Monday April 19 Chanting & Zazen Circle.

Thanks to Clare and Olivia for their patience with my poor performance at my first try with Enmei Juju Kannon Gyo. Will do better with practice
! Thanks John P. for his excellent choice of haiku. Hope to see you soon again !
Tuesday 20 :
Good session with John P. Great chants and haikus, small talk about weather, Italian cooking and books from Helena Ferrante.
Wednesday 21 :
Session with John P., Ryokudo made an apparition to say hello. Nice sitting and interesting talk.
Thursday 22 :
Arigato gozaimasu to Ryokudo and John P. for their excellent chants.
By the way, Risho, are you father now ? If yes, congratulations !!!
Friday 23 :
John P. and me. Chanting, zazen and great chat.
Saturday 24 :
John P. joined me for this last session of the week.
Yuki 雪

Thanks to Clare and Olivia for their patience with my poor performance at my first try with Enmei Juju Kannon Gyo. Will do better with practice

Tuesday 20 :
Good session with John P. Great chants and haikus, small talk about weather, Italian cooking and books from Helena Ferrante.
Wednesday 21 :
Session with John P., Ryokudo made an apparition to say hello. Nice sitting and interesting talk.
Thursday 22 :
Arigato gozaimasu to Ryokudo and John P. for their excellent chants.
By the way, Risho, are you father now ? If yes, congratulations !!!

Friday 23 :
John P. and me. Chanting, zazen and great chat.
Saturday 24 :
John P. joined me for this last session of the week.

Yuki 雪