Hogen's Dharma Transmission
Yes it is indeed, which is OK. It's what our physical bodies are built for. I intend to enjoy my French Dark Roast coffee black instead of sweet, Beatles Rubber Soul better than the White Album, and sniffling through Hogen's emotional words of thanks to his Sangha. That is Jakuden's relative truth.
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*or maybe it's really Abbey Road. Or Let It Be. Or.... ok bad example
Yes it is indeed, which is OK. It's what our physical bodies are built for. I intend to enjoy my French Dark Roast coffee black instead of sweet, Beatles Rubber Soul better than the White Album, and sniffling through Hogen's emotional words of thanks to his Sangha. That is Jakuden's relative truth.
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*or maybe it's really Abbey Road. Or Let It Be. Or.... ok bad example