The Sitting Hall

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  • Dosho
    • Jun 2008
    • 5784

    Re: The Sitting Hall

    Originally posted by roky
    another kink to be worked out: is the "hang out" to be used as a sitting hall, or a chat room? -- i've already gone into one hangout and had to immediately leave when i realized it was a chat -- my (incorrect) assumption had been g+ was to be tested as a new sitting hall, not chat room, and that all the folks i was adding to my circle were into sitting -- this has not always been the case -- i think that at the very least, folks who are chatting should sign up on the scheduler as such -- i.e., if it doesn't say "chat", it means that person will be sitting -- silently, except for liturgy

    Google+ and its Hangout feature is a new system for chatting that Shohei thought could be adapted for our needs. It is designed to be for chatting, not silent sitting. Shoehi simply got us all on the system earlier than it has been opened for widespread use, but it is meant to be a Facebook alternative for social networking. I don't think people should need to indicate that they are NOT chatting, just that they ARE sitting. Every person creates their own Hangout so there is no one set sitting hall. So, for me at least, I indicate what I'm doing there...not telling others what they should be using it for.



    • Shugen
      • Nov 2007
      • 4532

      The Sitting Hall

      It's new so it will take a little while to work everything out. It's definitely a good idea to let people know if it's a chat or a sit.

      Meido Shugen
      明道 修眼


      • Dosho
        • Jun 2008
        • 5784

        Re: The Sitting Hall

        Originally posted by rculver
        It's new so it will take a little while to work everything out. It's definitely a good idea to let people know if it's a chat or a sit.

        I can see what you are saying and I will do that myself, but I don't think we need require folks who don't just use the system for Treeleaf related activities to always have to indicate to that it's a chat.


        • Shugen
          • Nov 2007
          • 4532

          The Sitting Hall

          Originally posted by Dosho
          Originally posted by rculver
          It's new so it will take a little while to work everything out. It's definitely a good idea to let people know if it's a chat or a sit.

          I can see what you are saying and I will do that myself, but I don't think we need require folks who don't just use the system for Treeleaf related activities to always have to indicate to that it's a chat.
          Since the Google+ is in the context of Treeleaf, I just assumed ( wrongly) that it was being used as a Sitting Hall only. I'll just assume that unless I see the name on the "zenhall" scheduler or it's labelled " Zazen", people are chatting. I haven't accidentally gone into a chat wanting to sit, so it hasn't been a problem for me.

          Meido Shugen
          明道 修眼


          • Dosho
            • Jun 2008
            • 5784

            Re: The Sitting Hall

            Originally posted by rculver
            I haven't accidentally gone into a chat wanting to sit, so it hasn't been a problem for me.
            I did that with Chet, so that's probably why I'm more aware of it!

            One thing about the calendar/scheduler: For those of us who do not know ahead of time when they'll be sitting or how long we'll be able to sit for, the calendar often isn't a part of using Google+/Hangout. I have said I will retroactively put my sits into the calendar so people can know when I have sat, so I will try to be better about doing that. But I wouldn't make assumptions on how people are using Google+ based on what is or is not written in the calendar.



            • Shugen
              • Nov 2007
              • 4532

              The Sitting Hall


              I tend to agree that if you're using hangout for zazen, let people know. I still think if at all possible (and I understand that sometimes it is not) to use the scheduler.

              Meido Shugen
              明道 修眼


              • Dokan
                Friend of Treeleaf
                • Dec 2010
                • 1222

                Re: The Sitting Hall

                Just had to post up how wonderful it was to sit with Rocky, Fugen, Peter and Choco this morning. Was telling my wife how neat to have an impromptu sit with people from Germany, Sweden, Mexico and Arizona (I believe). Thanks for joining guys and hope to sit with you all again soon!


                We don't see things as they are, we see them as we are.
                ~Anaïs Nin


                • Engyo
                  • Aug 2010
                  • 356

                  Re: The Sitting Hall

                  Good to join Ron, Shujin, Jennifer in G+ this evening.


                  • Shujin
                    Novice Priest-in-Training
                    • Feb 2010
                    • 1190

                    Re: The Sitting Hall

                    Happy to sit with you again, Engyo. G+ has been a positive change for the Sitting Hall. Now, if I can just get re-sharing hangouts right.....

                    Kyōdō Shujin 教道 守仁


                    • Engyo
                      • Aug 2010
                      • 356

                      Re: The Sitting Hall

                      Originally posted by Shujin
                      Happy to sit with you again, Engyo. G+ has been a positive change for the Sitting Hall. Now, if I can just get re-sharing hangouts right.....

                      Hello Shujin,
                      Good to see you.
                      What do you mean by "re-sharing hang-outs"?


                      • Shujin
                        Novice Priest-in-Training
                        • Feb 2010
                        • 1190

                        Re: The Sitting Hall

                        Shawn(shards) posted a tip on G+ a couple of days ago about this. When the originator of a hangout leaves, new users can't join the hangout anymore. For example, if I setup a hangout that you joined, and I left before you, no one could join you to continue sitting. I tried his advice the other day without any success, however. I would attribute this to my technical ineptitude.

                        Here's the original post from Shawn:

                        Btw fellow Treeleaf sitters:

                        I found a neat way to keep the sit up when the originator leaves. When you go to join another persons sit, make sure you set the group you want to share it with. This way, it'll be posted to your Stream. If the originator of the Hangout leaves, it'll stay open through your posting.
                        Kyōdō Shujin 教道 守仁


                        • Dokan
                          Friend of Treeleaf
                          • Dec 2010
                          • 1222

                          Re: The Sitting Hall

                          Maybe I need to explain more. Been quite busy with visiting family and just life lately so only been posting via my tablet and it seems to truncate my thoughts.

                          Anyway, the issue I was addressing was this I had noted in our morning sits:

                          1. Roky starts up a hangout.
                          2. Shawn joins 15 min later as he had time dragging his carcass out of bed.
                          3. Roky finishes sitting and leaves hangout.
                          4. Shawn continues sitting alone, but nobody knows as its no longer posted. Instead it now says: Roky hung out.
                          5. Choco goes to G+ to sit and doesn't see Shawn so starts new sit.

                          So what I discovered is this:
                          1. Still same as above.
                          2. Still same as I am still lazy. However, this time at the screen where you "fix your hair" and mic and stuff, invite others to sit. In my case, its the Treeleaf circle.
                          2.5. Now Shawn's profile will show the ability to join him for hangout.
                          3. Same as above.
                          4. No longer applicable.
                          5. Choco logs into G+ and sees that Shawn is still sitting, joins me, and while fixes his hair, continues as I did at step 2 in case Dosho come on after Shawn left.

                          I am sure I may be confusing things more so will spend a couple min tonight to make a video...if u r like me, visual examples are way easier...


                          We don't see things as they are, we see them as we are.
                          ~Anaïs Nin


                          • Shujin
                            Novice Priest-in-Training
                            • Feb 2010
                            • 1190

                            Re: The Sitting Hall

                            Thanks, Shawn; that cleared it up quite a bit for me. I was sharing the post outside of the hangout, so it wasn't working. I'll give this a shot tonight. I'm sure it'll work out. In the evening we all seem to be staggered with our sitting times, so it'll be great to get some of the old Sitting Hall feeling back Thank you again for taking the time to help.

                            Kyōdō Shujin 教道 守仁


                            • roky
                              • Jul 2008
                              • 311

                              Re: The Sitting Hall

                              and i might add, it really helps if folks also use the scheduler -- for me, this is the "bottom-line" when it comes to communicating "i'm sitting now", or "i will be sitting at 10:00" -- because the new scheduler can be edited "on the fly", and even retrospectively, i use it to see who i may have missed before i start my sit -- and if 5 minutes before my scheduled sit, something comes up, i can edit it to whatever time/length i want -- i can see when shawn is sitting, and hold off on my sit so we can sit together -- it compensates for the complexities of g+, and the occasional instablities -- if 5 people are sitting, there can be 5 seperate entries, or one entry edited 5 times, very flexible -- i've trained myself to use it, cause i know that when i'm in the desert in 2 months, the wifi is unstable, and g+ will probably not get the bandwidth it needs -- but i will still be able to sit with you, as indicated on the scheduler, but i won't be seen in the hangout -- of course, you need to get put on the scheduler list, and i forgot who takes care of that
                              "no resistance"
                              thaddeus golas


                              • Dokan
                                Friend of Treeleaf
                                • Dec 2010
                                • 1222

                                Re: Re: The Sitting Hall

                                Originally posted by roky
                                you need to get put on the scheduler list, and i forgot who takes care of that
                                Anyone who is already setup on Google Calendar can add more people. Of course you sorta need to know where and how...

                                I of course don't mind adding you if not on the calendar already.


                                We don't see things as they are, we see them as we are.
                                ~Anaïs Nin

