[ARTS]: Big and Little Poetry--free verse, any verse.

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  • Shawnzen
    • Aug 2020
    • 18

    My life is a river of bliss,
    Ebbing and flowing here and there;
    Always stationary and unmoving,
    Always changing and on the move.

    I am unborn and unbound;
    I watch this play as it flows.
    Faces, places, and circumstances
    Reveal themselves as a mixture
    Of pure happiness
    And unbearable sadness.



    • Shawnzen
      • Aug 2020
      • 18

      No "my life"
      No "non-self"
      No practice
      No attainment

      All things, not-self
      Self, undivided
      Formless, I am all forms

      Not here as opposed to there
      I am here, I am there
      I am empty
      One Fullness

      Sat today


      • Tai Shi
        • Oct 2014
        • 3482


        Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Pro
        Peaceful, Tai Shi. Ubasoku; calm, supportive, for positive poetry 優婆塞 台 婆


        • Shawnzen
          • Aug 2020
          • 18

          Words, words
          Like flying birds
          Drifting through the sky
          Like clouds in my mind
          Feelings, feelings
          Leaving me reeling
          In pain, in pain
          'Til I learn to let them go
          Abiding in emptiness
          Unhinged from forms
          I disappear, I disappear
          Unborn, unborn


          Who am I, really?
          I like to assume
          Various things about myself
          Confused, consumed
          By obsessive thoughts
          And emotional turmoil
          Closer to death,
          Oh, so afraid
          Oh, such devastation


          Worried about the future
          Plagued by anxiety
          Committed to dharma
          For the sake of peace
          Praying to the Lord
          For safety and protection
          From harm



          • Tai Shi
            • Oct 2014
            • 3482

            Shawnzen you have reminded me of my love of poetry and words. I love to even look at your name and wonder what it means. Thank you for writing a poem about words and poetry with heart. Poetry has been my life since I was 17 and you remind me why.
            sat/ lah
            Tai Shi

            Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Pro
            Peaceful, Tai Shi. Ubasoku; calm, supportive, for positive poetry 優婆塞 台 婆


            • Shawnzen
              • Aug 2020
              • 18

              I tried to sit in the lotus posture,
              But my legs fell asleep as they always do.
              Rather than torture myself,
              I uncrossed my legs and sat in what people call "Burmese."
              Abandoning my notions
              And putting my faith in the practice,
              I found some rest in this simplicity.

              Sat today


              • Joe_in_Texas
                • Mar 2021
                • 4


                This moment is
                What it is
                And needs to be
                Nothing more

                I look
                Through a window
                Tinted with kindness
                Kindness I feel deeply
                Towards this moment

                Allowing it to be
                And feel
                Just so

                This is buddha

                I finally understand
                Why we bow
                In gratitude

                Sat today


                • Shokai
                  Dharma Transmitted Priest
                  • Mar 2009
                  • 6521

                  gassho, Shokai

                  仁道 生開 / Jindo Shokai

                  "Open to life in a benevolent way"



                  • Tai Shi
                    • Oct 2014
                    • 3482

                    sat/ lah
                    Tai Shi

                    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Pro
                    Last edited by Tai Shi; 05-02-2021, 08:04 PM.
                    Peaceful, Tai Shi. Ubasoku; calm, supportive, for positive poetry 優婆塞 台 婆


                    • Tai Shi
                      • Oct 2014
                      • 3482


                      My pain runs deep, my jaw, my sleep
                      Renounce the dark, and do not weep
                      Day comes on in gray, no where to stay,
                      Remember we are but ash, mother
                      Do not stay immortality renounce.
                      December is far behind, my jaw
                      My head seems without relief, mother
                      Do not return, but far you wander.
                      From star to galaxy, no way for me
                      To gather my ashes yet, I live alone
                      With her my Bodhisattva in our house,
                      She makes our food with honesty,
                      Her love a kindness, I asked her once
                      "Do you mind my care as your work?"
                      Retirement there, she sleeps yet
                      Each morning through, ten penny
                      Nail removed from my chest with
                      My Lidocaine, my rest, she snips
                      At clothe backing with bandage
                      Scissors in her hand this verse
                      Of my atonement gone, four vows
                      My refuge from desire, just one
                      Man my friend, in unity, my universal
                      Planet Ganymede and Io demi gods,
                      Where I shall rest my ash, in mausoleum,
                      Within my spectral light, where no one
                      Sees my days, where more money
                      Is saved, mean while where days
                      Do not grow dim, supplant grief Not
                      Time for tears, reach for Buddha age
                      To learn his wisdom of suffering lost
                      Life regained, my head filled with
                      Poetry I reach out for my friend
                      Ask him to slowly give what can
                      Be essence of my deeds, my
                      Equanimity, my gratitude, my loss,
                      When I depart her love I see
                      Myself clearly giving back my mind
                      Her genius fulfilled finally we rest.

                      Tai Shi
                      sat/ lah
                      Last edited by Tai Shi; 05-02-2021, 08:53 PM. Reason: title
                      Peaceful, Tai Shi. Ubasoku; calm, supportive, for positive poetry 優婆塞 台 婆


                      • Shawnzen
                        • Aug 2020
                        • 18

                        Mixed with dispassion
                        An onlooker, Am I
                        A bystander on the sidewalk
                        I watch the chaos and commotion
                        The traffic in the road
                        From a safe distance away
                        My vantage point

                        Sat today


                        • Tai Shi
                          • Oct 2014
                          • 3482

                          We Decide Together

                          I celebrated our end,
                          Light in garden, flowers
                          She and I together
                          Sold our Ashes in universal
                          Pire; red, purple, blue,
                          Flowers do not exist
                          Over our bodies gone,
                          Blue silence container,
                          Of our love planted deep
                          I do not care,
                          Life succeeds our wishes
                          Gone with earth over us
                          Always time for death
                          Over there the recliner
                          Chair in soil
                          Could not move
                          Damp with dew, remorse
                          Who will see our flowers
                          Impossible in earth, alone,
                          Elemental, Oxygen, Hydrogen,
                          Water, light Carbon, soft soil
                          Eternal, garden until space
                          Engulf our soil, nova, sun
                          Gone mad. fire engulf
                          Enough, blocks of sight,
                          Stems, seeds
                          Not personal prisms,
                          Prisons of our vapor as we
                          Rise from sleep, shall never
                          Wish again to waken, death
                          Frail, perhaps not Parted
                          From our sun engulfing all
                          Bringing our ashes to our star,
                          Fire, everlasting Lake of Rain
                          Clouds, distanced on our grass
                          Great incineration, retreat
                          Of life, Torrente of rivers,
                          Oceans dividing finally apart
                          As liquid rises to space
                          Matter spuing forth
                          All earth to join our joy, to fathom
                          Soft soil, fertile mind secure forever
                          In science, but her her life, I alone
                          To flowers, hers to garden green
                          We now reaches for hands, for thoughts.
                          Gone My chest, curved back, knotted neck
                          All but broken holds, my thinking. She
                          Takes my pain. I give her earth, sinew
                          To my shortened life, we solved thousands
                          Of years, ageless, we together rose alone.
                          Ageless, my nerves never steady,
                          Mind eternally gone, her thoughts giving
                          Reasoned quality of flowers, not sliding
                          Into silent days, blue Fern Lake, deer
                          Close, solutions slipped away, loneliness
                          Of mind given to our precepts hers truth
                          Of what she was to solve my anger gone,
                          Life solved for us both of. I gave me
                          Her joy.. She gave both of us child,
                          Small gift of life, wonder child born
                          In high risk birth, both nearly died,
                          Two weeks In pain, seventeen hours
                          Of labor. this hard birth near Front
                          Range, Sober miracle of life Rocky
                          Mountains, Colorado steep foundation
                          For us both child brilliant mind, thoughts
                          Turned to South Dakota my arthritis,
                          My body solved without travail I submitted
                          I asked again as when we sat softly
                          On our Cushions was this life made easier
                          In our death our resting place this earth.
                          I let her wishes for us both live forever
                          As I asked. She could decide
                          Is science is wrong, essence our own birth
                          Poor boy, poor girl we had been hurt.
                          Of millennia will be our blue flowers
                          Planted on the plains, hills of rest,
                          I asked again before the end,
                          At that time I ask her to make our plans,
                          "Do you know exactly
                          What is to be? Tell me now, I need
                          To know. Is your decision to be right.
                          Please, I do not know. Is it science
                          Or flowers in our bed, place of rest
                          After life what happens? You decide."

                          sat/ lah
                          Tai Shi
                          Last edited by Tai Shi; 06-08-2021, 01:23 PM.
                          Peaceful, Tai Shi. Ubasoku; calm, supportive, for positive poetry 優婆塞 台 婆


                          • Shawnzen
                            • Aug 2020
                            • 18

                            Anger and resistance follow my actions
                            Down every rabbit hole of passing moments.
                            What am I angry at?

                            Floating in the vast exspanse
                            Of energy and emptiness--
                            Slowly, I unravel.

                            The Buddha said to abandon craving,
                            And therefore I abandon it.
                            How do I abandon my craving for non-craving?

                            An intuitive sense of Nirvana's presence--
                            A faith in the path towards it.
                            I let go, let go, let go.



                            • Tai Shi
                              • Oct 2014
                              • 3482

                              ARTS: Big and Little Poetry--free verse, any verse.

                              Remember friend if the poet might make a poem longer than 14 lines in English, one will lose the audience. I tell you If you dare like me to make long poems, you can even be a greatest poet like Homer but no one but scholars will venture into your lines.
                              sat: lah
                              Tai Shi

                              Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Pro
                              Last edited by Tai Shi; 05-08-2021, 03:39 PM.
                              Peaceful, Tai Shi. Ubasoku; calm, supportive, for positive poetry 優婆塞 台 婆


                              • Hōkan
                                • Mar 2021
                                • 83

                                I Sat Outside

                                Unusually, I sat outside today.
                                My lover, the wind, caressed me with joy;
                                Her birds and cicadas sang for me.

                                And, yes, even though this was written on another day, I sat today.
                                Hōkan = 法閑 = Dharma Serenity
                                To be entirely clear, I am not a hōkan = 幇間 = taikomochi = geisha, but I do wonder if my preceptor was having a bit of fun with me...

