[ARTS]: Big and Little Poetry--free verse, any verse.

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  • Nengyoku
    • Jun 2021
    • 536

    Originally posted by Tai Shi
    Otagaki Rengetsu, recommended Siekshi. He says of her "a poet calligrapher, a Go player, warrior, a dancer, etc, She lost essentially all of her family (and two husbands) young. Her work is personal and often deeply tinged with loss that permeated her life" Thank you friend for this recommendation." Anyone may recommend poets, specifically women in our thread, and if you an, quote a few lines of poetry. Perhaps Haiku belongs elsewhere, but feel free to suggest Haiku and quote a few lines.
    sat/ lah
    Rengetsu's poetry is always very touching.
    If I may share a link, if not please remove it. I keep rengetsu.org open in a separate tab and try to read a couple poems a day. They have many of her works catalogued there.

    One of my favorites:

    Waiting for the one who does not come
    the moon has fallen
    behind the tips of the pines...
    Ah, the sound of the wind
    coming to assail my heart
    Thank you for being the warmth in my world.


    • Tai Shi
      • Oct 2014
      • 3482

      ARTS: Big and Little Poetry--free verse, any verse.

      All painful
      Dust darkens moon!
      Tonight is gone, you
      Stop and end,
      In Longest February.
      Our words found
      Our child who lives
      Reality in Japan words
      Dancing in hearts, only
      She watches our coldest
      Honesty found daughter
      Of possibilities became our
      Hopeful friendship.
      We ended days of night!
      Friends we have our
      Final darkness, In our
      Turning wind, cold, inside freezing alone we found
      Moments of warm listening.
      Sounds of gratitude,
      Clearly lulled our minds,
      Songs we chose together,
      Endings, choosing ashes,
      Flowers in gardens above
      Then gone, together we left,
      Stopped our own hearts.
      Together, we will never
      Turn to any other bloom,
      This our own.
      Tai Shi
      sat/ lah
      Peaceful, Tai Shi. Ubasoku; calm, supportive, for positive poetry 優婆塞 台 婆


      • Tai Shi
        • Oct 2014
        • 3482

        Robert Bly, American Poet, 1926-2021
        At this web site, readers will find information on every facet of Robert Bly's literary career, including bibliographies, reviews, and interviews, as well as new essays, poems, and translations, to increase their understanding and enjoyment of Bly's work.

        In his numerous roles as groundbreaking poet, editor, translator, storyteller, and father of what he has called "the expressive men's movement," Bly remains one of the most hotly debated American artists of the past half century. What is it about Bly and his ideas that inspires such impassioned responses from readers and associates? The psychologist Robert Moore believes that "When the cultural and intellectual history of our time is written, Robert Bly will be recognized as the catalyst for a sweeping cultural revolution." And literary critic Charles Molesworth suggests that some of Bly's importance and complication lies in the fact that he "writes religious meditations for a public that is no longer ostensibly religiou
        Peaceful, Tai Shi. Ubasoku; calm, supportive, for positive poetry 優婆塞 台 婆


        • Tai Shi
          • Oct 2014
          • 3482

          After the women's movement in 1974 and after World War 2 into the present, dating back to Susan B Anthony and women in the United states, in Paris, In Sweden, and seeking even in Japan, all women finally having decisions over birth, Betty Friedan, Charlotte Perkins Gilman, Gloria Steinem, Simone de Beauvoir, Joan Baize, Sylvia Plath, Alice's Restaurant, Judy Collins, and a whole arts culture I not enough about in the 1980s, but I do know that our women who are priests in training, and all those women who are actually leading women and men seeking Buddhism, being Priests, and all walks of life leading, seeking liberation in voting and in work for all of us, and out of this came a men's movement lead by Robert Bly against anger into right of passage.

          When I came to Treeleaf Zendo, I was a very angry man and then I began what questions needed to be answered for me; how do I cry with honesty, and my tears became honest for women and men? I knew that I had to live for two women in my life, for my friends and father, brother. I had to live or die for the women in my life who had taken good care of this disabled man. I listened to our Kokuu, and many teachers over the years of my life. I took this decision to have Brain Surgery. I decided to have brain surgery to live, and knowing I could make a difference in the life of two women, I began to understand kindness.

          The the Tee Shirt my wife wears says simply "Kindness" as she takes care of us, of our daughter and me, How does that Tee Shirt say only one thing, "Kindness," and how does the Dali Lama say that "Kindness is his Religion" and I studied the book Loving Kindness be Sharon Salzburg, Loving Kindness, How to Be Sick by Toni Bern Hard, both influential for me, a disabled man cared for by women, and I knew that a Fire Sermon's at the center this message only for me; Buddha was Loving Kindness, and this Sangha taught me Loving Kindness in the Buddha's metta, His basic message "metta" or Loving Kindness as I underwent a Surgery that was dramatic, but in the hands of a very good Surgeon, Dr Shawn Voumg, thinking of our teacher Jundo had said that my best Zen Teacher was my wife Marjorie

          I known I must have that surgery for those two women, Laurel Ann Taylor, and Marjorie Joan Remacle-Taylor, I know why when we were married she said, "I almost kept my own last name." Now I know that every woman must have her own name, and she must have her own time, and if she wants her own room. This name is her father's gift to her, and she deserves everything I am my own teacher and her partner. She only says "I love you." In writing, in the lovely simple greeting cards for birthdays and holidays. She does not believe in speaking those words.

          I know that women need absolutely, as Virginia Woolf said, Rooms of Their Own, Time of Their Own, and especially their own right to their own lives, and work they choose, land they own, and the right to vote for women and men to make sure of equitable laws. I understand the sacrifice our daughters and mothers make for me an those women who live for all of us, for other women, and their right to their own lives. My wife gave up this room, and after I fell into concussion, she said, "You must take this room our older bedroom for your own office, not the basement down in that basement to that office down stairs" I received seven stitches in my head, I sleep early so she has time to herself. Now my doctor says something triggered the growth of a deadly AVM present even before birth. I know risking my life for those two women for brain surgery was a good thing because that AVM was robbing O2 from that Right Temporal Lobe, and music and Language, and memory were being affected and made me angry.

          I came of age at 70 years by placing wife with myself yet for herself to me live longer in our old age together, and as Robert Bly said in his book Iron John which I read with the book Peace is Every Step in 1993 when my anger drove me out of full-time teaching, some right of passage must make us all adult. Men must find their way, but I was sober, and taking my first steps to understanding the precepts. On January 10, 2016, I began to undertake the precepts and I received the special gift of my rakusu from this Sangha because I cannot sew. I say dear wife of her choice for it was she asked me to marry her, Marjorie, and she sewed my rakusu cover in one night exactly to pattern from scraps of old cloth in her sewing box as the rags of those first Followers of the Dharma of Loving Kindness.

          She became my teacher. Last March a promise came true for me. I learned not to be in debt and I learned to listen to her, "Are you spending too much?" I pulled back, and I know she is right. She knows I am not dipping too much into my own money of my Social Security portion she gives me, allowance which each week she puts money into my own account, so she lets me be responsible. We have been together this year 40 years. I listen to, and she just told me to take my medicine, and savings grow. I don't dip too much into the money she gives me; she says we will be scattered in that flower garden behind George Booms Funeral Home, and I think about the laws that prevent us from being set under an Ash tree.

          Now as I write, I know that the ecological imbalance, think of how we try to help toward control of global warming, that in nature has stopped the Ash trees from growing, and whole Ash groves must be destroyed to stop the parasite that kills them. So, we will be spread on the flower garden. We will not be naturally disposed under an Ash tree as she says against the laws, "It is easy and I like it, and Laurel will have a place to come." I say, "I will never leave you. I told you that when I almost died in 2011." We are together now, and Laurel is doing her work, and may find a beautiful partner, and she may find this is her only work or "I what I want" as it is not what she expected. These are not love stories. These are our decisions.

          You lose your audience if the poem is longer than 14 lines. I told you all that when we got started writing here, but I am both essayist and poet. Maybe someday an editor will rework the long poems into essays. Please someone edit all of me in every section and not changing what is mine, just "Big and Little Poetry" or everything could be a book, so each section could be a book. Let all, women and men, be our own teachers, and now make way for people like me, the disabled, this mentally and physically ill. I married a brilliant woman with a brilliant career of 30 years of her life supporting our little family and paying for our schooling. She once cried out, "When do I get mine!" She was helping women and men force so do we now honor their lives and we as Buddhist so honor. Now the house is hers, and my Will leaves her everything. We are 66 and 70, and must think ahead. She has remodeled this home of hers and finally to get what she wanted, and of course she hired the work done, and she has her own money, her own land, and her own right to vote for whoever she wants, she thought out in time when support would be crucial as in time of pandemic, our support, our savings and retirement.

          I have been made the great honor of UBASOKU that will always be in my chosen path of lay Buddhist. Let me be of help, and let Iron John be truly my Right of Passage in my brain surgery, my choice that I give away to the three of us, Marjorie Joan Remacle, Laurel Ann Taylor, and Charles E Taylor, and as once she said to me because of irresponsibility, "You are now stealing from your family!" I have learned my right of passage by "Showering The People I Love With Love," my road having been Fire and Rain. I try to live metta. I do not spend beyond my means, or beyond her means, or beyond our means. My bipolar and pain is under control. I offer my life to the three of us as Blake spoke of, my loving kindness which you have taught me.
          sat/ lah

          Tai Shi he, him, they, them
          Last edited by Tai Shi; 02-13-2022, 09:22 PM. Reason: revision
          Peaceful, Tai Shi. Ubasoku; calm, supportive, for positive poetry 優婆塞 台 婆


          • Tai Shi
            • Oct 2014
            • 3482

            Robert Bly, American Poet, 1926-2021
            At this web site, readers will find information on every facet of Robert Bly's literary career, including bibliographies, reviews, and interviews, as well as new essays, poems, and translations, to increase their understanding and enjoyment of Bly's work.

            In his numerous roles as groundbreaking poet, editor, translator, storyteller, and father of what he has called "the expressive men's movement," Bly remains one of the most hotly debated American artists of the past half century. What is it about Bly and his ideas that inspires such impassioned responses from readers and associates? The psychologist Robert Moore believes that "When the cultural and intellectual history of our time is written, Robert Bly will be recognized as the catalyst for a sweeping cultural revolution." And literary critic Charles Molesworth suggests that some of Bly's importance and complication lies in the fact that he "writes religious meditations for a public that is no longer ostensibly religious."

            The above was cited for the Robert Bly Page
            Last edited by Tai Shi; 02-13-2022, 05:59 PM. Reason: credit
            Peaceful, Tai Shi. Ubasoku; calm, supportive, for positive poetry 優婆塞 台 婆


            • Tai Shi
              • Oct 2014
              • 3482

              Rich thank you for the gift gift of song gift of Haiku. Say Great Amen.

              Tai Shi

              Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Pro
              Peaceful, Tai Shi. Ubasoku; calm, supportive, for positive poetry 優婆塞 台 婆


              • Rich
                • Apr 2009
                • 2616

                Originally posted by Tai Shi
                Rich thank you for the gift gift of song gift of Haiku. Say Great Amen.

                Tai Shi

                Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Pro
                Thanks. Will post another one soon


                Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
                無 (MU, Emptiness) and 氷 (HYO, Ice) ... Emptiness Ice ...



                • Rich
                  • Apr 2009
                  • 2616

                  Photo taken in Florida


                  Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
                  無 (MU, Emptiness) and 氷 (HYO, Ice) ... Emptiness Ice ...



                  • Tai Shi
                    • Oct 2014
                    • 3482

                    One Buddhist Gives One Vision

                    Bird song since February cold,
                    Robins orange and gray, then stair
                    Steps at end of April shelter

                    Into body of angry bones to delay
                    Bodies of war in Spring pain,
                    Rain white on neighboring

                    Sunday sit to stand with cane to help,
                    With breath made whole, silence
                    From trees outside Sutra green

                    Defines without death, night opens
                    To song before scorching earth,
                    While Zazen cools Buddhist mind,

                    Emptiness of will, summer comes
                    Not today my Child crying for toys.
                    Attacks are blown West in wind

                    Gone making Global Warming hot,
                    Pandemic defies life of ancient toil,
                    Across Spring, burned wheat

                    While parents cry for homes
                    Made dirty bunkers. Temporary Peace
                    Clay Lands on anonymous face

                    Opening graves without fear. Try
                    To understand storm clouds
                    Of Death of food in Subway

                    Shelter. Who feeds his child of war?
                    Old in hiding shelter or young defying
                    Missiles. Yellow light in blue sky.

                    Loving kindness could prevail
                    Metta chanting with those in Tonglen
                    Quieting great minds of freedom.

                    Tai Shi
                    Peaceful, Tai Shi. Ubasoku; calm, supportive, for positive poetry 優婆塞 台 婆


                    • Kokuu
                      Dharma Transmitted Priest
                      • Nov 2012
                      • 6983

                      That's beautiful, Tai Shi!



                      • Zenkon
                        • May 2020
                        • 228

                        seeing that I want,
                        I can stop wanting.
                        seeing that I hate,
                        I can stop hating.
                        seeing that I love,
                        I can stop loving,
                        and just see




                        • Zenkon
                          • May 2020
                          • 228

                          rushing rivers and,
                          tranquil streams,
                          all waters meet,
                          in the same ocean




                          • Tai Shi
                            • Oct 2014
                            • 3482

                            We are Ukrainian

                            Sky green with moon, sky
                            Moving up in clouds dense
                            Gray, gray with brown, gone
                            Mad today nothing,
                            No Winter. Ice opposite
                            To oppose living possibly
                            Things to witness touching
                            Weep for Lives suffering
                            Color for the sun? Much
                            Death of such Pain as this.
                            Is this pain. Who can say,
                            "I am Ukrainian?" on plain
                            Beneath breathe, Sunset
                            Blaze, look Into horizon
                            Dusty clouds Scared.
                            Life, Eternal not?

                            sat/ lah
                            Tai Shi

                            Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Pro
                            Last edited by Tai Shi; 05-01-2022, 01:56 AM. Reason: radical edit
                            Peaceful, Tai Shi. Ubasoku; calm, supportive, for positive poetry 優婆塞 台 婆


                            • Rich
                              • Apr 2009
                              • 2616

                              無 (MU, Emptiness) and 氷 (HYO, Ice) ... Emptiness Ice ...



                              • Tom A.
                                • May 2020
                                • 255

                                ARTS: Big and Little Poetry--free verse, any verse.

                                Over billions of years
                                The universe
                                Spun up elements
                                Some evolved into fire

                                Some say…

                                over billions of years
                                It’s just how
                                The universe evolved
                                And spun up fire:

                                Fire evolved
                                With the inescapable
                                Greed and desire
                                To consume
                                And anything

                                Tortured because
                                The universe
                                Has no care
                                If a fire is satisfied

                                With the inescapable
                                Greed and desire
                                To consume
                                And anything”

                                Yes that is true.


                                Fire can be contained
                                Settling into one place

                                In this moment
                                The fire is perfect
                                And whole
                                Not waiting
                                To greedily
                                Latch on to
                                Everything and

                                Fire is just itself
                                Never tortured
                                Never waiting


                                Fire IS the billions of years
                                That evolved itself into fire

                                Fire is earth... And water
                                Fire is air... And solid
                                Fire is heat... And cold
                                Consuming and consumed

                                The fire is the universe
                                Forever satisfied
                                Even if not.

                                Flowing upward
                                The fire naturally lets go
                                (It has no choice)
                                Of its inescapable
                                Greed and desire
                                Not torturing itself
                                To consume everything
                                And anything
                                And the moonlit sky
                                Does not obstruct it’s
                                Dangerous flames and
                                Poisonous smoke
                                To flow upward
                                And float away

                                (Please kindly look past the pretentiousness and length. It’s not a subtle “poem” or whatever it is, I’m not smart enough for subtlety.)



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                                Last edited by Tom A.; 05-04-2022, 01:14 AM.
                                “Do what’s hard to do when it is the right thing to do.”- Robert Sopalsky

