When sitting on a Thursday morning
I open my flower,
for as a man, I am woman
I mean not in sex
I mean in spirit
non extant without love
and freedom into night
Love of flowers
Love of song, equality
In thought, smell
Perfume of roses, undone
Chain of being, we explain,
We wonder about daffodils,
About chrasanthamums
Sitting of Soto, so what
Of Soto, what does it mean
No bad sitting, among
Flowers, among crowns
Of stem, of petals
Tibia of roses, of all
Flowers, sitting
Upon stems no chaos
Sitting just sitting
Shikantaza, Jukai,
Final Rakusu, Precepts
Freedom to live one's life
In accordance
With loving Kindness
and equality of each flower?
Tai Shi
sat today/lah
Deepest Bows.
I open my flower,
for as a man, I am woman
I mean not in sex
I mean in spirit
non extant without love
and freedom into night
Love of flowers
Love of song, equality
In thought, smell
Perfume of roses, undone
Chain of being, we explain,
We wonder about daffodils,
About chrasanthamums
Sitting of Soto, so what
Of Soto, what does it mean
No bad sitting, among
Flowers, among crowns
Of stem, of petals
Tibia of roses, of all
Flowers, sitting
Upon stems no chaos
Sitting just sitting
Shikantaza, Jukai,
Final Rakusu, Precepts
Freedom to live one's life
In accordance
With loving Kindness
and equality of each flower?
Tai Shi
sat today/lah
Deepest Bows.