A picture of kensho? Just photograph a mirror, outdoors.
If Dogen worked for me......
Thinking aloud here...
This part makes sense to me as something one might do in Zazen:
but this part doesn't sound right to me:
This sounds like making a concept of Buddha and Ancestors and that's something you should throw out, not pretend to be.
step lightly... stay free...
If I may, in my humble opinion; how are "you" different to any of this? Does it pass through you like clouds? or is that a "you" which is constantly changing its appearance?
If these thoughts are not "truly you" then just what the hell are you? Is there a word for it?
The root of suffering is Desire; for name, home and infamy. The absence of longing (attachment) is - what exactly?
When we exist with no desire to possess, then what are we? free? Are we stil an "I"?
Many apologies if ive over-stepped, but this ouned like a heart-felt question to me.
SitsEveryDayNothing to do? Why not Sit?
Originally Posted by John C
I recently experienced a brief moment of clarity/insight (kensho? whatever). I find that when i bring the spirit of this experience to my sitting, it is a great aid to my focus. I don't have the experience again, but the mere shadow of that insight brings joy to my zazen.
Originally Posted by Jundo
Ah, but don't chase after recreating that moment either like some old flame you are trying to rekindle. Rather than revive an old love affair, be totally with the one in before you. Sit with the Wholeness and Clarity of just what is in this moment's Zazen.
As Shingen says ...
Reboot, and start again! Is kensho not in each moment? How many moments are in a day? A week? A lifetime? =)
As I wrote about "the Whole Bus Trip Kensho" above, do not try to get back to the Grand Canyon. The Vast Canyon is Wondrous, yet each bumpy pothole on the bus trip holds the Whole Grand Canyon when just seen.
Just a passenger,
I don't think anyone intended to ridicule you. And I don't think it's wrong to experience some joy and peace in just sitting. But the ego is so tricky a warning is warranted. Just be yourself and don't worry about what others think. Thanks for your practice.
SAT today_/_
無 (MU, Emptiness) and 氷 (HYO, Ice) ... Emptiness Ice ...
Gassho, J