Chanting & Zazen Circle (Mo thru Sa)
This is a sticky topic.
Hi everybody !
I have found the Hakuin Zenji Zazen Wasan in Japanese. Maybe it can interest some people to try it one day or another.
Here is the text...
Words cuts for chanting : Text in Japanese ( romaji )
SHU JO HON RAI HOTO KENA RI. Shujô honrai hotoke nari
MIZU TO KO RINO GOTO KUNI TE Mizu to kôri no gotoku nike
MIZU O HANA RETE KO RINA KU Mizu wo hanarete kôri naku
SHUJO ONO HOKA NI HOTO KENA SHI Shujô no hoka ni hotoke nashi
SHUJO O CHIKA KIO SHIRA ZUSHI TE Shujô chikaki wo shirazu shi te
TO KU MOTO MURU HAKA NASA YO Tôku momoteru ha kana sa yo
TATO EBA MIZU NO NAKA NI ITE Tatoe ba mizu no naka ni i te
KATSU O SAKE BUGA GOTO KUNA RI Katsu wo sakebu ga gotoku nari
CHO JANO IE NO KOTO NARI TE Chôja no ie no ko to nari te
HIN RINI MAYO ONI KOTO NARA ZU Hin ri ni mayô ni koto narazu
ROKU SHU RIN NENO IN NEN WA Roku shu rinne no innen wa
ONO REGA GUCHI NO YAMI JINA RI Onore ga guchi no yami ji nari
YAMI JINI YAMI JIO FUMI SOE TE Yami ji ni yami ji o fumisoete
ITSU KA SHO JIO HANA RUBE KI Itsuka shôji o hanaru beki
SORE MAKA EN NO ZEN JO WA Sore makaen no zenjô wa
SHO TAN SURU NI AMA RIA RI Shôtan suru ni amari ari
FUSE YA JIKA INO SHOHA RAMI TSU Fuse ya jikai no sho haramitsu
NEM BUTSU SAN GE SHUGYO OTO Nenbutsu zange shugyô tô
O SONO SHINA O KI SHOZE NGYO So no shina ô ki sho zen gyô
O MINA KONO NAKA NI KISU RUNA RI Mina kono uchi ni kisuru nari
ICHI ZANO KO O NASU HITO MO Ichi za no kô o nasu hito mo
TSUMI SHI MURYO ONO TSUMI HORO BU Tsumichi muryô no tsumi horobu
AKU SHU IZU KUNI ARI NUBE KI Akushu izuku ni arinu beki
JO DO SUNA WACHI TO KARA ZU Jôdo sunawachi tôkarazu
KATA JIKE NAKU MO KONO NORI O Katajikenakumo kono nori o
HITO TABI MIMI NI FURU RUTO KI Hito tabi mimi ni fururu toki
SAN TAN ZUI KI SURU HITO WA Sandan zui ki suru hito wa
FUKU O URU KOTO KAGI RINA SHI Fuku o uru koto kagiri nashi
IWA NYA MIZU KARA EKO OSHI TE Iwanya mizukara ekô shite
JIKI NI JISHO O SHO SURE BA Jikini jishô o shô sureba
JISHO O SUNA WACHI MUSHO ONI TE Jishô sunawachi mushô nite
SUDE NI KERO NO HANA RETA RI Sudeni keron o hanaretari
IN GA ICHI NYONO MON HIRA KE Inga ichinyo no mon hirake
MUNI MUSA NNO MICHI NAO SHI Muni musan no michi naoshi
MUSO ONO SO O SO TOSHI TE Musô no sô o sô toshite
YUKU MO KAE RUMO YOSO NARA ZU Yuku mo kaeru mo yoso narazu
MUNE NNO NEN O NEN TOSHI TE Munen no nen o nen toshite
UTA UMO MAU MO NORI NOKO E Utau mo mau mo nori no koe
ZAN MAI MUGE NO SORA HIRO KU Zanmai muge no sora hiroku
SHICHI EM MYO NO TSUKI SAE N Shi chi enmyô no tsuki saen
KONO TOKI NANI OKA MOTO MUBE KI Kono toki nani o ka motomu beki
JAKU METSU GEN ZEN SURU YUE NI Jakumetsu gen zen suru yue ni
TO SHO SUNA WACHI REN GEKO KU Tôsho sunawachi renge koku
KONO MI SUNA WACHI HOTO KE NA RI Kono mi sunawachi hotoke nari
...and here is a link for a MP3 to listen :
(Sat today)Comment
Hi, here is what I propose you this afternoon :
Sanki Raimon, of course.
Then, the Japanese chanting of Hakuin Zenji Zazen Wasan. I will accompany myself with a mokugyo. Feels free to chant with me !
27 minutes of zazen.
A short poem from master Dōgen.
And, finally, the Four Vows.
See you !
(Sat today)Comment
Thank you John and YukiI like it when we have "no-shows"; then we can fulfill the 11th precept and talk behind everyone's backs
I kid.
-stlahEmail: risho.treeleaf@gmail.comComment
Thank you all
Ryo, what was that poem you recited today? It was very nice, and I'd like to jot that down
-stlahEmail: risho.treeleaf@gmail.comComment
Thanks Synjin !
I feel great when I’m chanting in Japanese... It’s my second nature I think.
Yuki 雪
(Sat today)Comment
Hey Gang,
I think the one you are probably referring to was I Watch People In The World by Ryokan Taigu
I watch people in the world
Throw away their lives lusting after things,
Never able to satisfy their desires,
Falling into deeper despair
And torturing themselves.
Even if they get what they want
How long will they be able to enjoy it?
For one heavenly pleasure
They suffer ten torments of hell,
Binding themselves more firmly to the grindstone.
Such people are like monkeys
Frantically grasping for the moon in the water
And then falling into a whirlpool.
How endlessly those caught up in the floating world suffer.
Despite myself, I fret over them all night
And cannot staunch my flow of tears.
And I'm glad you liked it kind sirs.
By the way thanks Yuki for running the session on Saturday, the weekend is the only time I get to spend a quality evening with my lovely wife. So she certainly appreciated it
In Gassho,
Happy Weekend everyone,
As I suggested last week we will be having a week of more familiar chants this week as we have done 2 new ones recently. So in the spirit of getting us ready for the 4 hour zazenkai session next Friday we will doing the old faves such as the heart sutra (English or Japanese), Sandokai, Metta practice (if you would like) and the full dedication of merit.
Basically it will be a jukebox musical of chants. Any of them are available in either the treeleaf or the Treeleaf zen retreat book that we used last week. The link is below again
And if there is anything you want to hear or chant just ask away
In Gassho,
You will have to ask John P. and Heitou if the « All Japanese Saturday Session » was not too much for them !
Yuki 雪Comment