Hi Jenell;

I prefer not to confuse religion with the manner in which people conduct themselves in the name of religion.
One definition of religion is:
My original statement with which you take umbrage was:
In my opinion, very often, groups of people find it accommodating to use religion as a case for war (or violence) when in fact the moral codes put forward by the various flavours of religion are not in keeping with such actions. Most times it is the fear of what "they" may do to us (xenophobia) that causes folks to rally round the flag. And then, it's convienent to say, "Well, they are not like us so we must convert/teach them!." And before you know it, both theys are lobbing bombs at one another and saying Allah or God or Yaweh or Bramha (insert which ever name fits at the time) will see us through.
So, as I said; Let's not confuse religion with the manner in which people conduct themselves in the name of religion.
respectfully submitted.
gassho, Shokai
Originally Posted by Jenell
Isn't religion mostly, greed, hatred and ignorance?
Isn't religion mostly, greed, hatred and ignorance?

I prefer not to confuse religion with the manner in which people conduct themselves in the name of religion.
One definition of religion is:
a set of beliefs concerning the cause, nature, and purpose of the universe, especially when considered as the creation of a superhuman agency or agencies, usually involving devotional and ritual observances, and often containing a moral code governing the conduct of human affairs.
Isn't it strange how we cite religion as the cause of wars
So, as I said; Let's not confuse religion with the manner in which people conduct themselves in the name of religion.
respectfully submitted.
gassho, Shokai
