[ARTS]: Big and Little Poetry--free verse, any verse.

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  • Tai Shi
    • Oct 2014
    • 3482

    ARTS: Big and Little Poetry--free verse, any verse.


    Surprise Ending

    Winter love gone so lingers gratefully,
    Beneath trees Given to Marjorie
    My Priest, I am hers in old age, in white
    Drifts of snow, Ubasoku, her support
    On High Plains, abandoned farm houses,

    We still live as couple after more than forty,
    Years. Our love games have become
    Poetry and foot slides, pacing, Heaven
    Where you look out, not up.

    Placing pain patches ache
    I present without shirt my back, my front
    Lovingly. We speak harshest in spring
    Like apples of trees falling in September,
    Our backyard gardens of the moon
    To each other we are old couple

    All day long, one easily
    To each other, we play at our
    Pokemon go just to be ourselves.
    We are an old couple beneath trees
    Still waters with each, she abides
    Me. Although her eyes weaken year
    After year, we are still seeing

    Each other like that first game we played
    Of pool in 1980, January 7th, we sang
    In our orchard of love. Remembered
    First teaching Contract, game of love sports,
    One class of Rhetoric one oh one,
    Floor beginning, English, Philosophy,
    Anthropology students at Iowa our

    University. Much to our dismayed
    Sorrow, Professor Emeritus Bill Clark
    Our Friend advocate, sovereignty
    Understanding, had fallen, killed
    In freak accident, I was disappointed
    He knew nothing of my MFA. Done
    Same year he died braking his skull.
    They bought him his grave--wine glasses
    We never use today.


    Same Come My Old Age

    Marjorie bought me walker try try
    To know of poetry She said, "You must
    Use your walker we are children of poetry
    You will fall like Professor Clark

    Only thing to remind me of you
    Will be your poetry, too soon your ashes
    Fallen from trees of paradise, We will not
    Sing together like birds at end of our winter
    In our Maple trees in front of our little

    Home that we own, “free and clear."
    Money saved in our old age, money
    For things that are never to be. I use
    My walker, Know that I care!
    I stay my course chosen like one

    I am hers eternally, like song birds
    In our maple trees enjoying sight
    Of poetry, our little home, grown
    Our daughter to Denver, Profess like me.

    Gone like melody, like us in our
    Eternity; we may not see her end.
    We gave her good life, beginning
    Rockies, Mountains she returns to,

    We leave with knowledge I have not
    Fallen beneath our maple trees--
    That daughter started her work found
    Pleasing or difficult to see

    Life that she dreamed of, will know
    In her own eternity, Buddha heaven
    Of good befalls us all three, this
    Is my hope, my wish, there is no
    Wish I have harder, not relaxed

    I know we have tried hardest, as is.
    Parents could be, as can be, as is.
    Know there is no certainty because
    Walker or no walker, I might fall.
    She might never last Professing,

    Might know death wrong, whether
    By tumors, or in pounding her head against
    Climbing Longs Peak in mighty Rockies
    Front Range gone there never return, gone

    Never to be, never decided her life
    In ashes before she is old be
    Old, and like her own poetry
    Produced as I am me in my old age.

    Charles Tai Shi
    Great Gassho
    Last edited by Tai Shi; 01-12-2024, 12:24 PM.
    Peaceful, Tai Shi. Ubasoku; calm, supportive, for positive poetry 優婆塞 台 婆


    • Tai Shi
      • Oct 2014
      • 3482

      ARTS: Big and Little Poetry--free verse, any verse.

      Originally posted by Tai Shi
      Meian, May I Get Your Name Right

      Brother was a little boy, all his life
      He has been growing up, now man
      I was forced to grow at seven

      I became Mama's little man, I
      Have changed, I am responsible when 16,
      Was still little. Man, through college, little

      Man received the only F, denied understanding
      I ever received because I was neglected,
      Did not know how to be this man,

      I did not know, then why father had abandoned
      Me, I found him Because young people
      Rainbow coalition of Black Panthers

      Working in soup kitchen Panthers to find father
      In California, teacher, I wanted to teach in college
      To be like him. I ran to Mountains, Sierra

      Nevada High Sierra, Donner, Tahoe, Rocklin,
      Colfax B replace F, I gave up little boy, became
      This man, began to teach in California, like dad,

      His was Electronics, Math at Sierra College,
      My GPA poetry Worthy of manhood, help with,
      My father by other poets I determined not to neglect

      Grinnell College U of Iowa, CSU, we married realized
      Mother never belonged with father, both remarried
      My new wife and me, solemn friends beautifully,

      Vowed All for our lives there for each other
      Then to Colorado where I truly grew, came to know
      Her sacrifice of true man. gave what she wanted

      Gave up intoxicants, worked for my bread, we had
      Our child, I gave her poetry, MFA, became Pearl Poet,
      I was meant to be. Wanted to be, could be

      College, universities, had gone, finished
      My degrees in spite of dyslexia I have worked
      Published more than 65 poems meant to be poet,

      Finally all came to me, I learned computers, to love
      Her, Realized sacrifice mother first gave me poetry,
      I Found in Sylvia Plath, mental illness, not so,

      Worthy, for Marjorie she gave me, her songs
      Of poetry, I gave my brother, in Pandemic his credit
      As man, his children fatherhood, to be never bitter,

      Finally brought himself into life he gave from his heart
      To children into his life, gifts of love, care, understanding
      From my essence, from poetry, gifts kindness learned

      Of Life in song eternally, love greatest value
      What they wanted for gifts, with his life, my heart,
      Became reverently for them, finally for others,

      Not money but sacrifice to charities, poor life turned
      Loyal to Americans, Indigenous People, hats, clothing
      Gloves, mittens, scarves, thirty or more

      Forty dollars of my money to my brother, Deb, Ian
      Taylor kids. Kids to Pine Ridge, photos to people
      Who never experienced gifts of beauty, works of care.

      Now My grown brother's birthday January 24th
      He is 69, I shall give, love kindness fellowship,
      I'm still big brother at 72, forty plus dollars,

      For meals for children, little girl. Adopted ones
      As grandpa, her brother, my nephew his family
      Children. May I recognize now so become love

      Men as we live with women, Alexandra, Deborah ,
      Marjorie, women great in Sangha, all women we
      Deserve women who can give always gift for women

      Not demanding what is not freely, knowingly, given
      This year brother turns 69, for me, he is grown with up
      Son I was 60 when I knew gratitude, freely given

      To daughter, Loving Kindness, manhood. I give to Meian,
      Her right to her name, Onkai right To be Teacher and our Sangha,
      May they have their birthright of name they chose, more

      To be Priest, sister, care giver. I never want you to undergo
      Pain, I never had sister, may I give you what I would give
      All of you sisterhood, respect, care education, Dharma all

      RIGHTS! Fruitfully in sovereign fullness, as women everywhere
      Desire to work hard with sisters, brothers, kindred, families
      At Treeleaf to embrace the Lotus Sutra with gratitude.

      All to be Professionals, this rightfully yours. As I am Ubasoku
      I have Read Sylvia Plath wept for you all sisters, common
      Malady. You are all my sisters, as my dearest friends

      This brilliant mind, Zen Teacher, Marjorie, Pearl Priest,
      You have Highest Honers Priesthood, 4.0 at Iowa, brilliant
      Hardest worker. MA for profession. MFA without intoxication,

      She taught me to embrace love, give her love willingly
      Our child, daughter to be responsible, caring, grandmotherly
      Proven as our Child at March 27, 2024 accomplished dream

      Professor Of Japanese, I watch Meian strives for Priesthood,
      She received what Sylvia never had, a caring Sangha,
      Meian, may we ever give your all your intellectual recegonition.

      Great grand daughter, or sister, you have my respect,
      Friend Onkai great ocean of love. The right to freedom.
      You may study sit study become like Kokuu. deep

      Strong, enlightened; this is what one works for,
      You will find in much study, much sitting this tradition
      Many there for this, strength in mindfulness; believing self.

      Great Gassho, Deep Bows, Silence is greatest gift,
      It's a calling, decision of the heart, your heart, find
      Gassho. Charles Elgwyn Taylor. find your own depth.

      Tai Shi, Kind Poet
      sat/lah, Gassho

      Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Pro
      Last edited by Tai Shi; 01-12-2024, 12:42 PM.
      Peaceful, Tai Shi. Ubasoku; calm, supportive, for positive poetry 優婆塞 台 婆


      • Tai Shi
        • Oct 2014
        • 3482

        ARTS: Big and Little Poetry--free verse, any verse.

        Education for Free

        Martin, your sacrificed
        Made you Buddha today
        Ever after January 15th
        May be carved forever
        Out of stone your height
        Unknown by your assassin's
        Life he too cut short we
        Remember him as murderer
        Remember you as liberator.

        You stood as Gandhi,
        Stood as Thoreau, great
        Great song in Jail, in "I have
        A Dream," witnessed
        "Letter from Birmingham Jail."

        Malcolm X, lost in history,
        Rose in your knowledge
        Peace better way, Peace
        As Buddha, you believed
        In walking for peace,
        Loving Kindness.

        Your name has been
        Dragged by uncaring
        Masses through every
        Mire as was Every great
        Man as has The Buddha
        Living for Loving Kindness.
        May we long remember
        Your sacrifice, on that "tree,"
        There were like Thee,
        You were one man made
        Master in your own death
        Master of your own life
        As so many killed

        Because their skin
        Above blood as red
        As any child or old man
        As like my life when
        I learned with massive
        Quantities of transfusions
        Infusions, like your spirit
        Rise now I am a mortal being.
        I could give my life, yet I am
        Old, you never said your age
        Nelson Mandela brought

        Change, as did so many, You
        39, Your Eternal Flame donated
        By the Fire House which integrated
        Into Atlanta life, you would see
        So much change, you deserved
        Earned PhD Boston University
        Graduated in 1955 PhD
        To lead The Bus Strike
        Sparked by sweltering
        Inquisition, By Rosa Parks,
        You helped With The Civil
        Rights Act, 1963, Voting
        Rights Act, 1964.

        You stood with those
        Who built for Malala built
        To School in The Middle
        East, for Moslem girls
        To read and write, you
        From Boston University,
        Brought change for children

        Would to College, died for
        Men who hauled garbage
        From Witnessed table
        Wealthy as did I.
        I was a sanitation worker
        Two summers as scab
        Labor, at $3.85 I earned
        More than my college paid
        Me, a poor kid, in the kitchen
        Scrub pans for wealthy Whitman's
        College, I worked with Black
        Women students to study American

        Fiction to 1890, where there
        Were no Black women writers
        No Black men, no color except
        White Hawthorne who fought
        For Hester with her red A.
        We studied all his short stories
        All his novels, all the symbols
        Of religious tyranny for which
        You were free by Ebeneezer.

        Tai Shi
        Deep Bows
        Last edited by Tai Shi; 01-16-2024, 06:39 AM.
        Peaceful, Tai Shi. Ubasoku; calm, supportive, for positive poetry 優婆塞 台 婆


        • Onkai
          Senior Priest-in-Training
          • Aug 2015
          • 3189

          Thank you, Tai Shi, for commemorating Martin Luther King here. He was a hero.

          Gassho, Onkai
          Sat lah
          美道 Bidou Beautiful Way
          恩海 Onkai Merciful/Kind Ocean

          I have a lot to learn; take anything I say that sounds like teaching with a grain of salt.


          • Tai Shi
            • Oct 2014
            • 3482

            Onkai I perceive you too are as much a hero as Marjorie. You sing my song like [emoji106] of no other Treeleafer except perhaps Kokuu.!those who attempt to understand poetry are special to us because we know they have endured a lifetime injustice like we have. I suspect that many are would agree that you and now sister Meian have a very special burden that you carry in secret. [emoji2958] though it be true that it may be secret, know that herein our Sangha will always have freedom like no other place. Our sisters in Treeleaf are special because they have chosen to listen to the Buddha and poor Marjorie feels compelled to speak to me. I am the only one who she completely understands and yet she finally knows in retired women who practice loving kindness. I am grateful she has friends finally a group of retired woman from her work and she eats lunches with them while I sit in the coffee shop and sip decaf coffee by myself. Sometimes Ethiopian friends who I have known for years drink coffee with me. I have many friends all over the areas. Some are acquaintances others are dear four men i call once in a while except one who I can call more often. These men are special because they don’t judge others except when It’s a problem with their lives. Freedom is what Martin Luther King advocated not just for African Americans but also for women and minorities stuck by society in social straight jackets. Personally I was locked up against my own wishes sometimes for months without due process. This is why we seek liberation from this oppression of the mind. About 13 years ago I was placed in a position of need for one of these places. However, unlike so many other places like these, people there believed in short stays of hospital treatment for full consent for treatment of psychiatric disorders. Typically they would in stays of treatment for 3 to 15 days, not 3 or even five months of treatment with court custody. Often they would send people to institutions where they were kept for years and never even heard back from friends and relatives. They would be watched for 24/7 without due process. The government decided to liberate them without warning and without preparation of living skills. These people often ended up in Jails or homeless. They were granted Social housing Disability Insurance and Supplemental Security income. However these individuals were not paid enough for housing or food. When the poverty level was $15,000, they are and were given $10, 000 a year for money to live on. These people were and are stuck with their lives in poverty and they could not work. I’ve been fortunate because I married my wife and she made a decent income. Together we have had a great life, and in old age we, are in fact, better life when we work. Since i was 58 I have received SSDI payments for my work amounting to higher than average income from SSDI. Also my income has benefited me because I worked from 1999 to the 2008 which I could afford to do because I stayed below maxing SSDI allows for work. So I earned quarters to my Social credit which I received when I received at age 65. The follow poem is based on info I give you in my article above.
            Poverty in my Soul.

            Floundering in pill city
            Locked up in West One
            Psycho ward, called crazy
            By old friends who had
            Heard rumor about this
            Place of straitjackets,
            Starving for love, gaining
            No real pleasure or satisfaction
            In reality,

            Given Thorazine? Stalinize
            Which. Bought enough
            Seizure forever forgotten
            Until I broke free from Haldol
            Given Thenothiazene, experimental
            I was free to earn enough
            As Desk clerk for tiny rooms

            This is why I had earned
            Precious BA costing
            Huge commitment on my behalf
            I made enough to pay my
            College loan renting rooms
            At the YMCA where people
            With almost no money tried
            To get their own freedom,

            Yup, I earned as much as a
            Teacher enough for my own
            Apartment in Iowa City where
            I took a job cooking side dishes
            For wealthy families who

            Stayed in the rooms above cafeteria
            Where I began to find myself
            Logically living as student
            Of writing, teaching, human
            Development. Without simply
            Accepted as teacher [emoji1812] of classical
            Gave rhetoric students softness
            Never thought of in teaching
            Except I met a gay woman who
            Trusted me to learn how to make
            Softness and humanity better
            By ridding the world powerful
            Ms Fiditch tongue whiplash
            To bind minds of first year students
            So I learned love in classroom

            Teachings which became my career
            Until I was told I was old fashioned
            That humanism had no place
            Place in my classrooms at the U
            Oh South Dakota. I then left
            Began to write my training MFA
            To correct with self as example
            Of tyranny of supreme authority
            Which I escaped. Married
            Brilliant woman who fell in love
            With me. We avoided running
            Off and On June 12th 1982

            The year I graduated from U
            Of Iowa with my MA, EdS, there began 25 years of teaching
            Institutions from University
            To colleges. I provided
            Soft learning and with light
            Approach I forged a career learning
            What I taught as I learned
            I learned to be a human being
            To place valuing people above
            Grading to weed out stupid people
            Advanced degrees were never
            Again in doubt for students
            Who were called stupid like
            I had been called crazy. This
            Llan for disability and social
            Inhibitor Syndrome in early
            College Educated, some
            Administration had placed
            Burden of college prep
            On college teachers so educated
            Now has created classroom
            Teaching of Ms Fiditch all
            Over again. I could offer no escape
            As I have used my entire life
            Like Socrates My methods, ideas
            Became more questionable
            So I decided to make my way into
            Poetry for liberal arts and liberation

            My thoughts become substantially
            Even if I am only writing no eligible
            Work now disability free money for
            Thousands and thousand of dollars
            Given to government to keep
            Me bound to my heart and soul
            My dreams made possible by
            The love of my life. She taught
            Me more about humanity
            No Process can ever be as simple
            As love and kindness can
            Open any door. She became
            Subject of my own mind when she
            Instilled another approach to love
            Me stronger than any administrator
            She brought measure for measure
            My own strength my own power
            My own heart with Shikantaza
            Opening doors I never knew
            Well Done to me I was being blessed
            Poet living life in Centuries Old
            Value mode today new life
            Never lost sight of reality even
            Though it seems like a trap
            Nestled in an easy chair now
            I see why reading is so important
            So essential for writers and poets
            To maintain the traditions
            Of scholarship passing on when
            We can to our students the
            Understanding and Responsibility
            To Make Sure We survive as
            Civilized People and Society human
            To humanity, we must endure
            Instead of pickups with political
            Agendas or petroleum dealers.
            There’s a reason all of this clear!

            sat/ lah

            Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Pro
            Peaceful, Tai Shi. Ubasoku; calm, supportive, for positive poetry 優婆塞 台 婆


            • Tai Shi
              • Oct 2014
              • 3482

              Land of Dakota
              Lakota, blessed
              Today with mid winter
              Warmth on February
              First, we remember
              The Great Sioux Nation
              For their warmth
              Bravery like
              The People
              Ever after in winter spring
              Without flowers.

              Last edited by Tai Shi; 02-08-2024, 12:47 PM.
              Peaceful, Tai Shi. Ubasoku; calm, supportive, for positive poetry 優婆塞 台 婆


              • Tai Shi
                • Oct 2014
                • 3482

                To Understand

                To understand how
                Women are sisters, all women
                And all men are brothers, and these
                Are our brothers and sisters,
                And how Buddha is Loving Kindness
                How Jesus is love as we approach Lent
                And as how I missed Rohatsu celebrating
                That time of year with family getting
                Ready for family trying to help birth and death
                Marjorie thinks that this is not a sorry time
                Winter Solstice is neither sad nor happy
                Now as, and for me, is happy,
                That how winter is happy, now getting ready,
                For Spring, after Winter then Summer
                Then Fall, then Winter again, and Winter solstice
                Men as brothers, women as sisters
                My eyes have been opened to birth
                Death and all seasons, and so Jesus,
                And Buddha, and Love, Loving Kindness,
                Today and now is mental health day.

                I work at being Tai Shi,
                All is sadness, war is sadness, killing is sadness.
                Tai Shi
                Last edited by Tai Shi; 02-08-2024, 02:36 PM. Reason: mistakes
                Peaceful, Tai Shi. Ubasoku; calm, supportive, for positive poetry 優婆塞 台 婆


                • Tai Shi
                  • Oct 2014
                  • 3482

                  Time of Year

                  There was a time seasons
                  Were not celebrated, as I sit,
                  Celebrating, Rohotsu which
                  I missed, last year, and Lent
                  As I missed last year, Today
                  Is Mental Health Day as
                  I shall not miss, as New Year
                  Which I have not missed, only
                  Rohatsu have not missed last
                  This year I shall miss not all,
                  Nor The Solstices Equinoxes
                  So is life Brothers and Sisters,
                  Live to love each other, in loving kindness,
                  For we shall weep for war, killing, stealing
                  Lying, inebriation, and against Brothers
                  And Sisters as against Gautama Buddha,
                  Against Jesus Christ, all are Christ all are
                  Buddha, Brothers, sisters, all Our Earth is
                  Our Temple, Love one another in Loving, Kindness
                  Love men women, all the earth, all the universe, all
                  Life all non-life, weep for the beginning, for the end

                  Tai Shi
                  Last edited by Tai Shi; 02-08-2024, 02:56 PM. Reason: mistake/title
                  Peaceful, Tai Shi. Ubasoku; calm, supportive, for positive poetry 優婆塞 台 婆


                  • Onkai
                    Senior Priest-in-Training
                    • Aug 2015
                    • 3189

                    Thank you for these poems, Tai Shi.

                    Gassho, Onkai
                    Sat lah
                    美道 Bidou Beautiful Way
                    恩海 Onkai Merciful/Kind Ocean

                    I have a lot to learn; take anything I say that sounds like teaching with a grain of salt.


                    • Tai Shi
                      • Oct 2014
                      • 3482

                      Valentines Day, 2024

                      To graceful hands, to make this sign
                      Of Mudra to reach a seldom sought
                      State, invitation to these verses light
                      From heavy heart, this weather
                      Cannot last. It's February 14,
                      For chocolate hearts abounded this day
                      The swelling love of her and those
                      Who have touched, who have bread,
                      Who have lived to be with kin.

                      Tai Shi

                      We invite all who woulde to write a verse or simple lines to improve our days.
                      Peaceful, Tai Shi. Ubasoku; calm, supportive, for positive poetry 優婆塞 台 婆


                      • Shinkon
                        • Jan 2024
                        • 31

                        Wonderful thread. I'm collecting my poems for submission. I'll post some as I get to them. And, some new ones



                        • Shinkon
                          • Jan 2024
                          • 31

                          Poem: Cave No More

                          Cave No More

                          Look through the trees,
                          Down the path,
                          Around the hollow of the bend.
                          Lies that cave,
                          Where I spent hours looking
                          For fossils and arrow heads.

                          One wet spring morning
                          My feet carried me to its mouth.
                          Torch in hand and soaked to the bone, I sat on a large boulder,
                          Staring into a clear pool for treasure.

                          As shadows moved across the floor,
                          The pool grew and the walls cried streams.
                          Without announcement nor fanfare,
                          The cave’s walls slid toward my seat.
                          My body carried me outside,
                          To safety and cold rain.

                          Like many of those safe secret places Away from willow whips and leather belts, Are now gone.
                          However, that boy’s mind Is still in that cave,
                          Flooded over forty years hence.

                          JEGaston 03.03.2023



                          • Kaitan
                            • Mar 2023
                            • 591

                            I gave my Mom one small frame with a phrase written in Chinese characters.

                            Jiàn shān jiàn hǎi jiàn zì jǐ

                            See the mountains
                            see the sea
                            see yourself


                            stlah, Kaitan
                            Kaitan - 界探 - Realm searcher


                            • Tom A.
                              • May 2020
                              • 255

                              Chasing my tail ends when I realize it is my own.
                              I and everything becomes Zazen being zazen,
                              the hand opens, clouds float by, the mirror reflects, it is okay
                              to want X and accept Y, feel feelings, stumble a bit… then, as gracefully as possible, getting on with being helpful and kind.



                              Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk Pro
                              “Do what’s hard to do when it is the right thing to do.”- Robert Sopalsky


                              • Onkai
                                Senior Priest-in-Training
                                • Aug 2015
                                • 3189

                                Originally posted by StoBird
                                Chasing my tail ends when I realize it is my own.
                                I and everything becomes Zazen being zazen,
                                the hand opens, clouds float by, the mirror reflects, it is okay
                                to want X and accept Y, feel feelings, stumble a bit… then, as gracefully as possible, getting on with being helpful and kind.



                                Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk Pro

                                Gassho Onkai
                                Sat lah
                                美道 Bidou Beautiful Way
                                恩海 Onkai Merciful/Kind Ocean

                                I have a lot to learn; take anything I say that sounds like teaching with a grain of salt.

