[ARTS]: Big and Little Poetry--free verse, any verse.

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  • Tai Shi
    • Oct 2014
    • 3482

    End of Escape

    This seventy-six F degree
    Speed of air, withering
    Riding over sea foam
    To distant lands, some

    Wisdom, some taught
    Children, some community
    Come together, wither not
    Upon vines of indispensable
    Thoughts, without dignity
    We return to cat-
    Like behavior, stalking
    Pray, defeating another
    Sunrise comes naked
    Air. When will purely
    Behavior realize
    Falsity when this
    Populace, return to
    Come back to death
    Knoll of desire, when

    Humanity drinks
    From spring of wisdom,
    Spring of that which
    Is taught with human
    Endurance, with gathering
    These to rivers of blood
    This end of human dealings
    What more we rise
    Above our own death.

    Last edited by Tai Shi; 04-15-2024, 12:42 PM.
    Peaceful, Tai Shi. Ubasoku; calm, supportive, for positive poetry 優婆塞 台 婆


    • Tai Shi
      • Oct 2014
      • 3482

      Day Lilies. Night Roses

      I too have this joyful
      Day for all my Zendo
      Day lilies, more roses,

      Friends, remember
      I sit for each of you
      Who have pain, sorrow

      Wisdom renewed
      Without more tumors,
      Upon this white

      Pink, purpled. Land let
      Each. Of us know we are
      There for each other.

      Do sit tirelessly,
      Sit with each stanza,
      Sentence, word be poetry.

      Weep not my people.
      We can celebrate more
      Than we know.

      Deep now

      Calm Poetry
      Each word this poem.
      Last edited by Tai Shi; 04-18-2024, 12:41 PM. Reason: lines of the porm
      Peaceful, Tai Shi. Ubasoku; calm, supportive, for positive poetry 優婆塞 台 婆


      • Onkai
        Senior Priest-in-Training
        • Aug 2015
        • 3177

        Gassho, Onkai
        美道 Bidou Beautiful Way
        恩海 Onkai Merciful/Kind Ocean

        I have a lot to learn; take anything I say that sounds like teaching with a grain of salt.


        • Tai Shi
          • Oct 2014
          • 3482

          For Onkai

          My dear friend Onkai,
          When you say you
          Like my poetry, I take
          Notice because you

          Are sensitive, and caring
          You know what poetry is,
          What we see in each other
          See as poetry in others

          You notice things like
          Purpled faces, or bright
          Ideas, bright minds,
          For roses in delight

          Daylilies come and go
          You do not, you are
          Faithful, listen to Onkai
          Dear friends because

          She is faithful without
          Desire, she only seeks
          To praise, to satisfy
          Too give from well of love.

          Listen carefully to authenticity
          Listen to Onkai. You may
          Not find more authentic
          Person in your neighborhood.

          Peaceful, Tai Shi. Ubasoku; calm, supportive, for positive poetry 優婆塞 台 婆


          • Onkai
            Senior Priest-in-Training
            • Aug 2015
            • 3177

            Thank you, my dear friend Tai Shi. Such kind words!

            Gassho, Onkai
            Sat lah
            美道 Bidou Beautiful Way
            恩海 Onkai Merciful/Kind Ocean

            I have a lot to learn; take anything I say that sounds like teaching with a grain of salt.


            • Tai Shi
              • Oct 2014
              • 3482

              ARTS: Big and Little Poetry--free verse, any verse.

              I believe what I said that you would be a good friend to Marjorie! She is very shy and finds it hard to talk to people because of how intelligent she is. She earned a 4.0 at University of Iowa and earned 3.95 in her MA in anthropology. Her research was on the Navajo Nation. She studied women with alcoholic husbands who were not in their teens but older. She studied coping skills of the Navajo women. I taught at Navajo Community College while she studied the women and described in a model developed by Northwestern University. She studied a few museum classes and we had chosen the two most difficult subjects to get jobs. There were no jobs in English or anthropology. I found a full time teaching job in Columbus, NE eventually we moved to Colorado and I got sober we had Laurel. On May 10, 2024 Laurel will be in Washington University auditorium for her Hooding ceremony. We will drive there and be there to support her and celebrate with her. Dr Laurel Ann Taylor. Professor of Japanese at University of Denver.

              Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Pro
              Last edited by Tai Shi; 04-23-2024, 01:48 AM.
              Peaceful, Tai Shi. Ubasoku; calm, supportive, for positive poetry 優婆塞 台 婆


              • Onkai
                Senior Priest-in-Training
                • Aug 2015
                • 3177

                Congratulations to your daughter! It sounds like you're a family of scholars. I'm sure I would appreciate that if I met all of you.

                Gassho Onkai
                美道 Bidou Beautiful Way
                恩海 Onkai Merciful/Kind Ocean

                I have a lot to learn; take anything I say that sounds like teaching with a grain of salt.


                • Tai Shi
                  • Oct 2014
                  • 3482

                  Onkai you are so good to others and you deserve to be a Priest. You will be Reverend Onkai. I think of all the hard work it takes to be of service to our friends and those in need. I was in higher education for 25 years. I never thought I would be able to do so well in school but I am grateful for my education and good genes. For me it was always hard work.
                  Deep bows to Onkai.

                  Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Pro
                  Last edited by Tai Shi; 05-01-2024, 12:07 PM. Reason: spelling
                  Peaceful, Tai Shi. Ubasoku; calm, supportive, for positive poetry 優婆塞 台 婆


                  • Tai Shi
                    • Oct 2014
                    • 3482

                    Women Who Teach Me

                    These are women who suffer,
                    Birth pangs; who teach this blight
                    Caused by men, all sisters, wife,
                    Daughters, these women teach
                    Us all; all who look no farther than
                    Their noses in spring to understand
                    Only part of sister's pain; wives
                    Mothers, daughters, in-laws, women,
                    In travail, who shoulder growth
                    Yes, inside of time, of universal
                    Love, of bodies soft as light,
                    Withstanding storms, other sights.

                    Spring flowers open. Male, female
                    One plant to all seed, all humans
                    Take two. They mate in this beautiful
                    Dance of life, to spawn little ones,
                    Opening seed pods, opening to women
                    Ones who bringing that travail
                    Bare children, or do not to bare.

                    Withstanding men, men who suffer
                    Their own remarkable pain, women
                    Who give us birth, my only friends
                    From Sioux Falls, Omaha, Des Moines,
                    Friend Larry, and Harvey died as they
                    Told me soon women forget their pain,
                    Forget this child born to understand,
                    Reality of three score, two score, less
                    Than two young kids to mother who

                    Mothers their boys and girls in gardens
                    Of true love's happiness, difficulty
                    Of seeding children who grow up
                    To their own lives. Soon reality flowers,
                    Flowers with those men, with spring,
                    With summer growth, fall seeding
                    Again, winter like our ageing bodies.
                    Seventy-two, growing older. Children
                    Day by day, years away from my
                    Own death, my ownership of body,

                    Walking with six appendages
                    One walker with four wheels,
                    Two feet pushing before me,
                    Over land, over hills, with help
                    Of hands with women, mothers
                    Gone, In-laws going, wives, sisters
                    Sheltering like men, like brothers
                    Like husbands, brothers again
                    With hearing lost except their aids
                    Electric. These women bore him
                    Of her all inflammations. Of sky
                    Insidious. Germs, limbs entwined
                    Another in this dance of life,
                    In life; flowering trees apart

                    Of fire. In more travail of seed
                    Again planted human nature, pyre
                    Into our ground of being, into life
                    Eternal gathering of this reality
                    To teach us all to dance in night,
                    In painful losses of frail bodies,
                    Going. Hair lost, of men, as bent
                    Women stooping with age like people
                    Gone. Sisters all like old trees,
                    Of growth stands which chopped down
                    As fire wood. Sages told me as they died
                    Of bladder cancer, of mopping hallways,
                    Floors in this hospital of our own travail
                    That I too, soon would also die.
                    Some women brought to graves
                    Their own desire, some nature
                    Arighted light of darkness
                    In another death, another
                    Child gone again.

                    Tai Shi
                    Last edited by Tai Shi; 05-01-2024, 03:04 PM. Reason: spelling typos
                    Peaceful, Tai Shi. Ubasoku; calm, supportive, for positive poetry 優婆塞 台 婆


                    • Kaitan
                      • Mar 2023
                      • 588

                      The earth is round
                      And blue like an orange


                      Just found this Peruvian poet that looks very interesting, I felt some here would like him.


                      stlah, Kaitan
                      Kaitan - 界探 - Realm searcher


                      • Tai Shi
                        • Oct 2014
                        • 3482

                        I Go to see Doctor, Daughter
                        Became of Philosophy.

                        When I arose with pain, we said let us go
                        You and I, felt that pain in my large body
                        Grown tight as blue, as glue, as leather
                        Becomes rare, My newI wear to break them
                        In, as I would stallion's saddle, worn
                        To zero worth to grain of sand dunes
                        I tell her here is notify medication, of ponies
                        On this earth, not like other planets Mars
                        Victory, Asteroid,. moon, Earth slips' awaY, not
                        Planet pure from star not formed far away
                        94,295 million miles gone astray int gass
                        Giant someday 93 million astronomers now
                        Can tell us with accuracy How I said naked sun
                        How I Know we were always wrong now
                        We show with science on our side has gone,
                        Humankind was always wrong, Was always
                        Kind. Now written in books more distant, more
                        Than always More Than 93 million miles to shore
                        Than 94 million miles away, who knew, then more
                        Can count to one million, let alone, can see
                        Ninety-four million, do I remember all teaching
                        My grade school teacher, Mr V.W. van man
                        Richard Nash had classes each count high to 1000,
                        On paper writing each number pure childhood
                        Numbers in blue black ink with those, black shaped
                        Funny pens they made us all go dull to school
                        Window to buy from secretary in sixth grade
                        Why do I remember pure selling, counting to one-
                        Thousand even now when I turn pages of book
                        This year to aged more than seventy-three years
                        Old, then I thought that year even then as
                        Before I was promoted to smart Advanced
                        Track seventh grade, Miss Anderson, crone
                        Well into her sixty-fourth year, old woman
                        Would not retire, That mean old lady why
                        English teacher, how she cowered, craved
                        To know I was well beyond her years
                        When university education at University of Iowa
                        My advanced University, she failed promotion
                        Became no Engineer, but university grade
                        School teacher no Professor with her B.A. gone
                        At seventy-two I shall probably be far beyond
                        Live to seventy-three, beyond her years
                        Of death my father, Lenard spells his name
                        Funny, I always thought dad's father Elgwyn
                        Sixty-nine was too long to spell my middle
                        Name when I was in first grade, then when
                        How have have I gone before, beyond, until
                        Sixty-eight when mother died of her exotic
                        Breast cancer what would I die from, would be
                        From cancer I worried would I die soon or late
                        Of cancer when I saw aunt Alice in wheelchar
                        Die from exhotic form of cancer, Romantic
                        I was in Jr. High, then Mr Parker taught me,
                        Gave me in ninth grade, he could give an A
                        Have written to Grinnell College where
                        One letter of recommendation, Far away,
                        For me to study in finest School with scholarships
                        In Iowa, my advisor at my graduate University
                        Of Iowa, for my M.A. Ed.S. would say smarty pants
                        Yers that school was fine, hers was PhD, daughter
                        Professor Clark taught at Air Force Rocky Mountains
                        Academy in Colorado Springs, where I would
                        Go beyond cadets but thought in Jr. High seventh
                        Grade Colorado Springs seemed long into sky,
                        Exhotic for away I would read much Science, exhotic
                        Fiction began my work grinding six inch-Plexiglass
                        Reflecting telescope, I could better know how
                        Not to spell telescope so I in ninth grade, Jr High
                        Grade took from Mr Parker, from that A, Mr Parker
                        Knew General Science Class, then in twelfth
                        Grade Physics I earned another A again. would go
                        To Grinnell, Tim Dennis helped me study wave
                        Formulas, he had gone away to study nationally
                        To Grinnell College. I thought like professor he
                        Of Timothy he was oh so smart at eighteen, so I
                        Would someday study Bodhisatava, Great Zone
                        Of Being Came to realize how four million Buddhas
                        We all are just ninety-four million miles, two hundred,
                        Ninety-five and more miles away from The Sun,
                        Galactic volunteer atmosphere, expanse nothing
                        To Buddha, to Tathagata Buddha, To their Gods
                        Or to me, I am infinity,-two, a long, long, long
                        Away from Mr Peterson's Wave Theory Physics
                        Class, for I am Buddha with my Plexiglass mirror
                        Rather bought delight so this year ninety-three.
                        Ninety-four, perhaps me ever more than 94-
                        Million miles away from the sun. I would keep
                        Growing. Even more I grow to ninety-four beyond,
                        What I say is what I am isd what I am will be more.

                        Written again thing
                        Of beauty, I give great
                        Bows, dignified, stately
                        As Emperor of Japan
                        Gassho Buddha nature
                        Tai Shi, peacefully
                        Ninety-three million
                        Miles away more, I see.
                        More Majesty, Beauty,
                        Buddha let be, peacefully.
                        Peaceful, Tai Shi. Ubasoku; calm, supportive, for positive poetry 優婆塞 台 婆


                        • Tai Shi
                          • Oct 2014
                          • 3482

                          Freedom in Love,
                          Essential Being

                          As I lay n agony
                          My darling wife did attend to me
                          Did sooth my body, touched
                          With hert hands, soothed
                          My aching pain with every
                          Love, I responded as man
                          Touched, as responding as
                          With Zazen and application
                          Of Shikantaza, as it is, as it was
                          As reality penetrating body,
                          Mind, soul, every part as
                          With reality, as with loving
                          Touch, as with Loving-Kindness
                          As with held touch, as medication
                          Of soothing essence, as with every
                          Desire, as with helpfulness, as with
                          What will give relief, as with our
                          Desire for many as 42 years
                          44 years together every
                          Commitment, I vow to you
                          Our daughter become PhD,
                          As with our entire family, as with
                          Your 12.8 at retirement as our
                          Love most pleasant, my pain
                          Dissipate, and our love penetrate,
                          So I say I love you with every pour
                          With every cell of my body,
                          We have learned withholding,
                          We played with consent, every
                          Essence, every sking time together,
                          May we ever request never to take
                          Without permission and violate
                          Essential needs, asking ever to make
                          Beautiful love again, I have stopped,
                          As I promised to keep you safe
                          Ease of giving for this man
                          I give you every essential
                          part of my body and gratitude
                          For relief and final solution,
                          Finding freedom from hurting
                          Body with giving power, medication
                          Shikantaza, zazen, gratitude, let
                          Us be together immortally, ever.

                          Deep bows
                          Peaceful, Tai Shi. Ubasoku; calm, supportive, for positive poetry 優婆塞 台 婆


                          • Tai Shi
                            • Oct 2014
                            • 3482

                            Let Me in End of Spring

                            Yes, I celebrate end of spring
                            As I celebrate, day, night
                            Morning afternoon, her vision
                            In my eyes, as I weep for her,
                            For Her eyes, yet she sees me
                            White as clouds white as snow
                            In early spring first cold, then love
                            Her deeply, we would seem

                            As awkward as stone, elegant
                            As daylight, as withered early
                            As summer, we sit blithely Sunday
                            After Saturday into our eyes
                            He is eternal is he sixth precept,
                            Lacked of drunk, intoxicant we
                            Know window of delight we are
                            Each devouring each of us like
                            Stones thrown by young ones,

                            Like our eyes elegant as desire
                            Thinking in a mountain, Long's
                            Peak Eternal as intoxication
                            Nothing. freed from ice caped
                            Is it morning dew, daylight drying
                            Our only eyes elegant in your
                            Beauty as boat rowed simply
                            To shore needing no island, no
                            Dirt; we walk on land freely as
                            We are creatures as no island
                            Rising out of river like mountains
                            Like shortened trip we ice, making
                            Our way around fire for freedom's

                            Only love light in dew gone up
                            In vapor, yet freeing our breathe
                            Our respiration our lungs expunged,
                            Released like vapor of sun's light
                            Each kindness given freely like
                            Trees, like milkweed for monarch
                            Stripped with black, orange so bright,
                            Single with elegant velvet wing, singing
                            Oh brightness of radiant wisdom gone
                            I know in our harbor of landing for water.
                            Kyousui, Kokuu, Onkai, Meian, friends

                            Supreme Marjorie 68, she lives with me,
                            Grand but we are quick to know each
                            Other, end of spring is beginnings all
                            Summer, all morsels of food even
                            Even light rays evenly dispersed freely.
                            Freely, we give each other once again,
                            We are ending desire, now to hurt us so.
                            Our love light, fire shown brightly, alone
                            To be together ever after in delight, in light.

                            Attached Files
                            Last edited by Tai Shi; 06-08-2024, 12:13 PM.
                            Peaceful, Tai Shi. Ubasoku; calm, supportive, for positive poetry 優婆塞 台 婆


                            • Onkai
                              Senior Priest-in-Training
                              • Aug 2015
                              • 3177

                              You're becoming prolific, Tai Shi. This last poem expresses joy, I believe, yet it is tender.

                              Gassho, Onkai
                              Sat lah
                              美道 Bidou Beautiful Way
                              恩海 Onkai Merciful/Kind Ocean

                              I have a lot to learn; take anything I say that sounds like teaching with a grain of salt.


                              • Tai Shi
                                • Oct 2014
                                • 3482

                                Results of our Metra

                                I hurt this morning to sit
                                Into destiny, old fire brought
                                Of inflation, given more to me
                                Of strength again, air of breath
                                This Blood of Buddhahood, slowly
                                Home again, bring to me freely
                                To that final resting place
                                Where I may receive my meaning
                                Of my Wisdom, Taste clear spring
                                Water. Drink of essence

                                Liquid of ablation. lessons
                                Of listening to Kyousui, you
                                You are this Buddha. graciously
                                Teaching me well, slowly, easily
                                Taught me to wait, to listen
                                To all this symphony of pain
                                Results in our brotherhood.
                                Results of our time together,
                                Results of our simple Metra
                                In wise loneliness of needing
                                Everything we learned, of love
                                More together pain within bones,
                                Pains of migration into oceans
                                More than minds into thoughts
                                Of Real equations of our lives
                                Skies of liquid air, of creations
                                Our songs of arrival to our destiny.

                                Peaceful, Tai Shi. Ubasoku; calm, supportive, for positive poetry 優婆塞 台 婆

