Chanting & Zazen Circle (Mo thru Sa)

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  • Anchi
    • Sep 2015
    • 556

    Life itself is the only teacher.
    一 Joko Beck

    安知 Anchi


    • Kaye
      • Jul 2022
      • 16

      Good day,
      I am interested in the chant group but feel somewhat intimidated as I have never chanted in Japanese. Is it ok to come online and just listen and participate in the sitting? Can I get the book or are these chants to be printed out?
      gassho. kaye


      • Nengyoku
        • Jun 2021
        • 536

        I will say that my first couple times to the chanting circle I just listened along. They are a very welcoming and understanding group.
        As for the chants, you can get them however is easiest. Personally I put the ones I don't know up on a computer monitor. I also have a printed copy.

        Thank you for being the warmth in my world.


        • Jundo
          Treeleaf Founder and Priest
          • Apr 2006
          • 41197

          May I ask a favor? The Chanting and Zazen Circle is one of our groups, so could the folks in the Circle make a point to post your weekly chants and events here? What are you chanting each week? We haven't heard from you guys in awhile, so I thought you might have stopped ... Chanting.

          Gassho, Jundo


          • Nengyoku
            • Jun 2021
            • 536

            Originally posted by Jundo
            May I ask a favor? The Chanting and Zazen Circle is one of our groups, so could the folks in the Circle make a point to post your weekly chants and events here? What are you chanting each week? We haven't heard from you guys in awhile, so I thought you might have stopped ... Chanting.

            Gassho, Jundo
            I would be more than happy to post what we chant whenever I sit with this group.
            Unfortunately this group sits while I am at work, so I am only able to join on Saturdays (and even then, only if I am not working on Saturday )
            All the same, I would be more than happy to help post what we get up to.

            We do have a Whatsapp group where we share ... anything really that strikes us in the moment. I could share the highlights of that group as they come through, if that is okay.
            Kyogen had a trip to a museum with a buddha feature, and sat Zazen there. We sometimes share poetry from different Buddhist authors, or even of our own. Just to name a few examples.

            Thank you for being the warmth in my world.


            • Jundo
              Treeleaf Founder and Priest
              • Apr 2006
              • 41197

              Originally posted by Nengyoku
              I would be more than happy to post what we chant whenever I sit with this group.
              Unfortunately this group sits while I am at work, so I am only able to join on Saturdays (and even then, only if I am not working on Saturday )
              All the same, I would be more than happy to help post what we get up to.

              We do have a Whatsapp group where we share ... anything really that strikes us in the moment. I could share the highlights of that group as they come through, if that is okay.
              Kyogen had a trip to a museum with a buddha feature, and sat Zazen there. We sometimes share poetry from different Buddhist authors, or even of our own. Just to name a few examples.

              If the group is linked to here within Treeleaf, and is on our calendar, it would be nice to be kept abreast of when they are meeting, what they are chanting etc., and what kind of practice they are doing. I would like to know. I thank all the folks keeping the group going.

              Gassho, Jundo



              • Guest

                This week, we are chanting :

                Sanki Raimon : English : thread #12. / Japanese : thread #115
                Kaikyo Ge : English and Japanese : thread #461
                Hannya Shingyo : English and Japanese : page 4-5-6 of Treeleaf Sangha Chant Book.
                Enmei Juku Kannon Gyo : page 14 of Treeleaf Sangha Chant Book
                Shi Gu Sei Gan Mon ( The Four Vows ) : thread #461


                Sat today


                • Jundo
                  Treeleaf Founder and Priest
                  • Apr 2006
                  • 41197

                  Originally posted by Yuki
                  This week, we are chanting :

                  Sanki Raimon : English : thread #12. / Japanese : thread #115
                  Kaikyo Ge : English and Japanese : thread #461
                  Hannya Shingyo : English and Japanese : page 4-5-6 of Treeleaf Sangha Chant Book.
                  Enmei Juku Kannon Gyo : page 14 of Treeleaf Sangha Chant Book
                  Shi Gu Sei Gan Mon ( The Four Vows ) : thread #461


                  Sat today
                  Thank you, Mokusho. Just to keep contact and communication, I would appreciate you to post notice here of each of your sittings, and what you are chanting. Otherwise, your chanting goes silent for the rest of us.

                  It is a great group you have, lovely sounds heard all the way here. Thank you for keeping it going.

                  Gassho, Jundo

                  ALL OF LIFE IS OUR TEMPLE


                  • Guest

                    Hello Kaye !

                    You are more than welcome if you want to joint our chant group ! Don’t worry about chanting or not : you can participate and keep your microphone on mute, if you want it, before being accustomed to the chants. We can do the chanting in English or Japanese ; it depends of what the members want to do and what seems easier for them. As for the chants themselves, you can find them on the posts mentioned up here, or I can send you by PM those you want to have. Do not hesitate to contact me. For the Japanese chants, we always have a translation in English if necessary.

                    Usually, our session begins by Sanki Raimon ( The three refuges), followed by Kaikyo Ge who introduces Hannya Shingyo ( the Heart Sutra) and Ji Ho San Shi after chanting the Heart Sutra. Then, we sit for 30 minutes before chanting Enmei Juku Kannon Gyo followed by a short dedication. Then we usually read some haïkus before concluding with The four vows. In all, it takes around 50 to 55 minutes. When we have a special chant or reading, we usually post it here.
                    Some days we are only two or three to chants, and other days we could be six or seven participants… it’s always a surprise !

                    For example, the last seven days, we were joined by Camille, Caro, Margaret, Aimee, Kyogen, Kumo, Shinryu, Phil, Thomas and Alexis… some of them were present almost every days and others only in one occasion.

                    I hope those explanations will be useful for you.


                    Sat today


                    • Guest

                      Thanks Jundo. I will try to be more proactive in communication despite my bad English

                      Usually, we chant the « week program » during the six days of the week. If something special is added ( reading, chant, etc.) we put it here before doing it, of course.

                      Thanks for your advices !


                      Sat today


                      • Guest

                        Hi everybody !

                        Here are the chants we are doing regularly so you don’t have to seek them everywhere. I hope it will help.


                        Sat today


                        The Three Refuge Verse
                        (Sanki Raimon)

                        I take refuge in Buddha,
                        with the prayer that living beings may embody the great way
                        and give rise to the highest aspiration.

                        I take refuge in dharma,
                        with the prayer that living beings
                        may enter deeply into the sutras, that ocean of wisdom.

                        I take refuge in sangha,
                        with the prayer that living beings may ensure
                        that the great assembly is entirely free from hindrances.


                        Sanki raimon
                        (The Three Refuge Verse)

                        Ji kie Butsu

                        To gan shu jō
                        tai ge dai dō
                        hotsu mu jō i

                        Ji kie Ho

                        To gan shu jō
                        jin nyu kyo zo
                        chi e nyo kai

                        Ji kie So

                        To gan shu jō
                        tō ri dai shu
                        is-sai mu ge


                        Kaikyo Ge ( used for opening the Sutra verse )

                        The Dharma incomparably profound and infinitely subtle
                        Is always encountered, but rarely perceived.
                        Now we see, hear, receive and maintain this
                        may we all realize the Tahtagatha's true meaning.»

                        Kaikyo Ge

                        Mujô jinjin mimyô hô
                        hyaku senman gô nan sôgû
                        Ga kon kemmon toku juji
                        Gange nyorai shinjitsu gi


                        The Heart of the Perfection of Great Wisdom Sutra*
                        (Maka Hannya Haramita Shin Gyo)

                        A/vo/lo/ki/tes/va/ra/ Bod/hi/satt/va/, A/wa/kened/ One/ of/ Com/pas/sion/,
                        In/ Praj/na/ Pa/ra/mi/ta/, the/Deep/ Prac/tice/ of/ Per/fect/ Wis/dom/* Per/ceived/ the/ emp/ti/ness/ of /all /five /con/di/tions/,
                        And/ was/ free/ of/ suf/fer/ing/.
                        O/ Sha/ri/pu/tra/, form/ is/ no/ o/ther/ than/ emp/ti/ness/, Emp/ti/ness/ no/ o/ther/ than/ form/;
                        Form/ is/ pre/cise/ly/ emp/ti/ness/, emp/ti/ness/ pre/cise/ly/ form/.
                        Sen/sa/tions/, per/cep/tions/, for/ma/tions/ and/ con/scious/ness/ are/ al/so/ like/ this/. O/ Sha/ri/pu/tra/, all/ things/ are/ ex/pres/sions/ of/ emp/ti/ness/,
                        Not/ born/, not/ des/troyed/, not/ stained/, not/ pure/;
                        Nei/ther/ wax/ing/ nor/ wan/ing/.
                        Thus/ emp/ti/ness/ is/ not/ form/; not/ sen/sa/tion/ nor/ per/cep/tion/,
                        not/ for/ma/tion/ nor/ con/scious/ness/.
                        No/ eye/, ear/, nose/, tongue/, bo/dy/, mind/;
                        No/ sight/, sound/, smell/, taste/, touch/, nor/ ob/ject/ of/ mind/;
                        No/ realm/ of/ sight/, no/ realm/ of/ con/scious/ness/; No/ ig/no/rance/, no/ end/ to/ ig/no/rance/;
                        No/ old/ age/ and/ death/,
                        No/ ces/sa/tion/ of/ old/ age/ and/ death/;
                        No/ suf/fer/ing/, nor/ cause/ or/ end/ to/ suf/fer/ing/;
                        No/ path/, no/ wis/dom/ and/ no/ gain/.
                        No/ gain/ – thus/ Bod/dhi/satt/vas/ live/ this/ Praj/na/ Pa/ra/mi/ta/* With/ no/ hin/drance/ of/ mind/ –
                        No/ hin/drance/ there/fore/ no/ fear/.
                        Far/ be/yond/ all/ de/lu/sion/, Nir/va/na/ is/ al/rea/dy/ here/.
                        All/ past/, pre/sent/ and/ fu/ture/ Budd/has/
                        Live/ this/ Praj/na/ Pa/ra/mi/ta/*
                        And/ re/al/ize/ su/preme/ and/ com/plete/ en/light/en/ment/. There/fore/ know/ that/ Praj/na/ Pa/ra/mi/ta/
                        Is/ the/ sac/red/ man/tra/, the/ lu/min/ous/ man/tra/,
                        the/ sup/reme/ man/tra/, the/ in/com/pa/ra/ble/ man/tra/
                        by/ which/ all/ suf/fe/ring/ is/ clear/.
                        This/ is/ no/ o/ther/ than/ Truth/.
                        There/fore/ set/ forth/ the/ Praj/na/ Pa/ra/mi/ta/ man/tra/.
                        Set/ forth/ this/ man/tra/ and/ pro/claim/1x) Gate! Gate!
                        * Paragate! Parasamgate! * Bodhi! Svaha!
                        (Already Gone, Gone) (Already Gone Beyond) (Already Fully Beyond)
                        (Awakening, Rejoice)


                        Maka Hannya Haramita Shin Gyo*

                        Kan Ji Zai Bo Satsu Gyo Jin Han Nya Ha Ra Mi Ta Ji Sho Ken* Go On Kai Ku Do I Sai Ku Yaku Sha Ri Shi Shiki Fu I Ku Ku Fu I Shiki Shiki Soku Ze Ku Ku Soku Ze Shiki Ju So Gyo Shiki Yaku Bu Nyo Ze Sha Ri Shi Ze Sho Ho Ku So Fu Sho Fu Metsu Fu Ku Fu Jo Fu Zo Fu Gen Ze Ko Ku Chu Mu Shiki Mu Ju So Gyo Shiki Mu Gen Ni Bi Ze Shin Ni Mu Shiki Sho Ko Mi Soku Ho Mu Gen Kai Nai Shi Mu I Shiki Kai Mu Mu Myo Yaku Mu Mu Myo Jin Nai Shi Mu Ro Shi Yaku Mu Ro Shi Jin Mu Ku Shu Metsu Do Mu Chi Yaku Mu Toku I Mu Sho Tok ko Bo Dai Sat Ta E Han- Nya Ha Ra Mi Ta* Ko Shin Mu Kei Ge Mu Kei Ge Ko Mu U Ku Fu On Ri Is Sai Ten Do Mu So Ku Gyo Ne Han San Ze Sho Butsu E Han Nya Ha Ra Mi Ta* Ko Toku A Noku Ta Ra San Myaku San Bo Dai Ko Chi Han-Nya Ha Ra Mi Ta Ze Dai Jin Shu Ze Dai Myo Shu Ze Mu Jo Shu Ze Mu To To Shu No Jo Is Sai Ku Shin Jitsu Fu Ko Ko Setsu Han Nya Ha Ra Mi Ta Shu Soku Setsu Shu Watsu Gya Tei Gya Tei * Ha Ra Gya Tei Hara So Gya Tei * Bo Ji Sowa Ka Han Nya Shin Gyo



                        Negawaku wa kono kudoku wo motte,

                        amaneku issai ni oyoboshi,
warera to shujô to mina tomoni

                        butsudô wo jô zen koto wo.

                        May the merits of these teachings penetrate into each thing in all places,
                        so that we and every sentient being together may realize the Buddha’s Way.


                        Ji Ho San Shi

                        ø All Buddhas throughout space and time
                        ø All Bodhisattvas-Mahasattvas
                        ø Maha • Prajna • Paramita •••••••


                        Ji Ho San Shi

                        Ji hō san shi i shi fu
                        Shi son bu sa mo ko sa
                        Mo ko ho ja ho ro mi


                        Ten-Verse Sutra of Avalokiteshvara
                        Enmei Jukku Kannon Gyo *

                        (Chant 7 times)
                        At one with Buddha
                        Directly Buddha
                        Also indirectly Buddha
                        And indirectly Buddha, Dharma, Sangha
                        Joyful, pure eternal being!
                        Morning mind is *Kanzeon
                        Evening mind is *Kanzeon
                        Nen, nen arises from mind
                        Nen, nen is not separate from mind.

                        Enmei Jukku Kannon Gyo *

                        (Chant 7 times)

                        Kanzeon Namu Butsu Yo Butsu U In
                        Yo Butsu U En
                        Bup Po So En
                        Jo Raku Ga Jo
                        Cho Nen Kanzeon
                        Bo Nen Kanzeon
                        Nen Nen Ju Shin Ki
                        Nen Nen Fu Ri Shin


                        The Four Vows

                        To save all sentient beings, though beings numberless
                        To transform all delusions, though delusions inexhaustible
                        To perceive Reality, tough Reality is boundless
                        To attain the Enlightened Way, a Way non-attainable

                        Shi Gu Sei Gan Mon (The Four Vows in Japanese)

                        SHU JO MU HEN SEI GAN DO

                        BON NO MU JIN SEI GAN DAN

                        HO MON MU RYO SEI GAN GAKU

                        BUTSUDO MU JO SEI GAN JO



                        Buddham saranam gachami
                        Dhammam saranam gachami
                        Sangham saranam gachami
                        Last edited by Bion; 04-04-2024, 10:38 AM. Reason: added Treeleaf versions of chants


                        • aprapti
                          • Jun 2017
                          • 889

                          Originally posted by Yuki
                          I will try to be more proactive in communication despite my bad English
                          ha ha , i wish my French would be as bad as your English, my friend.


                          hobo kore dojo / 歩歩是道場 / step, step, there is my place of practice

                          Aprāpti (अप्राप्ति) non-attainment


                          • Guest

                            Hi !

                            For the rest of this week, we dedicate our practice in Chanting and Zazen Circle to Rev. Nonin Chowaney and « Theophan » Richard who both passed from this fleeting world.

                            Sat today


                            • Anchi
                              • Sep 2015
                              • 556

                              Life itself is the only teacher.
                              一 Joko Beck

                              安知 Anchi


                              • Eigan
                                • Mar 2021
                                • 73

                                Finally found this place!

