Re: Hard times...mentally
my quick $0.02....
remember that all the "jerks" are probably suffering in a similar fashion as yourself - many more so - whether they realize it or not...
the simple fact that you're deeply concerned about these mental/emotional states is a huge plus - many are not, yet they continue to suffer...
by staying clear, acknowledging the thoughts, feelings, etc, yet not acting on them, you set an example and contribute (more than you know) to "benefiting all beings"...
(i think i've kinda reiterated some of what's already been said....oh well)
ultimately, some times you gotta say (in parlance of our times), "who gives a shit?...fuck it."
oh yeah, and remember... when you're stewing about others "faults" or "shortcomings", it's hurting you a lot more than anyone else.
Hard times...mentally
Re: Hard times...mentally
Hello everyone,
Thanks to all of you that have replied so far. I feel a lot better about my mental state, and I'm starting to realize that I shouldn't be down on myself because, hey, I'm only human. To be more specific about these thoughts, let me give some examples. I work about 17 miles away from where I live and most of the driving is on the highway. Often times, I'll be cutoff in traffic by people that don't seem to care about anything except where they are headed. The first thought I have is, "jerk," but this shouldn't be the case. I should just let it go and understand that I cannot know what the other driver is experiencing. Maybe he/she is late for work and just being careless, or maybe there's an emergency, causing them to drive in such a way. I don't really know the situation, so I can't automatically assume that the other driver is just being a jerk. And even if he/she is, why should something so small upset me? It didn't cause me physical harm, and nothing happened because of the incident (except for some sudden braking), so I should just smile and go on with my drive. In addition, I work for a large insurance company. The environment I work in promotes selfishness for career, money, and overall standing within the ranks, so it's hard not to become part of the "machine." I like to just be friendly with people and not worry too much about the day-to-day concerns that we all have, but sometimes I feel trapped in a negative world. Everyone knows of the herd mentality, where if one person starts voicing their grievances, then most, if not all, will join in to second the cry. With all these negative thoughts and speech around me, I feel very exhausted by the end of the day, and it seems easier to just join in, at times. I am trying to be the one in the group that doesn't join in, or that makes a positive counterpoint that someone hasn't thought of. Sometimes things are just "bad," so I need to learn that I can't change everything, and just accept things they way that they are. Like Jundo says, "everything is perfectly what it is." Thanks again to all of you that have answered me so far, and I hope I've given a little more detail about what I'm experiencing.
AdamLeave a comment:
Guest repliedRe: Hard times...mentally
Have you ever wondered why it was that the people you are judging act the way they do? I think it's a lot easier to be mad at other people's behavior than it is to try to understand it. I'm not saying that understanding means we should excuse others behavior, especially if it's harmful to others, but it does make it a lot easier to generate empathy.
Is there anything specific you are miffed about, or is just in general?Leave a comment:
Re: Hard times...mentally
Hey Adam,
You sound like you are right on the path and only need to let it if it were that easy! Working (and not working) at the letting go is the whole thing so keep practicing. I often compare my practice (and the inner workings of my mind) as a large room, half of which is filled with boxes. It looks neat and tidy but inside the boxes are countless bits of knowledge, information, emotion....and as you unpack those boxes the room looks much worse than it did before. It just takes time and learning how not to engage things like judgments is very difficult. Being aware of it is huge though; just trust yourself.
DoshoLeave a comment:
Re: Hard times...mentally
Hello all,
Adam, I'm sorry to hear that you are having difficulties right now. Please know that we are all guilty of judging and the 'holier than thou' attitude from time to time. Don't beat yourself up about it, just keep on acknowledging it and move on. I think the suggestion to keep up with a metta practice will help tremendously - I know it makes a world of difference for me if I'm in a not so pleasant frame of mind. And know that we are all here practicing with you...and practicing...and practicing.
Kelly (Jinmei)Leave a comment:
Re: Hard times...mentally
Taigu said it all already, but here are my two cents.
Penny #1: Awareness is the first step towards growth, so just that fact that you are aware of all this is a sign of growth, at least it is to me, and some day I expect you will see that also.
Penny #2: I strongly believe it is the difficulty of things that makes them important, so the fact that you are struggling with this means it is important. A corollary of this is that the depth of your difficulty is in direct proportion to how meaningful it is for you to (non)work through this, and the benefit of (non)working through it will be just as great, if not greater, than the difficulty.
Many bows for your struggles...Leave a comment:
Re: Hard times...mentally
Hi Adam,
Thank you for sharing your confusion with us.
but these thoughts just jump into my head before I can stop them. I've been having a really hard time with this lately.
You may also see the very shadow of yourself in others, that could be the reason why you dislike what you see. You don't dislike them, you dislike what they mirror back. Be kind to yourself, have a walk, go and have fun with friends, appreciate your breath and the fact both that your feet are on the ground. And everytime you hear the voice of judging, thank the voice for being with you and come back to what you are doing. Take it easy. You don't have to become a Buddha, you are already one.
take care and enjoy this life
taiguLeave a comment:
Hard times...mentally
Hello everyone,
I first want to apologize for not writing for some time, but I've had some difficulty in my life recently. I seem to have a problem letting go of my judging ways. I haven't been able to release my ego and I find myself being the same old opinionated self (no self). I cannot seem to "let go" of these feelings and thoughts of comparing myself to others; instead of focusing on the good things that others offer. I seem to judge them by thinking that they are not following a life that I believe is the "right" way to act towards our fellow sentient beings. Moreover, this is not a productive way to live, so why am I viewing faults in others, when I should be looking at my own thoughts and actions? Now, I know that I shouldn't worry about how others live and I should live a life filled with compassion for all things, but these thoughts just jump into my head before I can stop them. I've been having a really hard time with this lately. It seems to be running my life right now, and I just want it to stop. I've never have had "holier than thou" feelings before, and I'm not sure that I'm experiencing that now, but I do feel like I'm losing the path a little bit. In addition, my zazen is suffering because of these negative thoughts. When I sit (few and far between lately) I cannot seem to just slow down and just BE. I would appreciate any advice or maybe some reassuring words that will help me better understand what I'm experiencing. Thank you.
AdamTags: None
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