Chanting & Zazen Circle (Mo thru Sa)

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  • bakera3312
    • Aug 2021
    • 155

    Thank you! Sorry I missed yesterday. My daughter didn't sleep on time. Hoping to be there today!


    Dharma name= 浄史

    Received Jukai in January 2022

    The miracle is not to walk on water. The miracle is to walk on the green earth in the present moment, to appreciate the peace and beauty that are available now. - Thích Nhất Hạnh


    • Seiko
      Novice Priest-in-Training
      • Jul 2020
      • 1176

      It's always good to check the calendar to see what is going on.

      Tonglen on Sundays.


      Gandō Seiko
      (Stubborn Way of Pure Light)

      My street name is 'Al'.

      Any words I write here are merely the thoughts of an apprentice priest, just my opinions, that's all.


      • Guest

        Hi everybody !

        I suggest the reading of Sandokai this week. The text is available in our Treeleaf Chant Book :

        Web word processing, presentations and spreadsheets

        If you find another versions, it could be interesting to compare too.

        See you tomorrow !

        Yuki (雪)
        (Sat the Tonglen Practice Circle)


        • Anchi
          • Sep 2015
          • 556

          Hello everybody,

          Thank you Yuki

          It sounds lovely, as ever, it is lovely how the circle is ever changing.

          See You

          Life itself is the only teacher.
          一 Joko Beck

          安知 Anchi


          • Seiko
            Novice Priest-in-Training
            • Jul 2020
            • 1176

            You are all continuing the circle very well. Bows to everyone here.

            I may pop in sometimes, but when I first began, with my brother Ryokudo, I had always said that I would be happy to 'take a back seat' if others were keen to be involved. We always intended to create a place where anyone can speak, chant, ring the meditation bell, lead if they want to. Listening quietly is good too, if that is what suits you. So with this in mind, please do not think of me or Ryo as the leaders. I am certainly not a zen teacher, just another person sitting on a mat like you. The circle is a symbol that everyone here is equal and anyone of you can propose chants, format, changes, as you feel.

            I am happy that we have this lovely safe place where we can all share.

            Last edited by Seiko; 08-16-2021, 10:59 AM.
            Gandō Seiko
            (Stubborn Way of Pure Light)

            My street name is 'Al'.

            Any words I write here are merely the thoughts of an apprentice priest, just my opinions, that's all.


            • Ryokudo
              • Apr 2018
              • 254

              Originally posted by Seiko
              You are all continuing the circle very well. Bows to everyone here.

              I may pop in sometimes, but when I first began, with my brother Ryokudo, I had always said that I would be happy to 'take a back seat' if others were keen to be involved. We always intended to create a place where anyone can speak, chant, ring the meditation bell, lead if they want to. Listening quietly is good too, if that is what suits you. So with this in mind, please do not think of me or Ryo as the leaders. I am certainly not a zen teacher, just another person sitting on a mat like you. The circle is a symbol that everyone here is equal and anyone of you can propose chants, format, changes, as you feel.

              I am happy that we have this lovely safe place where we can all share.



              • Guest

                Hi Ryokudo !

                Anthony and me want to wish you a wonderful Birthday !
                See you soon !

                Anthony and Yuki (雪)


                • Guest

                  Originally posted by Ryokudo
                  Absolutely true !

                  Yuki (雪)


                  • Anchi
                    • Sep 2015
                    • 556

                    Hi Ryokudo !


                    With all best Dharma wishes!

                    Life itself is the only teacher.
                    一 Joko Beck

                    安知 Anchi


                    • Guest

                      Hi everybody !

                      As asked today, here are words from « Paroles de tous les jours »

                      Paroles de tous les jours

                      Ici et maintenant

                      Chaque jour de la vie est un apprentissage
                      Apprentissage pour moi-même
                      Bien que l'échec soit possible
                      Vivant chaque instant
                      L'égal de toute chose
                      Prêt à tout
                      Je suis vivant, je suis ce moment
                      Mon avenir est ici et maintenant
                      Car si je ne peux endurer ce jour
                      Quand et où le pourrai-je ?

                      Paroles de tous les jours,
                      by Soen Ozeki, Abbot of Daisen-in, Kyoto

                      Words for Each Day

                      Here and now

                      Each day in life is training.
                      Training for myself.
                      Though failure is possible.
                      Living each moment.
                      Equal to anything.
                      Ready for everything.
                      I am alive. I am this moment.
                      My future is here and now.
                      For if I cannot endure today.
                      When and where will I?

                      Have a nice day !

                      Yuki (雪)

                      Sat with dear friends from Chanting and Zazen Circle


                      • Anchi
                        • Sep 2015
                        • 556

                        Wonderful Words from « Paroles de tous les jours »
                        l Love it.

                        Thank you Yuki !

                        Have a Lovely Weekend!

                        Life itself is the only teacher.
                        一 Joko Beck

                        安知 Anchi


                        • Guest

                          Hi everybody !

                          As promised :

                          (text established by Shunryu Suzuki, translation by Luc Broussard)

                          L'harmonie entre la différence et l'égalité

                          L'esprit du grand sage de l'Inde
                          s'est intimement transmis d'ouest en est.
                          Les facultés de l'homme sont plus ou moins aiguisées,
                          mais la voie n'a ni patriarches du Nord ni patriarches du Sud.
                          La source spirituelle brille dans la lumière*;
                          les effluents coulent dans l'obscurité.
                          Saisir les choses est certainement une illusion*;
                          se mettre en accord avec l'identité n'est pas encore l'illumination.
                          Tous les objets des sens
                          sont en interaction et pourtant ne le sont pas.
                          L'interaction entraîne la solidarité.
                          Sans quoi chacun reste sur sa position.
                          Les visions varient en qualité comme en forme,
                          les sons sont tantôt agréables tantôt désagréables.
                          Dans l'obscurité, les discours raffinés et vulgaires se confondent,
                          dans la lumière, les phrases claires et troubles se distinguent.
                          Les quatre éléments retournent à leur nature
                          tout comme l'enfant se tourne vers sa mère.
                          Le feu chauffe, le vent bouge,
                          l'eau mouille, la terre est solide.
                          Œil et vision, oreille et son,
                          nez et odeur, langue et saveur.
                          Ainsi, pour tout ce qui existe,
                          selon ces racines-là, les feuilles se développent.
                          Le tronc et les branches partagent l'essence*;
                          noble ou vulgaire, chacun a son discours.
                          Dans la lumière existe l'obscurité.
                          Dans l'obscurité existe la lumière,
                          mais ne la regardez pas comme de la lumière.
                          La lumière et l'obscurité s'opposent
                          comme le pied avant et le pied arrière dans la marche.
                          De toutes les choses innombrables, chacune a son mérite,
                          exprimé selon sa fonction et sa place.
                          Les phénomènes existent, comme la boîte et le couvercle s'ajustent*;
                          le principe s'accorde, comme la rencontre de deux pointes de flèche.
                          Entendant les mots, comprenez le sens*;
                          ne créez pas vos propres normes.
                          Si vous ne comprenez pas la voie qui se trouve à vos pieds,
                          comment connaîtrez-vous le chemin sur lequel vous marchez?
                          La pratique n'est pas une question d'éloignement ou de proximité,
                          mais dans la confusion les montagnes et les rivières barrent la route.
                          Vous qui étudiez le mystère, je vous supplie respectueusement
                          de ne pas passer vainement vos jours et vos nuits.


                          Yuki (雪)
                          ( Sat Chanting and Zazen Circle today )


                          • Anchi
                            • Sep 2015
                            • 556


                            Merci Beaucoup Yuki !

                            Life itself is the only teacher.
                            一 Joko Beck

                            安知 Anchi


                            • Guest

                              Hi everybody !

                              You can find most of the texts we are using at Chanting and Zazen Circle in those threads. I wish it could be useful for you !

                              Thread #12
                              Sanki Raimon (English)

                              Sandokai can be found in the Treeleaf Chant book - that we use for Weekly and Monthly Zazenkai.

                              Maka Hannya Haramita Shin Gyo In thread #31

                              Zen Master Hakuin's Chant in Praise of Zazen * (Hakuin Zenji Zazen-Wasan, a traditional Rinzai chant) In thread #70

                              HAKUIN ZENJI ZAZEN WASAN (Japanese ) in thread #149

                              Sanki Raimon in Japanese. in thread #115

                              Shi Gu Sei Gan Mon (The Four Vows in Japanese)

                              SHU JO MU HEN SEI GAN DO

                              BON NO MU JIN SEI GAN DAN

                              HO MON MU RYO SEI GAN GAKU

                              BUTSUDO MU JO SEI GAN JO

                              The four vows (French) in thread #162

                              the Four Vows (Portuguese) in thread # 166

                              the Four Vows (Dutch) in thread # 167

                              The four vows (Norwegian) in thread #260

                              Silent lllumination by Hongzhi Zhengjue (English) #163
                              Silent Illumination (French) #169

                              Paroles de tous les jours / Words for Each Day (French/English) #295

                              And I add this short chant used for opening the Sutra verse :

                              « The Dharma is deep and lovely,
                              We now have a chance to see it,
                              study it, and practice it.
                              We vow to realize it’s true meaning. »

                              Mujô jinjin mimyô hô
                              hyaku senman gô nan sôgû.
                              Ga kon kemmon toku juji.
                              Gange nyorai shinjitsu gi.

                              Song of the Grass-Roof Hermitage (English) In thread #145 and (Japanese) #238

                              Contemplating Mind by Hanshan Deqing (English) in thread #174



                              Yuki (雪)
                              ( Sat the Zazenkai)
                              Last edited by Guest; 08-31-2021, 06:17 PM.


                              • HERRIEH
                                • Aug 2021
                                • 16

                                I just found out that their are pages in a thread....

                                I thought the last post here was really a long time ago (page 1)...

                                I have made a Dutch (poetic) translation of the Bodhisattva vows. Actually it's becoming a song like a 'Buddhist gospel'. I'm a bit embarrassed about it, i only do direct action / protest songs (Trade-Union) in Dutch. But this one just wrote itself, like 'inspired' so to say, it's not really my own doing.

                                Must be you lot!



