Chanting & Zazen Circle (Mo thru Sa)

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  • Anchi
    • Sep 2015
    • 556

    Life itself is the only teacher.
    一 Joko Beck

    安知 Anchi


    • Guest

      This week :

      Sanki Raimon ( English and Japanese)
      Zazen Wassan ( English)


      Enmei Juku Kannon Gyo ( Japanese)
      Short dedication
      The four Vows ( Japanese, English and any languages you want to practice )

      See you,

      Yuki 雪
      (Sat today)
      P S. The post # 299 gives you the most usual texts and chants we often use here. Gassho
      Last edited by Guest; 11-08-2021, 09:18 PM.


      • Anchi
        • Sep 2015
        • 556

        Life itself is the only teacher.
        一 Joko Beck

        安知 Anchi


        • Seiko
          Novice Priest-in-Training
          • Jul 2020
          • 1176

          Peace to all beings
          may all beings be well and happy
          and free from fear

          peace to all beings
          whether near or far
          whether known or unknown
          visible or invisible
          real or imaginery
          born or yet to be born
          may all beings be well and happy
          and free from fear

          peace to all beings
          within and beyond the imagination
          in the world of ideas
          in the world of memories
          and in the world of dreams
          may all beings be well and happy
          and free from fear

          peace in all elements
          of earth and air and fire and water
          fulfilled in space

          peace in all universes
          from the smallest cells in the body
          to the greatest galaxies in space
          peace and light rising

          peace and love and comfort and ease
          to all in need
          may they be well and happy
          and free from fear

          by John Garrie Roshi

          Gandō Seiko
          (Stubborn Way of Pure Light)

          My street name is 'Al'.

          Any words I write here are merely the thoughts of an apprentice priest, just my opinions, that's all.


          • Guest

            Wonderful Seiko !

            We will add it and read it this week. Merci

            Yuki 雪
            (Sat today)


            • Anchi
              • Sep 2015
              • 556

              Lovely Seiko ! Thank you

              Life itself is the only teacher.
              一 Joko Beck

              安知 Anchi


              • Guest

                This week :

                Sanki Raimon ( English and Japanese)

                Poems from Ryokan

                Foothills far below,
                Mount Kugami soars to heaven.
                At its shady foot
                Stands the shrine of Otogo.
                Here I live alone
                Every morning and each night
                On the rugged rocks,
                Or through the mossy footway,
                Coming and going
                To perform my daily chores.
                Before me rises,
                Each time I cast up my eyes,
                A primeval grove
                Divine in its dark grandeur.
                Every year in May,
                Cuckoos return from the south,
                And in noisy flocks
                Swell their throats in ecstasy.
                When, in September,
                Rain comes drizzling from above,
                Seated by the hearth
                I tear offbright maple leaves.
                Thus for many years,
                As long as life stays with me,
                Here I shall live free as air.


                In the shady grove
                Hoping light from twig to twig
                Cuckoos in a flock
                Swell their throats in ecstasy,
                Now that spring has crept away.

                Can I entice you
                To rest your feet in my house?
                Over the foothills
                Perhaps you will come gleaning
                Red maple leaves all the way.

                Frosty maple leaves
                Bright in their autumnal hues,
                And summer cuckoos,
                I shall keep in mind for years
                And years, until my life fails.

                Amid holy trees,
                Close to the Otogo shrine,
                Seated all alone
                I hear the sacred bells ring:
                Perhaps, a call from a friend.



                Enmei Juku Kannon Gyo ( Japanese)
                Short dedication
                The four Vows ( Japanese, English and any languages you want to practice )

                See you,

                Yuki 雪
                (Sat today)


                • Anchi
                  • Sep 2015
                  • 556

                  Life itself is the only teacher.
                  一 Joko Beck

                  安知 Anchi


                  • Guest

                    Hi all !

                    I propose to add this short text to our reading this week.


                    An Early Morning Visit to the Buddhist Priest Chao to Read the Chan Scriptures

                    Drawing water from the well,
                    I rinse my cold teeth,
                    I brush the dust from my clothes and purify my mind;

                    Calmly I turn the leaves of a Buddhist sutra
                    And recite as I stroll out of the east study.

                    The true Way has not been accepted—
                    False tracks are what the world follows.

                    Buddha’s teaching promises joy after Nirvana:
                    How can I master with it my habitual nature?

                    Here in the quiet of the priest’s courtyard,
                    The green of the moss blends with the dense bamboos; As the sun breaks through the strands of damp mist.
                    It bathes the blue pines as if with oil.

                    Such freshness!—hard to express in words ... Enlightened,
                    My heart is at peace.

                    LIU ZONGYUAN

                    See you today !

                    Yuki 雪
                    (Sat today)


                    • Anchi
                      • Sep 2015
                      • 556

                      Lovely!! Merci Yuki !

                      Life itself is the only teacher.
                      一 Joko Beck

                      安知 Anchi


                      • Guest

                        Hi !

                        « All buddhas throughout space and time,
                        all bodhisattva mahāsattvas,
                        wisdom beyond wisdom—
                        mahā prajñā pāramitā. »


                        « Ji hō san shi i shi fu.
                        Shi son bu sa mo ko sa.
                        Mo ko ho ja ho ro mi. »

                        We will add it after the Hannya Shingyo, if you agree.

                        See you soon !

                        Yuki 雪
                        (Sat today)


                        • Seiko
                          Novice Priest-in-Training
                          • Jul 2020
                          • 1176

                          Originally posted by Yuki
                          Hi !

                          « All buddhas throughout space and time,
                          all bodhisattva mahāsattvas,
                          wisdom beyond wisdom—
                          mahā prajñā pāramitā. »


                          « Ji hō san shi i shi fu.
                          Shi son bu sa mo ko sa.
                          Mo ko ho ja ho ro mi. »

                          We will add it after the Hannya Shingyo, if you agree.

                          See you soon !

                          Yuki 雪
                          (Sat today)
                          Hi Yuki,
                          I don't know if it changes the English translation, but I have this - the last line is different -
                          *Ji ho san shi i shi fu
                          *shi son Busa mo ko sa
                          *Mo ko ho rya fo ro mi +

                          Gandō Seiko
                          (Stubborn Way of Pure Light)

                          My street name is 'Al'.

                          Any words I write here are merely the thoughts of an apprentice priest, just my opinions, that's all.


                          • Seiko
                            Novice Priest-in-Training
                            • Jul 2020
                            • 1176

                            We venerate Buddha!
                            All are one with Buddha,
                            all awake to Buddha—
                            Buddha, Dharma, Sangha—
                            eternal, joyous, selfless, pure.
                            Throughout the day Compassion,
                            Throughout the night Compassion.
                            This moment springs from Mind.
                            This moment itself is Mind.

                            Gandō Seiko
                            (Stubborn Way of Pure Light)

                            My street name is 'Al'.

                            Any words I write here are merely the thoughts of an apprentice priest, just my opinions, that's all.


                            • Anchi
                              • Sep 2015
                              • 556

                              Lovely Seiko ! Thank you

                              Deep bows,
                              Life itself is the only teacher.
                              一 Joko Beck

                              安知 Anchi


                              • Jundo
                                Treeleaf Founder and Priest
                                • Apr 2006
                                • 41195

                                Originally posted by Seiko
                                Hi Yuki,
                                I don't know if it changes the English translation, but I have this - the last line is different -
                                *Ji ho san shi i shi fu
                                *shi son Busa mo ko sa
                                *Mo ko ho rya fo ro mi +
                                No, I believe that Yuki's version is standard in Japanese. Where is yours from, Seiko?

                                Short Verses in English and Chinese 02Informal Meal Verses {shokuji no ge 食事偈} (displayed in ...

                                All Buddhas, ten directions, three times, {ji hō san shi i shi fu 十方三世一切佛}
                                All honored ones, Bodhisattva-Mahāsattvas, {shi son bu sa mo ko sa 諸尊菩薩摩訶薩}
                                Great Perfect Wisdom, Mahā Prajñā Pāramitā {mo ko ho ja ho ro mi 摩訶般若波羅蜜}
                                Gassho, J

                                ALL OF LIFE IS OUR TEMPLE

