Originally posted by Adam
A lot of the Precepts are really just common wise advise, like your mother might tell you. So, of course, it is okay to criticize someone or something if for a constructive purpose, in a helpful way. Of course.
If you are doing it to attack the other person, make your ego feel or look good in comparison, just be mean, out of jealousy ... that is not good, constructive criticism. That is about your ego, you self.
On the other hand, if you offer helpful, concerned criticism out of Compassion, a desire to avoid harm to someone ... well, that lets your ego out of the equation, and is for the benefit of the other person.
I would also say the manner in which the message is delivered is important ... do so in an effective yet helpful way, not in a way that makes greater harm (you sometimes need to deliver bitter medicine straight and direct, sometimes better in a bit of sugar like in the old song).
If you are offering criticism to help the person avoid an abusive relationship, and not to help yourself (in fact, at some risk to your self), then that is good. If you are delivering the message in an effective way that is more helpful than harmful, that is good.
Do you agree Chet?
I understand letting go of all judgements and thoughts of "good" and "bad,"
One one level, we drop all thought from mind of "chocolate" and "lemons". On the other, we like chocolate, not lemons and choose chocolate.
But then, if life hands you lemons ... have the bitter lemons even with the bitterness, accept what life hands you (and try to make lemon aide! Like I said ... some of this is like your mother might tell you!)

Gassho, Jundo
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