[ARTS]: Big and Little Poetry--free verse, any verse.

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  • Tai Shi
    • Oct 2014
    • 3482

    This Buddha Nature

    He began to prove
    From clouds found
    In mother's eyes,
    His Miss Emily
    Her poetry like death,
    Still in days she heard
    Him cry, lost,
    Blind to Buddha
    Nature, left
    His mindfulness,

    In India, or Iowa,
    In skys of stone.
    Sioux Falls in spring,
    Where Buddhists
    In their Theravada
    Robes were worn
    Not for his cry for
    Freedom. He ran

    From darkness,
    This loneliness,
    His second chance.
    Their seated Buddha
    Statue free from spite.
    Now Shikantaze.
    His lost darkness.

    Of 12th century
    She walked in Kyoto,
    Never in mountain
    Shrine Eihei-ji temple.
    In time of winter time,
    Then to Black Hills
    Highest Mountains
    West of Rockies.

    He could walk without pain
    For a time, Turtle Creek,
    Not to Dogen yet,
    He found himself
    His poetry, his pivcytures great,
    This temple comes
    Only for monks who wait.
    Give Lay Members
    Jukai undertaking.
    Precepts do not show

    Window vows taken
    In youth, complet
    As dawning in eastern light
    Skies, through day, then
    Sunset of life for each other.
    As they climbed
    They saw their days
    Looked back at what
    Was closed to them.

    With his Inner world,
    He dreamt of Zen, found
    Years gave way
    To meditation,
    At fifty found again,
    Freedom from drudge
    His reward from school,
    Teaching easys, lesson plans,
    Dedication giving way
    To difficulties not forseen.

    Let them go, not student,
    Not teacher, nor scholar,
    His life in ordinary work.
    Again he knew winter.
    Felt arthritic spine
    Inflamation, feeling
    Ever ill, then poetry
    Found delight in words again,
    He found his Bower of Bliss,

    Then September Jubilee,
    Still more delight at sixty
    Years set free by pain
    Explore his inner world
    Again, Good poetry, good food,
    Then Shikantaza in 2014,

    His ease, Insight meditation,
    Counting Breath his reward
    She sought to see.
    Her eyes legally blind,
    Her world dim with sight,
    Marked by blindness
    In left eye,
    He helped correct,

    With his cameras, composition
    With Nature in magisterial
    He was cloth cut clean, color
    Theory, now she is his autumn.
    He lives her spring,
    She is his Queen of Peace,
    His eyes forever
    Her sight restored in him,

    She is set free.
    She ministers
    To his body, takes his
    Suffering away,
    She is Zendo practice,
    His final acceptance.

    sat/ lah
    Tai Shi
    Last edited by Tai Shi; 01-03-2021, 04:42 PM. Reason: concision, spelling. my grammar checker says 9+ errors.
    Peaceful, Tai Shi. Ubasoku; calm, supportive, for positive poetry 優婆塞 台 婆


    • Shawnzen
      • Aug 2020
      • 18

      Already perfect,
      I sit down and celebrate my wholeness.
      Sometimes I am confused.
      Sometimes the blue sky is obscured by a veil of grey clouds.
      The scenery of the sky is not a hindrance for the sky,
      Just as the branches of the tree are not parasites on the tree.
      Sometimes my heart is insecure.
      Often I do things and then regret those things later.
      Abandoning my need to be perfect,
      I forgive myself and others.



      • Horin
        • Dec 2017
        • 385

        what a strange thing, this life is.

        between tugging, clinging and pushing away

        we find the peace to drop everything.


        • Tai Shi
          • Oct 2014
          • 3482

          Her World Is To See

          Today someone
          Thought of my need
          She gave me Hafiz.
          This body, my book,
          Without Japan, Rumi took
          My fear "Enjoy. I am here,
          I lived too, and I survived."
          Acknowledged my winter
          Like Snowy life I know,
          Nights of solitude, gratefully
          Demanding scholarship,
          Writing my journals, my grief.
          Daughter, woman with love
          Bound your Japanese Tai Shi
          Your own scholarship, Snowy
          Laurette surpassed
          Your mother's Laurel wreath,
          Your ring earned scholarship
          Fire far above father's cry,
          Your family always dear,
          Your life this daily happiness
          In Friends your greatest gift,
          You are always near, daughter,
          In universities, in Hokkaido.
          Teaching English to children,
          This poetry, your scholarship,
          Like wood thrush song;
          Sing for Asian skies,
          Song bird fly now greatness
          Accolade need not stand still,
          Know why! I see no desire,
          Relinquish your grief, daughter
          Lift your wings and fly.

          sat/ lah
          Tai Shi
          Last edited by Tai Shi; 06-03-2021, 05:20 PM. Reason: revision
          Peaceful, Tai Shi. Ubasoku; calm, supportive, for positive poetry 優婆塞 台 婆


          • Tai Shi
            • Oct 2014
            • 3482

            Book Leaf

            Book is my fig leaf,
            Unforgotten in blizzards
            Of yesterday's wind.
            !00 kilometers an hour
            I count this day
            White snow to books
            Yes, eternal yes,
            This is my tower.
            These are my ideas,
            Not Bodhisattva.
            Sat/ lah
            Tai Shi
            Peaceful, Tai Shi. Ubasoku; calm, supportive, for positive poetry 優婆塞 台 婆


            • Tai Shi
              • Oct 2014
              • 3482

              Never Stone

              Her Tales,
              In grammar,
              Morning star
              Each moon,
              Our meditations grow
              Then Shikantaza
              Dawn In Canterbury's
              Eastern light.

              Without her coat
              Cold comes in waves,
              Simple caves
              Of thread, She stitches
              Days of poetry
              My cover her rakusu.
              Verses grow,
              Her blue eyes

              Our Shore of light
              My stories of ancient
              Diggings wherever
              Is Home, is ours,
              Our residence
              House on Mary Lane,

              In South Dakota eyes,
              Visions in sight returned
              He becomes her eyes
              Her Western night,
              Never stone.

              Tai Shi
              Last edited by Tai Shi; 01-18-2021, 12:40 PM. Reason: Total revision
              Peaceful, Tai Shi. Ubasoku; calm, supportive, for positive poetry 優婆塞 台 婆


              • Seiko
                Novice Priest-in-Training
                • Jul 2020
                • 1171

                The Ordinary

                Two black cats guard this temple -
                It's just a house.
                Who would live with such companions?
                Razor claws and needle teeth.
                They fly at intruders like dragons.

                I sit and stand -
                Meditating without meditation.
                Alone in the world,
                All my friends on the cushion with me.
                Looking both inwards and outwards.

                Cars, phone, a woman cooking,
                A knock at the door.
                Not ignored,
                Not hated,
                Not given importance.
                A glittering boring perfect normal day.

                Delight in the ordinary.
                Live, breathe, eat, sleep.
                Painfully, beautifully empty existence.
                Not waiting, or wishing, for a better time.
                All of life is our temple.
                Gandō Seiko
                (Stubborn Way of Pure Light)

                My street name is 'Al'.

                Any words I write here are merely the thoughts of an apprentice priest, just my opinions, that's all.


                • Seikan
                  • Apr 2020
                  • 710


                  Simply beautiful! More please!

                  In particular, the following line resonated quite strongly with me as that is such a perfect description of most of my days. Brilliant!

                  Originally posted by Seiko
                  A glittering boring perfect normal day.

                  聖簡 Seikan (Sacred Simplicity)


                  • Seikan
                    • Apr 2020
                    • 710

                    Tai Shi,

                    I somehow missed these last few of yours until today. Always a pleasure to read your work. You have a very gentle rhythm to your lines that just feels so natural and effortless to me.



                    Originally posted by Tai Shi
                    Never Stone

                    Her Tales,
                    In grammar,
                    Morning star
                    Each moon,
                    Our meditations grow
                    Then Shikantaza
                    Dawn In Canterbury's
                    Eastern light.

                    Without her coat
                    Cold comes in waves,
                    Simple caves
                    Of thread, She stitches
                    Days of poetry
                    My cover her rakusu.
                    Verses grow,
                    Her blue eyes

                    Our Shore of light
                    My stories of ancient
                    Diggings wherever
                    Is Home, is ours,
                    Our residence
                    House on Mary Lane,

                    In South Dakota eyes,
                    Visions in sight returned
                    He becomes her eyes
                    Her Western night,
                    Never stone.

                    Tai Shi
                    聖簡 Seikan (Sacred Simplicity)


                    • Seiko
                      Novice Priest-in-Training
                      • Jul 2020
                      • 1171

                      An English Buddhist Does Yoga

                      The young woman's voice said, "relax",
                      In a Doncaster accent.
                      I relaxed.
                      "Allow yourself to sink into the mat."
                      I couldn't stop myself.
                      "Feel your body in contact with the ground".
                      I melt into the mat.
                      "Sink deeper."
                      I melt THROUGH the mat.

                      There is no separation between my body and the mat.
                      I and the mat are one.
                      There is no body, only mat.

                      Later she asks, "Open your eyes into the dark and warmth of your palms".
                      Nobody hears.

                      There is only mat.
                      Gandō Seiko
                      (Stubborn Way of Pure Light)

                      My street name is 'Al'.

                      Any words I write here are merely the thoughts of an apprentice priest, just my opinions, that's all.


                      • Tai Shi
                        • Oct 2014
                        • 3482

                        Hackers Into America

                        Computer mind of perty
                        With no defences
                        Hacking in illeagle
                        Posting Politics, lies
                        Lies, Right Wing
                        Defeated in Rruth
                        As bird flies in
                        Computer truth
                        Foxie liying in wait
                        Kill the Beast
                        Kill the Buddha on the Road
                        Is this the end of all America?
                        For certain reason, thoght
                        John Lock smashed before plastic
                        Bottle industry gasoline,
                        I am American, I weep
                        For the name as democracy
                        Founders on Shoals,hard
                        Truth turned inside out,
                        Do we take refuge as those
                        Given shots cannot respond
                        Paralyzed Dharma I reach out
                        To dear Sangha, Help me
                        As all that I hold dear sitters
                        Shikantaza, death, will reighn as
                        Rich crush children in tiny
                        Microbes not seen through optical
                        Tube, we are dead in water. oh anger
                        Stop, stop, stop, as All colapses, fight
                        Cruze tip of iceberg as Titan flounders
                        In Atlantic, Pacific mess, death to others
                        Oh Buddha principle of LIFE be all
                        Who seek the flower of irriliougious peace.

                        sat/ lah
                        Tai Shi.
                        Last edited by Tai Shi; 02-15-2021, 10:25 PM. Reason: word order (syntax)
                        Peaceful, Tai Shi. Ubasoku; calm, supportive, for positive poetry 優婆塞 台 婆


                        • Tai Shi
                          • Oct 2014
                          • 3482

                          ARTS: Big and Little Poetry--free verse, any verse.

                          Seika and Seiko, thank you. You both comment well. The best critic praises all that's best, the best phrases, the best sound, the best images, the best metaphors, intrinsically knowing what comes next, and what has come before.
                          sat/ lah
                          Tai Shi
                          Last edited by Tai Shi; 02-28-2021, 09:41 PM. Reason: syntax, punctuation
                          Peaceful, Tai Shi. Ubasoku; calm, supportive, for positive poetry 優婆塞 台 婆


                          • Tai Shi
                            • Oct 2014
                            • 3482

                            Seiko I don’t mean this to be a mutual admiration society but I love this thought and feel of yoga beyond my body. I love the mat, i love the oneness the simple things that populated your everything you have brought me with you and I cannot practice yoga because of my pain and arthritis, but in your poem I find it momentarily one without fear of pain. Thank you.
                            Gassho sat/ lah
                            Tai Shi
                            Peaceful, Tai Shi. Ubasoku; calm, supportive, for positive poetry 優婆塞 台 婆


                            • Margherita
                              • May 2017
                              • 138


                              I'm sitting on a chair
                              and my spine is aligned
                              I breathe, settling my mind

                              I hear a barking dog
                              a frustrated car horn
                              my own far away thoughts

                              The emptiness within
                              is the hollow axle
                              that is moving the world



                              • Seikan
                                • Apr 2020
                                • 710

                                Lovely poem Mags!

                                I particularly enjoyed your last stanza--such a wonderful image!

                                Originally posted by Margherita

                                The emptiness within
                                is the hollow axle
                                that is moving the world


                                聖簡 Seikan (Sacred Simplicity)

