This Buddha Nature
He began to prove
From clouds found
In mother's eyes,
His Miss Emily
Her poetry like death,
Still in days she heard
Him cry, lost,
Blind to Buddha
Nature, left
His mindfulness,
In India, or Iowa,
In skys of stone.
Sioux Falls in spring,
Where Buddhists
In their Theravada
Robes were worn
Not for his cry for
Freedom. He ran
From darkness,
This loneliness,
His second chance.
Their seated Buddha
Statue free from spite.
Now Shikantaze.
His lost darkness.
Of 12th century
She walked in Kyoto,
Never in mountain
Shrine Eihei-ji temple.
In time of winter time,
Then to Black Hills
Highest Mountains
West of Rockies.
He could walk without pain
For a time, Turtle Creek,
Not to Dogen yet,
He found himself
His poetry, his pivcytures great,
This temple comes
Only for monks who wait.
Give Lay Members
Jukai undertaking.
Precepts do not show
Window vows taken
In youth, complet
As dawning in eastern light
Skies, through day, then
Sunset of life for each other.
As they climbed
They saw their days
Looked back at what
Was closed to them.
With his Inner world,
He dreamt of Zen, found
Years gave way
To meditation,
At fifty found again,
Freedom from drudge
His reward from school,
Teaching easys, lesson plans,
Dedication giving way
To difficulties not forseen.
Let them go, not student,
Not teacher, nor scholar,
His life in ordinary work.
Again he knew winter.
Felt arthritic spine
Inflamation, feeling
Ever ill, then poetry
Found delight in words again,
He found his Bower of Bliss,
Then September Jubilee,
Still more delight at sixty
Years set free by pain
Explore his inner world
Again, Good poetry, good food,
Then Shikantaza in 2014,
His ease, Insight meditation,
Counting Breath his reward
She sought to see.
Her eyes legally blind,
Her world dim with sight,
Marked by blindness
In left eye,
He helped correct,
With his cameras, composition
With Nature in magisterial
He was cloth cut clean, color
Theory, now she is his autumn.
He lives her spring,
She is his Queen of Peace,
His eyes forever
Her sight restored in him,
She is set free.
She ministers
To his body, takes his
Suffering away,
She is Zendo practice,
His final acceptance.
sat/ lah
Tai Shi
He began to prove
From clouds found
In mother's eyes,
His Miss Emily
Her poetry like death,
Still in days she heard
Him cry, lost,
Blind to Buddha
Nature, left
His mindfulness,
In India, or Iowa,
In skys of stone.
Sioux Falls in spring,
Where Buddhists
In their Theravada
Robes were worn
Not for his cry for
Freedom. He ran
From darkness,
This loneliness,
His second chance.
Their seated Buddha
Statue free from spite.
Now Shikantaze.
His lost darkness.
Of 12th century
She walked in Kyoto,
Never in mountain
Shrine Eihei-ji temple.
In time of winter time,
Then to Black Hills
Highest Mountains
West of Rockies.
He could walk without pain
For a time, Turtle Creek,
Not to Dogen yet,
He found himself
His poetry, his pivcytures great,
This temple comes
Only for monks who wait.
Give Lay Members
Jukai undertaking.
Precepts do not show
Window vows taken
In youth, complet
As dawning in eastern light
Skies, through day, then
Sunset of life for each other.
As they climbed
They saw their days
Looked back at what
Was closed to them.
With his Inner world,
He dreamt of Zen, found
Years gave way
To meditation,
At fifty found again,
Freedom from drudge
His reward from school,
Teaching easys, lesson plans,
Dedication giving way
To difficulties not forseen.
Let them go, not student,
Not teacher, nor scholar,
His life in ordinary work.
Again he knew winter.
Felt arthritic spine
Inflamation, feeling
Ever ill, then poetry
Found delight in words again,
He found his Bower of Bliss,
Then September Jubilee,
Still more delight at sixty
Years set free by pain
Explore his inner world
Again, Good poetry, good food,
Then Shikantaza in 2014,
His ease, Insight meditation,
Counting Breath his reward
She sought to see.
Her eyes legally blind,
Her world dim with sight,
Marked by blindness
In left eye,
He helped correct,
With his cameras, composition
With Nature in magisterial
He was cloth cut clean, color
Theory, now she is his autumn.
He lives her spring,
She is his Queen of Peace,
His eyes forever
Her sight restored in him,
She is set free.
She ministers
To his body, takes his
Suffering away,
She is Zendo practice,
His final acceptance.
sat/ lah
Tai Shi