Chanting & Zazen Circle (Mo thru Sa)

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  • Guest

    Monday April 19 Chanting & Zazen Circle.

    Thanks to Clare and Olivia for their patience with my poor performance at my first try with Enmei Juju Kannon Gyo. Will do better with practice ! Thanks John P. for his excellent choice of haiku. Hope to see you soon again !

    Tuesday 20 :

    Good session with John P. Great chants and haikus, small talk about weather, Italian cooking and books from Helena Ferrante.

    Wednesday 21 :

    Session with John P., Ryokudo made an apparition to say hello. Nice sitting and interesting talk.

    Thursday 22 :

    Arigato gozaimasu to Ryokudo and John P. for their excellent chants.
    By the way, Risho, are you father now ? If yes, congratulations !!!

    Friday 23 :

    John P. and me. Chanting, zazen and great chat.

    Saturday 24 :

    John P. joined me for this last session of the week.

    Yuki 雪
    Last edited by Guest; 04-26-2021, 05:13 PM.


    • Ryokudo
      • Apr 2018
      • 254

      Originally posted by Yuki
      Monday April 19 Chanting & Zazen Circle.

      Thanks to Clare and Olivia for their patience with my poor performance at my first try with Enmei Jikku Kannon Gyo. Will do better with practice ! Thanks John P. for his excellent choice of haiku. Hope to see you soon again !

      Tuesday 20 :

      Good session with John P. Great chants and haikus, small talk about weather, Italian cooking and books from Helena Ferrante.

      Wednesday 21 :

      Session with John P., Ryokudo made an apparition to say hello. Nice sitting and interesting talk.

      Thursday 22 :

      Arigato gozaimasu to Ryokudo and John P. for their excellent chants.

      Yuki 雪

      Hi Yuki,

      It looks like I may have to duck out of tonight again for which I apologise. If so I will see you on Monday





      • Ryokudo
        • Apr 2018
        • 254

        Hey Yuki et al,

        I'm afraid you won't be seeing me tonight as I have been signed off work with a migraine and ordered toile in a darkened room.

        Life's a bit trying at the moment.

        I'm really sorry. So do whatever you feel tonight, while I feel sorry for myself


        • Jundo
          Treeleaf Founder and Priest
          • Apr 2006
          • 41193

          Originally posted by Ryokudo
          Hey Yuki et al,

          I'm afraid you won't be seeing me tonight as I have been signed off work with a migraine and ordered toile in a darkened room.

          Life's a bit trying at the moment.

          I'm really sorry. So do whatever you feel tonight, while I feel sorry for myself
          This is your Migraine Chant. Great lesson, sacred recline in darkened room. What are you missing?

          Gassho, J



          • Guest

            Hey Ryo,

            It was good to see you today !
            I wish your migraine will vanish soon.


            See you tomorrow !

            Yuki 雪


            • Jundo
              Treeleaf Founder and Priest
              • Apr 2006
              • 41193

              Originally posted by Yuki
              Hey Ryo,

              It was good to see you today !
              I wish your migraine will vanish soon.


              See you tomorrow !

              Yuki 雪
              Hi Yuki,

              May I ask about the Mudra you posted. Is there a meaning for you?

              Gassho, Jundo


              • Ryokudo
                • Apr 2018
                • 254

                Originally posted by Jundo
                This is your Migraine Chant. Great lesson, sacred recline in darkened room. What are you missing?

                Gassho, J

                Thank you Jundo,

                I was getting a little sorry for myself.





                • Guest

                  Hi Jundo,

                  This Mudra is an old drawing I’ve realized, maybe 13-14 years ago, following a travel in Myanmar. I liked the gracious position of these hands but I don’t remember who or what was the model I took at this time, sorry. I must admit that I didn’t knew the exact meaning of the Mudra but after some searches on the web, here what I found : dharmacakra-mudrā represents a teaching gesture, starting the wheel of the law. It symbolizes the first sermon of the Buddha Śākyamuni near Bénarès.

                  Gassho, Yuki 雪


                  • Guest

                    Hi everybody !

                    Many thanks to Anisa, John P., Eishin and Ryokudo for the participation to Chanting & Zazen Circle this week.

                    For Eishin, the New Heart Sutra translation by Thich Nhat Hanh :

                    The Insight that Brings Us to the Other Shore

                    while practicing deeply with
                    the Insight that Brings Us to the Other Shore,
                    suddenly discovered that
                    all of the five Skandhas are equally empty,
                    and with this realisation
                    he overcame all Ill-being.

                    “Listen Sariputra,
                    this Body itself is Emptiness
                    and Emptiness itself is this Body.
                    This Body is not other than Emptiness
                    and Emptiness is not other than this Body.
                    The same is true of Feelings,
                    Perceptions, Mental Formations,
                    and Consciousness.

                    “Listen Sariputra,
                    all phenomena bear the mark of Emptiness;
                    their true nature is the nature of
                    no Birth no Death,
                    no Being no Non-being,
                    no Defilement no Purity,
                    no Increasing no Decreasing.

                    “That is why in Emptiness,
                    Body, Feelings, Perceptions,
                    Mental Formations and Consciousness
                    are not separate self entities.

                    The Eighteen Realms of Phenomena
                    which are the six Sense Organs,
                    the six Sense Objects,
                    and the six Consciousnesses
                    are also not separate self entities.

                    The Twelve Links of Interdependent Arising
                    and their Extinction
                    are also not separate self entities.
                    Ill-being, the Causes of Ill-being,
                    the End of Ill-being, the Path,
                    insight and attainment,
                    are also not separate self entities.

                    Whoever can see this
                    no longer needs anything to attain.

                    Bodhisattvas who practice
                    the Insight that Brings Us to the Other Shore
                    see no more obstacles in their mind,
                    and because there
                    are no more obstacles in their mind,
                    they can overcome all fear,
                    destroy all wrong perceptions
                    and realize Perfect Nirvana.

                    “All Buddhas in the past, present and future
                    by practicing
                    the Insight that Brings Us to the Other Shore
                    are all capable of attaining
                    Authentic and Perfect Enlightenment.

                    “Therefore Sariputra,
                    it should be known that
                    the Insight that Brings Us to the Other Shore
                    is a Great Mantra,
                    the most illuminating mantra,
                    the highest mantra,
                    a mantra beyond compare,
                    the True Wisdom that has the power
                    to put an end to all kinds of suffering.
                    Therefore let us proclaim
                    a mantra to praise
                    the Insight that Brings Us to the Other Shore.

                    Gate, Gate, Paragate, Parasamgate, Bodhi Svaha!
                    Gate, Gate, Paragate, Parasamgate, Bodhi Svaha!
                    Gate, Gate, Paragate, Parasamgate, Bodhi Svaha!”

                    Have a great weekend !

                    Yuki 雪
                    Sat today


                    • Guest

                      Hi !

                      I propose to recite the Song of the grassroots hermitage from Sekitō (Shih-t'ou) this week.
                      As there are many versions, here is the text I took on the site Daily Zen :

                      Song of the Grass-Roof Hermitage

                      I've built a grass hut where there's nothing of value.
                      After eating, I relax and enjoy a nap.
                      When it was completed, fresh weeds appeared.
                      Now it's been lived in - covered by weeds.

                      The person in the hut lives here calmly,
                      Not stuck to inside, outside, or in between.
                      Places worldly people live, he doesn't live.
                      Realms worldly people love, he doesn't love.

                      Though the hut is small, it includes the entire world.
                      In ten square feet, an old man illumines forms and their nature.
                      A Great Vehicle bodhisattva trusts without doubt.
                      The middling or lowly can't help wondering;
                      Will this hut perish or not?

                      Perishable or not, the original master is present,
                      not dwelling south or north, east or west.
                      Firmly based on steadiness, it can't be surpassed.
                      A shining window below the green pines --
                      Jade palaces or vermilion towers can't compare with it.

                      Just sitting with head covered, all things are at rest.
                      Thus, this mountain monk doesn't understand at all.
                      Living here he no longer works to get free.
                      Who would proudly arrange seats, trying to entice guests?

                      Turn around the light to shine within, then just return.
                      The vast inconceivable source can't be faced or turned away from.
                      Meet the ancestral teachers, be familiar with their instruction,
                      Bind grasses to build a hut, and don't give up.

                      Let go of hundreds of years and relax completely.
                      Open your hands and walk, innocent.
                      Thousands of words, myriad interpretations,
                      Are only to free you from obstructions.
                      If you want to know the undying person in the hut,
                      Don't separate from this skin bag here and now.

                      Shih-t'ou (700-790)


                      See you this week !

                      Gassho, Yuki 雪


                      • Ryokudo
                        • Apr 2018
                        • 254

                        I'm sorry guys I won't be there again tonight due to work commitments.


                        • Ryokudo
                          • Apr 2018
                          • 254

                          HI All,

                          I am afraid that for the next couple of weeks my hours have been changed at work and so I will not be able to join the sessions.

                          I hope you all continue to have good sits though.

                          Many thanks,



                          • Guest

                            Originally posted by Ryokudo
                            HI All,

                            I am afraid that for the next couple of weeks my hours have been changed at work and so I will not be able to join the sessions.

                            I hope you all continue to have good sits though.

                            Many thanks,

                            Hi Ryo,

                            John P. And me are keeping the circle active, of course, chanting and sitting every day.
                            See you when you will be free from work !

                            Yuki 雪


                            • Guest

                              Hi All,

                              I suggest the following chants for the week to come :

                              - Sanki Raimon ( English and/or Japanese)
                              - HAKUIN ZENJI ZAZEN WASAN ( English and/or Japanese)
                              - Haïkus
                              - Four vows (English and/or Japanese)

                              All English texts are available in Treeleaf chant books.

                              Here are Japanese texts :

                              SANKI RAIMON

                              LEADER : JI KIE BUTSU

                              ALL : TO GAN SHU JÔ
                              TAI GE DAI DÔ
                              OTSU MU JÔ I

                              LEADER : JI KIE HO

                              ALL : TO GAN SHU JÔ
                              JIN NYU KYO ZO
                              CHI E NYO KAI

                              LEADER : JI KIE SO

                              ALL : TO GAN SHU JÔ
                              TÔ RI DAI SHU
                              IS-SAI MU GE

                              HAKUIN ZENJI ZAZEN WASAN

                              SHU JO HON RAI HOTO KENA RI
                              MIZU TO KO RINO GOTO KUNI TE
                              MIZU O HANA RETE KO RINA KU
                              SHUJO ONO HOKA NI HOTO KENA SHI
                              SHUJO O CHIKA KIO SHIRA ZUSHI TE
                              TO KU MOTO MURU HAKA NASA YO
                              TATO EBA MIZU NO NAKA NI ITE
                              KATSU O SAKE BUGA GOTO KUNA RI
                              CHO JANO IE NO KOTO NARI TE
                              HIN RINI MAYO ONI KOTO NARA ZU
                              ROKU SHU RIN NENO IN NEN WA
                              ONO REGA GUCHI NO YAMI JINA RI
                              YAMI JINI YAMI JIO FUMI SOE TE
                              ITSU KA SHO JIO HANA RUBE KI
                              SORE MAKA EN NO ZEN JO WA
                              SHO TAN SURU NI AMA RIA RI
                              FUSE YA JIKA INO SHOHA RAMI TSU
                              NEM BUTSU SAN GE SHUGYO OTO
                              O SONO SHINA O KI SHOZE NGYO
                              O MINA KONO NAKA NI KISU RUNA RI
                              ICHI ZANO KO O NASU HITO MO
                              TSUMI SHI MURYO ONO TSUMI HORO BU
                              AKU SHU IZU KUNI ARI NUBE KI
                              JO DO SUNA WACHI TO KARA ZU
                              KATA JIKE NAKU MO KONO NORI O
                              HITO TABI MIMI NI FURU RUTO KI
                              SAN TAN ZUI KI SURU HITO WA
                              FUKU O URU KOTO KAGI RINA SHI
                              IWA NYA MIZU KARA EKO OSHI TE
                              JIKI NI JISHO O SHO SURE BA
                              JISHO O SUNA WACHI MUSHO ONI TE
                              SUDE NI KERO NO HANA RETA RI
                              IN GA ICHI NYONO MON HIRA KE
                              MUNI MUSA NNO MICHI NAO SHI
                              MUSO ONO SO O SO TOSHI TE
                              YUKU MO KAE RUMO YOSO NARA ZU
                              MUNE NNO NEN O NEN TOSHI TE
                              UTA UMO MAU MO NORI NOKO E
                              ZAN MAI MUGE NO SORA HIRO KU
                              SHICHI EM MYO NO TSUKI SAE N
                              KONO TOKI NANI OKA MOTO MUBE KI
                              JAKU METSU GEN ZEN SURU YUE NI
                              TO SHO SUNA WACHI REN GEKO KU
                              KONO MI SUNA WACHI HOTO KE NA RI


                              Shi Gu Sei Gan Mon
                              (The Four Vows)

                              SHU JO MU HEN SEI GAN DO

                              BON NO MU JIN SEI GAN DAN

                              HO MON MU RYO SEI GAN GAKU

                              BUTSUDO MU JO SEI GAN JO


                              See you !

                              Yuki 雪
                              Last edited by Guest; 12-08-2021, 02:08 AM.


                              • Anchi
                                • Sep 2015
                                • 556

                                Thank you Yuki & John P.
                                I enjoyed chanting and sitting together.

                                Last edited by Anchi; 05-14-2021, 03:41 PM.
                                Life itself is the only teacher.
                                一 Joko Beck

                                安知 Anchi

