Zazen for Beginners Series: THREAD for QUESTIONS, COMMENTS

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  • Hokin
    • Oct 2019
    • 191 are was no "little question" at all, in the end...but you see..."big" and "little" are just a concept...and a very relative one at that!


    法 金
    Wisdom Is Compassion & Compassion Is Wisdom.


    • Jundo
      Treeleaf Founder and Priest
      • Apr 2006
      • 41195

      Originally posted by Arya
      The "problem"(and I don't know if I should call it like that, actually...and you'll find out why...) is that since two months ago my family and I moved to live in a new house for rent which has a very "loud" neighborhood
      Ah, you are fortunate to have the best Zendo!

      Recall that the true "Silent Room" is in one's heart and between one's ears, not outside them. This is for you ...

      - Zazen for Beginners (21) - The True 'Quiet Room' (LINK)
      — A Quiet Room. Most days, we’d best sit Zazen in a quiet room, with little noise and few distractions. The reason is simply that a peaceful, still, quiet environment helps us allow the mind to become peaceful, still and quiet, with thoughts and emotions drifting away as the mind settles down. But once in awhile, maybe every

      You can run to a new house, but where can you run? Stay where one is, and know one's True Home.

      Gassho, J



      • Hokin
        • Oct 2019
        • 191

        Originally posted by Jundo
        Ah, you are fortunate to have the best Zendo!

        Recall that the true "Silent Room" is in one's heart and between one's ears, not outside them. This is for you ...

        - Zazen for Beginners (21) - The True 'Quiet Room' (LINK)
        — A Quiet Room. Most days, we’d best sit Zazen in a quiet room, with little noise and few distractions. The reason is simply that a peaceful, still, quiet environment helps us allow the mind to become peaceful, still and quiet, with thoughts and emotions drifting away as the mind settles down. But once in awhile, maybe every

        You can run to a new house, but where can you run? Stay where one is, and know one's True Home.

        Gassho, J

        Wow Jundo.
        Thank you very much!
        I can't tell you how much I needed to hear exactly that!
        There was already something deep within me suggesting that THAT was the right answer...but as I said...I needed some feedback...It kinda helps me disperse those doubts I nurtured at times...

        Thank you, Jundo.
        Now I will of course appreciate evermore my True Home.
        So...Back to the Zafu!

        法 金
        Wisdom Is Compassion & Compassion Is Wisdom.


        • Hokin
          • Oct 2019
          • 191

          Oh...and that link you suggested I watch...that'll be my "Dharma talk" tonight, before Zazen!

          Thank you again, GASSHO
          法 金
          Wisdom Is Compassion & Compassion Is Wisdom.


          • Koki
            • Apr 2017
            • 318

            Thank you Jundo!
            You are quite the "Realtor" at pointing out our TRUE HOME



            • Jundo
              Treeleaf Founder and Priest
              • Apr 2006
              • 41195

              Originally posted by Koki
              Thank you Jundo!
              You are quite the "Realtor" at pointing out our TRUE HOME

              l get 6% for every closing ... and opening.

              Gassho, J



              • DogBreath
                • Oct 2019
                • 12

                I have some questions about video 20 - what can it actually mean to save another sentient being?
                How can anyone "save" anyone else?
                Aren't we "saved" when we sit?
                So if someone refuses to sit?.....

                As I understand it in Mahayana the Bodhisatva vow is usually some form of "May I attain Buddhahood for the benefit of all sentient beings".
                Is it the same/similar in this tradition?
                If so, I save other sentient beings by attaining my own buddhahood? (Hhmmm truly talking in two directions at the same time - I am slowly starting to pick this zen thing up!)

                Also, how is compassion defined in this tradition?
                If I want to be "compassionate" then knowing what constitutes that is kind of important!
                Previously, I heard from a teacher (different tradition) who defined compassion as seeing the source of a persons suffering; so, a compassionate act is always one that diminishes suffering; this means to assist a suffering person to see their cause of suffering as a result of being in conflict (somewhere along the line) with, or denial of, the four noble truths - the remedy being the Noble Eightfold Path (a self-referential feedback loop for the four noble truths). Is it the same in zen or am I looking for some emotional content based around "heart"?
                (I am compassionate in daily life - ask all my rescue dogs! - and I put the flies outside too)



                • Jundo
                  Treeleaf Founder and Priest
                  • Apr 2006
                  • 41195

                  Originally posted by DogBreath
                  I have some questions about video 20 - what can it actually mean to save another sentient being?
                  How can anyone "save" anyone else?
                  Aren't we "saved" when we sit?
                  So if someone refuses to sit?.....

                  As I understand it in Mahayana the Bodhisatva vow is usually some form of "May I attain Buddhahood for the benefit of all sentient beings".
                  Is it the same/similar in this tradition?
                  If so, I save other sentient beings by attaining my own buddhahood? (Hhmmm truly talking in two directions at the same time - I am slowly starting to pick this zen thing up!)

                  Also, how is compassion defined in this tradition?
                  If I want to be "compassionate" then knowing what constitutes that is kind of important!
                  Previously, I heard from a teacher (different tradition) who defined compassion as seeing the source of a persons suffering; so, a compassionate act is always one that diminishes suffering; this means to assist a suffering person to see their cause of suffering as a result of being in conflict (somewhere along the line) with, or denial of, the four noble truths - the remedy being the Noble Eightfold Path (a self-referential feedback loop for the four noble truths). Is it the same in zen or am I looking for some emotional content based around "heart"?
                  (I am compassionate in daily life - ask all my rescue dogs! - and I put the flies outside too)

                  Hi Scott,

                  First, may I ask you to change your photo from a dog to a human face? Although a dog has Buddha Nature, and although we love dogs, there is something about a human face that let's us look each other in the eyes and be a bit warmer here. Thank you.

                  Next, on saving sentient beings ... although, truly there were never any sentient beings from the first in need of saving ... I usually tell folks this:

                  This wise-crazy [Mahayana] Way is to realize, and allow other sentient beings to realize, that there have never been (ultimately) any sentient beings from the start, and thus (in the Wholeness which is "Emptiness") no conflict or lack from the start in need of repairing and rescuing! In the Wholeness which is emptiness, there is no lack in need of filling. Allowing sentient being to experience so in this world of separate beings who conflict and lack is how we rescue-non-rescue these beings-non-beings.

                  However, so long as they/we are alive ("birth and death", by the way, are also ultimately only one way to view things), the sentient beings still need to live in this complicated, sometimes beautiful and sometimes ugly world, so another way to rescue sentient beings is to help them master how to live in the interplay of these two ways of viewing ... lack and no lack, fear and nothing originally to fear, conflicts and no individuals to conflict, death but no death etc. It's tricky!

                  Finally, in modern times, many Buddhists have become a bit more focused on "rescuing sentient beings" by material actions in this world, e.g., feeding the hungry, housing the homeless, etc. It was not that Buddhists would not have liked to do such in the past (and there were many ancient Buddhists who did good charitable work like that in the past), but it was much harder in the medieval, agricultural, traditional, class bound kingdoms and empires of old Asia. So, a lot of Buddhists took the attitude that this world was just hopeless, best to "get out of Dodge," either by escaping rebirth completely or just building a wall and shutting the monastery gates. Now, today, in modern societies, "engaged" Buddhist efforts to make an impact on the problems of society such as hunger, war and poverty are possible for the first time, so many Buddhists (Treeleaf folks among them) are more socially involved.

                  Many ways to rescue even if ... ultimately ... nobody in need of rescue. Even if there are no hungry mouths to feed "ultimately" ... there are hungry mouths to feed in this world, so let's feed them!
                  It is not merely a matter of compelling others to sit Zazen (I don't know that it would be legal!), nor even something that we can even accomplish. However, the above also tells us that, while we keep working, there was never anything to "accomplish" from the start. Thus our crazy-wise Bodhisattva Vows which many of us recite say this ...

                  To save all sentient beings, though beings numberless

                  To transform all delusions, though delusions inexhaustible

                  To perceive Reality, though Reality is boundless

                  To attain the Enlightened Way, a Way non-attainable

                  As to Compassion, it is really all of the above too, and has many facets. First, reality is already "Compassionate" because there is not suffering from the startless start. Yet, sentient beings in their broken vision of the world do not realize this, so we are Compassionate when we seek to get suffering sentient beings to realize this Wholeness of Emptiness. We are also Compassionate when we reach out to aid people in their earthly needs and pains. Alas, it is an endless road, yet we have never but arrived!

                  Does that make any sense?

                  Gassho, Jundo

                  ALL OF LIFE IS OUR TEMPLE


                  • Kevin Benbow
                    • Oct 2019
                    • 71


                    Sat today


                    • DogBreath
                      • Oct 2019
                      • 12

                      Thanks, I will check out the links and try to upload another photo.


                      • DogBreath
                        • Oct 2019
                        • 12

                        Hello Jundo
                        Profile pic:-
                        I just went to my profile page and the second photo I tried to upload is there - is that one ok, or would you prefer a different one without the dog and shades? Please let me know if I need to change it or not.
                        avatar image:-
                        I assume I still need to upload a 80x80 pixel photo? Am not sure how to find something so small (I'm a Luddite by choice which can be a problem when you actually need to use the machine!) - I will work on that later today.


                        • Jundo
                          Treeleaf Founder and Priest
                          • Apr 2006
                          • 41195

                          Originally posted by DogBreath
                          Hello Jundo
                          Profile pic:-
                          I just went to my profile page and the second photo I tried to upload is there - is that one ok, or would you prefer a different one without the dog and shades? Please let me know if I need to change it or not.
                          avatar image:-
                          I assume I still need to upload a 80x80 pixel photo? Am not sure how to find something so small (I'm a Luddite by choice which can be a problem when you actually need to use the machine!) - I will work on that later today.
                          Hi Scott,

                          I love dogs (honestly, well, I am more of a cat fellow although dogs are great too!), but would prefer a human face. It helps keep things warm and human (not furry) around here. Thank you.

                          Instructions are here ...

                          Gassho, Jundo

                          ALL OF LIFE IS OUR TEMPLE


                          • Tai Shi
                            • Oct 2014
                            • 3482

                            Could you please look at posts at end of Precepts on anger? I have I think been angry about weather or not Shikantaza was going well, but today somewhat sad’ I followed directions for Zazen as best I can and used insight timer. Time felt like nothing and when I finished at about 17 min 40 sec I felt nothing at first then calm.
                            Tai Shi

                            Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
                            Peaceful, Tai Shi. Ubasoku; calm, supportive, for positive poetry 優婆塞 台 婆


                            • Jundo
                              Treeleaf Founder and Priest
                              • Apr 2006
                              • 41195

                              Originally posted by Tai Shi
                              Could you please look at posts at end of Precepts on anger? I have I think been angry about weather or not Shikantaza was going well, but today somewhat sad’ I followed directions for Zazen as best I can and used insight timer. Time felt like nothing and when I finished at about 17 min 40 sec I felt nothing at first then calm.
                              Tai Shi

                              Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
                              One should sit in equanimity and patience, accepting even days when it is sunny or when it rains, when Zazen feels "right and calm" or feels "off" somehow. Then, if sitting with such equanimity and patience, Zazen is always right and there is nothing to be angry about.

                              Gassho, Jundo

                              ALL OF LIFE IS OUR TEMPLE


                              • drew
                                • Dec 2019
                                • 39

                                True beginners mind here.

                                I have been sitting zazen twice a day for 30 minutes each session. I've been doing this for the last 14 days. I've also read "Beginners Mind" by Suzuki, "Why Buddhism is true" by Wright, "What is Zen" by Fisher and Moon, "The Circle of the Way" by O'Brian, and now reading "Taking the Path of Zen" by Aitken.

                                When I sit, the "clouds" that come into my mind are zen sayings and zen focused thoughts instead of being emotions or other issues in my life. Should I quit reading about zen until I asorb what's bouncing around and the zen clouds quite down?

                                Gassho, Drew

