[ARTS]: Big and Little Poetry--free verse, any verse.

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  • Tai Shi
    • Oct 2014
    • 3482

    Brucef, thank you so much for your poem by Billy Collins, Poet Laureate in America; according to Bruce Weber in the New York Times, as America's "Most Popular Poet," "most famous for conversational poems." By the way, I made a one time donation of $2.75 to keep Wikipedia afloat, and you can too. That's where I get my information and this is good stuff given there by the Poetry Foundation. Please, please, all of you like brucef, give us a poem and especially one of your own.
    sat/ lah
    Tai Shi
    Last edited by Tai Shi; 08-18-2021, 04:38 PM. Reason: more info, encouragement.
    Peaceful, Tai Shi. Ubasoku; calm, supportive, for positive poetry 優婆塞 台 婆


    • Tai Shi
      • Oct 2014
      • 3482

      Last night it began
      The nagging voice
      Belittleing all I am
      What I have become
      I ache inside heart
      especially in me mind
      I never sought
      To rectify the earth
      With Arterial Vevus
      Malformation, average
      Not I still write poetry
      I sit a little each mornig at eight
      Feel tired this day, see it is not
      Exactacly tumor or egg
      About sizing up,
      Like hen's egg lump in my Right
      Temporal Lobe si it far beyond hope
      So far not larger than golf ball,
      Too bad I could never look beyon
      Crack of time spider leggs
      I am not free, what kind of ball
      Resides behind my right
      Eye ball, bigger than
      My eyeball its 2.2 centemeters
      Of next to terrible meat
      You mught bye in a cow,
      Delectable to eat if carnivor,
      I to try soy based morning
      Treat, I do not eat flesh
      Of humans, or pigs, or chickens
      Wonder what kind of fish
      My teacher feeds his family, his son
      Like my daughter when
      Wghen she vacataded
      My AVM, I weep, but she Facetimes
      Me now she knows faith grows
      In her they will find solutions
      For my brain, a treat, a message
      Meaning some meaning as I look
      Down my throat of death, entertain
      My hopeful direction, oh surgeon
      I see in one week.
      Not exa
      Peaceful, Tai Shi. Ubasoku; calm, supportive, for positive poetry 優婆塞 台 婆


      • Tai Shi
        • Oct 2014
        • 3482

        Wire Forgives Gifts

        Thus morning, almost 9:00,
        Maurice Ravel once said.
        "I am the gretest living
        Composer. and I wil earn
        $1000, while for an American,
        In Paris you will be given
        $50,000 this year alone, wheel
        Of time will make me great, you
        On different shore. I live reach
        For shore in Paris, you in New York
        City, forgive blunt knowledge
        Someday you will know ignorance
        As you forgive yourself, I forgive
        You, absolutes have no place
        In compositions, always tikered
        Rewritten and slaved over."
        Look at our own Walt Whitman
        Your Valere. Malurme Great image
        Poet reliving Plato renew, you
        Finding Emily Dickinson great
        With hearse, great after death,
        With Rilke old Dutches, Tiger, Paanther
        Only studentts rest of Songs of Experience
        Songs of Death, love, hinting of wisdom
        Love intertwined with two, wisdom
        in Balzak if come Eliot as witness known
        The Wastland with French La Mare
        Reflect waters of infinite rolling wave
        Ripple now we know of staineed pure inside
        Outside, I kindly stopped for death without
        Twierling wire in the blood, surgeon, rasp
        Malfoformations of infinite wonder, rasp
        Clean Brain of human desingm and
        Rebirth HD more than she could write,
        Images like flowers, simple Daisy falling,
        Walnut sliced open in liberal reassurance,
        Wonder not will sprouts within child mouth
        Provider of foods, existance when poetry
        Misspelled wonder of magesty like Whitman
        Nurse misspelled three ways more of division
        Accepted as wild roses, forgot me knotts
        Real of Time withheld to understanding
        Never fo into notes this falling piano
        Wonder, rolling into disonance, pitsicato
        Ravel; Piano Concerto in G major
        We give back to our Platonic ochestra,
        Most withheld the eight-year-old child,
        Celebration trumpet Euquarist gone
        Forgiving flowers, gone from hands
        Undone in haste; Dickinson, I could
        Not stop for Death, so she kindly stopped
        For me, my deatth shall not in wild moss
        Mosses and Lichens, chamelion of plants,
        Growth on North while others turn heads
        South gather sun red petals, pistol, light,
        While green lives another billion years,
        Human on from year to a million
        Year old on rotting trees, skeletons,
        Dandylions seed the earth, human heads
        Leave us as global worms too much,
        Humankind fortitude big V 8 pickups hawled
        To garbage heap, French or American
        US cannot vaccinate when they insist
        On death, man takes his shots because he'd
        Rather live without AVM be damned, wire
        In brains, surgery, one gifted brainl survives.

        sat/ lah
        Tai Shi
        Calm Poetry
        10/ 05/2021
        11:10 A.M.
        Last edited by Tai Shi; 10-05-2021, 04:38 PM. Reason: revision
        Peaceful, Tai Shi. Ubasoku; calm, supportive, for positive poetry 優婆塞 台 婆


        • Tai Shi
          • Oct 2014
          • 3482

          Ravel in Morning Light,

          Sun shining.
          Beams through open window,
          Pound never hands giving us
          The key delight always
          Trust even here, my message
          One who follows, never divides
          Welcome tidal wave, not
          Destroyimg this monument
          Seven years, rebuild time safer,
          Japan, second quake, who
          Besides those your
          Compsitions, why don't
          I know, do you know Ravel?

          sat/ lah
          Peaceful, Tai Shi. Ubasoku; calm, supportive, for positive poetry 優婆塞 台 婆


          • Tai Shi
            • Oct 2014
            • 3482

            Don't recall his name,
            Hardly twice, virtuoso
            Great piano in World War,
            Lost right hand, crushed,
            From arm, smashed flesh
            In war, heaved to give up
            Life eternal, beauty gone
            Given to ravages of Hell,
            Men fight for land,
            Then eyeing women,
            On park bench, feeling
            In cold fall preparation
            Of memory, alone army
            Of the night, seldom
            Wonders through infinite
            Life, away I was shot
            Even to seal beer at dawn
            Jitters for Glass of $.50
            No money that was me,
            Hard drunk, up the night
            Before, no real job, defying
            Monday on his time card
            No real hours to keep,
            Then young woman
            Thrilled snow to him
            Some peace of mind,
            In whole teaching, he
            Found her class teaching
            First year students famous
            Nothing to but heavy
            Smoking round of jars
            Of cigarettes in whip
            Him, finding her, lived
            Together love just playing
            Concerto for One Hand,
            Mental illness round
            Like blood, psychosis
            Bought him time, found
            Surrender i Front Range
            Peaceful, Tai Shi. Ubasoku; calm, supportive, for positive poetry 優婆塞 台 婆


            • Tai Shi
              • Oct 2014
              • 3482

              How can a doctor operate,
              To cauterize wounds, save
              Life, brain, heart, or mind?
              All patients risk death.

              Family on every word,
              Right thing to do? More
              Than one third risk of life,
              Life for giving over to life
              Seeing surgeon's risk?

              Patient gown worn five
              Days, frive a.m. at Surgical
              Tower Realizations, brains,
              Bones and hearts; he's
              Under from anesthesia?

              Titanium in craniotomy
              Two plates, bone in brain,
              To neurology resting
              ID, where are you?
              Your full name, birthday?

              Kitchen arrives with food
              Hunger, eating, oh taste,
              Diatician asks selection.
              What date is it? What day
              Of the week? Every time.

              Cognition fine unexpected
              Recovery more than years,
              Understands his surgery
              Sentiment clear
              Lazerus, speaking,
              Physical Therapy, walk

              To his recliner, to climb
              Simplicity one foot
              Solid steps to home.
              Clearity, actions
              In recovery,
              Impediment gone
              Gratefully disappeared
              Auterial Venus Malformation,
              Wilderness of specimens.

              Recovery smiles slightly
              He lives, how he walks
              Moves fingers of hands
              Decades, clearity within.
              Simple removal of shoes.

              No damaged tissue,
              AVM gone natural stance, veins
              Closed off, oxygen deliberate,
              "Can you walk up your stairs?"

              Home for support,
              Teacher Jundo there,
              Micheal, Kevin, Allan Reike
              To affected cranium, response
              Relax tissue cannot see,

              Family Comes agiain,
              Rev Allan brings Flowers,
              Rev. Michael Messamger,
              Texting from Japan, daughter?
              News of daughter
              She brightens him FaceTime
              Wi Fi from Tokyo, father I am
              There for you, father I am here!

              Finally father knows his role
              As parent, is this because AVM
              Removal as brain returns
              To normal work. He's home
              No fear. Life improved.

              Calls his wife, his friend's iPhone,
              Child Tokyo to South Dakota,
              Messages, this is what
              I did today! What did you do?
              Reality isn't simple,

              Action makes here for there.
              Words diffifdent, healthy,
              Sleeping nights deliberate,
              Shakespeare Pukish everyword,
              He Looks for ntural right.

              In morning air,
              Cane or walking stick, easy,
              No push or pull,
              Happened to you! Your are
              Here. You know this day.
              Date, birthday, oriented.

              Fully present, good
              Declarations of 70 years,
              Relaxation truth, zazen,
              Rakusu through poetry,

              Arthritis not so cruel,
              Operations don't cure age,
              He knows deep exercise,
              Neighbors know, remember
              Twenty-sevre fear gone,

              Present at birth, they grow,
              Sadness, removed
              Minimal, can read, writes
              His poetry, Reading young,
              Body scan, counting,
              One to ten back again,

              Coordination, balanced
              Arhtritis. Body captures stiffness,
              Age, mind returns, fullness
              Appears well.

              None or all people
              His life can find gratitude
              Over, suple thoughts
              Hot cereal breakfast
              Medications to help
              He gets old, age heavy
              Mantal, middle path.

              Notations on a Brain Surgery
              Last edited by Tai Shi; 11-21-2021, 10:57 PM. Reason: revision
              Peaceful, Tai Shi. Ubasoku; calm, supportive, for positive poetry 優婆塞 台 婆


              • Kokuu
                Dharma Transmitted Priest
                • Nov 2012
                • 6983

                Where he is not alone, all people
                In his life, he finds deepest gratitude
                Gratitude, giving over, suple surrender
                Simple things like hot cereal breakfast
                Simple medications to help
                Just he gets old but age is no heavy
                Mantal, acceptane of middle path
                Buddha way, he smiles he is there.
                Lovely! So glad you are here to still write, Tai Shi!



                • Getchi
                  • May 2015
                  • 612

                  Waves come in,
                  I recognise One.
                  Now it's all gone.

                  Nothing to do? Why not Sit?


                  • Angel
                    • Nov 2021
                    • 24

                    I am

                    standing in the eye of the primordial forest;
                    dew-soaked grass crushed beneath bare feet;
                    the touch of clover flowerheads tickling toes.
                    Yet, I am neither grass nor clover flowers.

                    I am

                    breathing slowly, deeply; inhaling all the wonder;
                    the scent of wildflowers, damp moss and conifers;
                    permeating my body and saturating the stillness within.
                    Yet, I am not wildflower, damp moss or tree.

                    I am

                    teased by the swirling upon my tongue as it settles;
                    tasting the last vestiges of heavy, mist-laden smoke;
                    bringing moist hints of earthiness and terpenes.
                    Yet, I am neither the earth nor the majestic pines.

                    I am

                    ever-present consciousness filling with nature’s harmony;
                    a symphony of soft birdsong and distant rushing waters;
                    accompanied by the verdant forest’s more subtle melodies.
                    Yet, I am neither birdsong nor the distant rushing river.

                    I am

                    opening lids warmed by the rising sun to greet the day;
                    a rich palette of yellows, purples and greens materialize;
                    revealing the kaleidoscopic masterpiece on visual canvas.
                    Yet, I remain aware that I am not a yellow, purple or green.

                    I am

                    filled with awe and wonder; mind completely overwhelmed;
                    until the thought, “I am blessed,” follows “I am undeserving”;
                    awareness recedes as the echoes of mind obscure the stillness;
                    and I foolishly believe myself to be blessed and undeserving.


                    • Tai Shi
                      • Oct 2014
                      • 3482

                      Angel, you are such bright and natural images, and we see you are the earth, and natural and light. You are light with repitition, and all that is light becomes your beauty.
                      sat/ lah
                      Last edited by Tai Shi; 11-21-2021, 11:06 PM. Reason: clarity
                      Peaceful, Tai Shi. Ubasoku; calm, supportive, for positive poetry 優婆塞 台 婆


                      • Rich
                        • Apr 2009
                        • 2616

                        Very nice,Angel


                        Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
                        無 (MU, Emptiness) and 氷 (HYO, Ice) ... Emptiness Ice ...



                        • Tai Shi
                          • Oct 2014
                          • 3482

                          Sentient Being

                          Blue days of Ango
                          Slipped away, my head
                          Scar at first so much
                          To touch, ago was yesterday
                          There should be snow,
                          December 1st, 2021, I will
                          Forever remember October
                          29th at 9:00 a.m. today
                          Never far away, white clouds
                          Tears clear from both eyes
                          Not just left, Right Eye in front
                          Of place where AVM behind,
                          Is gone, Surgery saved my life
                          Remberances miracles never
                          Happen my life, this is One,
                          Making arrangements
                          On phone brain oxygen,
                          There is this white chord,
                          From wall where I Breathe O2
                          For my Right Temporal Lobe
                          All is mixed for my Brain, I don't
                          Feel white music, alphabet,
                          Mixed with white, blue words.
                          Comes into my heart, left effect
                          From Tonglen I realize, I breath
                          For others, I sit again. How did
                          I come one month two days,
                          I feel my days slidding as care,
                          Nurse Asked every two hours
                          This year, white edges, date
                          Of sheets on my blue ICU
                          Every half hour they ask again
                          What is my name, easily date

                          Where I am, I look
                          Out my hospital window,
                          Reality sets in, I am sentient
                          Being, I have been freed
                          There's some Higher Power
                          Must ask why me. Why silver
                          Operating Table, srgeon asks
                          First, "Do you want to close
                          Your eyes? It's alright
                          If you do." He speaks again,
                          Silver words as tools in room.
                          Nurse has shaved my head
                          Dressed me cold, naked
                          In paper gown. I know
                          The surgical team has walked
                          In will take gown off when I
                          Am under. I start my count

                          One, two, three, four
                          One, two, three, four
                          Is this zazen? I left my light
                          Go out, vein slides with sleep
                          Im slipping under, reduced
                          To sleep? Dressed in recovery
                          "What happened, am I

                          Rolling down white halls?
                          My eyes are fixed on ceiling
                          Tiles, cotton gown wrapped
                          Around my limbs white this year
                          I am winding into my ICU
                          Room, for first time Reality
                          Check, free at last, all
                          Sentient beings, me I ask
                          I am alive? My name, date,
                          Location, why I am here?
                          Every half hour nurses
                          Ask simple questions, I am
                          Lifted my to radiology
                          Angiogram third time I'm,
                          Somewhere date is the 29th
                          I glance at clock, it's 3:37,
                          Six and one half hours,
                          How did this happen? I
                          See again, the silver tools
                          Upon creamy walls, surgical
                          Suite, and there are three
                          I know I could not see
                          Room filled with six, eight
                          Ten people, One, two, three
                          Four, zazen, I was under,
                          Now I'm here, my life, friend
                          39 years, tells me then
                          AVM is completely gone
                          Was not so deep, surgery
                          Was only four hours, recovery
                          Two hours, two small titanium
                          Plates, my head is wraped
                          In white bandages, fitting
                          Loosly around my head,
                          The under garments,
                          My blue shorts, blue Tee
                          Replaced paper gown, I see
                          Green paper gone, clean
                          White blue stipes, hospital
                          Gown, My wife is relieved
                          I see it in her eyes, her
                          White face has changed
                          To relief, color returned
                          To both of us, they ask
                          Again, location, name,
                          Birthday, why I'm here,
                          Date written on white
                          Board, I laugh as nurse
                          Asks once more "How many
                          Days have you been here?"
                          They slip my mask over
                          My ears, then I am helped
                          To wheel chair This room
                          Will have better view
                          White lights line the street,
                          How is it that I sleep? Hospital
                          Helicopters whirl in, then out
                          I don't see it coming remove
                          Bandges removed from my head
                          Free at this time, every six
                          Hours, clear fluides my hand
                          Feels nothing, told I'm
                          Getting Insulin and steroids
                          To reduce sugar before I eat,
                          To reduce inflamation of my brain.
                          My blood sugar above 200, only
                          189 lbs, how many kilos?
                          The surgical follow up
                          Takes every vital evening
                          After move, I'm to remain
                          Then OT, PT, Speech Therapy,
                          Cleared for discharge, no insulin.
                          Steroid pills continued at home,
                          Miracles do not happen
                          To me, I survived, angiogram
                          Showed perfect surgery,
                          I am well. I don't feel change
                          Yet it's there. clean shorts, shirt.
                          Pants, coat, It's November 3rd
                          Of course I know the date
                          As I slip on my athletic shoes
                          Nurse wheels me through
                          Great lobby with cool air
                          November 3rd sweeps by.
                          I slide into car seat
                          Simple chatter, white frost
                          Into air. Days, my primary
                          Doctor right again, don't
                          View my sanity, I'm sane,
                          More like smooth stones
                          Man of thirty years ago
                          An illusion, a 70-year-old
                          Man, Now white is black
                          Seats of car, cold imprint
                          Hospital, gone, onto 18th
                          Street. She's carefu November
                          17th I return, walk
                          Into same room where
                          Miracle began after Kyousui
                          Implored my wife to drive
                          Me to the ER, no more .This
                          Began, Nurse weighing me,
                          In ER, Now Nurse Practioner
                          Gently pulls my staples
                          From my scar, then says wait
                          Your surgeon, who I know
                          Spends 30 minutes, shows
                          Before and after angiograms
                          I know my surgery well
                          It was perfect, I listen, details
                          Explanation, At home To
                          Ravel's Piano Concerto
                          For The Left Hand, my music
                          Yes, there, my words slip
                          White before my fingers
                          Healing this of course writing
                          On white paper, slow blue
                          Pen over, over, over
                          I'm sentient being, free.

                          Tai Shi
                          Peaceful, Tai Shi. Ubasoku; calm, supportive, for positive poetry 優婆塞 台 婆


                          • Tai Shi
                            • Oct 2014
                            • 3482

                            Beyond Directions

                            Waiting room
                            Before surgery
                            I prayed, I was,
                            I am fearful, my
                            Heat sings
                            Under chair,
                            With Concrete
                            Floor I have now
                            Dharma sharing
                            Most elated
                            With fear, how
                            Just to feel
                            Firmament, be
                            With something
                            I cannot touch,
                            Feel. How dare I
                            Another answer
                            10 thoughts
                            Signs or actions
                            Prescribed like
                            Spoonful's capsules,
                            Needles, gas
                            Steroids, insulin,
                            Am I interventions,
                            My tubbing, Ah this
                            Is after surgery. How
                            Did neurology know
                            When to wheel
                            Me into room, Sangha
                            Friend of 39 years,
                            Is 41? do we count?
                            We made our own Sangha
                            Relatives nothing
                            Two years bedding
                            Fact finding tries
                            Until one knows
                            She is "the one,"
                            Wait says, unless
                            We could have
                            Endured together
                            My head warped,
                            Staples pulling, in
                            Weeks will remove,
                            Scalp, realized
                            Success. I know?
                            Alive. I know this.

                            sat/ lah
                            Last edited by Tai Shi; 12-10-2021, 10:17 PM. Reason: editing
                            Peaceful, Tai Shi. Ubasoku; calm, supportive, for positive poetry 優婆塞 台 婆


                            • Tai Shi
                              • Oct 2014
                              • 3482

                              DAI ZAI GEDA PUKU
                              MU SŌ FUKU DEN’E
                              HI BU NYO RAI KYO
                              KŌ DO SHO SHU JO

                              Robe of liberation boundless
                              Field beyond both form and formless
                              Wearing the Tathagatha's teachings
                              Vowing to save all sentient beings
                              Peaceful, Tai Shi. Ubasoku; calm, supportive, for positive poetry 優婆塞 台 婆


                              • Tai Shi
                                • Oct 2014
                                • 3482

                                Vessels Removed in Song Of Hands

                                Yes complex tissue operation,
                                Removal of vascular tissue, hands
                                Reaching into his skull, doctor skill,
                                Staff in operation asked only beyond

                                Would you prefer to closed Pain
                                Your eyes, the instruments as wood
                                Working of life looked awake, sight
                                Awakened, he says no more, he has

                                Seen none before surgery's tools
                                Like workbench, like carpentry building
                                Hands, digits can build next his life
                                Again, he counts Zazen, one

                                To ten, back again, on counting
                                He calmly sleeps, his pain in throat
                                Slimed to nothing, air his breathing
                                As slipping into slumber without

                                Pain he was not afraid as surgeon
                                Told me him all could remove blood
                                Vessels clogging mind, concentration
                                As he he six books, novels with ease

                                Then Thich Nhat Hanh, Fiction showing
                                Skill of Surgeon, four nurses handing
                                Tools, Nurse assistant, radiologist,
                                Heart and Lung Technician

                                The entire consort together as orchestra
                                Surgeon, giving me life, hands take and cut
                                Off, give Future of this seventy-year-old
                                Man simple he is given to to life

                                Which we hold dear, with renewed
                                Vitality, happiness sings success
                                Dr knew his hands gave five,
                                Ten, fifteen more years, his old

                                Age secure. This patient his wife in-fact
                                Knew life into brain not taken, given
                                To, as carpenters build, skill more grouped,
                                Houses for this life, unusual protection,

                                This check after all, hospitalist conception
                                Says he success, the surgeon's hands
                                Success, our living testament life
                                Removal of Atrial Venus Malformation,

                                AVM is gone, October 29th then
                                on November 17th, 2021, shows patient
                                All perfect as angiogram showed veins
                                Will die, Completely removed, final check

                                Six months away, another angiogram,
                                Will show success, still doctor checking
                                Then blood mass removed, veins ceiled
                                Off, O2 to brain tissue, air flows again

                                Surgeon's hands before his final
                                Board certificate , oral tests, far knowing
                                Beyond our poetry, yet poetry, we all
                                Sing as patient talks, last successful test.

                                sat/ lah
                                Tai Shi
                                Last edited by Tai Shi; 01-02-2022, 05:01 PM.
                                Peaceful, Tai Shi. Ubasoku; calm, supportive, for positive poetry 優婆塞 台 婆

