[ARTS]: Big and Little Poetry--free verse, any verse.

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  • Tai Shi
    • Oct 2014
    • 3482

    Today I sing for others
    May we sing compassion
    As the Buddha sang
    His whole life in matter
    Of days at 80, lingering
    Beyond the Great Beyond
    Sung memories
    In this song of empathy
    I sing, I sing in this moment
    Let me but in my tenor
    Voice unwind this day
    In memory of my mother
    Who like the Buddha passed
    Away in silence for it is
    Ultimately in silence
    Our lives are gone,
    But memory, yes memory
    Lives on, in silence
    Nothing stops the Buddha,
    Our Christ in hallowed
    Walk to Gethsemane
    Gathered strength to die
    In strength, as eighty
    Years flashed before Buddha
    Eyes, Jesus lay down his cast
    Lingering no more on wring
    Remined every day we all
    Live on, not so much
    In memory but in life of our song.

    sat / lah
    Tai Shi
    Last edited by Tai Shi; 06-03-2021, 02:05 PM.
    Peaceful, Tai Shi. Ubasoku; calm, supportive, for positive poetry 優婆塞 台 婆


    • Kokuu
      Dharma Transmitted Priest
      • Nov 2012
      • 6988

      That's beautiful, Tai Shi!


      • Shawnzen
        • Aug 2020
        • 18

        Oh, that's right!
        I forgot what it meant to be unhindered.

        The lingering taste of sparkling water
        Sits on my tongue--
        The lingering tingly-ness of a 25-minute Zazen
        Slowly fades away from my leg.

        I must apologize to everyone
        For the nervous-wreck I have been these last few years.

        I have been unwell.

        Sat today

        Shawn B. M.


        • Shawnzen
          • Aug 2020
          • 18

          Anger greets me
          'Round every corner
          Of every street
          And every avenue.
          Seeking, seeking, seeking,
          But never finding.
          Moments pass me by;
          And, blinded by my own delusions,
          I do not notice as they slip away from me.



          • Tai Shi
            • Oct 2014
            • 3482

            ARTS: Big and Little Poetry--free verse, any verse.

            Shawnzen, I appreciate your poetry and understanding what I was doing with you tonight as I get ready to go to bed. I understand your little gifts. Your big gifts. You made me care and look again for your name.
            sat/ lah
            Tai Shi

            Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Pro
            Last edited by Tai Shi; 06-04-2021, 03:05 AM.
            Peaceful, Tai Shi. Ubasoku; calm, supportive, for positive poetry 優婆塞 台 婆


            • Tom A.
              • May 2020
              • 255

              I love this verse because it reminds me of “the silent Zen verb” Jundo is always raving about. It’s a verse from ‘Elegía del silencio’ (July 1920) by Federico García Lorca

              en Espeñol:

              Huyendo del sonido
              eres sonido mismo,
              espectro de armonía,
              humo de grito y canto.
              Vienes para decirnos
              en las noches oscuras
              la palabra infinita
              sin aliento y sin labios.

              In English:

              Fleeing from sound
              you are sound itself:
              ghost of harmony,
              smoke of the cry and of song.
              On dark nights you come to us
              to whisper the infinite
              word without breath,
              without lips.

              And one from me:

              When just sitting
              The bottom falls out
              Nothing left
              But everything
              Whole and complete


              Last edited by Tom A.; 06-06-2021, 05:15 AM.
              “Do what’s hard to do when it is the right thing to do.”- Robert Sopalsky


              • Tai Shi
                • Oct 2014
                • 3482

                Gift of my Buddha Nature

                He held in right hand, pen of left hand escaped then gone,
                Years before. fingers of tight, left hand useless. Pressure typed,
                He vowed to Compose no lines in bones. Instead in fine relief
                With this precious gems, his poetry washed of dead ash,

                From splashing wounds which crippled his great mind,
                When Darkness left, she created her own brilliant ideas, great
                Blackberry Winter, then his daughter born of travail, another work
                Husband's blessing spoken infinity of love for one to need life

                Silently much Greater mother for child, she carried quietly
                Little girl in quiet stillness brought motherhood to wonder
                Where baby would grow, how stillness she would be in his arms
                Lives given to books, gift for child who escaped with difficulty,

                Family final relief, both ways with words figured into details,
                Man with sobering thoughts, clean Rocky Mountains climbed,
                Woman with work monuments of motherhood, flowering motherhood
                In solitude as her child grew while she became thoughtful mother

                Gracious for her sober husband who decades together expected
                In more quiet manly, piety loud acts into air, days growing
                He slowly found his sight. Motherhood was beautiful. Careful
                He showed more than comfortable clothing with meaning

                They finally aged together after time wore on, singleness
                Together one family incarnation, realized with intention desired
                Her uncut flowers grew everywhere. laughter, perennials yearly
                Mothers Day Stylized in Joy, freedom to care for girl's life,

                Child's mind grew, he lost anger in him lost slowly to one,
                Habitual requirement of lost his in adulthood petty emotion
                from deftly drawing his mind lost in sixty-eight years
                With his own Mother, he worked day by day, was finally

                Father, never loneliness again, partner restored to lead song
                Not false wisdom, anguished in tranquility regained step by
                Step, money saved at his age ceasing death while she labored.
                Words Resumed full momentum in poems, serious laughter,

                Delight of Fourth Quartet days without his ratcheting stigma
                Power in sanity, ever mindful of his ways always, returned instead
                Of Wonder in St. Louis capturing lands where delicious gardens,
                Vineyard grew while French didn't weep when Tathagata's
                Kind word was quiet below his Bodhi Tree bringing stillness,

                Like morning stars, earthly touch. Then beams of The Sutras,
                Resurrection so Truthfully not endured, but combined, completed,
                These men and women naturally, Four Nobel Truths a gift
                Which husband embraced in arms distant like truth free, one's

                Simple eight fold path never stated, river crossed daily, implied
                Peacefully in precepts providing path undertaken instead
                Of delicate forced thinking. Companionship working today,
                With gratitude of joy, loyalty rising before simple work creations

                In glorified Haiku thinking scribbled words tumbling without books
                Forgotten like eight spokes of wheels rolling forth where Asoka
                Relived his battles in these publications forgotten earned degrees
                Charged every flame, every deftly wrong word edited out of suffering.

                Never where he sought found purity in writing, where are forms
                From his mind given to younger friends in gaining no fame. left
                To one dying of fatal fatigue syndrome or rheumatoid spine, rituals
                Of light for work, Freedom in spoken verses never silently made, lead

                Into ignorant of blue Skies, Pearls where Appassionato played
                Centuries before visions without distortion, they always wrote fine
                Poems of Loveliness, friendship secured his lines of surety, younger
                Played Brandenburg Violins, Gifts pf Alpines he passed on meadows,

                Mountain Trails traversed language where lupins fell, petals on shoulders.
                Wrought purple, blue lupins in memorized Deer Park, in Plumb Village
                In fall gold, red trees, another wise trees in Vermont, where spring days
                She played with owners friend, daughter finding self, different trails

                Her words greater Populated from free of daylight, each Discovery
                In great Criticism of Women in Literature wrong, long poems helped
                Hidden Deep social media meaning fear of lost meaning soon disappearing
                Gone after purge, nothing reached she found their when lines

                Divided The Heart Sutra lost enlightenment inspiration flooding
                Rivers, computers wrong, purged of intensive books gone, panic
                For posterity, each year, final gifts destroyed greatest lines, stories
                Prose, all Literature brilliant Daughters writing books, she saved this art.

                Parents gave life to their daughters greatest wish to write, their wish
                Finest rubies, daughter freedom Forty years after marriage vows,
                Parents aged, Laurel wreath, her own words of magnitude ageing now,
                To uncover young Japanese poems, prose more stories, completion.

                Then they could comprehend, daughter's gifts of equanimity realized
                More than desire above childish thinking, her own Shikantaza, Tai Shi's
                Poetry gifts of white flowers, great seeds, food of poems with hooded
                Certainty in honesty, transparency, words with blue translucency.

                lah/ sat

                Last edited by Tai Shi; 06-14-2021, 10:48 PM. Reason: revision
                Peaceful, Tai Shi. Ubasoku; calm, supportive, for positive poetry 優婆塞 台 婆


                • Seikan
                  • Apr 2020
                  • 710

                  Beautiful verse Tai Shi! I love this.



                  Sent from my Pixel 4a (5G) using Tapatalk
                  聖簡 Seikan (Sacred Simplicity)


                  • Tai Shi
                    • Oct 2014
                    • 3482

                    Prairie before Dawn

                    Poetry respects
                    Lilies of the rain
                    Naturally scattered
                    Blue nature, as more
                    Of Buddha's linage
                    Delicate music night,
                    Mindfully Diurnal
                    Life of conifer touch
                    Self, green mornings
                    In stories monogamous
                    Found birds in domes
                    Near waterfalls
                    Renbourn as wrens
                    Most secretive of Fire
                    To never destroy,
                    Insectivores destructive
                    Not upon Earth
                    Or other creatures.
                    They hide or show
                    Varieties play
                    In touch together
                    Flowers of birth
                    Twenty pairs
                    Soft petals
                    Only baby
                    Felt good four
                    Months difficult birth
                    To end all time,
                    Eyes, children
                    Choices for none
                    Gentle trees could fall
                    Like Mother bird
                    She could provide
                    Never Four,
                    Three their gift
                    To girl, Laurel
                    Baby presented

                    They could build
                    Poetry fruition,
                    Why his lights,
                    Look at reflections
                    Look at forest pines
                    Of his heart turned
                    Carefully prairies
                    Grow crops, gain
                    Food to help both,
                    Sadness their way
                    Mountains gone,
                    Dispelled War, peaceful
                    Guns never caried
                    Away, more tears
                    He could be taken
                    From evergreen
                    Sliced into pieces
                    Insane, not insanity
                    Regained selfhood
                    In fatherhood,
                    His tears
                    His solitude.

                    He ran away to Asia
                    His mind, his vocations
                    Of Bill Everson found
                    In his poetry, encouraged
                    In letters, Advisory
                    of Writing good verse
                    This woman bore child
                    Shown brilliance
                    In great sadness
                    Slow mind thinking
                    Sixty-nine years
                    Word fortifications
                    Gone, what takes
                    Place as she closed
                    Her perfection
                    His Lotus Sutra
                    Both remain
                    Human for child.
                    Child accidental
                    They Knew
                    Their poverty
                    Give today
                    Never to child
                    Childhood seen
                    Not found this work
                    Away his Drink,
                    Quietly taken.
                    More than three
                    Decades Now each day
                    In sober thoughts
                    Great balance
                    This wheel sown
                    Earth inspired Reality

                    Understood wars
                    Closed nothingness
                    Shown wide awake
                    Not romancing,
                    Enhancing parenthood
                    Faces never wayward
                    Notes, invisible
                    Painfully Risen
                    Held bodies
                    Found what cared,
                    Their safety
                    In child's life.

                    sat/ lah
                    Tai Shi
                    Last edited by Tai Shi; 06-24-2021, 08:42 PM. Reason: Full revision
                    Peaceful, Tai Shi. Ubasoku; calm, supportive, for positive poetry 優婆塞 台 婆


                    • Tai Shi
                      • Oct 2014
                      • 3482

                      Poet and teacher
                      Everson was an influential member of the San Francisco Renaissance in poetry and worked closely with Kenneth Rexroth during this period of his life. Throughout his life, Everson was a great admirer of the work and life of poet Robinson Jeffers. Much of his work as a critic was done on Jeffers's poetry.

                      Everson registered as an anarchist and a pacifist with his draft board, in compliance with the 1940 draft bill. In 1943, he was sent to a Civilian Public Service (CPS) work camp for conscientious objectors in Oregon.[1] In Camp Angel at Waldport, Oregon, with other poets, artists and actors such as Kemper Nomland, William Eshelman, Kermit Sheets, Glen Coffield, George Woodcock and Kenneth Patchen, he founded a fine-arts program in which the CPS men staged plays and poetry-readings and learned the craft of fine printing. During his time as a conscientious objector, Everson completed The Residual Years, a volume of poems that launched him to national fame.

                      Everson married poet Mary Fabilli on June 12, 1948,[2] and influenced by her religious devotion, converted to Catholicism.[3] Everson joined the Catholic Church in 1951 and soon became involved with the Catholic Worker Movement in Oakland, California. He took the name Brother Antoninus when he joined the Dominican Order in 1951 in Oakland. As an initiate in the Order, he printed the unfinished Novum Psalterium PII XII, an acknowledged masterpiece in American fine press printing. A colorful literary and counterculture figure, he was nicknamed the Beat Friar. The central motif throughout all of Antoninus' Catholic poetry is Incarnation, the central symbol of the Christian mystery. In 1956, he met an English Dominican, Father Victor White, at St. Albert's Dominican priory. White, of the English Dominican province and a longtime friend of Carl Jung, with whom he maintained a voluminous correspondence, was resident lecturer and theologian there. It was through this relationship to Victor White that Antoninus learned to look at his dreams from an in-depth religious angle for meaning. He devoured the Collected Works of Jung and began his psychological analysis of the unconscious as well as the analysis of many individuals who came to him for counseling. Antoninus wrote the first draft of his long erotic poem River-Root / A Syzygy, which he considered to be his most prophetic work. As Everson said in an interview for Creation magazine, with its founder and editor, the theologian and Episcopal priest Matthew Fox, he saw it as a complete re-writing of the Song of Songs, bringing frank Eros back into the Psalms and undoing Christianity's longstanding separation of the sexual from the spiritual for purposes of modernity. Jung's writings influenced the contributions Everson made to post-religious poetical thought in America. After leaving St Albert's, where he had practiced as a lay monk, poet and spiritual counselor for 18 years, Antoninus left his religious habit after a reading at the University of California at Davis campus on December 7, 1969. He left the Dominicans in 1969 and married a woman many years his junior, Susanna Rickson. At this time, he became a step-father to his son, Jude Everson. When Antoninus wrote The Rose of Solitude, he saw it published in many magazines. However, when he wrote The Veritable Years under William Everson, having left Antoninus behind, he couldn't even get his work reviewed. He then assumed the mantle of a poet-shaman to replace his religious habit. The 1974 poem Man-Fate explores this transformation from Brother Antoninus into William Everson, the West-Coast poet-shaman. Everson was diagnosed with Parkinson's disease in 1972.

                      Everson spent most of his years living near the central California coast a few miles north of Santa Cruz in a cabin he dubbed Kingfisher Flat. He was poet-in-residence at the University of California, Santa Cruz during the 1970s and 1980s. There he founded the Lime Kiln Press, a small press through which he printed highly sought-after fine-art editions of his own poetry as well as of the works of other poets, including Robinson Jeffers and Walt Whitman. For the most part, Everson's reputation was based on his poetry, printing, and public readings.

                      In 2009 Everson's former student Steven Herrmann brought renewed attention to Everson as a shamanic teacher. Herrmann later compiled a series of interviews with the poet-shaman from 1991 to 1993 that were published as William Everson: The Shaman's Call. Everson maintained an adhesion to his Catholic faith until his final days. In 1982, by a meaningful coincidence, Everson was asked to write an introduction to Victor White's book God and the Unconscious. In the final two years of his life, Everson worked on an unfinished autobiographical work titled Dust Shall Be the Serpent's Food. Everson died at his home on June 2, 1994, and his body was buried at the Dominican Cemetery in Benicia, California.

                      Everson's papers are archived at the William Andrews Clark Memorial Library at UCLA[4] and The Bancroft Library at UC Berkeley.[5]

                      Black Sparrow Press released a three-volume series of the collected poems of Everson, the last volume was published in 2000. In 2003, the California Legacy Project published Dark God of Eros: A William Everson Reader.

                      Found in Wikipedia
                      In 1988 I corresponded with William Everson.
                      My Mentor at the time was Bill Hotchkiss friends with the poets of San Francisco.
                      Dr Hotchkiss was English Instructor and tenured faculty at Sierra College and helped publish The Sierra Journal where over two decades I published many poems. Everson examined a portfolio of five of my poems while I was graduate student at Colorado State University commenting to me in 1988 that I held great promise as a poet. At one Time my friend Bill Hotchkiss maintained a strong friendship. Hotchkiss self published much of his own work. When Bill Hotchkiss passed away in 2008, I took it hard and lost my vicarious relationship with these poets. I had lived with my father in 1972, the time of the Kent State Massacre. My Farther lived in Colfax, and Sierra College is located in Rocklin, California, I was a poetry student of Bill Hotchkiss in 1971, 1872, In the Draft Lottery I held the number 288, and I remember my father rushing in to tell me "Chuck, you missed the draft!" However. it was true that I still could have been taken to fight in the Vietnam, War. That fall, I flew to Amsterdam where I bought a bicycle and bicycled across the Netherlands and into Germany. I held a Student Visa because the end of October I entered the Goethe Institute as a Germany Language student. At the end of December I gained employment at Kaufhof in Munich where I worked until mid spring and took off with two people my age and we toured Europe that Spring and early summer. I flew to Des Moines where I met my mother and reentered Grinnell College io earn my BA in English literature in 1974. I entered therapy the fall of 74 diagnosed with mental illness and for four years I "Got my head on straight." It was not until 2018 I began mental health "with bipolar one, having somehow kept my marriage, and parented with my wife a young woman ABD PhD at this point. She is in Japan doing research on obscure writers found in social media. I do not understand her linguistic research. When she finishes in three years she will be BA, MFA, PHD. In the schools she has attended, she owes $10,000. She has earned every accolade a scholar can earn, and will begin to teach as visiting American Teacher, at I think Wasa University in or near Tokyo. She is now in Tokyo under quarantine for Covid 19 as a precaution for this virus. When she finishes quarantine in two weeks, she begins her research as Fulbright scholar in Tokyo. It was in 1975, after I took General Psychology I first read Zen Mind, Beginner Mind and launched in into my search for this practice called Zen, and I tried every imaginable chemical to try and find satori, and to this day I have not found it. The same comment can be found by Suzuki Roshi' wife. I gave up alcohol, with the help of my wife Marjorie, meaning pearl, July 22, 1987 on the verge of losing all. In December of 1990 I earned my MFA in creative writing. Thank you Bill Everson, and Bill Hotchkiss, and my advisor at CSU who has maintained a lifelong friendship Professor Emeritus Bill Tremblay who has practiced Tai Chi through the Nyropa Institute. I have had a life of lost and found poetry. Workshops where I was awarded As And with MFA in creative writing/poetry I have had a "wonderful life" with my best Friend Marjorie, we were married June 12, 1982. Someday I want to write my novel The Orange Bicycle. Referenced material here from Wikipedia, and my personal experiences.
                      Tai Shi
                      Last edited by Tai Shi; 07-12-2021, 02:35 PM. Reason: Credits
                      Peaceful, Tai Shi. Ubasoku; calm, supportive, for positive poetry 優婆塞 台 婆


                      • Tai Shi
                        • Oct 2014
                        • 3482

                        My brevity is lost in three books, the third underway. Oh Jundo, or Kokuu the poet or the Grandfather of American poetry in the 20th Century, Jewish again, Marvin Bell, the eternal ache.
                        sat/ lah
                        Tai Shi
                        Last edited by Tai Shi; 07-16-2021, 09:28 PM. Reason: concision, spelling.
                        Peaceful, Tai Shi. Ubasoku; calm, supportive, for positive poetry 優婆塞 台 婆


                        • Tai Shi
                          • Oct 2014
                          • 3482

                          Still is air

                          Some poetry
                          From silent Douglas Fir
                          Brother, father, mother
                          Aunts, cousins, family gone
                          Cannot see, wife, daughter,
                          Remain Everlastingly
                          In stanzas stronger
                          Than ash or any tree.

                          sat/ lah
                          Tai Shi
                          Last edited by Tai Shi; 07-24-2021, 04:55 PM. Reason: word order (syntax)
                          Peaceful, Tai Shi. Ubasoku; calm, supportive, for positive poetry 優婆塞 台 婆


                          • Tai Shi
                            • Oct 2014
                            • 3482

                            His Lotus Sutra

                            Life is poetry
                            Baroque in music
                            Bach his land,
                            Decade on Decade,
                            Joy in Poems discover
                            Daughter's Japan
                            Her red sun.

                            Purple bright,
                            Delight is new
                            For all to see
                            Belgian pearl,
                            Yet, love is sad,
                            Mother's Grace
                            Bestows his pain,

                            They part again
                            Their swollen
                            Sadness grows.
                            Marjorie JoAn,
                            Wipe your tears,
                            Your Laurel Ann
                            As mother Mary
                            Knew recovery
                            His Soto Zen,
                            Was Universal,
                            As Unity.

                            "Your final calm,
                            Dad Gift of Gatha
                            On Fathers Day."
                            Peace in Lotus
                            Circling dew.
                            His Sutra azure
                            Buddha soft
                            Equality great
                            Soprano peace.

                            Taught his spine
                            Relaxed his pace
                            His sad Hiroshima
                            Bones collide
                            Bright as ocean
                            Small his spine
                            His counterpoint,

                            So real her voice
                            Crimson Japanese.
                            No anger wrought,
                            Daughter shows
                            Hope he sought
                            Planed in poetry
                            Her living trust.

                            deep bows
                            sat. lah
                            Tai Shi
                            Last edited by Tai Shi; 07-24-2021, 06:11 PM. Reason: complete ideas
                            Peaceful, Tai Shi. Ubasoku; calm, supportive, for positive poetry 優婆塞 台 婆


                            • Tai Shi
                              • Oct 2014
                              • 3482

                              I invite everyone; to new people I invite all. Post any poetry, or any art writing; letters, or journal/ diary entries, scratches in old text books, doodles, jotted dreams or dreamscapes, love notes, waste paper notes. Especially your own poems, made here, or there. Your empty space. Little or big. All.
                              sat/ lah
                              Tai Shi
                              Peaceful, Tai Shi. Ubasoku; calm, supportive, for positive poetry 優婆塞 台 婆


                              • brucef
                                • Jan 2016
                                • 40

                                Billy Collins is an American poet who was born in 1941. This is his poem Picnic, Lightning.

                                It is possible to be struck by a
                                meteor or a single-engine plane while
                                reading in a chair at home. Pedestrians
                                are flattened by safes falling from
                                rooftops mostly within the panels of
                                the comics, but still, we know it is
                                possible, as well as the flash of
                                summer lightning, the thermos toppling
                                over, spilling out on the grass.
                                And we know the message can be
                                delivered from within. The heart, no
                                valentine, decides to quit after
                                lunch, the power shut off like a
                                switch, or a tiny dark ship is
                                unmoored into the flow of the body's
                                rivers, the brain a monastery,
                                defenseless on the shore. This is
                                what I think about when I shovel
                                compost into a wheelbarrow, and when
                                I fill the long flower boxes, then
                                press into rows the limp roots of red
                                impatiens -- the instant hand of Death
                                always ready to burst forth from the
                                sleeve of his voluminous cloak. Then
                                the soil is full of marvels, bits of
                                leaf like flakes off a fresco,
                                red-brown pine needles, a beetle quick
                                to burrow back under the loam. Then
                                the wheelbarrow is a wilder blue, the
                                clouds a brighter white, and all I
                                hear is the rasp of the steel edge
                                against a round stone, the small
                                plants singing with lifted faces, and
                                the click of the sundial as one hour
                                sweeps into the next.

