[ARTS]: Big and Little Poetry--free verse, any verse.

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  • Tai Shi
    • Oct 2014
    • 3482

    July wanes like half moon in sky
    Of my summer light from window
    Approaching my Wednesday.
    Soft cool air, silage on the wind,
    Fresh singing from neighbors
    Who must be drunk again.
    This is my time of promises
    When day comes like my old dog,
    While I write poetry. Revisions,
    Twenty-two days into decisions
    I made long ago not to drink,
    Strong my desire for your touch,
    Magnanimous heart when young.
    I'm 70-years into my winter now.
    Facing one more hard delusion
    Smashed, less substance in my blood.
    I'm free once more from fate. Still,
    Thirty-five years, five days passed.

    Tai Shi
    Last edited by Tai Shi; 07-27-2022, 07:04 PM.
    Peaceful, Tai Shi. Ubasoku; calm, supportive, for positive poetry 優婆塞 台 婆


    • Artien
      • Jun 2022
      • 56

      A moment of just,
      A big tree,
      A Universe full of me,
      All stars and dust.



      • Tai Shi
        • Oct 2014
        • 3482

        Sitting in the Exquisite

        I shall always live alone
        With loneliness, my diseases
        Which taught me living
        Friends walk away, all
        Dead are with me, I wait
        For father's dust to join
        His three wives in death,
        All I see is disgust in eyes,
        I walk west making dust.
        One day we all pass away,
        Stars which formed me,
        Alone, even with my wife
        Who calls my wailing at four
        Rain which comes in hundreds
        Of painful disgusting winds,
        Knows not equanimity
        Of my crushing load, she
        Buys me sandwiches,
        While I stay at home her
        Delight to Put me to bed,
        At eleven O'clock, my desire,
        Hold her in my arms
        To comfort her compulsions,
        Her dying song which grows,
        I walk alone, my feet hurt
        In Discomfort turn to dead
        Tears, she calls me ignorant.
        Too emotional, straighten
        Up, my painful bones crack right
        In shoulder, left I cannot move
        Hand. Creak in back,
        In morning darkness at eight
        O'clock. Alone as men start
        Give Gas to pickups, enter
        Solitude. Alone in big cab
        For People. Never share rides
        With anyone, alone we never
        Meet Except knowing I will
        Complete my M.F.A. word art
        Praise in writing, exultations
        Another of my beautiful poems,
        Joy in Lonesome poetry, verses
        Of my fear, of being alone
        At four O'clock. I reach out
        To say my brain surgery
        Was successful, I've read
        More books in seven months
        Than they have read in life.
        Perhaps in dust they turn
        To stars, they leave like me
        I will comfort finally growth.
        They will live as star dust
        So exquisite. I follow breath
        I follow them, I follow my wife.
        As we meet with gusts
        Of solar wind, radiation created.
        I finally meet my daughter.
        I finally hold my wife to comfort all.

        Tai Shi
        sat alone
        Helped by another.
        Last edited by Tai Shi; 07-28-2022, 02:01 PM. Reason: small edit
        Peaceful, Tai Shi. Ubasoku; calm, supportive, for positive poetry 優婆塞 台 婆


        • Tai Shi
          • Oct 2014
          • 3482

          Sitting in the Exquisite

          I shall always live alone
          With loneliness, my diseases
          Which taught me living
          Friends walk away, all
          Dead are with me, I wait
          For father's dust to join
          His three wives in death,
          All I see is disgust in eyes,
          I walk west making dust.
          One day we all pass away,
          Stars which formed me,
          Alone, even with my wife
          Who calls my wailing at four
          Rain which comes in hundreds
          Of painful disgusting winds,
          Knows not equanimity
          Of my crushing load, she
          Buys me sandwiches,
          While I stay at home her
          Delight to Put me to bed,
          At eleven O'clock, my desire,
          Hold her in my arms
          To comfort her compulsions,
          Her dying song which grows,
          I walk alone, my feet hurt
          In Discomfort turn to dead
          Tears, she calls me ignorant.
          Too emotional, straighten
          Up, my painful bones crack right
          In shoulder, left I cannot move
          Hand. Creak in back,
          In morning darkness at eight
          O'clock. Alone as men start
          Give Gas to pickups, enter
          Solitude. Alone in big cab
          For People. Never share rides
          With anyone, alone we never
          Meet Except knowing I will
          Complete my M.F.A. word art
          Praise in writing, exultations
          Another of my beautiful poems,
          Joy in Lonesome poetry, verses
          Of my fear, of being alone
          At four O'clock. I reach out
          To say my brain surgery
          Was successful, I've read
          More books in seven months
          Then they read about life.
          Perhaps in dust they turn
          To stars, they leave like me
          I will finally grow.
          They will live as stardust
          So exquisite. I follow breath
          I follow them, I follow my wife.
          As we meet with gusts
          From the solar wind, radiation is created.
          I finally met my daughter.
          I finally held my wife to comfort her.

          Tai Shi
          sat alone
          Helped by another
          Last edited by Tai Shi; 07-28-2022, 02:30 PM. Reason: Final edit, final poetry of exaltation
          Peaceful, Tai Shi. Ubasoku; calm, supportive, for positive poetry 優婆塞 台 婆


          • Tai Shi
            • Oct 2014
            • 3482

            Sitting in the Exquisite

            I shall always live alone
            With loneliness, my diseases
            Which taught me living
            Friends walk away, all
            Dead are with me, I wait
            For father's dust to join
            His three wives in death,
            All I see is disgust in eyes,
            I walk west making dust.
            One day we all pass away,
            Stars which formed me,
            Alone, even with my wife
            Who calls my wailing at four

            Rain which comes in hundreds
            Of painful disgusting winds,
            Knows not equanimity
            Of my crushing load, she
            Buys me sandwiches,
            While I stay at home her
            Delight to Put me to bed,
            At eleven O'clock, my desire,
            Hold her in my arms
            To comfort her compulsions,
            Her dying song which grows,
            I walk alone, my feet hurt
            In Discomfort turn to dead
            Tears, she calls me ignorant.
            Too emotional, straighten
            Up, my painful bones crack right
            In shoulder, left I cannot move
            Hand. Creak in back,
            In morning darkness at eight
            O'clock. Alone as men start
            Give Gas to pickups, enter
            Solitude. Alone in big cab
            For People. Never share rides
            With anyone, alone we never
            Meet Except knowing I will
            Complete my M.F.A. word art
            Praise in writing, exultations
            Another of my beautiful poems,
            Joy in Lonesome poetry, verses
            Of my fear of being alone.

            Others sit At four O'clock.
            To say my brain surgery
            Was successful, I've read
            More books in seven months
            Then they read about life.
            Perhaps in dust they turn
            To stars, they leave like me
            I will finally grow.
            They will live as stardust
            So exquisite. I follow breath
            I follow them, I follow my wife.
            As we meet with gusts
            From the solar wind, radiation is created.
            I finally met my daughter.
            I finally held my wife to comfort her.

            Tai Shi
            sat alone
            Helped by another
            Last edited by Tai Shi; 07-28-2022, 02:56 PM. Reason: final edit with stanzas
            Peaceful, Tai Shi. Ubasoku; calm, supportive, for positive poetry 優婆塞 台 婆


            • Kokuu
              Dharma Transmitted Priest
              • Nov 2012
              • 6983

              Lovely poem, Tai Shi!


              • Tokan
                • Oct 2016
                • 1305

                I've only just stumbled across this thread, what a great idea, and I think I need to start from the beginning and work my way through. A small offering from me, off the cuff...

                How can words express that which is beyond expression?
                The finger pointing at the moon is not the moon.
                Yet there is something behind or within the words,
                Something that shakes my sense of who and what I am,
                Leaving me grasping at the broken threads of self.

                Leaving my desk I go outside to inhale and exhale.
                It is warm, my skin feels good, and I relax.
                Children laugh and shout, car tyres screech and fade,
                leaving only the chatter of the birds. My last thought,
                "No deeper meaning than reality just as it is".

                Tokan (satlah)
                平道 島看 Heidou Tokan (Balanced Way Island Nurse)
                I enjoy learning from everyone, I simply hope to be a friend along the way


                • Tai Shi
                  • Oct 2014
                  • 3482

                  Her Journey to Breathe

                  Journey with me down,
                  What first appeared zazen
                  Becoming Free, appearing
                  Obstacle course of course
                  Becoming college courses
                  Because college, so very very
                  Difficult for me with twenty-two
                  Years I faltered then gave, give
                  These hundred page papers
                  I can see my back through her,
                  My circuitous route through
                  My brain surgery. I bow I am
                  Those papers become Eliot
                  Milton gray cat. Bow for food
                  Here, to bow again and know
                  Acceptance for altered time,
                  First time, I am her fashioning
                  Her stolid look my pain emerges,
                  Her first breath so our child cries,
                  I am not worthy, I am worthy.
                  This resembles my breath.
                  I breathe again. It is time, it is
                  Father, are you Music? I do love
                  With all my heart, I will in mind,
                  Wisdom I enfold into flowers,
                  Lotus Sutra, calluses, wonder
                  Of My hands, this pained shares,
                  I so share to see our pain as
                  Child was given back to me
                  To look at beauty is free. Silent,
                  Free as a woman this time to be.

                  Tai Shi
                  Last edited by Tai Shi; 08-07-2022, 04:41 PM. Reason: love
                  Peaceful, Tai Shi. Ubasoku; calm, supportive, for positive poetry 優婆塞 台 婆


                  • Tai Shi
                    • Oct 2014
                    • 3482

                    leon, please, such delight, I accept this time and place, I am on my computer giving praise. Can you make more joy?

                    Tai Shi
                    Peaceful, Tai Shi. Ubasoku; calm, supportive, for positive poetry 優婆塞 台 婆


                    • Tokan
                      • Oct 2016
                      • 1305

                      Originally posted by Tai Shi
                      leon, please, such delight, I accept this time and place, I am on my computer giving praise. Can you make more joy?

                      Tai Shi
                      Inspired by your beautiful words my friend

                      Gassho, Toakn (satlah)
                      平道 島看 Heidou Tokan (Balanced Way Island Nurse)
                      I enjoy learning from everyone, I simply hope to be a friend along the way


                      • Tokan
                        • Oct 2016
                        • 1305

                        Sat on my zafu, sun streaming through the window,
                        The net floating on the breeze, wavering patterns on the carpet.
                        I recall once sitting here with the vigour of youth,
                        spine erect, energy tingling through my body,
                        not a hint of pain, a mind empty of a life not yet lived.

                        Now the eyelids hang heavy, the threat of yawns - begone!
                        Pah! Tiredness, sore knees, a back that will not yield.
                        Only the mind is more supple these days, such that it accepts these woes.
                        My younger self would not have understood,
                        The place these battle scars take, alongside the good.

                        Tokan (satlah)
                        平道 島看 Heidou Tokan (Balanced Way Island Nurse)
                        I enjoy learning from everyone, I simply hope to be a friend along the way


                        • Nengyoku
                          • Jun 2021
                          • 536

                          A toad sits on the lily
                          The lily does not rush anywhere
                          I sit on a zafu
                          And my mind races

                          Thank you for being the warmth in my world.


                          • Tai Shi
                            • Oct 2014
                            • 3482

                            Empty Midwesten
                            Midwestern Hope in Yellow Butterfly

                            Empty wading pool, electrified hands, pictures, taken with his used camera,
                            Body, accept Trees, maple planted here Midwestern United States silt
                            Willingness of smoke or torrents of water, burning hot doubt laden water,
                            Leave it to come to sweet spot to buy big dull V-6, V-8 pickups, :Luxury
                            Cars, live in $1200 a month apartments, work in credit cards, work at J.C.
                            Penney, teach new children, Black, Roses, Tan in a hundred shades, teach
                            English. Trees experienced at Parks where Monarch Butterflies flit no more.
                            Release, diadem of lunch, food plentiful when bread is $3.50 instead of $5.00
                            Reading, writing, cannot keep teachers because they will not pay living wages,
                            Essential is blue sky, jobs plentiful in fast food because work cannot kill earthen homes,
                            Of Gapping corn fields plowed under into acres and acres and acres brown clay,
                            Front yards of cheap houses built in fashion to make green money back,
                            Keep our valley, no buildings commence, factory of fabricated cement pipe,
                            Restless gather camera long zoom, short focus, walk safely to City Park,
                            Knifing incident west, shooting East, death it's happening everywhere, City Park
                            Wave black DSLR 18 to 200 auto Tele Zoom lens giving way to roses, no children,
                            Safety because see you shooting camera with squirrel, wren, flying creatures
                            Cannot enter safely clear magnet of other Park named with flowers, flowers,
                            This year, any type, give large postage stamp acres of petunias, begonias,
                            Calla Lilly, succulent so rare, this year yellow swallowtail butterfly, hope again.

                            Tai Shi
                            Last edited by Tai Shi; 08-22-2022, 02:47 AM. Reason: edit
                            Peaceful, Tai Shi. Ubasoku; calm, supportive, for positive poetry 優婆塞 台 婆


                            • Tai Shi
                              • Oct 2014
                              • 3482

                              In State Park Flowers

                              Time after time, Roses
                              Bloom of Black Eyed Susan, Begonias
                              Time of flower smell over in flight
                              for, less flowers more exhaust, people
                              Exploding, Pizza, Hamburger, pic nick
                              Not Lemonade from Connivence Store?

                              Enter child, three or four or five, popsicle
                              Suddenly Buddha Nature fills corner
                              Of dozens of flowers, some already in late
                              August gone to seed, more Stupas,
                              Of Day Lilies where lay the Hip Bones

                              Of the Buddha, Remember thus, We
                              All have capacity to become Bodhisattvas.

                              Tai Shi
                              Peaceful, Tai Shi. Ubasoku; calm, supportive, for positive poetry 優婆塞 台 婆


                              • Tai Shi
                                • Oct 2014
                                • 3482

                                Do Not Think

                                Pain whitens bones
                                In August while the next
                                Rain will wait for ended
                                Sides like at first pandemic
                                Now invented; more strains as
                                Public gets used to Chinese
                                Strains of viruses, so monkey
                                Pox invented to deal boasts
                                Of genetic engineering
                                To round eyes, destruction
                                In love nested lovers beginning,
                                Destroying another child in womb,
                                Deaminizing our eyes she gets
                                Inside. No one is listening,
                                In paradise without eyes.
                                My body wracked with pain
                                Wrist sieve around flesh
                                Without pupils dilatated flesh
                                Written over in delicious ending.

                                Tai Shi
                                Peaceful, Tai Shi. Ubasoku; calm, supportive, for positive poetry 優婆塞 台 婆

