, that Ocean of Wisdom. I take refuge in Sangha,

                  Gassho, J

                  ALL OF LIFE IS OUR TEMPLE


                  • Bion
                    Senior Priest-in-Training
                    • Aug 2020
                    • 5094

                    Originally posted by Jundo
                    I looked at several versions and the original, and would like to leave aside the word "prayer" and such. The original is as follows ...

                    自帰依仏, 当願衆生, 体解大道, 発無上意,

                    自帰依法, 当願衆生, 深入経蔵, 智慧如海,

                    自帰依僧, 当願衆生, 統理大衆, 一切無礙.

                    SANKI RAIMON
                    JI KI E HŌ, TŌ GAN SHU JŌ, JIN NYŪ KYŌ ZŌ, CHI E NYO KAI.
                    JI KI E SŌ, TŌ GAN SHU JŌ, TŌ RI DAI SHŪ, IS-SAI MU GE.

                    So, adjusting this version, how about ...

                    The Three Refuges Verse
                    (Sanki Raimon)

                    I take refuge in Buddha,
                    May all living beings embody the Great Way
                    and give rise to the highest aspiration (of enlightenment).

                    I take refuge in Dharma,
                    May all living beings enter deeply into the Sutras,
                    that Ocean of Wisdom.

                    I take refuge in Sangha,
                    May all living beings support harmony in the Community,
                    free from all hindrances.

                    I borrowed some wording from another Soto-shu version here:

                    I thank you for your patience (maintaining harmony in the Community ), as I seek to refine our Chants to be more suitable for this age.

                    Gassho, Jundo

                    That is great! Thank you very much!

                    sat and lah
                    "Stepping back with open hands, is thoroughly comprehending life and death. Immediately you can sparkle and respond to the world." - Hongzhi


                    • Guest

                      I made the modification about Sanki Raimon on the post #601 and we will do others modifications if necessary. Thanks Bion and Jundo for your helpful comments.
                      We greatly appreciate your support!

                      Mokushō 黙唱
                      Sat today


                      • Guest

                        For Antonio,

                        Here are the words of Four Vows in Portuguese:

                        Salvar todos os seres sencientes, apesar de seres serem inumeráveis

                        Transformar todas as ilusões, apesar de as ilusões serem inesgotáveis

                        Perceber a Realidade, apesar de a Realidade ser ilimitada

                        Alcançar o Caminho Iluminado, um Caminho inalcançável

                        Hope to hear you chanting those words soon,

                        Mokushō 黙唱
                        Sat today


                        • Junsho
                          • Mar 2024
                          • 204

                          Originally posted by Yuki
                          For Antonio,

                          Here are the words of Four Vows in Portuguese:

                          Salvar todos os seres sencientes, apesar de seres serem inumeráveis

                          Transformar todas as ilusões, apesar de as ilusões serem inesgotáveis

                          Perceber a Realidade, apesar de a Realidade ser ilimitada

                          Alcançar o Caminho Iluminado, um Caminho inalcançável

                          Hope to hear you chanting those words soon,

                          Mokushō 黙唱
                          Sat today
                          Hi Mokushō-san

                          Thank you for the vows!
                          Junshō 純聲 - Pure Voice, Genuine Speech
                          If you meet the Buddha on the road, kill him.” - Linji Yixuan​​

