Chanting & Zazen Circle (Mo thru Sa)

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  • Ryokudo
    • Apr 2018
    • 254

    Hello all,

    Here comes a new week and we are planning on chanting Hannya Shingyo in Japanese, as we will all be used to from the monthly ZAZENKAI. This is available in the chant book (I believe). Otherwise it is reprinted below.

    INO ONLY =
    Maka Hannya Haramita Shin Gyo*
    (The Heart of the Perfection of Great Wisdom Sutra in JAPANESE)


    Kan Ji Zai Bo Satsu Gyo Jin Han Nya Ha Ra Mi Ta Ji Sho Ken* Go On Kai Ku Do I Sai Ku Yaku Sha Ri Shi Shiki Fu I Ku Ku Fu I Shiki Shiki Soku Ze Ku Ku Soku Ze Shiki Ju So Gyo Shiki Yaku Bu Nyo Ze Sha Ri Shi Ze Sho Ho Ku So Fu Sho Fu Metsu Fu Ku Fu Jo Fu Zo Fu Gen Ze Ko Ku Chu Mu Shiki Mu Ju So Gyo Shiki Mu Gen Ni Bi Ze Shin Ni Mu Shiki Sho Ko Mi Soku Ho Mu Gen Kai Nai Shi Mu I Shiki Kai Mu Mu Myo Yaku Mu Mu Myo Jin Nai Shi Mu Ro Shi Yaku Mu Ro Shi Jin Mu Ku Shu Metsu Do Mu Chi Yaku Mu Toku I Mu Sho Tok ko Bo Dai Sat Ta E Han-Nya Ha Ra Mi Ta* Ko Shin Mu Kei Ge Mu Kei Ge Ko Mu U Ku Fu On Ri Is Sai Ten Do Mu So Ku Gyo Ne Han San Ze Sho Butsu E Han Nya Ha Ra Mi Ta* Ko Toku A Noku Ta Ra San Myaku San Bo Dai Ko Chi Han-Nya Ha Ra Mi Ta Ze Dai Jin Shu Ze Dai Myo Shu Ze Mu Jo Shu Ze Mu To To Shu No Jo Is Sai Ku Shin Jitsu Fu Ko Ko Setsu
    Han Nya Ha Ra Mi Ta Shu Soku Setsu Shu Watsu
    Gya* Tei Gya Tei * Ha Ra Gya Tei HaraSo Gya Tei * Bo Ji Sowa Ka

    Han Nya Shin Gyo

    Yuki, it would be lovely to hear you lead this if you are in the mood? Alternative myself or Seiko will be happy to take it on.

    Many thanks all,





    • Guest

      Hi !

      Great, I could try to take the lead if one of you ring the bell...
      And I can use the mokugyo if you want.

      Yuki (Sat today)


      • Guest

        Merci ! As usual, a great meeting with you.

        Master Dōgen said :

        « Dropping off body and mind ; and skin, flesh, bones, and marrow : how could these be involved with self or other ? Upon breaking into a smile, earth, water, fire, and air have never been separated. […] Today we are again the same as children singing. »

        Yuki (SAT)


        • Seiko
          Novice Priest-in-Training
          • Jul 2020
          • 1173

          Well tonight Yuki did a great job of leading Ryokudo and Seiko in chanting the Heart Sutra in Japanese, which we followed by 27 minutes of Zazen. We always have a little chat before we begin, and after we finish. This regular event is turning out to be a beautiful and valuable addition to our practice.

          Everyone is welcome to join us whenever you can, it's 8pm GMT and you can find it in the Treeleaf calendar.

          In Gassho
          Gandō Seiko
          (Stubborn Way of Pure Light)

          My street name is 'Al'.

          Any words I write here are merely the thoughts of an apprentice priest, just my opinions, that's all.


          • Seiko
            Novice Priest-in-Training
            • Jul 2020
            • 1173

            Here is the Heart Sutra again, with the bell queues and the words arranged nicely so you can see where to breathe... for anyone who would like to practice at home... just in case you can't do it in one breath. Haha!

            (*) large bell,
            (**)small bell,
            (x) stifled bell

            Maka Hannya Haramita Shingyo(*)

            Kan ji zai bo satsu.
            Gyo jin han nya hara mita ji.
            Sho ken
            (*)GO on kai ku.
            Do issai ku yaku.
            Sha ri shi.
            Shiki fu i ku.
            Ku fu i shiki.
            Shiki soku ze ku.
            Ku soku ze shiki.
            Ju so gyo shiki.
            Yaku bu nyo ze.
            Shari shi.
            Ze sho ho ku so.
            Fu sho fu metsu.
            Fu ku fu jo.
            Fu zo fu gen.
            Ze ko ku chu.
            Mu shiki mu ju so gyo shiki.
            Mu gen ni bi ze shin i.
            Mu shiki sho ko mi soku ho.
            Mu gen kai nai shi mu i shiki kai.
            Mu mu myo yaku mu mu myo jin.
            Nai shi mu ro shi.
            Yaku mu ro shi jin.
            Mu ku shu metsu do.
            Mu chi yaku mu toku.
            I mu sho toku ko.
            Bodai sat ta e hannya haramita
            (*)KO Shin mu ke ge mu ke ge ko.
            Mu u ku fu.
            On ri issai ten do mu so.
            Ku gyo ne han.
            San ze sho butsu.
            E hannya haramita
            (*)KO Toku a noku ta ra san myaku san bodai.
            Ko chi hannya haramita.
            Ze dai jin shu.
            Ze dai myo shu.
            Ze mu jo shu.
            Ze mu to do shu.
            No jo issai ku.
            Shin jitsu fu ko ko setsu hannya haramita shu.
            Soku setsu shu watsu.
            Gya tei, gya tei,
            (**) HA ra gya tei.
            Hara so gya tei.
            (**)BO ji so waka.

            Hannya Shingyo. (x)

            In Gassho
            Last edited by Seiko; 03-08-2021, 09:43 PM.
            Gandō Seiko
            (Stubborn Way of Pure Light)

            My street name is 'Al'.

            Any words I write here are merely the thoughts of an apprentice priest, just my opinions, that's all.


            • Seiko
              Novice Priest-in-Training
              • Jul 2020
              • 1173

              Currently this circle is hosted by:

              Monday - Seiko & Ryokudo
              Tuesday - Ryokudo & Seiko
              Wednesday - Seiko & Ryokudo
              Thursday - Ryokudo
              Friday - Ryokudo
              Saturday - Seiko

              Always happy for others to host or lead or suggest chants.

              In Gassho
              Last edited by Seiko; 03-11-2021, 12:43 AM.
              Gandō Seiko
              (Stubborn Way of Pure Light)

              My street name is 'Al'.

              Any words I write here are merely the thoughts of an apprentice priest, just my opinions, that's all.


              • Seiko
                Novice Priest-in-Training
                • Jul 2020
                • 1173


                If you can, please consider dropping in to the Chanting and Zazen Circle. You can see it in the Treeleaf Calendar.

                This week, up to Saturday 13th March, we continue chanting the Heart Sutra in Japanese. I am hoping someone will join us who can help me improve my pronunciation of Japanese. We do our best, even if it is sometimes unintelligible. Haha!

                In Gassho
                Gandō Seiko
                (Stubborn Way of Pure Light)

                My street name is 'Al'.

                Any words I write here are merely the thoughts of an apprentice priest, just my opinions, that's all.


                • Jundo
                  Treeleaf Founder and Priest
                  • Apr 2006
                  • 41178

                  Pronunciation: Hi Guys,

                  The following is my slightly irreverent Heart Sutra pronunciation guide. I have seen something like it available in Japan, but not in English. Here is how it works:

                  I will take ordinary English words that sound as close as possible to stand for each of the following. For example:

                  Shin = Shin (of the leg)

                  Disregard any part of a word in parenthesis ( ) as if it was cut away. For example, “fool” for “fu” here:

                  Fu = Foo(l)

                  I apologize right now if this ends up being biased toward Yankee pronunciations. Our friends from other places might adjust for worldwide versions.

                  A couple of pointers:

                  Two words together are meant to be said as one two syllable word quickly. For example, “Maka” sounds like “ma” (of “mama) and “car” (with the 'r' cut off), said as one quick two syllable words, thus:

                  Maka = Ma(ma) Ca(r)

                  Words with “u” at the end such as “Soku” usually – but not always – have a “u” sound at the end that sounds like the French word for water “eau” or the “ooh” of "ooh la la". If you listen to the following recording, the “ooh” is sometimes so subtle, and barely pronounced, that it can sound almost like a one syllable word. So, “Soku” would be:

                  Soku = Soak(the dishes) ooh (la la, but barely pronounced)

                  One should listen closely and compare the below with this Japanese version for practice:

                  Shall we see how this goes? Maybe we can even ask someone to make an animated version sometime! That would be cool. :=9

                  Gassho, Jundo


                  Maka = Ma(ma) Ca(r to drive)
                  Hannya = Han(Solo of Star Wars, rhymes with man's name Ron) (Italian lasag)na
                  Haramita = Ha(ha ha) ra(h rah sis boom bah) me(and you) ta(r the road)
                  Shin = Shin (of the leg)
                  Gyo = ( Large Bi)gyo(yo toy)

                  Kan = Kahn (of Star Trek)
                  Ji = Gee (whiz)
                  Zai = Xy(lophone)
                  Bo = (Stallone is Ram)bo
                  Satsu = (They) sats (down) ooh (NOTE: Rather than “sats”, closer to “sots” as in “besotted”. Also, some Japanese abbreviate this to "Sa," most do not)
                  Gyo = (Large Bi)gyo(yo toy)
                  Jin = Gin (Rummy)
                  Han = Han (Solo, rhymes with man's name Ron)
                  Nya = Italian lasag)na
                  Ha = Ha (ha ha)
                  Ra = Ra (ra sis boom bah)
                  Mi = Me (and you)
                  Ta = Ta(r the road)
                  Ji = Gee (Whiz)
                  Sho = Show (time)
                  Ken = Ken (and Barbie)
                  Go = Go (Away)
                  On = Own (a house)
                  Kai = Ki(te to fly)
                  Ku = Coo (went the pigeon)
                  Do = Doe (a female deer)
                  I = Ea(t your breakfast)
                  Sai = Sigh (with love)
                  Ku = Coo (went the pigeon)
                  Yaku = (Boating ka)yak ooh (la la, subtle)
                  Sha = Sha (of Iran)
                  Ri = Rea(d a book)
                  Shi = She (and him)
                  Shiki = Shick (razors) key (and lock)
                  Fu = Foo (Fighters) or for the older crowd, Foo(l me once, shame on me)
                  I = ea(t your breakfast)
                  Ku = Coo (went the pigeon)
                  Ku = Coo (went the pigeon)
                  Fu = Foo (Fighters)
                  I = Ea(t your breakfast)
                  Shiki = Shick (razors) key (and lock)
                  Shiki = Shick (razors) key (and lock)
                  Soku = Soak (the laundry) ooh (la la, subtle)
                  Ze = Ze(ppelin)
                  Ku = Coo (went the pigeon)
                  Ku = Coo (went the pigeon)
                  Soku = Soak (the laundry) ooh (la la, subtle)
                  Ze = Ze(ppelin)
                  Shiki = Shick (razors) key (and lock)
                  Ju = Jew (in Tel Aviv)
                  So = Sew (a button)
                  Gyo = (Large Bi)gyo(yo toy)
                  Shiki = Shick (razors) key (and lock)
                  Yaku = (Boating ka)yak ooh (la la, subtle)
                  Bu = Boo (went the ghost)
                  Nyo = (The eggs were u)nyo(ked)
                  Ze = Ze(ppelin)
                  Sha = Sha (of Iran)
                  Ri = Rea(d a book)
                  Shi = She (and he)
                  Ze = Ze(ppelin)
                  Sho = Show (time)
                  Ho = Ho (ho ho says Santa)
                  Ku = Coo (went the pigeon)
                  So = Sew (a button)
                  Fu = Foo (Fighters)
                  Sho = Show (time)
                  Fu = Foo (Fighters)
                  Metsu = (Baseball's New York) Mets ooh (la la, subtle)
                  Fu = Foo (Fighters)
                  Ku = Coo (went the pigeon)
                  Fu = Foo (Fighters)
                  Jo = Joe (man's name)
                  Fu = Foo (Fighters)
                  Zo = (Bo)zo (the clown)
                  Fu = Foo (Fighters)
                  Gen = (Once more a)gain
                  Ze = Ze(ppelin)
                  Ko = Co-(pilot)
                  Ku = Coo (went the pigeon)
                  Chu = Chew (your food)
                  Mu = Moo (went the cow)
                  Shiki = Shick (razors) key (and lock)
                  Mu = Moo (went the cow)
                  Ju = Jew (in Tel Aviv)
                  So = Sew (a button)
                  Gyo = (Large Bi)gyo(yo toy)
                  Shiki = Shick (razors) key (and lock)
                  Mu = Moo (went the cow)
                  Gen = (Once more a)gain
                  Ni = Knee (of the leg)
                  Bi = Bee (is buzzing)
                  Ze = Ze(ppelin)
                  Shin = Shin (of the leg)
                  Ni = Knee (of the leg)
                  Mu = Moo (went the cow)
                  Shiki = Shick (razors) key (and lock)
                  Sho = Show (time)
                  Ko = Co-(pilot)
                  Mi = Me (and you)
                  Soku = Soak (the laundry) ooh (la la, subtle)
                  Ho = Ho (ho ho says Santa)
                  Mu = Moo (went the cow)
                  Gen = (Once more a)gain
                  Kai = Ki(te to fly)
                  Nai = Nigh(t and day)
                  Shi = She (and he)
                  Mu = Moo (went the cow)
                  I = Ea(t your breakfast)
                  Shiki = Shick (razors) key (and lock)
                  Kai = Ki(te to fly)
                  Mu = Moo (went the cow)
                  Mu = Moo (went the cow)
                  Myo = (Jewelry Ca)meo (said really fast)
                  Yaku = (Boating ka)yak ooh (la la, subtle)
                  Mu = Moo (went the cow)
                  Mu = Moo (went the cow)
                  Myo = (Jewelry Ca)meo
                  Jin = Gin (Rummy)
                  Nai = Nigh(t and day)
                  Shi = She (and he)
                  Mu = Moo (went the cow)
                  Ro = Row (your boat)
                  Shi = She (and he)
                  Yaku = (Boating ka)yak ooh (subtle)
                  Mu = Moo (went the cow)
                  Ro = Row (your boat)
                  Shi = She (and he)
                  Jin = Gin (rummy)
                  Mu = Moo (went the cow)
                  Ku = Coo (went the pigeon)
                  Shu = Shoe (to wear)
                  Metsu = (Baseball's New York) Mets ooh (la la, subtle)
                  Do = Doe (a female deer)
                  Mu = Moo (went the cow)
                  Chi = Chee(se and crackers)
                  Yaku = (Boating ka)yak ooh (la la, subtle)
                  Mu = Moo (went the cow)
                  Toku = Toke (a smoke) ooh (la la, subtle)
                  I = Ea(t your breakfast)
                  Mu = Moo (went the cow)
                  Sho = Show (time)
                  Tok- = Toe (of the foot)
                  ko = Co-(pilot)
                  Bo = (Stallone is Ram)bo
                  Dai = Die (and live another day)
                  Sat = (Bes)sot(ed)
                  Ta = Ta(r the road)
                  E = E(dward)
                  Han = Han (Solo, rhymes with man's name Ron)
                  Nya = (Italian lasag)na
                  Ha = Ha (ha ha)
                  Ra = Ra (ra sis boom bah)
                  Mi = Me (and you)
                  Ta = Ta(r the road)
                  Ko = Co-(pilot)
                  Shin = Shin (of the leg)
                  Mu = Moo (went the cow)
                  Kei = (O)kay
                  Ge = Ge(t me a hammer)
                  Mu = Moo (went the cow)
                  Kei = (O)kay
                  Ge = Ge(t me a hammer)
                  Ko = Co(-pilot)
                  Mu = Moo (went the cow)
                  U = Ooh (La La)
                  Ku = Coo (went the pigeon)
                  Fu = Foo (Fighters)
                  On = Own (a house)
                  Ri = Rea(d a book)
                  Is- = Ea(t your breakfast)
                  Sai = Sigh (with love)
                  Ten = 10
                  Do = Doe (a female deer)
                  Mu = Moo (went the cow)
                  So = Sew (a button)
                  Ku = Coo (went the pigeon)
                  Gyo = (Large Bi)gyo(yo toy)
                  Ne = Ne(xt in line)
                  Han = Han (Solo, rhymes with man's name Ron)
                  San = San (rhymes with man's name Ron)
                  Ze = Ze(ppelin)
                  Sho = Show (time)
                  Butsu = Boots (to wear) ooh (la la, subtle)
                  E = Eh (What did you say?)
                  Han = Han (Solo, rhymes with man's name Ron)
                  Nya = (Italian lasag)na
                  Ha = Ha (ha ha)
                  Ra = Ra (ra sis boom bah)
                  Mi = Me (and you)
                  Ta = Ta(r the road)
                  Ko = Co-(pilot)
                  Toku = Toke (a smoke) ooh (la la, subtle)
                  A = (Doctor's “Open wide, say) Ah
                  Noku = No (not yes) Coo (says the pigeon)
                  Ta = Ta(r the road)
                  Ra = Ra (ra sis boom bah)
                  San = San (rhymes with man's name Ron)
                  Myaku = Mia (Culpa) Coo (says the pigeon) … said fast …
                  San = San (rhymes with man's name Ron)
                  Bo = (Stallone is Ram)bo
                  Dai = Die (and live another day)
                  Ko = Co-(pilot)
                  Chi = Chee(se and crackers)
                  Han = Han (Solo, rhymes with man's name Ron)
                  Nya = (Italian lasag)na
                  Ha = Ha (ha ha)
                  Ra = Ra (ra sis boom bah)
                  Mi = Me (and you)
                  Ta = Ta(r the road)
                  Ze = Ze(ppelin)
                  Dai = Die (and live another day)
                  Jin = Gin (Rummy)
                  Shu = Shoe (to wear)
                  Ze = Ze(ppelin)
                  Dai = Die (and live another day)
                  Myo = (Jewelry Ca)meo (said really fast)
                  Shu = Shoe (to wear)
                  Ze = Ze(ppelin)
                  Mu = Moo (went the cow)
                  Jo = Joe (man's name)
                  Shu = Shoe (to wear)
                  Ze = Ze(ppelin)
                  Mu = Moo (went the cow)
                  To = Toe (of the foot)
                  Do = Doe (a female deer)
                  Shu = Shoe (to wear)
                  No = No (and yes)
                  Jo = Joe (man's name)
                  Is = Ea(t your breakfast)
                  sai = Sigh (with love)
                  Ku = Coo (said the pigeon)
                  Shin = Shin (of the leg)
                  Jitsu = (Gad)gets, but 'i' sound as in Ju-Jitsu
                  Fu = Foo (Fighters)
                  Ko = Co-(Pilot)
                  Ko = Co-(Pilot)
                  Setsu = (Television) sets ooh (la la, subtle)
                  Han = Han (Solo, rhymes with man's name Ron)
                  Nya = (Italian lasag)na
                  Ha = Ha (ha ha)
                  Ra = Ra (ra sis boom bah)
                  Mi = Me (and you)
                  Ta = Ta(r the road)
                  Shu = Shoe (to wear)
                  Soku = Soak (the laundry) ooh (la la, subtle)
                  Setsu = (Television) sets ooh (la la, subtle)
                  Shu = Shoe (to wear)
                  Watsu = Whatsu(p?)
                  Gya = (Bi)g ya(cht to sail)
                  Tei = Ta(ke my hand)
                  Gya = (Bi)g ya(cht to sail)
                  Tei = Ta(ke my hand)
                  Ha = Ha (ha ha)
                  Ra = Ra (ra sis boom bah)
                  Gya = (Bi)g ya(cht to sail)
                  Tei = Ta(ke my hand)
                  Hara = Ha (ha ha) Ra (ra sis boom bah)
                  So = Sew (a button)
                  Gya = (Bi)g ya(cht to sail)
                  Tei = Ta(ke my hand)
                  Bo = (Stallone is Ram)bo
                  Ji = Gee (whiz)
                  Sowa = So wha(t?)
                  Ka = Ca(r to drive)
                  Hannya = Han(Solo of Star Wars, rhymes with man's name Ron) (Italian lasag)na
                  Shingyo = Shin (of the leg) ( Large Bi)gyo(yo toy)

                  ALL OF LIFE IS OUR TEMPLE


                  • Seiko
                    Novice Priest-in-Training
                    • Jul 2020
                    • 1173

                    Originally posted by Jundo
                    Pronunciation: Hi Guys,

                    The following is my slightly irreverent Heart Sutra pronunciation guide. I have seen something like it available in Japan, but not in English. Here is how it works:

                    I will take ordinary English words that sound as close as possible to stand for each of the following. For example:

                    Shin = Shin (of the leg)

                    Disregard any part of a word in parenthesis ( ) as if it was cut away. For example, “fool” for “fu” here:

                    Fu = Foo(l)

                    I apologize right now if this ends up being biased toward Yankee pronunciations. Our friends from other places might adjust for worldwide versions.

                    A couple of pointers:

                    Two words together are meant to be said as one two syllable word quickly. For example, “Maka” sounds like “ma” (of “mama) and “car” (with the 'r' cut off), said as one quick two syllable words, thus:

                    Maka = Ma(ma) Ca(r)

                    Words with “u” at the end such as “Soku” usually – but not always – have a “u” sound at the end that sounds like the French word for water “eau” or the “ooh” of "ooh la la". If you listen to the following recording, the “ooh” is sometimes so subtle, and barely pronounced, that it can sound almost like a one syllable word. So, “Soku” would be:

                    Soku = Soak(the dishes) ooh (la la, but barely pronounced)

                    One should listen closely and compare the below with this Japanese version for practice:

                    Shall we see how this goes? Maybe we can even ask someone to make an animated version sometime! That would be cool. :=9

                    Gassho, Jundo


                    Maka = Ma(ma) Ca(r to drive)
                    Hannya = Han(Solo of Star Wars, rhymes with man's name Ron) (Italian lasag)na
                    Haramita = Ha(ha ha) ra(h rah sis boom bah) me(and you) ta(r the road)
                    Shin = Shin (of the leg)
                    Gyo = ( Large Bi)gyo(yo toy)

                    Kan = Kahn (of Star Trek)
                    Ji = Gee (whiz)
                    Zai = Xy(lophone)
                    Bo = (Stallone is Ram)bo
                    Satsu = (They) sats (down) ooh (NOTE: Rather than “sats”, closer to “sots” as in “besotted”. Also, some Japanese abbreviate this to "Sa," most do not)
                    Gyo = (Large Bi)gyo(yo toy)
                    Jin = Gin (Rummy)
                    Han = Han (Solo, rhymes with man's name Ron)
                    Nya = Italian lasag)na
                    Ha = Ha (ha ha)
                    Ra = Ra (ra sis boom bah)
                    Mi = Me (and you)
                    Ta = Ta(r the road)
                    Ji = Gee (Whiz)
                    Sho = Show (time)
                    Ken = Ken (and Barbie)
                    Go = Go (Away)
                    On = Own (a house)
                    Kai = Ki(te to fly)
                    Ku = Coo (went the pigeon)
                    Do = Doe (a female deer)
                    I = Ea(t your breakfast)
                    Sai = Sigh (with love)
                    Ku = Coo (went the pigeon)
                    Yaku = (Boating ka)yak ooh (la la, subtle)
                    Sha = Sha (of Iran)
                    Ri = Rea(d a book)
                    Shi = She (and him)
                    Shiki = Shick (razors) key (and lock)
                    Fu = Foo (Fighters) or for the older crowd, Foo(l me once, shame on me)
                    I = ea(t your breakfast)
                    Ku = Coo (went the pigeon)
                    Ku = Coo (went the pigeon)
                    Fu = Foo (Fighters)
                    I = Ea(t your breakfast)
                    Shiki = Shick (razors) key (and lock)
                    Shiki = Shick (razors) key (and lock)
                    Soku = Soak (the laundry) ooh (la la, subtle)
                    Ze = Ze(ppelin)
                    Ku = Coo (went the pigeon)
                    Ku = Coo (went the pigeon)
                    Soku = Soak (the laundry) ooh (la la, subtle)
                    Ze = Ze(ppelin)
                    Shiki = Shick (razors) key (and lock)
                    Ju = Jew (in Tel Aviv)
                    So = Sew (a button)
                    Gyo = (Large Bi)gyo(yo toy)
                    Shiki = Shick (razors) key (and lock)
                    Yaku = (Boating ka)yak ooh (la la, subtle)
                    Bu = Boo (went the ghost)
                    Nyo = (The eggs were u)nyo(ked)
                    Ze = Ze(ppelin)
                    Sha = Sha (of Iran)
                    Ri = Rea(d a book)
                    Shi = She (and he)
                    Ze = Ze(ppelin)
                    Sho = Show (time)
                    Ho = Ho (ho ho says Santa)
                    Ku = Coo (went the pigeon)
                    So = Sew (a button)
                    Fu = Foo (Fighters)
                    Sho = Show (time)
                    Fu = Foo (Fighters)
                    Metsu = (Baseball's New York) Mets ooh (la la, subtle)
                    Fu = Foo (Fighters)
                    Ku = Coo (went the pigeon)
                    Fu = Foo (Fighters)
                    Jo = Joe (man's name)
                    Fu = Foo (Fighters)
                    Zo = (Bo)zo (the clown)
                    Fu = Foo (Fighters)
                    Gen = (Once more a)gain
                    Ze = Ze(ppelin)
                    Ko = Co-(pilot)
                    Ku = Coo (went the pigeon)
                    Chu = Chew (your food)
                    Mu = Moo (went the cow)
                    Shiki = Shick (razors) key (and lock)
                    Mu = Moo (went the cow)
                    Ju = Jew (in Tel Aviv)
                    So = Sew (a button)
                    Gyo = (Large Bi)gyo(yo toy)
                    Shiki = Shick (razors) key (and lock)
                    Mu = Moo (went the cow)
                    Gen = (Once more a)gain
                    Ni = Knee (of the leg)
                    Bi = Bee (is buzzing)
                    Ze = Ze(ppelin)
                    Shin = Shin (of the leg)
                    Ni = Knee (of the leg)
                    Mu = Moo (went the cow)
                    Shiki = Shick (razors) key (and lock)
                    Sho = Show (time)
                    Ko = Co-(pilot)
                    Mi = Me (and you)
                    Soku = Soak (the laundry) ooh (la la, subtle)
                    Ho = Ho (ho ho says Santa)
                    Mu = Moo (went the cow)
                    Gen = (Once more a)gain
                    Kai = Ki(te to fly)
                    Nai = Nigh(t and day)
                    Shi = She (and he)
                    Mu = Moo (went the cow)
                    I = Ea(t your breakfast)
                    Shiki = Shick (razors) key (and lock)
                    Kai = Ki(te to fly)
                    Mu = Moo (went the cow)
                    Mu = Moo (went the cow)
                    Myo = (Jewelry Ca)meo (said really fast)
                    Yaku = (Boating ka)yak ooh (la la, subtle)
                    Mu = Moo (went the cow)
                    Mu = Moo (went the cow)
                    Myo = (Jewelry Ca)meo
                    Jin = Gin (Rummy)
                    Nai = Nigh(t and day)
                    Shi = She (and he)
                    Mu = Moo (went the cow)
                    Ro = Row (your boat)
                    Shi = She (and he)
                    Yaku = (Boating ka)yak ooh (subtle)
                    Mu = Moo (went the cow)
                    Ro = Row (your boat)
                    Shi = She (and he)
                    Jin = Gin (rummy)
                    Mu = Moo (went the cow)
                    Ku = Coo (went the pigeon)
                    Shu = Shoe (to wear)
                    Metsu = (Baseball's New York) Mets ooh (la la, subtle)
                    Do = Doe (a female deer)
                    Mu = Moo (went the cow)
                    Chi = Chee(se and crackers)
                    Yaku = (Boating ka)yak ooh (la la, subtle)
                    Mu = Moo (went the cow)
                    Toku = Toke (a smoke) ooh (la la, subtle)
                    I = Ea(t your breakfast)
                    Mu = Moo (went the cow)
                    Sho = Show (time)
                    Tok- = Toe (of the foot)
                    ko = Co-(pilot)
                    Bo = (Stallone is Ram)bo
                    Dai = Die (and live another day)
                    Sat = (Bes)sot(ed)
                    Ta = Ta(r the road)
                    E = E(dward)
                    Han = Han (Solo, rhymes with man's name Ron)
                    Nya = (Italian lasag)na
                    Ha = Ha (ha ha)
                    Ra = Ra (ra sis boom bah)
                    Mi = Me (and you)
                    Ta = Ta(r the road)
                    Ko = Co-(pilot)
                    Shin = Shin (of the leg)
                    Mu = Moo (went the cow)
                    Kei = (O)kay
                    Ge = Ge(t me a hammer)
                    Mu = Moo (went the cow)
                    Kei = (O)kay
                    Ge = Ge(t me a hammer)
                    Ko = Co(-pilot)
                    Mu = Moo (went the cow)
                    U = Ooh (La La)
                    Ku = Coo (went the pigeon)
                    Fu = Foo (Fighters)
                    On = Own (a house)
                    Ri = Rea(d a book)
                    Is- = Ea(t your breakfast)
                    Sai = Sigh (with love)
                    Ten = 10
                    Do = Doe (a female deer)
                    Mu = Moo (went the cow)
                    So = Sew (a button)
                    Ku = Coo (went the pigeon)
                    Gyo = (Large Bi)gyo(yo toy)
                    Ne = Ne(xt in line)
                    Han = Han (Solo, rhymes with man's name Ron)
                    San = San (rhymes with man's name Ron)
                    Ze = Ze(ppelin)
                    Sho = Show (time)
                    Butsu = Boots (to wear) ooh (la la, subtle)
                    E = Eh (What did you say?)
                    Han = Han (Solo, rhymes with man's name Ron)
                    Nya = (Italian lasag)na
                    Ha = Ha (ha ha)
                    Ra = Ra (ra sis boom bah)
                    Mi = Me (and you)
                    Ta = Ta(r the road)
                    Ko = Co-(pilot)
                    Toku = Toke (a smoke) ooh (la la, subtle)
                    A = (Doctor's “Open wide, say) Ah
                    Noku = No (not yes) Coo (says the pigeon)
                    Ta = Ta(r the road)
                    Ra = Ra (ra sis boom bah)
                    San = San (rhymes with man's name Ron)
                    Myaku = Mia (Culpa) Coo (says the pigeon) … said fast …
                    San = San (rhymes with man's name Ron)
                    Bo = (Stallone is Ram)bo
                    Dai = Die (and live another day)
                    Ko = Co-(pilot)
                    Chi = Chee(se and crackers)
                    Han = Han (Solo, rhymes with man's name Ron)
                    Nya = (Italian lasag)na
                    Ha = Ha (ha ha)
                    Ra = Ra (ra sis boom bah)
                    Mi = Me (and you)
                    Ta = Ta(r the road)
                    Ze = Ze(ppelin)
                    Dai = Die (and live another day)
                    Jin = Gin (Rummy)
                    Shu = Shoe (to wear)
                    Ze = Ze(ppelin)
                    Dai = Die (and live another day)
                    Myo = (Jewelry Ca)meo (said really fast)
                    Shu = Shoe (to wear)
                    Ze = Ze(ppelin)
                    Mu = Moo (went the cow)
                    Jo = Joe (man's name)
                    Shu = Shoe (to wear)
                    Ze = Ze(ppelin)
                    Mu = Moo (went the cow)
                    To = Toe (of the foot)
                    Do = Doe (a female deer)
                    Shu = Shoe (to wear)
                    No = No (and yes)
                    Jo = Joe (man's name)
                    Is = Ea(t your breakfast)
                    sai = Sigh (with love)
                    Ku = Coo (said the pigeon)
                    Shin = Shin (of the leg)
                    Jitsu = (Gad)gets, but 'i' sound as in Ju-Jitsu
                    Fu = Foo (Fighters)
                    Ko = Co-(Pilot)
                    Ko = Co-(Pilot)
                    Setsu = (Television) sets ooh (la la, subtle)
                    Han = Han (Solo, rhymes with man's name Ron)
                    Nya = (Italian lasag)na
                    Ha = Ha (ha ha)
                    Ra = Ra (ra sis boom bah)
                    Mi = Me (and you)
                    Ta = Ta(r the road)
                    Shu = Shoe (to wear)
                    Soku = Soak (the laundry) ooh (la la, subtle)
                    Setsu = (Television) sets ooh (la la, subtle)
                    Shu = Shoe (to wear)
                    Watsu = Whatsu(p?)
                    Gya = (Bi)g ya(cht to sail)
                    Tei = Ta(ke my hand)
                    Gya = (Bi)g ya(cht to sail)
                    Tei = Ta(ke my hand)
                    Ha = Ha (ha ha)
                    Ra = Ra (ra sis boom bah)
                    Gya = (Bi)g ya(cht to sail)
                    Tei = Ta(ke my hand)
                    Hara = Ha (ha ha) Ra (ra sis boom bah)
                    So = Sew (a button)
                    Gya = (Bi)g ya(cht to sail)
                    Tei = Ta(ke my hand)
                    Bo = (Stallone is Ram)bo
                    Ji = Gee (whiz)
                    Sowa = So wha(t?)
                    Ka = Ca(r to drive)
                    Hannya = Han(Solo of Star Wars, rhymes with man's name Ron) (Italian lasag)na
                    Shingyo = Shin (of the leg) ( Large Bi)gyo(yo toy)

                    Thank you Jundo,

                    I am amazed, laughing, bowing and in awe - all at the same time.

                    Thank you

                    In Gassho
                    Gandō Seiko
                    (Stubborn Way of Pure Light)

                    My street name is 'Al'.

                    Any words I write here are merely the thoughts of an apprentice priest, just my opinions, that's all.


                    • Jundo
                      Treeleaf Founder and Priest
                      • Apr 2006
                      • 41178

                      Originally posted by Seiko
                      Thank you Jundo,

                      I am amazed, laughing, bowing and in awe - all at the same time.

                      Thank you

                      In Gassho
                      It is actually based on an old Japanese tradition. And the old Japanese could be even more irreverent, here are a couple from Japan, old and modern. Many of the older items are head scratchers for modern people, but I see some funny ones. "Chi" is a word for a breast or utter in Japanese, so you will see a picture of two breasts (third column from left).

                      Below that, "sa" is the sound of a dog peeing in Japanese, so (also third column) ...

                      You might notice a fat belly, which is "Hara" in Japanese (first column on right) ...

                      And, of course, a scholar's paper on the topic ...

                      This paper is concerned with introducing iconic pictograph systems that were created by Buddhist
                      priests more than three hundred years ago to help illiterate people recite important Buddhist sutras.
                      These iconic pictograph systems did not imitate Chinese characters or their meanings, nor did they
                      utilize the available kana system of phonographs. Instead, pictographs were created that made use of
                      Japanese homophones related to everyday objects, such as household utensils, farming tools and body
                      parts, as well as making use of various metaphors, and even puns, resulting in pictographs that are at
                      once humorous and effective. The present paper will first discuss the importance of form in Japanese
                      culture, introduce the Heart Sutra and the notion of mantra, and then illustrate how the pictographs
                      could induce the desired pronuciation for reciting the Heart Sutra. And finally, there is a brief
                      discussion of how this pictograph-induced recitation of the sutra could be mantra-like in producing a
                      calm meditative state.
                      Gassho, J

                      Last edited by Jundo; 03-12-2021, 08:40 AM.
                      ALL OF LIFE IS OUR TEMPLE


                      • Ryokudo
                        • Apr 2018
                        • 254

                        Dear all I am afraid I am laid up I bed with flu and cannot therfore make tonight. Many apologies


                        • Guest

                          Dear friend, I wish you will recover quickly from this ! I hope it’s not the Covid-19.:
                          Today, I took the lead of our practice with John Pursch, from Arizona. We have done a nice Sanki Raimon, a hazardous Hannya Shingyo and a good enough Four Vows, and, of course, we sat together. It was not so bad, I think.
                          Take good care of you, Ryokudo !


                          • Jundo
                            Treeleaf Founder and Priest
                            • Apr 2006
                            • 41178

                            Originally posted by Ryokudo
                            Dear all I am afraid I am laid up I bed with flu and cannot therfore make tonight. Many apologies
                            Metta Ryokudo. All chants dedicated for your recovery, and for all those everywhere who are sick today.

                            Gassho, J

                            ALL OF LIFE IS OUR TEMPLE


                            • Amelia
                              • Jan 2010
                              • 4980

                              That is quite an amazing write up, Jundo!

                              And please get well soon, Ruokudo. Sitting with you.

                              Sat, lah
                              求道芸化 Kyūdō Geika
                              I am just a priest-in-training, please do not take anything I say as a teaching.


                              • Risho
                                • May 2010
                                • 3178

                                I love this thread! Ryokudo - I hope you feel better soon



