The Sitting Hall

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  • Hogo
    • Feb 2010
    • 497

    Re: The Sitting Hall

    Originally posted by Engyo
    I left my microphone on in Zen Hall this time, but I don't think anyone heard my chanting (I didn't, through the speakers I mean). Of course, maybe that was a good thing.
    I would like to find someone to give this a try with me to find some way to work out the sound issues in order to chant together with Jundo. We could use a recorded version for a trial.
    I would not mind giving it a try but I am not sure on the sound issue gonna have to give that some thought, but the only real sucess I have had with a lot of sound and live audio, is to use headphones to eliminate feedback, this obviously can cause some mobility issues and make prostrations and such a bit akward. Drop me a note here, or PM if you like we can meet in the meeting hall sometime and experiment with the audio/video. Not sure what we can accomplish but worth a shot. I am usually around and free in the evenings (U.S. Mountain time)
    Gassho ~ Dave.


    • Shujin
      Novice Priest-in-Training
      • Feb 2010
      • 1190

      Re: The Sitting Hall

      Engyo - of course we'll get together in the Meeting Hall. I'll send you a pm to set up a time. I just saw Dave's message, so we can coordinate with him & anyone else interested. I finish sitting typically around 2115-2130EST. I would echo (no pun intended) Dave's comments on the sound. I could hear Jundo on your speakers, which was a little bit lagged from my stream. I like the idea of chanting together; we'll experiment & get it sorted.
      I was very surprised I had the bandwidth for both ooVoo & Ustream last night. My poor old desktop can't run the live stream & ooVoo simultaneously, so I streamed the zazenkai on my laptop.

      I'm coming up on night shift in a couple of weeks, so I'll be out of sync with everyone again. Until then, I look forward to seeing y'all in the Hall.

      Kyōdō Shujin 教道 守仁


      • roky
        • Jul 2008
        • 311

        Re: The Sitting Hall

        hi ron -- yup, i may even join you sometime in the evening, depending on when my wife is out of the trailer - but mostly my sits are in the am

        engyo -- i mosty do the zazenkais live, and that is ustream, not youtube, so i don't think theres a way of just receiving the sound, but i will research it

        "no resistance"
        thaddeus golas


        • Engyo
          • Aug 2010
          • 356

          Re: The Sitting Hall

          Originally posted by roky
          engyo -- i mosty do the zazenkais live, and that is ustream, not youtube, so i don't think theres a way of just receiving the sound, but i will research it

          Sorry if I misunderstood Roky, what I was responding to was “what i'd really like would be a way to just have the sound of ustream, with oovoo...”
          The resource I looked at for youtube also included a method for ustream but here is a specific link for free conversion:



          • Shugen
            • Nov 2007
            • 4532

            Re: The Sitting Hall

            Oovoo isn't working for me right now.
            Meido Shugen
            明道 修眼


            • Shokai
              Dharma Transmitted Priest
              • Mar 2009
              • 6530

              Re: The Sitting Hall

              Sometimes it does, sometimes it doesn't; what's up with that?
              I just sit anyway,
              (fortunately the timer always works )
              gassho, Shokai

              仁道 生開 / Jindo Shokai

              "Open to life in a benevolent way"



              • roky
                • Jul 2008
                • 311

                Re: The Sitting Hall

                was fine at 10:30 this am, arizona time -- and has been very consistent since my "return" -- maybe more folks on oovoo later in the day(north america time)

                sitting will be at a different time tomorrow, cause its "goin to town" day

                gassho, roky(aka coyote bob)
                "no resistance"
                thaddeus golas


                • Engyo
                  • Aug 2010
                  • 356

                  Re: The Sitting Hall

                  Oovoo has been fine here. I'm on six nights per week at 9pm, Friday nights at Zazenkai time, all without a hitch.
                  Everyone have the latest version of Flash?


                  • Shugen
                    • Nov 2007
                    • 4532

                    Re: The Sitting Hall

                    Hello all,

                    I have very few problems with oovoo. I think the issue was probably at my end with my connection to the internet. (It gets a little wonky sometimes). So far, oovoo has worked really well for me.

                    Meido Shugen
                    明道 修眼


                    • Engyo
                      • Aug 2010
                      • 356

                      Re: The Sitting Hall

                      I don't think oovoo will help me get to Zen Hall tonight though. Lots of snow shovelling meditation today and tonight.
                      It's kind of like walking meditation with a twist and a throw....


                      • Amelia
                        • Jan 2010
                        • 4980

                        Re: The Sitting Hall

                        Walking meditation has been my norm these days.
                        求道芸化 Kyūdō Geika
                        I am just a priest-in-training, please do not take anything I say as a teaching.


                        • Jundo
                          Treeleaf Founder and Priest
                          • Apr 2006
                          • 41210

                          Re: The Sitting Hall

                          Originally posted by Engyo
                          I don't think oovoo will help me get to Zen Hall tonight though. Lots of snow shovelling meditation today and tonight.
                          It's kind of like walking meditation with a twist and a throw....
                          Ah, Don ... with all those massive snow storms, I would like to bump a little essay from last year (although remember that I write as a Florida boy) ...

                          How a Buddha Shovels Snow

                          I wrote an essay about Zen Practice in the Soto way, using a metaphor that someone put up about how Rinzai people and Soto People shovel snow, the importance of "Kensho" and some similar topics ...

                          For those new to all this, and who may not get the snowy symbolism ... "snow" probably means "delusions" and obstructions, "a clean driveway" or "getting from the front door to the sidewalk" means "enlightenment" and "shoveling" means 'Practice".
                          More piled up here ...

                          ALL OF LIFE IS OUR TEMPLE


                          • Engyo
                            • Aug 2010
                            • 356

                            Re: The Sitting Hall

                            Ah, Jundo. That was a lovely piece of work. Thanks very much for sharing it!.
                            As for my shovelling, I did do it the Soto way; side to side, up and down. Nothing arose to like or dislike. Just shovelling.
                            Back at it this morning, but somehow your essay has already made the task lighter.
                            Clearing snow now just another opportunity to practice.


                            • roky
                              • Jul 2008
                              • 311

                              Re: The Sitting Hall

                              well, no snow down here on the mexican border, but unseasonably cold weather -- low of 25f and high of 40, with 30mph winds -- and having said i was on oovoo no problem, no luck last 2 days -- but was a local wifi issue again

                              will be missing the live zazenkai, cause will be hiking to the bottom of the grand canyon -- but since this adventure is solo, i will do my best to keep the spirit of zazen

                              left, right, left, right..........

                              "no resistance"
                              thaddeus golas


                              • Shujin
                                Novice Priest-in-Training
                                • Feb 2010
                                • 1190

                                Re: The Sitting Hall

                                Hey y'all, my attendance in the Hall will be sporadic for the next month or so. I have family in town for the next couple of weekends, and am going to night shift. Hopefully I can put in some daylight sitting times, but the transition doesn't always seem to go smoothly. The darkness.....

                                Kyōdō Shujin 教道 守仁

