[ARTS]: Big and Little Poetry--free verse, any verse.

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  • Koushi
    Senior Priest-in-Training / Engineer
    • Apr 2015
    • 1428

    The rainfall matches my heartbeat
    Rapidly, intensely, filled with purpose
    Equanimity in each racing drop
    Allowing time to simply be, falling
    Always reaching the proper place
    One day to see the journey end
    Until then, we let the wind guide us
    Is there no difference between blood and water?

    理道弘志 | Ridō Koushi

    Please take this priest-in-training's words with a grain of salt.


    • Tai Shi
      • Oct 2014
      • 3482

      My Mother Listens
      For our friend Jundo

      Mother saw
      What I know.
      Approval? Fire in Poems?
      I saw my own mistakes,
      "Oh, teacher please be
      Like us. See our wisdom,
      These lives in poetry."
      These robes sewn
      Hands by our priest-to-be,
      His time our robes, his gift
      Where he had sewn our
      Disability, his thoughts,
      His life our debt. "Teacher
      Can he show you each of us?
      Our pain is our reward.
      May we speak again
      Teacher, in paragraphs?"
      To reveal these friends
      With brolken wings,
      Our only hope to tell
      Truth, gratitude, equinimity,
      Usuri understands us most
      Of us as you understood once
      When you taught us genetic
      Code. You who reached out
      To know without happiness,
      Hppiness, to learn by mistake
      Our accidental zazen
      Of wounded light,
      Never our desires. You
      Who spoke some truth
      Who spoke never of fear,
      Made two, or three mistakes,
      Sentences of what? To consider
      Trusted friends could never
      Speak education to your ears,
      Eyes, mouth, hand. Zen replaced
      Mother's cries. She witnessed
      My stories without fear,
      My mother listened deeply,
      She heard my voice inside my night,
      She helped free my mind
      Rid me of divided self, releave my sin
      Of everlasting days with pain.
      Mother looked deeper!
      Listened with full heart, beauty, truth,
      Brought me poetry natural
      "As leaves on trees." We Completed
      Our voyages, terrible public days;
      Stigma as they shouted lies
      Branded water into our eyes,
      This sea of grief was gone.
      Without lingering death,
      Life everlasting
      Our knees were bent.

      Gassho _/|\_
      sat/ lah
      Last edited by Tai Shi; 11-29-2020, 07:05 PM.
      Peaceful, Tai Shi. Ubasoku; calm, supportive, for positive poetry 優婆塞 台 婆


      • Soka
        • Jan 2017
        • 167

        Sat watching paint dry
        Just sitting, facing a wall
        It's already dry.



        • Daoren
          • Aug 2020
          • 4

          I saw today

          I saw God today;
          In the leaves as they fluttered by;
          As the wind blew through the pines;
          Present in the gray, overcast sky;
          As the birds fly;
          While the squirrels scamper;
          I saw God today.

          Daoren Bryan
          Written 11/25/2020

          Sat today/lah


          • Tai Shi
            • Oct 2014
            • 3482

            Big and Little Poetry--free verse, any verse.

            In Youth I Wept

            Of Loving Kindness
            Since sunset,
            Words that make
            Me weep into hands
            Of indifference?
            Rocks cry out!
            Now love comes
            For you, no chariot
            Of compassion
            As I understood
            Words like nation
            Militant, or patriotism
            Revoke Humanity,
            Jesus words
            “The poor will
            Always be with you!”
            Buddhas lift songs,
            Words in some sutras
            To understand
            Emptiness is whole!
            People, I do not
            Criticize Christ I’m
            Gracefully falling
            Into darkness?
            My writing yet will
            Spring into delight.
            Life this is laughter,
            My own equanimity
            My own compassion
            My love of humankind,
            My father, my brother
            My mother, combining
            Care of the earth?
            Moon rising in eastern
            Sky while yet it’s day?
            In caves of ocean
            Trenches creatures
            Make their own light!

            sat/ lah
            Tai Shi

            Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Pro
            Last edited by Tai Shi; 12-14-2020, 06:18 PM.
            Peaceful, Tai Shi. Ubasoku; calm, supportive, for positive poetry 優婆塞 台 婆


            • Koushi
              Senior Priest-in-Training / Engineer
              • Apr 2015
              • 1428

              A restless mind lost in thought
              Spoken words mean nothing
              As steam rises from my coffee
              In a porcelain mug left untouched —
              Burning a hole into the oak table
              Haze builds around the warmth of the window
              Rain tiptoeing melancholy against the pane
              Gentle snaking tears to the earth below

              理道弘志 | Ridō Koushi

              Please take this priest-in-training's words with a grain of salt.


              • Seikan
                • Apr 2020
                • 710

                I'm finally having an opportunity to catch up on all of the beautiful poems that you have all shared recently. Just lovely!

                Here's one that feels timely as we're expecting a bit of a snowstorm tonight/tomorrow here in New England.

                Winter Mind

                I draw the thickening gray skies up
                Over this cold, tired world
                Tucked in all warm and snug
                The storm still yet to bloom

                An ominous calm descends
                As the sky begins to swirl
                Winter’s icy tears crying
                Upon my blood-warm cheek

                Sitting quietly, watching
                Thoughts and flakes mingle
                Spiraling downward, slowly
                Slipping below the fray

                Silence unbounded
                A return to zero
                The lucid stillness
                Beneath it all


                聖簡 Seikan (Sacred Simplicity)


                • Koushi
                  Senior Priest-in-Training / Engineer
                  • Apr 2015
                  • 1428

                  I stumbled into a decrepit graveyard tonight
                  Every headstone was cracked and covered in moss
                  Surrounded by whispers I put my ear to the earth
                  As I listened to the decayed bones of my ancestors
                  A haunting melody kissed my rain soaked face
                  To hear of longing heartbreak from cracked jaws
                  And misty eye sockets gleaning of recant memories
                  A multitude of broken hands clasped in prayers
                  Oh, I’ve never heard of such a sweeter orchestra
                  That will one day welcome me as I take my seat

                  理道弘志 | Ridō Koushi

                  Please take this priest-in-training's words with a grain of salt.


                  • Inshin
                    • Jul 2020
                    • 557

                    Originally posted by RobD
                    I'm finally having an opportunity to catch up on all of the beautiful poems that you have all shared recently. Just lovely!

                    Here's one that feels timely as we're expecting a bit of a snowstorm tonight/tomorrow here in New England.

                    Winter Mind

                    I draw the thickening gray skies up
                    Over this cold, tired world
                    Tucked in all warm and snug
                    The storm still yet to bloom

                    An ominous calm descends
                    As the sky begins to swirl
                    Winter’s icy tears crying
                    Upon my blood-warm cheek

                    Sitting quietly, watching
                    Thoughts and flakes mingle
                    Spiraling downward, slowly
                    Slipping below the fray

                    Silence unbounded
                    A return to zero
                    The lucid stillness
                    Beneath it all



                    So lovely.



                    • Tai Shi
                      • Oct 2014
                      • 3482

                      Cave of mouth
                      Flakes open, asking
                      "Why are there no
                      Ordinary people, why
                      does roof feel pierced
                      Today, how is it
                      Different than two
                      Weeks ago?" No
                      One answers as spit
                      bathes tissue, torn
                      By bone, scarring
                      Prevents more
                      Pictures of wound
                      Pierceing night,
                      Sleep deep into
                      Wilderness, without
                      Aid of opiate, dancing
                      Megatons away from
                      Spine, one does
                      Not consider neck
                      Part of spine, it's
                      Just neck, bone
                      Disregarded, seeps
                      Blood like any other
                      Disoned appendage
                      Without Solace.
                      sat/ lah
                      Tai shi
                      Peaceful, Tai Shi. Ubasoku; calm, supportive, for positive poetry 優婆塞 台 婆


                      • Tai Shi
                        • Oct 2014
                        • 3482

                        Elemental Matter

                        Ominous is snowy
                        Field of frozen day
                        Before the light.

                        Day approaches our
                        World where sun
                        Bakes sands of seedless
                        Time to mend our poetry
                        In pools of brown rice.

                        Will food come to those
                        Who wait silently?
                        Dawn is nothingness.
                        Covid 19 asks again.

                        Lorries wait before
                        Sun where twin planets
                        As one star
                        Carine in centuries
                        For emperors sake,
                        Bread of inoculations.

                        Hope to reconcile
                        When we sit
                        Zazen quietly,
                        Emptiness reigns
                        Giving to the poor
                        Our purity of time.

                        In gratitude we write,
                        Our only choice,
                        Exponential Metta
                        Our grand new voice
                        Life remains
                        Of Master Hongzhi.

                        sat/ lah
                        Tai Shi
                        Last edited by Tai Shi; 12-23-2020, 01:43 PM. Reason: revission and spelling
                        Peaceful, Tai Shi. Ubasoku; calm, supportive, for positive poetry 優婆塞 台 婆


                        • Tomás ESP
                          • Aug 2020
                          • 575

                          Hm... where do I focus?
                          Just Sit.
                          This is boring...
                          Just Sit.
                          What do I do for dinner?
                          Just Sit.
                          Oh, this feels nice!
                          Just Sit.
                          This hurts, it sucks!
                          Just Sit.
                          I feel great!
                          Just Sit.
                          Man, I am tired today.
                          Just Sit.
                          I wonder what other people think of me...
                          Just Sit.
                          Maybe I should look for another Buddhist practice, I do not feel any progress...
                          Just Sit.
                          Just Sit.
                          Just Sit.

                          JUST SIT.

                          Gassho, Tomás


                          • Tai Shi
                            • Oct 2014
                            • 3482

                            There was
                            A time
                            Torn tissue
                            Felt good
                            Talk about
                            Not today
                            Tissue’ okay
                            Born of light
                            Scissor or rock
                            It’s still my
                            And all talk
                            Leads to better
                            Sharing, giving
                            To just listen
                            Speak speak
                            So I may hear.

                            sat/ lah
                            Tai Shi

                            Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Pro
                            Peaceful, Tai Shi. Ubasoku; calm, supportive, for positive poetry 優婆塞 台 婆


                            • Tai Shi
                              • Oct 2014
                              • 3482

                              How shall I proceed
                              How to presume
                              I’ve found Metta, this
                              Gift of friendship
                              As I give all away,
                              As I’ve given worldly poems
                              To friendship
                              My fortune to her
                              My body to be burned to air
                              As I grow old have sat
                              Beneath my own Bodhisattva
                              Tree sat at Bodgyha as relics
                              Of all of us rise into nothing
                              We discovered the last hindrance
                              Let go even the body to nothing
                              After old age and birth Zen ah
                              Dogen Zendo is where we offer
                              Breath, no hindrance as breath
                              In ice is voluptuous and full
                              Given to the beloved,
                              We have lived out together
                              Promises the greatest of these
                              Is love Shi given all disclosure
                              To her this is beloved’s “crowned
                              Knot of fire’ the computer upon which
                              All is known in writing
                              The greatest of these is love, so love,
                              Is Metta, the Pali gives great knowledge of Agape the realizable
                              Made clear, all Metta to wold
                              Will young use wisely my personal
                              Love of ideas given to my daughter
                              Her paintings of Chess, I rise as books
                              My gift to our daughter her greatest love, her love, her love, love her Agape,
                              sat / lah

                              Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Pro
                              Last edited by Tai Shi; 12-31-2020, 07:43 PM.
                              Peaceful, Tai Shi. Ubasoku; calm, supportive, for positive poetry 優婆塞 台 婆


                              • PeaceMan
                                • Dec 2020
                                • 45

                                Deep in the woods
                                The path
                                Revealed itself


