[ARTS]: Big and Little Poetry--free verse, any verse.

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  • Tom A.
    • May 2020
    • 255

    Not Quite Poetry Poetry

    A continuum:

    Having nothing <——> having everything

    Always wanting more and more of everything to prove that “I” exist…

    I sometimes feel devastated if I move towards the “having nothing” side of the continuum…

    Often, I am not accepting x (loss and other disappointments) when I want y (gain)…

    There is another way:

    Soto Zen teacher Jukoshu Kwong calls it “an active participation with loss.” And Kodo Sawaki says, “gain is delusion; loss is enlightenment.”

    No need to prove to anyone (including myself) that “I” exist through gaining more, more and more. It is okay to grieve what is not possible, and what is lost, while at the same time feeling joy, wonder and simplicity while doing everything to “keep the wolf from the door” while lending a hand to others…

    The clouds float freely through the blue sky, the blue sky and clouds are just the blue sky and clouds no matter how much “loss” or “gain” I experience because there ultimately is no loss or gain…even though there IS loss and gain.

    Not wanting x and wanting y, accepting x even while still wanting y… and doing my best to let go of y, when that is needed…

    One time or ten thousand times until “my” non-“death” death…

    It is a beautiful and often a challenging way of life…




    Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk Pro
    “Do what’s hard to do when it is the right thing to do.”- Robert Sopalsky


    • Tai Shi
      • Oct 2014
      • 3482

      Chasing my tail ends when I realize it is my own.
      I and everything becomes Zazen being zazen,
      the hand opens, clouds float by, the mirror reflects, it is okay
      to want X and accept Y, feel feelings, stumble a bit… then, as gracefully as possible, getting on with being helpful and kind.

      Peaceful, Tai Shi. Ubasoku; calm, supportive, for positive poetry 優婆塞 台 婆


      • Tai Shi
        • Oct 2014
        • 3482

        The clouds float freely through the blue sky, the blue sky and clouds are just the blue sky and clouds no matter how much “loss” or “gain” I experience because there ultimately is no loss or gain…even though there IS loss and gain.

        Very nice
        Peaceful, Tai Shi. Ubasoku; calm, supportive, for positive poetry 優婆塞 台 婆


        • Tai Shi
          • Oct 2014
          • 3482

          Too much for Dear Friend

          I weep for beginnings
          Ends of poems, lines
          Of poems begun just
          Before spring when
          I loved her so much
          My heart aches fir desire
          For herr was not desire
          For her body, but for her
          Eternity which I saw
          In a small sketch
          Above the window
          Which I crawled
          Into to undo the latch
          To the door to my
          Old friends who Oh,
          I just now realized
          How much I loved
          Even Tomas who
          Drank too much
          Like me, who I could
          Not rescue because
          He was too much
          Like me would not
          Stop drinking, made
          Himself sot before
          It was too late, so I
          Go on, go on, go on.

          Tai Shi,
          Peaceful, Tai Shi. Ubasoku; calm, supportive, for positive poetry 優婆塞 台 婆


          • Tai Shi
            • Oct 2014
            • 3482

            Courage for Both

            I am the victim of trees
            In beginnings of cold
            Visions of spring, green
            As I look out to covet
            Spring days where we
            Once walked hand, hand
            Hand befor the spring days
            Of late March when beyond
            The Ides we smote days
            Keeping love in our
            Hearts, we knew we would
            Marry in June before
            June 13th when we would
            Depart from Hokkaido
            To Chatem, New Jersey
            Not knowing her skin
            Was dark was dark
            Unlike white parents
            Who then we realized
            Parents had adopted.

            deep bows
            Peaceful, Tai Shi. Ubasoku; calm, supportive, for positive poetry 優婆塞 台 婆


            • Tai Shi
              • Oct 2014
              • 3482

              My Heart Weeps

              Are places, Netherlands, More

              I was friends with first Zazen
              Teachers, advised me, that to sit
              There was special zazen chair,
              Chair one could sit zazen, first
              Zazenkai, told me about first
              Zazenkai, met them early on
              Facebook. Their town's people
              Attacked their village, even
              Reported to us on Facebook
              These were days when Facebook
              Became reporters of those shark
              Things befalling ordinary Zen
              Folks in our world, so these peace
              Folks felt bights of fangs normal
              People striking normal people like
              Anabaptist centuries before when
              Protestants and Catholics attacked
              Other religions, so is Zazen religion
              Some say not not religion way of
              Life, I break poems in middle of
              Prepositional phrases sometimes
              I don't spell right of include an
              Article in my writing, so town's
              People took a dislike to those
              Different, bird-wing Zen Buddhism
              This was different in 2010 when
              Enclave was slaughtered then
              Cabins, soy hut, gardens, homes
              Clotheslines swiftness downed
              Other, mistakes in sitting, moved
              Zazen village, kept it quiet, came
              Back to Facebook to teach people
              Like me that peaceful sitting was
              Okay and the day I learned of
              Decimation of Zazen village I
              Was stunned beyond belief so
              For years I sat stunned that
              Such things could happen in our
              World is a temple, now with Treeleaf
              Zendo I know the privileged to sit
              Zazen on my computer and
              I weep for little village where
              Children taught to sit zazen,
              Now I OWN MY OWN COMPUTER
              So have this privilege to because
              I am wealthy American
              With enough to eat, wonder often
              What became of Dutch people
              Who tried to sit Zazen, what
              Becomes of Burmese children
              Forced to change name of villages
              Even country where they seek
              To practice Buddhism, government
              Won't let second most persecuted
              Religion, right behind Christian, why
              Couldn't Christian villages seek
              Peace with Buddhism there is
              This misunderstanding that
              Loving Kindness is Idol Worship,
              Pictures and statues of Mother
              Mary are not idol worship so
              Why are statues of Buddha
              Idol Worship instead of Loving
              Kindness I break phrases.

              GasshoTai Shi
              Tai Shi
              Peaceful, Tai Shi. Ubasoku; calm, supportive, for positive poetry 優婆塞 台 婆


              • Tai Shi
                • Oct 2014
                • 3482

                Regret What We Do?

                There are words
                Like ice, ice that bights
                With Cold, that kills
                With my misguided glances
                To criticize, to demand
                Like ignorance in mountains
                To be ignorant of fullness
                This is my fault, though
                I have learned another
                Way, not to report what
                I know not of this
                Situation, like tents
                On mountain passes
                As pioneers struggle
                To understand what
                We see as dust in snowy
                Passes; Donner Party
                Had no recourse, would
                You starve in fields of snow
                Would you deny children
                What they do not understand
                What we see as barbarous
                What we deem as horror?
                How can we condemn
                What is already dead,
                What is left in snow frozen
                In this pass of life survival

                Tai Shi
                Peaceful, Tai Shi. Ubasoku; calm, supportive, for positive poetry 優婆塞 台 婆


                • Anthony
                  • Aug 2023
                  • 122

                  Lukewarm instant coffee
                  illuminates the hot sun
                  There is no cup here
                  just me

                  Anthony, satlah


                  • Tai Shi
                    • Oct 2014
                    • 3482

                    Of Consciousness

                    Would I one cup
                    Bring to mouth
                    To wake my frame
                    Of my idle frame!
                    What cry for us has
                    Done, with this day
                    In Rohatsu, on that
                    Morn when they
                    Appeared to find
                    Prince worshiped,
                    Foretold here Lord
                    Prince to honor, King
                    Oh King realizing all
                    Must die there was
                    A King who wandered
                    To find Loving Kindness
                    To love others as
                    Himself, Love more
                    Than ultimate gift!
                    Waltzing Dancing,
                    Below that Yesterday
                    Trees of Leaves
                    Standing still to be
                    Going down these paths
                    The twelve knowing
                    But the truth of breathe
                    Oh Life , do not
                    Change our beloved
                    Message to all, All
                    To all, each morning
                    Sing and meditate
                    To live in just "the now,"
                    Of yesterdays, to
                    Not look forward
                    Of Consciousness

                    These behind, to sit
                    Right now--to love
                    Another in Loving
                    Kindness, instead
                    Of focus, yet us Play
                    In Receptive Way
                    The Sounds of Earth,
                    Of birds, let them brightly
                    Fly, simply listen, listen,
                    To these sounds of Earth
                    Be; it is time to fly.

                    Tai Shi
                    Deep bows
                    sat/ lend a hand.
                    Last edited by Tai Shi; 03-07-2024, 03:12 PM. Reason: title
                    Peaceful, Tai Shi. Ubasoku; calm, supportive, for positive poetry 優婆塞 台 婆


                    • Tai Shi
                      • Oct 2014
                      • 3482

                      I did not comment on your poem, Anthony, but very nice leisurely poem of morning breakfast, nice to bring coffee to my mouth. I like this very much. Good for you. My coffee is decaf.

                      Last edited by Tai Shi; 03-24-2024, 08:39 PM.
                      Peaceful, Tai Shi. Ubasoku; calm, supportive, for positive poetry 優婆塞 台 婆


                      • Tai Shi
                        • Oct 2014
                        • 3482


                        I left all for all who have written
                        Before we came to meet our lives
                        Together in our other worldly

                        Rhythm and verse which rolls
                        With thunder, into mountains
                        Enter Bodhisattva into likeness

                        Of thunder, into wisdom of ages
                        Twin ages, Mitt-re mighty listen
                        Twin brothers toward listening,

                        Another light performance, without
                        Notice life on Mars existed, mother
                        Earth will live as central position

                        With Sol, old sun with central light
                        As Elon Musk gives design to stars
                        Biggest Star Ship rise, as voyage

                        To essence central to human kind
                        With Buddha likeness infinitesimal
                        Limited never as humanity set forth

                        And they all said no, thus space limited
                        Never nothing, giving mother of recording
                        Each hour, what is your technique--less.

                        Last edited by Tai Shi; 03-24-2024, 08:40 PM. Reason: tittle
                        Peaceful, Tai Shi. Ubasoku; calm, supportive, for positive poetry 優婆塞 台 婆


                        • Tai Shi
                          • Oct 2014
                          • 3482

                          Not Like Our Child

                          母親 Mother, you were my parent
                          Along with Dougie who was my brother,
                          We sank below this flood of filthy water,
                          With these rats and this scum, unbelief

                          When I tell this storey of destitute
                          People, they were us, we sank below
                          These rats, and scum, how did
                          Our dog Pokey, and our cat Tinker

                          Survive these swirling waters, I don't
                          Know, how the Bell did not Tolle when I
                          Sat Zazen, quite reach the foundation,
                          Waded out into gully, picked our

                          Cat Tinker, guided Pokey to rescue both
                          From swerling, then there was Buffer
                          The ferocious cat who picked that rat
                          Right of the winter, dirt and filth,

                          Rat into living room cat snapped
                          Its neck. I beat the rodent
                          With Broom handle; we through
                          That animal, dead as a doornail.

                          Moved to that house where Masons
                          Rented, again house with rats. I would
                          Hear them scurry up the ancient walls
                          Plaster on slats. I never saw one rodent

                          Our cats caught no animals up walls
                          Plaster, so I was not afraid, just heard
                          Animals up the hollow walls, plaster
                          Was to be seventeen, wait for college

                          If I would be accepted into The Little
                          Harvard of the Midwest, or I would
                          Be transported to University of Iowa,
                          I worked for shame magazine company

                          Collecting money to go to go to Grinnell
                          I left before I flunked out of
                          School to live with dad, called dad
                          From the start, he had visited once

                          To see our poverty, lack of bread,
                          White bread like dough, when I went
                          To Grinnell all I saw was food and dishes,
                          Delectable food, steak, halves of roast

                          Chicken I worked in rich kid's kitchen, heck,
                          My mother 母親 never bought our food,
                          We ate surplus food, commodities
                          Passed out to poor kids, to poor parents

                          Could not afford much except cornmeal
                          And Flour, pancakes, maple fake syrup
                          I lived with dad who I had not
                          Seen for ten years, sank into mystery

                          I returned from Europe, reapplied myself
                          At Grinnell College, must have been Waldo
                          Walker, dean of students, Nick Ryan both
                          Let me go back to school, no rats, poor

                          Cats became royalty of our family, Pokey died
                          Chasing First semester, pulled myself
                          Off Academic Probation, my GPA, 2.3, eventually
                          To graduate school because I pulled two

                          As, 2.87 at time of graduation, I sang
                          Of the Apple trees, the women I had known
                          At Grinnell College, TS Eliot, Wallace
                          Stevens, John Milton, Emily Dickinson "Who

                          Am I, to croke my name to an admiring bog,"
                          One F intro to math. To graduate school
                          Our years of therapy, made me mailable
                          Like gold MA, EdS 3.69, taught, MFA 3.9.

                          I became sober, we had our child, gifted child,
                          We grew up in poverty, we gave her,
                          Middle-class upbringing, outdid my misery
                          4.0 for her Middlebury, University of Iowa, 4,0+ MFA,

                          PhD at Washington University, St Louis,
                          Gifted, we marveled had raised gifted
                          Young Woman. Could we take credit, no!
                          Professor of Japanese, watch her Hooding.

                          Traveled to St Louis to see her hooding,
                          Honor, was Valedictorian High School,
                          Fulbright PhD, we lived in he evidenced
                          We found gold in her reality, focused life.

                          This is our story, I am seventy-two, she is
                          Sixty-nine, we still love each other, my
                          Spine, I sleep in Lay Z Boy for my back;
                          Sleeps in our bed, still love each to each.

                          Tai Shi
                          Last edited by Tai Shi; 04-01-2024, 09:25 AM. Reason: Love of life.
                          Peaceful, Tai Shi. Ubasoku; calm, supportive, for positive poetry 優婆塞 台 婆


                          • Tai Shi
                            • Oct 2014
                            • 3482

                            Such wonderful poetry!

                            Tai Shi
                            Deep, Deep bows
                            Peaceful, Tai Shi. Ubasoku; calm, supportive, for positive poetry 優婆塞 台 婆


                            • Tai Shi
                              • Oct 2014
                              • 3482

                              New Space Race

                              They planted cherry blossoms,
                              Hundreds of Trees, silk poetry
                              Three hundred not enough
                              Spring gift to Americans
                              Decades after they conducted
                              War, wars, wars, World to end
                              All Wars in France, Now Plumb
                              Village, beauty where trenches
                              Filled with gas, experiments gas
                              Geniva decided never gas again
                              Poor Hitler had been gassed do
                              Any remember cruelty to Jews
                              Why Jews, why Jews, we now
                              Remember nothing, German people
                              Japanese people spread harmony,
                              First to die in Ukraine, who
                              Knew Russian tyranny, why Ukraine
                              Why Ukraine, gassed, bombed,
                              After big World War came together
                              Formed Republic, so Russia sat
                              On Continent, where grudge sat

                              Then peacefully fought back
                              Little nation no Tyranny, no
                              Spitefulness, no Tyranny, peace
                              Guarded by Americas, Brittish,
                              All of Europe, Germany, Japan
                              Wanted no World War, filtered
                              Drones, then water, food, children
                              Why another gathering, China
                              Mongolia, All Slavic peoples

                              To define Yugoslavia, Tyranny
                              Given to Finland, others,
                              Netherlands to defend
                              Right to Christianity, Zazen
                              Japan not tolerated, why
                              No more war, nothing
                              To remember, gas chambers
                              Fear of Russia, dare say Putin
                              Vladimir, we never call him
                              By first name, just like
                              Adolf seasoning, never
                              To bring back, fear victory
                              Thirty more million,
                              How many with A bomb
                              Second, Japan surrendered
                              Peace, Peace, Peace Train
                              Another great war to avoid
                              Until Russia targets Americans
                              With horror, stop this killing
                              Mame for life, sound
                              Weapons, deadly computer
                              Viruses, both sides, China
                              Jumped on board

                              Navel battles, biggest
                              Sailing into US air
                              Force to strike precision
                              Space race, to moon,
                              Strike precision, to moon
                              Wild space race conducted
                              With Star Ships, first
                              Heavy booster, perfected
                              Slowly to form moon
                              Colony, reality with water
                              Found at poles, of course
                              At South Pole, will
                              We pollute another
                              Army in space, thousands
                              Of Satellites circle Earth
                              How can rockets avoid
                              Each Other, orbiters
                              Space Stations Russia
                              This anomaly, why fight,
                              Why fight, madness,
                              Chinese building own
                              Space Stations, Chinese
                              Super Power cannot
                              Fathom space, Europe
                              On Board, for humans
                              Japanese Astronauts
                              Whim becoming reality
                              Space race for colony
                              To our biggest orbiter
                              Our Mood Tides, what

                              Will become of Engineers
                              Who design largest
                              Rockets in History?
                              Tyranny death, not,
                              Be avoided with secret
                              Army in space, Space
                              Force seems anomaly,
                              Why do we all race
                              To destroy Harmony?
                              Destroy destiny, destroy
                              What could be near miracle
                              Miracle beats ancient
                              Pyramids, Pol Pot disturbing
                              Stopped this disharmony
                              Edy Amin disharmony
                              Stopped, why not moon
                              Disharmony? Take
                              No Atomic weapons
                              To space, disturb
                              Harmony orbit each
                              Other Who will be first,
                              Big heavy transporters
                              Eventually making fuel
                              On Martian Colony,
                              What comes of disharmony
                              Space harmonies, why?
                              Another field of dreams
                              Disturbed again war
                              In our Space Suits,
                              Who gets there first?

                              Where is Zen
                              Tai Shi
                              Last edited by Tai Shi; 04-01-2024, 10:48 AM.
                              Peaceful, Tai Shi. Ubasoku; calm, supportive, for positive poetry 優婆塞 台 婆


                              • Tai Shi
                                • Oct 2014
                                • 3482

                                Peace Dove

                                Yes doves are Noah's
                                Gift to end rath of his God,
                                Let not today
                                Foreget Pandas. Eagles.
                                Lions, tigers, mountain lions
                                In North America, great herds
                                of Buffalo, let us not
                                Forget urge of Monarch Butterflies
                                Which in one season or two
                                Come close to extinction
                                Then Hide; for leather shoes,
                                Turtle soup, delicates
                                Taste buds in New York
                                Where rich may taste
                                Who buy Japanese beef bred
                                On beer, Kobi nostalgia
                                Avarices, to the extinction
                                Of Asians. we begin to realize
                                If human kind cannot change,
                                Time illuminates change, beauty,
                                Bringing back butterflies
                                Frogs, even Desert Monsters,

                                Dragons in captivity, death,
                                In Tibet, white Snow
                                Leopard, black bringer
                                Of Dawn, great, movement,
                                Golden clouds, crystal ponds,
                                Of Humanity trying
                                To contain peaceful
                                Balance, maintain now
                                Electric cars; transformation
                                Of power will change us
                                Back to another willful
                                Earth with reverence
                                Food to eat again
                                Life in another reality,
                                Wisdom of these Buddhas,
                                Of valleys in forbidden
                                Thoughts, another day
                                Another way of peaceful
                                Coexistence, life together
                                Tribute in tenacity.

                                Let one more spring
                                Bring with each one
                                Each single Dharma
                                Teaching of Zen; cause
                                Some effect, mountains
                                Into Kingdoms rise, fall
                                Into another planetary
                                Form, Stars explode
                                To form other stars.
                                Species wither away
                                More as birds fall to earth
                                Upcoming valleys divided
                                Selves, righted reality
                                Universal painful change
                                Into life reborn
                                Of writhing death
                                Symptoms --caused
                                To witness another
                                Universal truth.

                                Last edited by Tai Shi; 04-09-2024, 11:39 AM.
                                Peaceful, Tai Shi. Ubasoku; calm, supportive, for positive poetry 優婆塞 台 婆

