Insight Timer For Zazenathon!
Now to give you a laugh. I have often thought that in your avatar you are standing among gorillas...quick observation and being a wildlife biologist and with the folks I know (not so much gorillas but wildlife) it would not be totally unusual. So I assumed! But today I looked closer, on a bigger screen, and see I was "seeing things"...and I am suppose to be a wildlife guy. Back to the cushion for more clarity or maybe new reading glasses.
SattodayJust goes to show how easy it is to see things from one's own experience--you are in wildlife, so you see gorillas! Me, not so exotic!
I do love animals, though. Having a close relationship with another species is eye-, mind-, and soul-opening. I realize that if I can communicate with, love, and trust another species, then how much easier should it be for me to do that among humans. On the downside, however, you also experience loss, because most animals have shorter life spans (well, except exotic birds which often outlive their owners). I guess that is a good lesson, too--to appreciate your time together, but it is one that I could skip.
Thanks for the smile once more, Doshin--I think that must be a talent of yours! And also thanks for the moment of reflection! Gassho, Grace.
Sat today plus 10 because. . . .Last edited by Graceleejenkins; 03-24-2016, 10:23 PM.Sat today and 10 more in honor of Treeleaf's 10th Anniversary!Comment
This is fantastic! I have signed up for both groups, and will start using this timer. I have been using another timer for about a year now, with great results, but to have a timer where I can "see" who I am sitting with will really be great. I look forward to sitting with you all!
SatToday...(and will start sitting more for the anniversary!)Comment
This is fantastic! I have signed up for both groups, and will start using this timer. I have been using another timer for about a year now, with great results, but to have a timer where I can "see" who I am sitting with will really be great. I look forward to sitting with you all!
SatToday...(and will start sitting more for the anniversary!)
Gassho, Grace
Sat Today. . .(and will start sitting more for the anniversary, with Jim too!)Sat today and 10 more in honor of Treeleaf's 10th Anniversary!Comment
I have been using ZazenMeditation for the timer until now. I like the idea behind Insight. I joined the Insight groups and made some presets. I used intervals to add some time for kinhin between sittings. I'm not sure if there's an easier way, but it seems to work.
Ps. Deep bows for Grace and all those who put the spreadsheet together!円
泰 Entai (Bill)
"this is not a dress rehearsal"Comment
Sat today and 10 more in honor of Treeleaf's 10th Anniversary!Comment
See you soon!
Gassho, Grace
sat todaySat today and 10 more in honor of Treeleaf's 10th Anniversary!Comment
Ahhh, good to know! I don't think I will forget your name, Reddragon! And trust me with street names, member names, and Dharma names, I sometimes get confused! Gassho, Grace.
Sat today and 10 more in honor of Treeleaf's 10th Anniversary!Comment