[ARTS]: Big and Little Poetry--free verse, any verse.

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  • Tai Shi
    • Oct 2014
    • 3482

    I Wrote Aftershock Poetry

    More than one year
    Gone into poetry
    I stammer, "What's
    Become of me?"
    I divide the air
    With words, wisps
    To spare, what words?

    Does one year
    Three months
    Disappear. Like
    Clouds on Long's Peak
    Morning Air, disappearing

    More, more
    Sun races into year,
    Rain pattern more than year,
    I did not drink
    That day. The Stuff
    Of brown paper bags.
    In our day, brown
    Bottles sufficed

    Any clear plastic
    Sack of wine.
    Method brought substance,
    Then came storm,
    Dropping drops, then snow.
    After rain, came more rain
    Flood rose upon creeks
    Turtle Creek, Skunk Creek.

    Water into basins
    Turned brown, until
    Friends in Colorado knew.
    Remembered I had been drinking
    Then whole university knew;

    New teacher in 1983,
    One year of marriage
    I hit the bars,
    Five years, three
    Teaching, two
    Student, I hit
    Bar, after bar,
    Always pattern
    What happened,
    Why did I quit-- never; look
    Back never, look back,
    Turn to salt,

    I turned to potassium?
    My kidneys into Zen, into book
    The time of great flood August 2014,
    Calm Poetry in January 2016
    All patterns broken in Japan
    Levies gone, 400 homes starting
    Nearly twenty thousand
    Then more unthinkable,
    Since 1945,

    I remember bomb films,
    Now homes, children, schools
    Reactor on doorstep everywhere
    Quick Flood, but never our home
    Then it was 20-years-old,
    Dryer than Japan, I do not
    Drink, none each day
    When I hear or see Tsunami
    My daughter in Hokkaido
    My Treeleaf near her first home
    Chiba, Drop after precious drop,

    Water, not wine, water
    Bringing membranes human
    Hair, bodies gone
    Into numberless heap.
    Precepts, this one's not easy
    Life, yet, the one about truth,
    That one's harder to keep,

    I do not drink intoxicants,
    Nor smoke, nor shoot,
    Nor snort, nor pop pills,
    But how? I do not lie?
    Thousands out of homes
    Water, dripping from our sky,

    Where is end to meltdown?
    Thousands of years, Where
    Is end of rain?
    Is this end near? We have turned
    To sandbags now in South Dakota,
    Again in 2019, no crops, farms
    Gone broke, families cannot plant.

    We gave our last bottle of wine
    To our neighbor, she
    Gave it to her boyfriend
    Who knew me as fellow lost
    Soul, so I surrendered.
    With rain, there is no surrender
    With quack, with flood?
    No surrender.

    I tell you now, I've
    Stopped lying or being correct?
    Or puffed up. It is the same.
    Was it God realizing
    It made no difference,

    Water last night,
    They opened Sioux Falls
    Friday I-90 highway, April 7th,

    Today I tell you this,
    Water is the basis
    Of everything, I know,
    John the Baptist
    Foretold my time of Zen
    My time with Jesus Christ,
    And just sitting, just sitting.

    Mustard seeds could
    Not predict death or death
    Faith in faith predicted nothing,
    The Buddha told us this,
    Jesus yet affirmed this.
    Where is truth? This I know.
    I've mostly learned the truth
    Enough to start, no one to kill,
    Enough to start.

    Tai Shi
    Last edited by Tai Shi; 02-02-2020, 02:13 AM.
    Peaceful, Tai Shi. Ubasoku; calm, supportive, for positive poetry 優婆塞 台 婆


    • Shonin Risa Bear
      • Apr 2019
      • 926

      Three deep breaths, palms together,
      Here in her room, or elsewhere, she may
      Rise and take. A habit she has formed,
      Even as most of her ideas, ideals,
      Even her so cherished findings, hard found,

      Deducted, inducted, reasoned, debated, polished,
      Even those most like faith, as taught her,
      Even those most like science, measured, observed,
      Peeled one by one: a human desert, she.

      By three deep breaths, she centers somehow: how?
      Reality itself a question she's no longer asking,
      Eating and sleeping themselves provisional.
      All she bothers to call caring is now to listen
      To breath, room sounds, outside sounds, to
      Her friends, their worries unpacked, their voices
      Spending both hope and pain. She bows.

      sat today
      Gassho, doyu
      Visiting priest: use salt


      • Tai Shi
        • Oct 2014
        • 3482

        Hi Doyu, I like your poem very much--you and I write confessional poetry with a difference from the actual school of poets in American Poetry. These poets, Sylvia Plath, Robert Lowell, Ann Sexton, others, ended many, if not most of their poetry in negative ways. All three of these poets committed suicide, yet they helped found a whole school of poetry called Confessional Poetry. There are others called Beat Poets, Beat Poetry for Beat Nick, bohemians of the 1950 s and early 1960 s. The most famous of these poets was Allen Ginsberg who helped found the Nayropa Institute near Boulder, Colorado. I earned my MFA creative writing at Colorado State University near Boulder, in the city of Fort Collins, Colorado while thinking I would have been suited to the Nayropa Institute because they offered the same degree and were a Zen enclave. Ginsberg and his friends gave up drugs to follow a different path, and even more so was Gary Snyder who still teaches, though Emeritus, at One of the University of California campuses near Sacramento, can't remember which one. There is a whole school of Zen poets. Look up City Lights Book Store in San Francisco. You and I are in good company with our poetry. Sometimes I try to bring into my poems landscape. I keep trying thinking it will give me more detail. I'm never sure how successful I am. Bill Tremblay, American poet, and my advisor, used to admonish me about rhythm.
        Peaceful, Tai Shi. Ubasoku; calm, supportive, for positive poetry 優婆塞 台 婆


        • Shonin Risa Bear
          • Apr 2019
          • 926

          Very kind, Tai shi. I have traveled a lot but did most of my studies at the University of Oregon.

          Gassho, Doyu
          sat today/LAH
          Visiting priest: use salt


          • Kokuu
            Dharma Transmitted Priest
            • Nov 2012
            • 6983

            Beautiful, Doyū!


            • Tai Shi
              • Oct 2014
              • 3482

              I am so happy to be part of Treeleaf with friends and it has made a big difference in my life and I hope for others!

              Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
              Peaceful, Tai Shi. Ubasoku; calm, supportive, for positive poetry 優婆塞 台 婆


              • Kokuu
                Dharma Transmitted Priest
                • Nov 2012
                • 6983

                Even in this decaying body
                the brightness of ten thousand things;
                carrion crow, an oak tree in bud,
                crab shells left behind by the tide.

                Dog violets mix with celandines
                on the forest floor,
                clouds pass overhead,
                gathering sun.

                From the hour of our birth,
                no moment is the same,
                yet each contains all things,
                how can any of us ever be alone?

                One foot in front of the other,
                waves break on the shore,
                we follow our ancestors
                as breath follows breath.

                Lighting incense to Amida Buddha,
                I empty my bowl
                and already find it
                full of blossom.


                • Shonin Risa Bear
                  • Apr 2019
                  • 926

                  Kokuu, thank you for this. _()_

                  gassho, doyu
                  sat today/lah
                  Visiting priest: use salt


                  • Tai Shi
                    • Oct 2014
                    • 3482

                    For my friend Kokuu
                    Morning Glories Will Come

                    Time after time
                    We reach for sunshine,
                    Reaching from our beds
                    Of fertile soil where gardens
                    Grew roses, now The Glory
                    Of toil as chariot rides
                    Across our sky.

                    We lose nothing
                    In colorful gold days
                    Swept clean from clouds.
                    Why bother our bowed heads
                    Of yellow, green, red
                    To stem our winter's sleep?

                    Locked away our pockets empty,
                    No seed? Gardener reaches
                    Into tiny packets,
                    Paper thin pouches
                    Around crowns of earth.

                    Our women and men,
                    Lingering long in caves,
                    Still wakeful on walls,
                    Sentient beings
                    In books. Finding wisdom,

                    We reach lovingly
                    For packets of sun. Our seeds
                    bring forth deliverance
                    Of desire. Our graves are not
                    Dug as lives rejoice, given over
                    To delight of air,

                    Sunshine our mindfulness,
                    Into openings where rain showers
                    Bring water, bower of delight,
                    Now tiny blossoms sprout, bloom

                    Another day rich. We reach for sky,
                    Living things given to clouds
                    bursting water, sprouting seeds,
                    Without souls, We reach again,

                    Buddhas touch earth.
                    Now Sacred roots. This is spring.
                    Down, down, stems of cells,
                    Biology of wakefulness now alive.
                    Above is the Morning Star,

                    For others our earthly ocean
                    Of air is bright with eternal
                    Juno's energy, one after one
                    Cells of Earth's aquarium drop

                    Of dew point to Earth, reversing
                    Our Compasses pointing north,
                    For joyful sun rays give blooms.
                    Energy renews another spring.

                    Living seeds, we sing as our eyes
                    Close, resting notes of poetry
                    Simple Haikus, form natural,
                    Broken five notes sung to seven,

                    Dreaming generations
                    Such as Solomon
                    Never knew, so arrayed
                    Our gold is gone; new of gold
                    So old my song.

                    We are shown life every day,
                    While Venus dawns below Polaris,
                    New again, We find happiness,
                    Bright Sun above our morning,
                    We wake to full days,

                    Realization of our sun,
                    Like this morning star,
                    Our Air is never dry, full sun
                    Sweeps Starry Night away,

                    I wake to dawn, my work again
                    Poetry with bowed head,
                    Now I chop wood,
                    Now I carry water.
                    Now I fetch the Sun.

                    Tai Shi
                    Last edited by Tai Shi; 02-09-2020, 07:00 PM. Reason: revision.
                    Peaceful, Tai Shi. Ubasoku; calm, supportive, for positive poetry 優婆塞 台 婆


                    • Teiro
                      • Jan 2018
                      • 113


                      Golden morning
                      Caught in a spider’s web
                      As the damp earth

                      A sudden movement!
                      Caught in the corner of the eye
                      Ears prick, exited yelp
                      Paws barely touch
                      In the joy of the run


                      Last edited by Teiro; 06-01-2019, 03:17 PM.


                      • Shonin Risa Bear
                        • Apr 2019
                        • 926

                        t h e re a r e r o o m s

                        There are rooms in a life that may sometimes
                        Have someone in them; but they are guests there.
                        Even when one most loves, one may find,
                        Really, a solitude that begins at this wall,
                        Ends at that wall; the rest is not entirely ours.

                        As years turn and suns, moons and stars
                        Rise up and fall like rain by every window
                        Even one's hands will shrivel soon enough

                        Right at the ends of one's arms, as hands
                        Of strangers. But to fret at this discovery
                        Of emptiness arrived at and emptiness
                        Made clear by moon's dance with water,
                        Sun's dance with dust, by endings never sought

                        In even that one room that is one's own, is
                        Not worthy of even that we call our life.

                        All our guests deserve from us restraint.

                        Little enough we can offer them as it is;
                        In a short while each vacates each room,
                        Feeling for the light switch as each goes.
                        Evening comes. Do not grieve the door.

                        doyu sat today
                        Visiting priest: use salt


                        • Getchi
                          • May 2015
                          • 612

                          Thank you all :bow:

                          One day, I was in
                          Two minds, stay or
                          Today i did neither, tomorrow
                          - ill do it all.
                          Neither gain nor loss,
                          Here nor There
                          Heaven and Hell
                          Through each other
                          we fell.


                          LaH / SatToday.
                          Nothing to do? Why not Sit?


                          • Tai Shi
                            • Oct 2014
                            • 3482

                            Eating Genjokoan

                            Dropping pain to breath
                            Breathe in our master Dogen
                            All in Genjokoan yet in cooking
                            Public, private, drop away
                            More hungry ghost,
                            Les is more human,
                            Nirvana, here before me food,
                            Limited by tip of stomach
                            Growl; toast, juice, fruit,
                            Can pain drop away?
                            Not likely sinner ghoul!
                            No time is ancient
                            Twenty minutes until 1185
                            Came to pass in cooking bowl,
                            Five minutes now, now,
                            With no pain, pain again,
                            Hold on more, pain comes
                            I eat, I let go, cannot sit
                            In this easy chair, breathe
                            Breakfast I may eat, my only
                            Desire, oatmeal, after reading
                            Dogen this moment,
                            Mindfully hurting
                            Iced myself down, so I
                            May sit with steaming bowl
                            My gratitude in bowl of food,
                            From reclining chair
                            To hardwood table
                            Downing every morsel.

                            Tai Shi

                            Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
                            Last edited by Tai Shi; 02-02-2020, 01:20 AM.
                            Peaceful, Tai Shi. Ubasoku; calm, supportive, for positive poetry 優婆塞 台 婆


                            • Tai Shi
                              • Oct 2014
                              • 3482

                              This is the poetry of pictures from my wife's beautiful flowers at the front porch last summer.
                              Tai Shi
                              sat lah

                              Sent from my SM-T113 using Tapatalk
                              Last edited by Jundo; 01-24-2021, 02:33 AM.
                              Peaceful, Tai Shi. Ubasoku; calm, supportive, for positive poetry 優婆塞 台 婆


                              • Hensho
                                • Aug 2018
                                • 183

                                Treeleaf Rohatsu, 2019

                                My wife's flowers from the front
                                Porch last summer linger
                                Like pink and green imprints
                                In my tired mind, reminding
                                Me of everything I promised.

                                A life together in a grass hut.
                                Moments of joy or did I say
                                Hope. Was it enough? Did
                                I warn her about the weeds?
                                She was no fool and married

                                Me anyway. We managed. We
                                Came together. She, the timeless
                                Constant being holding it all,
                                fashioning my fumblings
                                Into this life. This life. This hut,

                                Like that jar in Tennessee, contains
                                A thousand doors. A thousand
                                Tiny buddhas spring from her
                                Tears, showering me
                                With pink and green petals.


                                Sat today/lah

                                Sent from my LM-Q710.FGN using Tapatalk
                                Hensho: Knitting Strands / Stranded on a Reef
                                "Knit on with confidence and hope through all crises." -Elizabeth Zimmerman

