[ARTS]: Big and Little Poetry--free verse, any verse.

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  • Hosai
    • Jun 2024
    • 687

    "空想の瞬間" (Kūsō no Shunkan)

    Twinkle Twinkle satellites
    Your internet makes my night
    Fill the eye of this empty husk
    No it's not all Elon Musk

    Premonitions or analytical cognition
    Solar flares or Coronal Mass Ejections
    Elucidate fragility
    Vivid random complexity

    In the morning if we are disconnected
    See you hopefully when alls corrected
    Just a worry, some half-baked vision
    A glimpse of fate of mere illusion?

    Last edited by Hosai; 10-04-2024, 12:17 PM.


    • Hokai
      • Aug 2024
      • 110

      An old autumn falls
      Herons fish
      Stags bark in the woods

      “How can we ever lose interest in life? Spring has come again
      And cherry trees bloom in the mountains.”
      ― Ryokan​


      • Hosai
        • Jun 2024
        • 687

        Originally posted by John MacBrayne
        An old autumn falls
        Herons fish
        Stags bark in the woods

        Nice John! Question. Do they still allow hunting in Scotland?



        • Hokai
          • Aug 2024
          • 110

          Originally posted by Matt Johnson

          Nice John! Question. Do they still allow hunting in Scotland?

          Hi Matt, yes, deer hunting is permitted here along with all the usual field sports, woodcock, grouse etc. It’s big business especially here in Argyll where I live.

          “How can we ever lose interest in life? Spring has come again
          And cherry trees bloom in the mountains.”
          ― Ryokan​


          • Hosai
            • Jun 2024
            • 687

            再び高校に戻って (Futatabi Kōkō ni Modotte)

            Back in High School again.
            So many wounds.
            I am autism bullied by Ethan
            I am ADHD kicked out by Mr. Smith
            I am dyslexia forced to handwrite my notes
            ​​​​​I am dyscalculia teaching fractions
            I don't know left from right
            I can't read a map
            I don't know where I am
            I don't know why I am here
            Fuck I missed my period!
            Stupid teacher wasting my time!
            I have squared off against Dragons
            Yet I have haven't been this anxious since
            High School



            • Tom A.
              • May 2020
              • 255

              Buddha's all here
              Buddha is all when
              Smelly outhouse



              Last edited by Tom A.; 10-07-2024, 08:25 PM.
              “Do what’s hard to do when it is the right thing to do.”- Robert Sopalsky


              • Hokai
                • Aug 2024
                • 110

                Morning meditation

                Autumn air

                A sense of falling away.

                I sit in my small shed

                The pastel colours of leaves

                A contrast

                To the summer.

                The old flags have seen it all

                Come and go.

                They whisper to us

                ‘Keep on going’.

                Last edited by Hokai; 10-09-2024, 10:11 AM.
                “How can we ever lose interest in life? Spring has come again
                And cherry trees bloom in the mountains.”
                ― Ryokan​


                • Tom A.
                  • May 2020
                  • 255

                  I admire your bravery
                  Your courageous joy is infectious
                  In the face of your boss’s demands
                  some insecure Corvette driving
                  Don Draper in a suit
                  Crabby and angry almost every day
                  Your courageous joy is inspirational
                  You know that compassion is what’s needed
                  You know it’s
                  Not justice that is what’s needed
                  When dealing with your
                  difficult boss’s
                  but compassion
                  You know that there
                  Is no therapy that can save you
                  From yourself
                  If you refuse to
                  Show yourself
                  When you’re angry, you say
                  to yourself:
                  This hurts, be kind
                  When you’re insecure
                  With status anxiety
                  You say to yourself:
                  This hurts, be kind
                  When you think that
                  life is not a process
                  but a problem to be solved
                  Like so many problems in your head
                  You know you are sore from a long weekend
                  That you are sore and that you are not depressed
                  That it is monday
                  You say to yourself:
                  This hurts, be kind
                  I really admire your love for your family.
                  Your love for this world.

                  I love you, everyone else in your life loves you and you are doing great!
                  You are more wise than you could ever think!


                  Last edited by Tom A.; 10-09-2024, 10:27 PM.
                  “Do what’s hard to do when it is the right thing to do.”- Robert Sopalsky


                  • Tai Shi
                    • Oct 2014
                    • 3482

                    Last Cloud of Unknowing

                    Hibkusha, Nobel Peace
                    Prize, let us stand naked
                    Before blasts from Rivers--
                    Chilidren turned to ash

                    Humanity steam to ash,
                    Silence after blasts, stand
                    One human destroyed F 212
                    Limbs chared, I remember

                    Mother showing little
                    One flesh radioactive
                    One flesh recited in new
                    Provided young Child

                    How do you call him
                    Charles when he weeps
                    For NAZZI survivors, race
                    To developed annihilate

                    Children singing in paper
                    Cranes, boats from wider
                    Paper F 451, paper fire,
                    Kindles, what skin chars

                    At riseing bread dough,
                    What temperature salt
                    Of tears, drying, child's
                    Face, licking clean, heave

                    Another tear, children
                    Until music stopped, blasts
                    Silenced, after without quiet,
                    Quiet, resulting steam

                    Gas on face, peeled, apple
                    Dust, Nothing withstanding,
                    Nothing from rail car screah
                    To halt, child soft pliable

                    Like peaches, pulled,
                    At bones, flesh eaters
                    Child cries, "Moma,
                    Don't let this happen

                    To me, moma, how
                    Could dadys allow
                    Such chared remains,
                    How can momas,

                    Dadys let such as this
                    Happen to little ones?"
                    Hibukusha Nobel
                    Peace Prize, lasting

                    Children chared
                    To oblivion, white
                    This last Piety, lasting
                    Horror, fire, fire, fire

                    Radiation, chared
                    Remains, lasting
                    Into night, study
                    Remnants of caked

                    Mud, pit encrusted
                    Into chared remains
                    What's left, nothing
                    Small walls crumbling!

                    Let silence quench
                    This cheek, flesh
                    Eaters, nothing left
                    Wall chared church!

                    Peaceful, Tai Shi. Ubasoku; calm, supportive, for positive poetry 優婆塞 台 婆


                    • Hosai
                      • Jun 2024
                      • 687

                      Originally posted by Tai Shi
                      Last Cloud of Unknowing

                      Hibkusha, Nobel Peace
                      Prize, let us stand naked
                      Before blasts from Rivers--
                      Chilidren turned to ash

                      Humanity steam to ash,
                      Silence after blasts, stand
                      One human destroyed F 212
                      Limbs chared, I remember

                      Mother showing little
                      One flesh radioactive
                      One flesh recited in new
                      Provided young Child

                      How do you call him
                      Charles when he weeps
                      For NAZZI survivors, race
                      To developed annihilate

                      Children singing in paper
                      Cranes, boats from wider
                      Paper F 451, paper fire,
                      Kindles, what skin chars

                      At riseing bread dough,
                      What temperature salt
                      Of tears, drying, child's
                      Face, licking clean, heave

                      Another tear, children
                      Until music stopped, blasts
                      Silenced, after without quiet,
                      Quiet, resulting steam

                      Gas on face, peeled, apple
                      Dust, Nothing withstanding,
                      Nothing from rail car screah
                      To halt, child soft pliable

                      Like peaches, pulled,
                      At bones, flesh eaters
                      Child cries, "Moma,
                      Don't let this happen

                      To me, moma, how
                      Could dadys allow
                      Such chared remains,
                      How can momas,

                      Dadys let such as this
                      Happen to little ones?"
                      Hibukusha Nobel
                      Peace Prize, lasting

                      Children chared
                      To oblivion, white
                      This last Piety, lasting
                      Horror, fire, fire, fire

                      Radiation, chared
                      Remains, lasting
                      Into night, study
                      Remnants of caked

                      Mud, pit encrusted
                      Into chared remains
                      What's left, nothing
                      Small walls crumbling!

                      Let silence quench
                      This cheek, flesh
                      Eaters, nothing left
                      Wall chared church!

                      The Japanese grass roots group Nihon Hidankyo, comprised of survivors of Second World War atomic bombings, was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in Oslo on Friday.

                      Let it never happen again...



                      • Hosai
                        • Jun 2024
                        • 687

                        語り難い (Katari Gatai)

                        I can never say it
                        But I must see it clearly
                        It must be acknowledged
                        If we are to move beyond it

                        I never wanted this
                        I never wanted you
                        We can never forgive
                        We can never be forgiven

                        Here we stand, silent.
                        Bound by what is unsaid.
                        Beyond pain, beyond words.
                        Beyond light, beyond selves



                        • Tai Shi
                          • Oct 2014
                          • 3482

                          Do, Let Me Write

                          I sat this morning
                          In my artificial space
                          My always not forgottten
                          My silk Wagasa around neck
                          Around Rakusu, around shirt,
                          Around silk gentleman's
                          Coat, house coat, rag
                          Washen would not shrink
                          It was I who shrank
                          Who wondered what it is
                          To shrink, realize fingers,
                          Neck, all after me, sat
                          All night upon a chair,
                          With seldom gathered flowers,

                          Was but flower of device
                          Wonderment of spice
                          Real Black his face deep
                          Brown removed from white
                          Ancient Germanic, swag,
                          Unforgetable and true,
                          Laughter gone away
                          We found real flowers
                          In this loam of you, this black
                          Brown earth, I am finding
                          At age 73 the real nature
                          Of humanity, my favorite
                          Humanity, human give
                          It up for all marches
                          across sand sand dollar,
                          Life without nuances, we
                          wither, we rust, we become
                          Frail in readiness in haste
                          Ours is this Space Frontier,
                          Our brother's home, her
                          Place, I held her responsibility
                          Too old to become mother
                          All over again, a journey

                          For younger woman, woman
                          To women, to plurel, mother
                          Motherly and ancient seeds
                          Still burried deep in abasinth
                          Deep always back to flowers
                          I've got a wise gift for mothers
                          Lungs regined, time inhaler,
                          One thousand aviolai, spell
                          Nine o clock a.m. in my kitchen
                          It is here where we live,
                          I finally understand sanchuary,
                          Singing here her reality her
                          Home her real way, he life,
                          Her alcove, her place, her
                          Nest, never getting out of place
                          Where she will be for life.

                          Peaceful, Tai Shi. Ubasoku; calm, supportive, for positive poetry 優婆塞 台 婆


                          • Hosai
                            • Jun 2024
                            • 687

                            Rakusu (絡子)

                            Here I sit
                            Sewing a rakusu
                            Small but connected
                            Sore neck and shoulders
                            By the light of stored sun
                            Warm fire, harvest Moon's chill
                            Glass of wine, playing an audiobook
                            Clearly going to hell, these transgressions
                            Having fun sewing and resewing my mistakes

                            Last edited by Hosai; 10-18-2024, 02:30 AM.


                            • Tai Shi
                              • Oct 2014
                              • 3482

                              When We Cannot Find

                              It is not in my power
                              I only sit to sit
                              Not to ring some little bell
                              This is my mistake
                              As my notes ring on the air
                              Shokai my friend for ten
                              Years, on October 17th,

                              There was no fanfare,
                              No demand, only
                              Willingness to serve,
                              Forgive if my in my hand notes
                              Cannot find this audience,
                              I seek only to serve, not
                              To usurp this place
                              Of Elder, better, forgive

                              One who is only 73, one
                              Who wonders "Where is
                              My place?" Thus, klanger
                              Misplaced, misplaced
                              What was I to do? What
                              Was I to do?

                              Last edited by Tai Shi; 10-18-2024, 11:46 AM.
                              Peaceful, Tai Shi. Ubasoku; calm, supportive, for positive poetry 優婆塞 台 婆


                              • Hokai
                                • Aug 2024
                                • 110

                                A new book
                                An old man lights the way
                                To Neverland.

                                “How can we ever lose interest in life? Spring has come again
                                And cherry trees bloom in the mountains.”
                                ― Ryokan​

