Hello Jeffrey,
it's all okay if we can take a deep breath once in a while and just acknowledge that communication itself is a very tough business.
One person refers to religion and relates it to lots of structural and historical facts, others to their own life awareness shaped by certain wonderful individuals that belonged to a tradition, others again just mix and match to their heart's content and are too busy trying to be a good person to stop and wonder too much about definitions.
Where I personally totally agree is that these days our individualist culture has led to the erosion of useful definitions.
I am luckily in no position to tell anyone when they start/stop being a Catholic/Jew etc., but as a matter of personal opinion I am also a bit sad that basically Catholic/Buddhist can mean just about anything these days.
However, in terms of Zen practise all those labels are just useful bullshit anyhow. Look at people walking their walk, not how they talk their talk
Hans Chudo Mongen
it's all okay if we can take a deep breath once in a while and just acknowledge that communication itself is a very tough business.
One person refers to religion and relates it to lots of structural and historical facts, others to their own life awareness shaped by certain wonderful individuals that belonged to a tradition, others again just mix and match to their heart's content and are too busy trying to be a good person to stop and wonder too much about definitions.
Where I personally totally agree is that these days our individualist culture has led to the erosion of useful definitions.
I am luckily in no position to tell anyone when they start/stop being a Catholic/Jew etc., but as a matter of personal opinion I am also a bit sad that basically Catholic/Buddhist can mean just about anything these days.
However, in terms of Zen practise all those labels are just useful bullshit anyhow. Look at people walking their walk, not how they talk their talk

Hans Chudo Mongen