Chanting & Zazen Circle (Mo thru Sa)

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  • Guest

    Hi everyone !

    Here is an another version of Hakuin's Song of Zazen Omom send me today. Always interesting to see how words are formulated from one translation to another. What do you think about this one ?

    Hakuin's Song of Zazen
    Written by Hakuin (1686 - 1768)

    English version by Daisetz Teitaro Suzuki
    Original Language Japanese

    All beings are primarily Buddhas.
    It is like water and ice:
    There is no ice apart from water;
    There are no Buddhas apart from beings.

    Not knowing how close the truth is to them,
    Beings seek for it afar -- what a pity!
    They are like those who, being in the midst of water,
    Cry out for water, feeling thirst.

    They are like the son of the rich man,
    Who, wandering away from his father,
    Goes astray amongst the poor.
    It is all due to their ignorance
    That beings transmigrate in the darkness
    Of the Six Paths of existence.

    When they wander from darkness to darkness,
    How can they ever be free from birth-and-death?

    As for the Dhyana practice as taught in the Mahayana,
    No amount of praise can exhaust its merits.
    The Six Paramitas--beginning with the Giving, Observing the Precepts,
    And other good deeds, variously enumerated,
    Such as Nembutsu, Repentance, Moral Training, and so on --
    All are finally reducible to the practice of Dhyana.

    The merit of Dhyana practice, even during a single sitting,
    Erases the countless sins accumulated in the past.
    Where then are the Evil Paths to misguide us?
    The Pure Land cannot be far away.

    Those who, for once, listening to the Dharma
    In all humility,
    Praise it and faithfully follow it,
    Will be endowed with innumerable merits.

    But how much more so when you turn your eyes within yourselves
    And have a glimpse into your self-nature!
    You find that the self-nature is no-nature -
    The truth permitting no idle sophistry.
    For you, then, open the gate leading to the oneness of cause and effect;
    Before you, then, lies a straight road of non-duality and non-trinity.

    When you understand that form is the form of the formless,
    Your coming-and-going takes place nowhere else but where you are.
    When you understand that thought is the thought of the thought-less.
    Your singing-and-dancing is no other than the voice of the Dharma.
    How boundless is the sky of Samadhi!
    How refreshingly bright is the moon of the Fourfold Wisdom!
    Being so is there anything you lack?
    As the Absolute presents itself before you
    The place where you stand is the Land of the Lotus,
    And your person -- the body of the Buddha.

    Yuki 雪


    • aprapti
      • Jun 2017
      • 889

      hi everyone,

      excuse me for leaving so quick; i do not like to talk to much after zazen..



      hobo kore dojo / 歩歩是道場 / step, step, there is my place of practice

      Aprāpti (अप्राप्ति) non-attainment


      • Seiko
        Novice Priest-in-Training
        • Jul 2020
        • 1176

        Hello John P.

        Ryokudo mentioned that we have not been formally introduced. So I thought I'd say 'hello'. I am happy to meet you.

        May I ask, do you have a profile at the Treeleaf website as "John P." or a slightly different name?

        In Gassho
        Gandō Seiko
        (Stubborn Way of Pure Light)

        My street name is 'Al'.

        Any words I write here are merely the thoughts of an apprentice priest, just my opinions, that's all.


        • Guest

          Originally posted by aprapti
          hi everyone,

          excuse me for leaving so quick; i do not like to talk to much after zazen..


          No problems Aprapti. Each of us have it’s own way to deal with our sitting.
          Be in peace my friend !

          Yuki 雪


          • Guest

            Originally posted by Seiko
            Hello John P.

            Ryokudo mentioned that we have not been formally introduced. So I thought I'd say 'hello'. I am happy to meet you.

            May I ask, do you have a profile at the Treeleaf website as "John P." or a slightly different name?

            In Gassho
            Hello Seiko,

            I think our friend John P. do not have a profile on Trealeaf. I will copy and paste your message and send it to him at his personal email address.

            Gassho ,

            Yuki 雪


            • Guest

              Hi everyone !

              Reading suggestion for this week… Omom sent me the following poem :

              Prayer for the Great Family
              By Gary Snyder

              Gratitude to Mother Earth, sailing through night and day—
              and to her soil: rich, rare and sweet
              in our minds so be it.

              Gratitude to Plants, the sun-facing, light-changing leaf
              and fine root-hairs; standing still through wind
              and rain; their dance is in the flowering spiral grain
              in our minds so be it.

              Gratitude to Air, bearing the soaring Swift and silent
              Owl at dawn. Breath of our song
              clear spirit breeze
              in our minds so be it.

              Gratitude to Wild Beings, our brothers, teaching secrets,
              freedoms, and ways; who share with us their milk;
              self-complete, brave and aware
              in our minds so be it.

              Gratitude to Water: clouds, lakes, rivers, glaciers;
              holding or releasing; streaming through all
              our bodies salty seas
              in our minds so be it.

              Gratitude to the Sun: blinding pulsing light through
              trunks of trees, through mists, warming caves where
              bears and snakes sleep— he who wakes us—
              in our minds so be it.

              Gratitude to the Great Sky
              who holds billions of stars— and goes yet beyond that—
              beyond all powers, and thoughts
              and yet is within us—
              Grandfather Space.
              The Mind is his Wife.
              so be it.

              Gary Snyder, Turtle Island (after a Mohawk prayer)
              New Directions, New York, 1974.

              Gary Snyder won the 1975 Pulitzer Prize for Poetry with Turtle Island. A wise and remarkable work of poems and prose most of which is still relevant today in the 21st century.

              See you soon !

              Yuki 雪.
              Last edited by Guest; 06-14-2021, 01:04 PM.


              • aprapti
                • Jun 2017
                • 889

                good suggestion! thank you, Omom.



                hobo kore dojo / 歩歩是道場 / step, step, there is my place of practice

                Aprāpti (अप्राप्ति) non-attainment


                • Guest

                  Hi everybody !

                  Sorry, I won’t be able to reach home in time for the Chanting and Zazen Circle.
                  See you Thursday !

                  Yuki 雪

                  (To be in conformity with the rules of Trealeaf in this place : sat the last 2000 consecutive days and will sat again in less than one hour. I intent to sit the 2000 next consecutive days too. )
                  Last edited by Guest; 06-17-2021, 01:04 AM. Reason: Try to be quite creative .


                  • Anchi
                    • Sep 2015
                    • 556

                    Always great to sit and chant with everybody.

                    Thank you all

                    See You

                    Life itself is the only teacher.
                    一 Joko Beck

                    安知 Anchi


                    • Guest

                      Hi everybody !

                      Maybe we could try to chant the Japanese Kaikyo Ge this Friday ?

                      KAIKYÔ GE

                      « The Dharma is deep and lovely,
                      We now have a chance to see it,
                      study it, and practice it.
                      We vow to realize it’s true meaning. »

                      KAIKYÔ GE

                      MUJÔ JINJIN MIMYÔ HÔ *
                      HYAKU SEN MAN GÔ NAN SÔGÛ.
                      GA KON KEMMON TOKU JUJI.*
                      GANGE NYORAI SHINJITSU * GI.

                      Here is a link to a YouTube audio by Massimo Claus:

                      See you tomorrow !

                      Yuki 雪

                      (Sat exactly 27 minutes and 13 seconds, 5 hours and 48 minutes ago, with Chanting and Zazen Circle, before posting here.)


                      • Guest

                        Hi everybody !

                        Omom suggest us some texts for this week's Chanting and Zazen Circle :

                        A BUDDHIST SOLDIER'S GRAVE.
                        Copyright, 1889, by Henry J. Wehman.

                        Oh, the battle it is over, and the stars are shining bright,
                        The moon shone on the dying and the dead;
                        Not a sound could be heard but the screech of some wild bird,
                        As it fluttered over the dying and the dead;
                        But on that field lay one who nobly fought that day,
                        His comrades, true to him, were standing by;
                        As with anger he cried his comrades gently sighed,
                        And with their hands they wiped away a tear.

                        Then he whispered good-bye to his comrades so dear,
                        His head on his knapsack gently laid;
                        Should you live to get home you may tell them
                        That I am sleeping in a pretty soldier's grave.

                        Oh, don't you remember that dear old oak tree,
                        With my knife I cut my name out in the bark;
                        Oh, that dear old lonely spot it will never be forgot,
                        Though many miles I am from it now.
                        Oh, that dear old shady lane it will never be forgot,
                        There's where I used to meet the girl I love;
                        Oh, go tell her not to cry, I will meet her bye-and-bye
                        In a bright and better land above.-Chorus.


                        @ Stillness

                        十方同聚會 The ten directions converging,

                        個個學無爲 Each learning to do nothing,

                        此是選佛場 This is the hall of Buddha's training;

                        心空及第歸 Mind's empty, all's finished.

                        P'ang Yün (龐蘊 Hõ Un) (Two Zen Classics 263)


                        @ The Ultimate Attainment

                        The past is already past.

                        Don't try to regain it.

                        The present does not stay.

                        Don't try to touch it.

                        From moment to moment.

                        The future has not come;

                        Don't think about it


                        Whatever comes to the eye,

                        Leave it be.

                        There are no commandments

                        To be kept;

                        There's no filth to be cleansed.

                        With empty mind really

                        Penetrated, the dharmas

                        Have no life.

                        When you can be like this,

                        You've completed

                        The ultimate attainment.

                        P'ang Yün (龐蘊 Hõ Un)


                        @ Beyond This World

                        通玄峯頂 Over the crest of the T'ung-hsuan-feng,

                        不是人間 The human world is no more.

                        心外無物 Nothing is outside the Mind;

                        満目青山 And the eye is filled with green mountains.

                        T'ien-t'ai Te-chao (天台德昭 Tendai Tokushõ; 891-972), most prominent disciple of Fa-yen (法眼 Hõgen), and abbot of a temple on Mount T'ung-hsuan-feng (通玄峯).

                        (The Golden Age of Zen 240, 321 n.37)

                        As I will be with you only the two first days of the week, it’s up to you to choose what you want to do during the following days.

                        See you Monday !

                        Yuki 雪

                        (Sat today / assis aujourd'hui / saß heute / zat vandaag / 今日座った / seduto oggi / sentou hoje / hodie sat / sidis hodiaŭ… )


                        • aprapti
                          • Jun 2017
                          • 889

                          hi everybody,

                          i will be back on wednesday, so i am very curious..



                          hobo kore dojo / 歩歩是道場 / step, step, there is my place of practice

                          Aprāpti (अप्राप्ति) non-attainment


                          • Ryokudo
                            • Apr 2018
                            • 254

                            Sounds good and maybe a sandokai or 2 for chanting




                            • Ryokudo
                              • Apr 2018
                              • 254

                              Hey All,

                              I'm sorry to say I won't be there tonight, not due to the England match as I suggested but more to do with having to work through. I may try to join for the ast 15 mins but no promises.





                              • Ryokudo
                                • Apr 2018
                                • 254

                                Hey all,

                                I'm afraid I'm still in work tonight.



