[ARTS]: Big and Little Poetry--free verse, any verse.

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  • Tai Shi
    • Oct 2014
    • 3482

    Tom A! Thank you for your Poetry. Please give us more...
    Tai Shi
    Peaceful, Tai Shi. Ubasoku; calm, supportive, for positive poetry 優婆塞 台 婆


    • Tai Shi
      • Oct 2014
      • 3482

      Thank you two new posts. All are welcome and appreciated to post here your own thoughts and poems and stories about your journey to becoming a writer and whole person!
      Peaceful, Tai Shi. Ubasoku; calm, supportive, for positive poetry 優婆塞 台 婆


      • Tai Shi
        • Oct 2014
        • 3482

        If you feel that you are on your own way and perhaps need some rest or a little help from your friends here at Treeleaf Zendo your poetry and your thoughts will reach out and I hope you find a way or place to share your thoughts and explore your own poetry with us and even a discussion. Share with us please.
        Peaceful, Tai Shi. Ubasoku; calm, supportive, for positive poetry 優婆塞 台 婆


        • Tai Shi
          • Oct 2014
          • 3482

          Be Mindfull so Silently.

          I sit before thinking, without
          Morning rising sun
          Drenched tangerine light
          Wistful sages in their caves
          Withstand late spring.
          Yesterday in forests green
          Trees, Douglas fur with sure
          Understanding of life, rising
          Through brown earth, all
          Is as is, Knowledge of forest
          Thick volunteering of mind
          Seedlings populate mindfulness

          Another treestand, days
          Apart, a sunlight drenched
          Sitting normally, no full
          Days, only lament, crying
          Heavy tears, humanity
          Destroying yet another
          Forest stand with anger,
          Firmament undecided
          Hericanes rip land, pull
          Bark off Tree, 100 miles
          An hour. Wind, sand slapping,
          Grinding as tricks haus approach.

          Away lumber trucks of divided
          Wood stubs, death cut
          Of trees, no other thought
          We only wish for more
          Trees, more tears decend
          Like rain, with simple
          Water and salt for meals
          Of salt fiber, wonderment
          How can this be, another
          Tree ripped out of earth,
          Sideways, forward, hither
          Reminding me of deluge,
          Noan day with army marches
          Forth with bulldoser, tree
          Crane pulling machines
          Wood harvested, ripped
          Out of earth, unkindly,
          We pray stop this day.

          Then we all can stop, let
          More noise roll under, over
          Torent like river ofend or not
          We may practice mindfuness
          We may sit quietly as doctor
          Hacks our leg off, or therapy
          Demands our ultimate
          Attention, sit quietly
          Let Shikantaza be.

          Last edited by Tai Shi; 08-05-2024, 03:32 PM.
          Peaceful, Tai Shi. Ubasoku; calm, supportive, for positive poetry 優婆塞 台 婆


          • Tai Shi
            • Oct 2014
            • 3482

            How Precepts Began

            Good drink morning decaff
            Sauce with artificial sweetner
            Arttificial ceeamer, neither
            Can be called what they
            Imitate, who should drink
            GIVE what shy drenches
            Daily pain without death
            Will come eventually
            To temple, temple devoid
            Of man, woman, aged
            One sixty-nine, the other
            Seventy-two aching in pain
            Such afforded Tai Shi, water
            Kyousui, don't you know
            We are in pain always look
            Ahead to death which stalks
            Our very essence our death
            Imminant, falters, devides
            Our limbs, as we cannot
            Write anymore, what is sanctified.

            Our days fong for rescue
            No one comes, no one wishes
            Life, everyone is what we know,
            What we do with nothing,
            With emptiness, dumped
            Into night, old men fading
            Bodies, with seeping blood, legs
            Arms with blood, we are The Christ,
            Jesus who says you will suffer
            In the lake of fire, in the flames
            Be Consumed, every part like
            Lazerus who begged for even
            Tourch of tongue, or is it

            Buddha who offers kindness
            Loving without heat, freedom
            From torture, just ask shall
            Be free, shall sholder messages
            Of opposite, less sufering
            Upon huts, fires, warmth over
            Winter when rain drenched
            Never we sing for warmth, we
            Know what brings camp songs
            With Shikantaza, August now,
            In a few months, cold will
            Come back. It always does
            We sit beside fires, tell of lands
            Where pagans, sacrifice, death
            Through dear animals which we
            Cannot abide, Buddha said
            Practice Zazen, practice respect
            For life, do not steal, then you will
            Finally find this peace longed for..

            Last edited by Tai Shi; 08-06-2024, 12:22 PM.
            Peaceful, Tai Shi. Ubasoku; calm, supportive, for positive poetry 優婆塞 台 婆


            • Tai Shi
              • Oct 2014
              • 3482

              Some notes on my poetry. I do not seek to obscure. I write no hidden meaning. When I speak of sexuality, I only restate what psychologists agree, that personality is neither all man or all woman, but each of us is a combination of both, and even neutral have elements of female an male, and almost all agree, flowers are both female and male with pistal and ovum. So are human beings elements of both man and woman though some are more masculine or some feminine. The second long poem deals with divorce, my mother ending their marriage after only 13 years. My wife and I have chosen to be loyal to each other in life and death. Since our first meeting January 7, 1980, we both have had no other, and now we grow old together, whereas my father had three wives, two died and one divorced. My brother also divorced three wives, and I see some men take advantage of women, and more often it is men who take advantage, and even physically hurt their wives. my mother had two husbands, one divorced, second true until she died at 68. It is more important for me to remain loyal to my wife and Marajorie is derived from Latin to Spanish, "Pearl." I regard Marjorie as a prescious pearl. Family to us is ultimate. Our daughter, and we chose to have one child, so our daughter has earned her PhD with highest honors, Dr. Laurel Ann Taylor, and she will be in September Associate Professor of Japanese, and she is full time tenure track position at the University of Denver, a fine liberal arts university, but I chose to attain less, and her mother worked for the government for 32 years, and is and was a superior mind like our daughter. I gave our daughter direction of literature, as she will be Professor of Japanese, and her mother was quality control officer for the United States, Sioux Falls Veterans Regional Administration, a position equalivant to Lutenant Colneral in the Armey, G.S. 12.8 when she retired, and had worked here way from G.S. 5, typist, eauning BA cutural anthropology with 4.0, highest distintion MA with 3.95. and my best degree was the MFA in creative writing/poetry with 3.9 GPA. BA English literature, Ma English, EdS higher education. I rose to position of Professor in my last year teaching for The University of South Dakota though I was par-time.. I did for two years atain continuing contract at a college in Nebraska. Most often please look for literal meanings in my poetry; yet, making use of stanza, rime, metter, and metaphor, simile, and all the sound conventions of poetry. Look for conventions of poetry, and obvious meanings, and I strive for beauty. One more note. I have two debiliting life-long diseases. Ankylosing Spondylitis a serious form of arthritis, and bipolar disorder, a moderat to serious mental illness. My mental illness is completly under control, and I breath easily. For 37 years I have had no alcoholic drink not one drop. For 22 years I have had no smoke or no tobacco, nor any illeagal drugs for almost 38 years. I did regulate pain of arthritis with large doses of legal doctor prescribed narcotics; then, I chose not to use most narcotics keeping a small dose of minimal narcotic. doctor prescribed, because I sometimes suffer level 9 pain. This is all that you need to know my father's name is Lenard E Taylor, and my English name is Charles E Taylor, My mother was Dorothy Viola Hoffman'and I have published under both Charles E Taylor and Charles Taylor. I was named from both grandfathers' names. That is all the truth you need to know concerning my poetry. Just rember--there is no hidden meaning in my poetry.
              Tai Shi
              Last edited by Tai Shi; 08-07-2024, 01:55 PM.
              Peaceful, Tai Shi. Ubasoku; calm, supportive, for positive poetry 優婆塞 台 婆


              • Tai Shi
                • Oct 2014
                • 3482

                To all members, those who post, those who read, those who contemplate, thank you. Our Poetry Bord, Big and Little, a success, thank you all for posting!!!
                Yes Tai Shi.
                Peaceful, Tai Shi. Ubasoku; calm, supportive, for positive poetry 優婆塞 台 婆


                • Tai Shi
                  • Oct 2014
                  • 3482

                  May we...

                  How great as a rain
                  Cloud fills with droplets
                  Who would know this
                  Miriad garden of plants, flow
                  Of great fish, great flock
                  Of birds, we gather in
                  Wanting nothing great
                  Poems written by many
                  Women and men, may
                  We never rest from poetry.
                  Thank you all, may
                  We never rest from poetry.

                  Last edited by Tai Shi; 08-11-2024, 07:54 PM.
                  Peaceful, Tai Shi. Ubasoku; calm, supportive, for positive poetry 優婆塞 台 婆


                  • Tai Shi
                    • Oct 2014
                    • 3482

                    Any member, those without Jukai, thise with Jukai, with equinimity come here and write your poetry, any poetry. All are welcome, all may with care and peace,lovingly, come to be and see. Do not throw stones, Oh, do not kill others, but bring solemnity and grace. Be with all of us, all can see, all may write with thee!

                    Last edited by Tai Shi; 08-12-2024, 11:41 AM.
                    Peaceful, Tai Shi. Ubasoku; calm, supportive, for positive poetry 優婆塞 台 婆


                    • Tai Shi
                      • Oct 2014
                      • 3482

                      Essence of Stability

                      When one seeks to turn the river
                      One inserts one finger into eddy
                      Of water, one hand into currrent
                      Only. Nothing happens so owner
                      Gets excited, "Why did not river
                      Turn with my will? Why do I sit
                      Lividly with whole hand in current
                      Expecting this water to change?"

                      Nothing so pushes will of water,
                      Even with dam can no water turn
                      Damed up, the whole rainbow; message
                      Becoes forgotton like air in storms. Storm
                      Is water is made into gas, gasses are
                      Compounded yet different, why
                      Different, molecules of vapor, of life
                      Mingle together, inert gasses.

                      Nitrogen supports Oxygen supports
                      Water into gasses, oh where is river
                      If water becomes one with air,
                      What can become of anger if water
                      Becomes H2O, hydrogen is one part
                      Proton one part neuton supports
                      Life supports Volitle Hydyogen, too
                      Hydrogen can be single building

                      Block of created matter, matter
                      Become complex, for cannot water
                      Be sait? Composed of more atoms,
                      One atom glides to water, water
                      Becomes collection of atoms,
                      Proton with neutron, with charged
                      Particle positing charge between
                      Layers of particles, what more is said?

                      Anger slips away in holding into breaking
                      Slowly into Rainbow, into colored energy
                      Promise of new substance, of end of storm
                      What becames of anger if all disapates
                      To energy, to likeness of human face
                      Changing to matter, anger matters
                      Not when it disapates into what becomes
                      Of all, of water, ait, and salt, blood turns

                      River to humanity, to smile from energy,
                      Turned on side of emotion turns energy,
                      Turns matter, from matter becomes
                      Human blood, tissue with brain, brain,
                      To hand, all tissue, all from Proton, Neuton,
                      Chaged electron energy, matter energy
                      Combining solid, where did anger go
                      Into air, live in Sangha, uncharge stability?

                      Deepest bows
                      Good yes to all
                      Last edited by Tai Shi; 08-16-2024, 01:55 PM.
                      Peaceful, Tai Shi. Ubasoku; calm, supportive, for positive poetry 優婆塞 台 婆


                      • Tai Shi
                        • Oct 2014
                        • 3482

                        One Leans of Priests

                        My anger swells to listen to what?
                        To no one, leave me choices
                        "NO," I shout, where is life? Not here?
                        Where there is Priestly garments? There
                        I sit, Oh, shoved into darkness? There

                        What became of meanining?
                        There Douglas Fur, let me know?
                        What became of Tree leaves? Needles
                        Of Trees, Leaf into Sangha, where
                        Treeleaf can spring from one branch

                        Many needles, from Trees all alive,
                        Leafing edge, coming together
                        Let us sing in choior, let us ring
                        Free. Sing into dark from lightest
                        Sky when we sing anger leaves

                        From mind of community, no lingering
                        Argument, so be from sips, my lips
                        Drink water, fountain slakes all tongues
                        Thirsty mouths sing praises of Love,
                        "How do I change?" Is not rebirth present

                        Like death into life, like life into life
                        Into more life? Rebirth into birth
                        Hear voices of babies, where we
                        Can see anger--be it nothing to seek
                        Food, singing just says where are we

                        Consuming supper? What can we eat?
                        Anger is sought to seek where
                        Is supper, Sangha feeds with long
                        Handle of Loving Kindness, enough
                        Around, anger to Loving Kindness.

                        Loving Kindness for not Anger,
                        Foment no sea of anger rather life
                        Trees of Loving Kindness, I was leaf
                        Wrong to lift my hand in word, not
                        To fit Words to no Loving Kindness

                        We sing together the great Spring
                        Of being to twelve parts, from more
                        Or less? Or six or eight? oh explain how
                        Anger is duality, so turn over round
                        Leaf to Kindness our Buddhist reality

                        One side from color to color, all green
                        In Lotus Sutra. All may attain, flower
                        Of Bodhisatva, all may gain wisdom
                        Of Buddhahood through Loving Kindness
                        Kindness is our religion--as one choir!

                        Last edited by Tai Shi; 08-18-2024, 11:45 AM.
                        Peaceful, Tai Shi. Ubasoku; calm, supportive, for positive poetry 優婆塞 台 婆


                        • Kokuu
                          Dharma Transmitted Priest
                          • Nov 2012
                          • 6989

                          One side from color to color, all green
                          In Lotus Sutra. All may attain, flower
                          Of Bodhisatva, all may gain wisdom
                          Of Buddhahood through Loving Kindness
                          Kindness is our religion--as one choir!
                          That's lovely, Tai Shi!



                          • Tai Shi
                            • Oct 2014
                            • 3482

                            When Tradition Abandoned.

                            What becomes of tradition
                            For ordinary people, how
                            Can we slip into practice
                            When tradution is expelled
                            From little peons, please
                            Look at meaning of "peon,"
                            How do we fathom even
                            With education to understand

                            How wicked we are, if we carry
                            Lice, if we openly disregard
                            Normal behavior, our
                            Country be impoverished,
                            I was entirely poor as a boy
                            Yet I became beautiful
                            Spread joy and beauty
                            Then became one expelled
                            From beauty from flowers
                            Of night from Ango, from
                            Jukai, my Jukai was true

                            Undertaking of Precepts,
                            No one to see equality
                            Among members
                            Of Zendo, I begin
                            To search where my
                            Own Wisdom, my own
                            Freedom to practice
                            Buddhism, to feel Loving
                            Kindness, Always free
                            From night of Loving
                            Kindness, I am expelled
                            As my Friend who saved
                            Me, the only man I have loved
                            In many years of Kindness
                            I yet follow, the open
                            Monestary is not fair,
                            Nor is it delight
                            As in Lotus Sutra
                            Which declares we
                            Are equal, we are equal
                            Or not, I resign my
                            Ubasoku, yet feel
                            My linage, linage
                            When one was fair.
                            So I begin my search.

                            Tai Shi
                            Peaceful, Tai Shi. Ubasoku; calm, supportive, for positive poetry 優婆塞 台 婆


                            • Tai Shi
                              • Oct 2014
                              • 3482


                              In any garden
                              Adorning all gracious flowers
                              There blooms snap dragons
                              Which bear bells of shape
                              Male parts, shunts of Power
                              Snaps of gonads familiar
                              To all, yet sap of dragon's oval
                              Ovum inside flower of richest
                              Female, Again we find in both
                              Male with female, loop

                              Of feminine shape in life
                              Everpresent male disguised
                              As most masculinity.
                              Necessary Feminine with each
                              To Each gone as seperate
                              Indiferance of desire.
                              Together lives! In weeping vial
                              All desend, Imparting seed

                              Answering other's need
                              Power, never simalarities
                              Proliferated out of likeness,
                              Inseminated, germinating
                              Flowers. Aparting, strength,
                              Stem. Best blooming buds, all
                              Whichi night never havested.
                              Motion's beautiful irregularity.
                              Bugs devouring, colors gone,

                              Pestel never strong enough
                              Irregular Queen of all emptiness.
                              Whatgarden ever alone
                              Without grasshopper eating
                              Every bud, germinating
                              Necter in meadows
                              Never presume

                              Rare soil, smell
                              Apart, together, raised
                              In familiar gardens
                              Man of woman, spectacular.
                              Breeding bright blades of color
                              In earthen toil from creativity,
                              Disguised bright humanity
                              Planted rows, giving,

                              Soil pollenation,
                              Something germinating
                              Sometimes not ever touched
                              Never enslaved,
                              Eternal Pain, flame
                              Deep inside for both.

                              Tai Shi, one of my best,
                              Charles E Taylor
                              Last edited by Tai Shi; 08-19-2024, 12:45 PM.
                              Peaceful, Tai Shi. Ubasoku; calm, supportive, for positive poetry 優婆塞 台 婆


                              • Tai Shi
                                • Oct 2014
                                • 3482

                                We have all learned valuable lessons which could be turned into poetry. Look inside for your valuable lessons, there you will surely find gems of love and frustration, even hate which can be turned and dulled by the open heart of a poem, as one great man said, poetry is the overflow of strong feelings, (emotions) recolected in tranquility (or remembered in verse.). Try your hand twice, three times, You just might find a passion you could enjoy for life, and make poems in the silence of your heart, Open your feelings to the caves of solitude, be alone with your verses, in a journal, or a notebook. Give your soul to a path, to sorrow or joy, Poetry is negative caapability. Then you will be never really be alone again because these gems will be mounted into pages of glory.

                                Gassho Tai Shi
                                sat today/ lent a hand
                                Last edited by Tai Shi; 08-19-2024, 07:58 PM.
                                Peaceful, Tai Shi. Ubasoku; calm, supportive, for positive poetry 優婆塞 台 婆

