[ARTS]: Big and Little Poetry--free verse, any verse.

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  • Onkai
    Senior Priest-in-Training
    • Aug 2015
    • 3177

    Thank you, Tai Shi. May you be healthy and at ease in all your ills.

    Gassho, Onkai
    美道 Bidou Beautiful Way
    恩海 Onkai Merciful/Kind Ocean

    I have a lot to learn; take anything I say that sounds like teaching with a grain of salt.


    • Tai Shi
      • Oct 2014
      • 3482

      June Rain

      This is my Meditation Time

      I cry, do they pierce my eye,

      When I sigh, enough is enough

      Wen trees sopped with rain

      Bring time home, water soaked

      Leaves dripping with tears then

      Summer comes this week,

      This is my linquid trip, around

      My salt desire to mount Rush-

      More. I wish I were older, yet

      I may remain seventy-three

      In September rain, dropping

      From South Dakota skys, some

      Cloud brings piercing wings

      Od black birds, of my eyes.

      Prairie salt livcks for my catle,

      For my animal squire, for

      My nothing extra. All disolved

      In essence of my own sight.

      My own realizations of night to day


      Tai Shi
      Peaceful, Tai Shi. Ubasoku; calm, supportive, for positive poetry 優婆塞 台 婆


      • Tai Shi
        • Oct 2014
        • 3482

        Joy Despite Tumors

        Pure joy, I sit easily
        When seven years ago
        This Ubasoku stood
        Before alter of piercing
        Pain, today pain is invisable
        Only as Pepper our cat
        Leapt onto window sill,
        I am living with less pain
        Today; grab seven years
        Ago, my lips pressed
        Together tight, I do not
        Wish, give me until eighty-
        Five with my loved ones,
        Wife accelerating like
        My limits of our age
        Loveng our time our
        Wisdom together, watch-
        Ing our Daughter, if Full
        Professor giving forth
        Her gifted pleasures
        Every day, perhaps
        With partner, she will be
        Like her mother undread
        Winner, esssence of family
        Will family consists of one
        Other, one brilliant child,

        This her ideal will it be like
        Sisterhood she longed
        For when she was three,
        Then four, wept in car
        When daddy explained
        Momma's pain at having
        Children come forth
        Between heart, legs, iron
        Muscles This little
        Girl had reasonable look
        Elswhere for mate, more 1,000
        Days of happiness, not just
        Alone these two women
        Provided for each other girl,s,
        Loved each other, alone
        Librarian trained in
        London, the other
        Trained in Japan, with
        Washington PhD giving
        Forth to two she came
        To love as I came to love
        In old age, forgiven, PhD,
        As mate who lingered in
        Caves of Hookaido, looking
        For his daughter among sea
        Shells, with each to other
        Wondering where hills
        Grew up in Vermont?

        Tai Shi
        Last edited by Tai Shi; 07-16-2024, 03:23 PM.
        Peaceful, Tai Shi. Ubasoku; calm, supportive, for positive poetry 優婆塞 台 婆


        • Tom A.
          • May 2020
          • 255

          My mind is good
          at playing games
          chasing my own tail
          It took me a very long while
          to realize
          its not a concept
          no matter how many
          I throw at the wall
          like shit
          trying to make
          them stick
          trying to make
          sense of it
          trying to think
          my way into

          it’s not a
          not just another

          my mind still tries
          to make it out to be those

          (I’m sorry for running long)

          I’ll sum it up:

          when the sun shines
          through those clouds
          or they clear up

          It’s so good!
          the open
          wholeness and


          “Do what’s hard to do when it is the right thing to do.”- Robert Sopalsky


          • Tai Shi
            • Oct 2014
            • 3482

            I Think
            Of my End

            My days limited, they
            Continue, not that days
            Grow less, essence
            Slips away, I grow heavy
            With wonder of politics
            Now, I do not visit politics
            Leave it at my front door

            Leave after thoughts, toss
            In air of afterthoughts,
            In air, like salad greens
            We consume as so many
            Plants of mortal stew, with
            More adventure soft
            The loud cacauphony
            Who could know us?
            As I grow older, I grow
            Less, I grow more, I
            Will slip away, like top
            Of boulder rock
            Such as for me an end.

            Tai Shi
            Last edited by Tai Shi; 07-13-2024, 11:16 PM.
            Peaceful, Tai Shi. Ubasoku; calm, supportive, for positive poetry 優婆塞 台 婆


            • Tai Shi
              • Oct 2014
              • 3482

              This Is Poetry of Pain

              I wish for no bright sin under silver sky,
              Defeted seeds come into soil!
              Pain from Ankylosing Spondylitis
              Disapearing; always wonder of pain,
              Fever never renewed, every musical

              Note striking more religous harmony,
              More disdain, quietly like summer
              Rain, I hurt more than retch, more
              Than divided time into afternoon death
              Sleeping, grinding at Buddha statue,

              More cramps into deepest sea, than
              Defeated songs never sung in taverns,
              Without pain. Soon I am free again,
              To see our child loveing our morning doves
              More than any bird which translates words

              Into my aching back, my Spondylitis
              Sliding, hurting --child with doctorate!
              Oh, I never earned her diploma, Yet
              Earned my MA, EdS; I was never lazy.
              I believed in poetry, earned my MFA

              Like her translations. Today vine brought
              Measure again--to love our verses,
              Not translating fiction like our daughter--
              Music, singing chapters like my couplets
              Another hapiness in our noonday

              Pain. Our beauty, brightest words
              With delivered, devided blue, broken clouds
              Under unrelenting lines. Our gratitude
              Sung in notes, lightest sting her stroke,
              Of our galaxy into pens, sand through,

              Paper writing all day holding winter hands,
              These strained notes of privacy, more tranquil
              Written like stained glass of eagles flight,
              Into noonday sun. Evening of sentient sight,
              Mind of heaven braking into night.

              Tai Shi
              Attached Files
              Last edited by Tai Shi; 07-17-2024, 01:38 PM.
              Peaceful, Tai Shi. Ubasoku; calm, supportive, for positive poetry 優婆塞 台 婆


              • Tom A.
                • May 2020
                • 255

                I didn’t believe it
                When we were told
                That the teapot
                Me and the mountain and Jupiter
                are one and the same
                flowing whole
                Just my legs falling asleep.

                And the daily hassles
                That cannot
                Be ignored
                The other hassles are
                the imaginary ones that
                my brain
                comes up
                I wouldn’t trade it
                for anything
                It’s all precious
                Not different
                from the flowing
                That is me
                The teapot
                That is Jupiter and
                the mountain and
                is my cat.

                Because of the risk of looking
                too much like a
                Charles Bukowski
                (I’ll end this free verse nonsense)
                Ill rhyme a line or two
                Nothing too heavy
                Nothing original
                Not mine
                Older than time
                The answer to many Great Zen Riddles
                A Great Zen Rhyme (if not the greatest)
                One chanted daily
                by little Zen monks-to be
                Indoctrinated into the
                Universe—little teapots
                for eating
                too many

                Here it is (sorry for running long):

                I'm a little teapot,
                Short and stout,
                Here is my handle
                Here is my spout
                When I get all steamed up,
                Hear me shout,
                Tip me over and pour me out!


                Last edited by Tom A.; 07-17-2024, 04:15 AM.
                “Do what’s hard to do when it is the right thing to do.”- Robert Sopalsky


                • Tai Shi
                  • Oct 2014
                  • 3482

                  What Smoking Can Do...

                  My brother smoked cigarettes until fifty-five
                  Years, did he never smoke marijuana, not,
                  MaryJane No he never did, I love him worry
                  He did not ever smoke illeagal stuff, he
                  Prided himself that he never did illeagle
                  Stuff, knowing the fried egg on the side-
                  Walk lingered in his mind, sat there as poison
                  Knew that alcohol could do, one's liver big
                  Destroyed, fatty liver, then more prone
                  To cancer he avoided strong drink, fire
                  Water, he heard the warnings, klnew
                  Thought cigaretts were allright, distilled
                  Blue smoke, white paper, wrapped around
                  Chemicals, disease, worry so distant
                  What could become of poor strong body?
                  He knew what could happen, fear cut
                  His treatment was most sevear, over under
                  His cheek, finely he opened like extra can
                  Of worms and I woried, after the fact, smoking
                  Since he was done for, without reccourse,
                  I worried what could I would dye, he traveloed
                  Three-hundred fifty miles to my front step,
                  We opened our door, our heavy front door,
                  Wondering and pleased, what was this unusual,
                  Visit, made for us, given like round present,
                  Wonderinf pleased, dear brother why have this
                  Visit come to us, my wife opened witrh questions,

                  "Doug, why have you come to visit us? Why?"
                  "Oh, dear Marjorie, I have special reasons,
                  You know I have smoked cigarettes all my
                  Life, all my life, all my life; oh, sister-in-law don't
                  You know, I have smoked since fifteen-years-
                  Old! I put my life at risk, surgeon's warnining,
                  Report with death coming to those who smoked
                  As little as one pack a day, twenty, sometime
                  Sometimes putting myself to dye, I smoked
                  Light cigarettes, then ultra light cigarttes, I
                  Smoked, smoked into one, or both--two lungs,
                  Never even thought of my mouth, there was
                  No danger! No sader in my mind until cheeks
                  Carcinogins `lingering in my mouth! Now I have
                  Mouthful of cancer, could eat my face off,
                  On television, pictures in one minute, in 30-
                  Seconds did nothing, thinking of nothing,
                  Nothing, empty warnings, could not happen,
                  Could never happen to to me, I didn't fear,
                  Only smoked only ten cigarettes daily,
                  From forth to ten cigarettes per day, per day
                  Per day, I was alright, alright, doing nothing
                  Wrong this is legal, legel, legal, I smoked within
                  Legal means, nothing could happen, notrhing could
                  Hapen to me, to me, then pain inside my jaw, my jaw
                  Inside my jaw, was I fine, went to doctor, oral surgeon
                  Advised, I sat in dental chair, chair, fashioned
                  To cut inside my mouth removing smoked out
                  Tissue, tumor in mouth, death, I struggle to stop.

                  Tai Shi
                  Last edited by Tai Shi; 07-28-2024, 09:31 PM.
                  Peaceful, Tai Shi. Ubasoku; calm, supportive, for positive poetry 優婆塞 台 婆


                  • Tai Shi
                    • Oct 2014
                    • 3482

                    End of Perfection

                    One year before Covid 19
                    Struck our world, our Pride medical
                    My gait, though not perfect,
                    Made me whole so I walked
                    With ease, then I fell down
                    Basement stairs, seven stitches
                    In back of my head of left side,
                    ER doctor explained concusion
                    This was beginning of end,
                    Though operations had made
                    Me able to walk to Hartford
                    City Park, now with cane
                    Even with life of cameras could
                    I walk short distances, then

                    I fell down basement stairs
                    Again, crushed my left leg,
                    Calf of leg, CNP, and ER lost
                    Vision, vision of muscle, CNP,
                    DNP, ER doctor, all had missed
                    Missed my leg's dire wound,
                    But before all, Neuro surgeon
                    My dear friend, my wife, daughter
                    Doctor of Philosophy had saved
                    With Observations, Kyousui noted
                    Siezure could make stroke, tumor
                    Right Cerberal Lobe infested with
                    Two point two centimeter AVM, in brain
                    Arterial Vens Malformation,

                    Could explode. surgeon explained
                    If it were him, he would absolutly
                    Have tumor removed, would most
                    Certainly have deadly tumor, this
                    I decioded, Dr of neurosurgery woukd
                    Cut into scalp, into bone into brain
                    Cut, replace with medical foam
                    Cover with titanium plate, would
                    Prove I could no longer walk
                    With knee replacement to Hartford
                    City park then back in 2022 I fell

                    Down ten feet of basement stairs,
                    ​​​​CNP said alright, ER said just blood
                    Blister, DCN said alright, CNP
                    Was primary, yet all near mised death
                    In depth but medical Vascular surgeon
                    Of Nephrology saved my life with
                    My leg, and now I have fallen head
                    First into hassick, then three ribs,
                    I was cared for by nurosugery,
                    Orthopedist, broken three ribs, sever,
                    Two never allow full expansion,
                    Of my side, of chest, of hurting
                    Forever, now walker, my wife would
                    Not lift out of trunk of car, of my gait,
                    She said I must use cane though
                    Pride, all doctors, all nurses had said
                    I must use walker or face death,
                    She said no, she said this is
                    Embarsing. Pride produced her fear
                    Of what I might look like, I agreed
                    Now, I faced the possibility of broken
                    Legs, so much death by hitting head
                    This time full more trhan concusion
                    Bcause of fear of what people
                    Might say, of this wounded leg
                    I might never walk again. I might
                    Dye because of insane fear of what
                    People mmight say, of difficulty
                    Now I must make sure I use walker
                    Everytime I must make, stand my
                    Ground, so much to body, close
                    To death. Pride how many times,,
                    Five, times to say I don't want
                    To die, so I must use walker,
                    I must stansd, I must say always
                    In home I must use cane, must
                    Not take chances, and I must

                    Not avoid walker even from store
                    Parking lot to motor vehicles.
                    Little carts, but safer than cane,
                    Safer than walker, getting into store
                    To motor cart, critical avoiding
                    Falls in store, put all pride aside,
                    My life, insisting not to show
                    One more accident with broken
                    Thumb, and an old wound to wrist
                    Cut when such life away, now
                    Theripist of my physical well being
                    Said such improvement I looked
                    Really good, wrist, , \gait much
                    Improved, I could walk better
                    Use my hand, my dexterity best

                    In more than fourty-five years,
                    Walking better, but must use
                    Mobilty assistance according
                    To my intelectual daughter, she
                    Translates, books from Japanes
                    To English, so she said to me,
                    "Dad, to free yourself, must use
                    Mobility assistance, so walker
                    First, always cane, even in house,
                    Always cane or second walker!"
                    Tai Shi, to be safe, "Dad, please
                    Listen to me," daughter, to nurse,
                    As to doctor, no more chances!
                    No more impairment, to be secure.

                    Last edited by Tai Shi; 07-28-2024, 09:09 PM.
                    Peaceful, Tai Shi. Ubasoku; calm, supportive, for positive poetry 優婆塞 台 婆


                    • Tai Shi
                      • Oct 2014
                      • 3482

                      We find here a fype, collection of Zendo poetry, finally used for purpose given like kittens in sun baskets, lively, cute, beautiful, rambunkcious and happy or sad, or what we call all types, thank you Zendo, this is the purpose of candels in darkness, of pets in need of our love, our feeding when mother leaves little ones, when fathers push lightly out the door, keep writing you all are sucessful Thank you. Thank you for writing. All of you.

                      Peaceful, Tai Shi. Ubasoku; calm, supportive, for positive poetry 優婆塞 台 婆


                      • Tai Shi
                        • Oct 2014
                        • 3482

                        White snow in spring, daughter, then comes green twigs, leaves, pines, Beautiful smells of flowers, I see, sisters, brothers, friends all three finished PhD, Adam, Emily, Laurel, fine with positions. It's no race, yet our daughter has accepted Librtal Arts position, upper third year students, this must be regular; she's translating books Japanese to English, Japanese Poetry, all is as it should be. We are parents, New Home Douglas Firs, Pine Needles are Treeleaf Sized, Jukai, mother Well lived profession. Daughter found in mountain Town, Denver Colorado, her school, her nice new apartment, what could be better with wood trim, with her microwave oven, with her own office at home, at school where she wil finly be Professor of Japanese, her PhD in Japnese literature, comp lit paid off. Her MFA with honors, her doctoral Fulbright scholarship, Honored 250 page dssertation which may be published as book, her joy at given peaceful success, not to be hidden away. She makes her way, Dr Laurel Ann Taylor..

                        Last edited by Tai Shi; 07-21-2024, 05:07 PM.
                        Peaceful, Tai Shi. Ubasoku; calm, supportive, for positive poetry 優婆塞 台 婆


                        • Tai Shi
                          • Oct 2014
                          • 3482

                          Waterfall of Buddha

                          Water, stream where we,
                          Stop to shrink, eat, at
                          Twelve thousand feet,
                          Stream, Bear Mountains,
                          Covered lichen, moss
                          Fungi, resesed into cliff,
                          Where we never go, years
                          Sit Buddha lean, small,
                          Stone eyes placed
                          Yes, their loving kindness
                          Within cave below
                          Waterfall, we touch,
                          Touch scroll, as we
                          Wonder what real, reality
                          Is strong as tree, cut to heart,
                          Gone with Colidal Precepts,
                          Wonderment all, shall
                          We wonder spray into cave
                          Uppon Buddha of yellow,
                          Silver delight, you who
                          Coroded, disolve, leaving
                          Metal deposits of gold
                          Shall celebrate colided
                          Water befor nightfall.
                          Shikantaza is our stone.

                          Tai Shi
                          Last edited by Tai Shi; 07-28-2024, 08:49 PM.
                          Peaceful, Tai Shi. Ubasoku; calm, supportive, for positive poetry 優婆塞 台 婆


                          • Tai Shi
                            • Oct 2014
                            • 3482

                            It has come to my attention.that Kokuu is now the administration of the entire Arts section and he should be contacted via PM if you have concerns contact him! Also he has informed me that we must limit our posts of poetry!
                            Peaceful, Tai Shi. Ubasoku; calm, supportive, for positive poetry 優婆塞 台 婆


                            • Kokuu
                              Dharma Transmitted Priest
                              • Nov 2012
                              • 6983

                              Tai Shi,

                              I think there must be some confusion. I am neither the administrator of the Arts section nor have I said that you need to limit your posts of poetry or that anyone else should.

                              In fact my message was "Post away".

                              I hope that clarifies for anyone.

                              Last edited by Kokuu; 07-27-2024, 09:04 PM.


                              • Tai Shi
                                • Oct 2014
                                • 3482

                                Beldame, what glorious verses bring tear to eye, tone to old man's ears. You are bright with promises and kindnesses. Thank you for your sweet melodies. Please leave us with more of your brilliance.
                                Tai Shi
                                Peaceful, Tai Shi. Ubasoku; calm, supportive, for positive poetry 優婆塞 台 婆

