Proposal for Sangha Discussion: "SAT TODAY!" - Sitting Before Talking

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  • Ansan

    Would it be obligatory to use "sat today" if it were the consensus of the group? Since I am really very new here, I feel the connection to the sangha when I post "sat today, so I would say "yes". I think it would be redundant and perhaps chastising, though, if we were obliged to say "sat today". It would be like "did you brush your teeth today, kiddos?" with an insinuation that we SHOULD be sitting (otherwise our teeth and mind might rot). The reason we are here is because we want to be, so wouldn't it be obvious that we ARE sitting? Or at least when we do sit, often, daily or occasionally, would that be an admission of what type of practice we have? So in this case, I would say "no" because it might make some feel guilty with the possible result of not posting or lying. Just two of my cents. Perhaps we might need another "smiley" for those of us that want to use it instead of the words. Or just "Zazan before Chatting".




    • Jundo
      Treeleaf Founder and Priest
      • Apr 2006
      • 41220

      Hi Ka,

      After folks have been here for a few months, I would ask them to say "SatToday". Yes, it would be obligatory to sit and report "SatToday" before posting on this Forum. Yes, folks should be and are expected to be sitting before chatting here about sitting. If they do not sit, then they should not chat.

      This would not include folks who are having some difficulty sitting, and need access to the Forum in order to discuss that difficulty.

      The reason we are here is because we want to be, so wouldn't it be obvious that we ARE sitting? Or at least when we do sit, often, daily or occasionally, would that be an admission of what type of practice we have?
      No, it is not obvious. One is free not to sit and to sit less than daily (I cannot prevent that) ... but by the same token, one should not come here until having sat that day. Members of this Sangha are asked to sit daily. You come here, so that means you have sat. I hope some people feel bad and are motivated, sorry if it chases some folks away (farewell, and maybe you can find some place less demanding) ... and I sure hope nobody lies ... but:

      ... Let me shout from the rooftop:

      This is not a playground or coffee house or social club or disco.

      This is a Dojo, a Practice Place for Practice.

      One does not go to a Karate Dojo for the soda and donuts, and one does not come here without Sitting.

      I hope that is clear by now.

      Gassho, Jundo
      Last edited by Jundo; 12-04-2014, 05:38 AM.


      • Jinyo
        • Jan 2012
        • 1957

        Hello Jundo,

        Thinking back it has always been clearly stated that the expectation/rule is that we sit once a day for ten minutes (at least).

        That clearly evaporates for some
        (myself included for periods of time) not because of resistance to sitting but for lots of reasons of health, family worries/duties. etc .

        I think I gravitated more to the message board during these times as a comfort/comforting zone even if I was just reading , not contributing. So - on reflection - I do think it's important to have a designated place for those difficult times so that members don't fall off the radar.

        Will it be that in the introductory email, that is sent out, that the sitting before chatting will be more heavily emphasised and also that it is obligatory for members to write 'Sat today' after their postings?

        In a way - this is only a minor - but very significant - change to what is already clearly set out and will define Tree Leaf very clearly as a Dojo - which presumably is what brought us all here - or at least is why we stay?



        Sat Today
        Last edited by Jinyo; 12-04-2014, 11:16 AM.


        • Jundo
          Treeleaf Founder and Priest
          • Apr 2006
          • 41220

          Hi Willow,

          I do not think a designated place is workable, but this whole Forum will always be open to folks who say "look, stuff is going on right now, I cannot sit as much as I wish and I am having difficulty". Of course, they will always be welcome.

          I will be posting a sticky thread to explain the "rules" of all this, and I will make that clear. After folks have been around here a few months (not newcomers), hopefully they will notice and catch on. If not, we will give them a gentle explanation after a few months.

          Gassho, J


          • Kyonin
            Dharma Transmitted Priest
            • Oct 2010
            • 6752

            Originally posted by Jundo
            This is not a playground or coffee house or social club or disco.

            This is a Dojo, a Practice Place for Practice.

            One does not go to a Karate Dojo for the soda and donuts, and one does not come here without Sitting.

            Gassho, Jundo
            I couldn't agree more


            Hondō Kyōnin
            奔道 協忍


            • Jishin
              • Oct 2012
              • 4823

              then I get night fever, night fever.
              We know how to do it.
              Gimme that night fever, night fever.
              We know how to show it....

              Ooops, wrong place.

              Gassho, Jishin



              • RichardH
                • Nov 2011
                • 2800

                Originally posted by Jundo

                I do like the many creative variations in writing "Sat Today" that folks have come up with. That's great.

                Came up with these variations..

                Done Sitted

                Gone Done Sat Today

                Top-O-the Sittin' Today

                Sat like a splat today

                Velvety Sit Today

                Sat 'n' figited

                Sat Perched

                Sat Poached


                Sitting and spinning





                • Jundo
                  Treeleaf Founder and Priest
                  • Apr 2006
                  • 41220

                  ALL OF LIFE IS OUR TEMPLE


                  • Oheso
                    • Jan 2013
                    • 294

                    the new posting rule did not affect my sitting practice at all, but it perhaps curbed my inclination to post, believe it or not.

                    to me it seems that the atmosphere of the boards has become a little unfriendly, with SHOUTING FONTS and I will not if you do not and such, and so much preaching to the choir.

                    I wouldn't deny the support or inspiration gained by any to them. if it helps any practice, that's good. if it hurts or hinders, not so good.

                    gassho, O, who sat today and daily sits.
                    Last edited by Oheso; 12-04-2014, 05:28 PM.
                    and neither are they otherwise.


                    • Ansan

                      Originally posted by Jundo
                      Hi Ka,

                      This is not a playground or coffee house or social club or disco.

                      This is a Dojo, a Practice Place for Practice.

                      One does not go to a Karate Dojo for the soda and donuts, and one does not come here without Sitting.

                      I hope that is clear by now.

                      Gassho, Jundo
                      Thank you, Jundo! I can hear your clear voice now. Very deep bows.




                      • lorax
                        • Jun 2008
                        • 381


                        Willow says in one of her recent posts "I think if the rule stands it will change the nature of the message board and possibly the nature of the sangha". Yup, probably so. This Sangha has been in a state of constant change over the years I have been a member. Treeleaf has been and will continue to change and grow. I think this recent request from Jundo regarding sitting before chatting is another growth spurt. Resisting change is a sure path to suffering. As my little grand daughter says.."let it go, let it go..."

                        SAT TODAY
                        Last edited by lorax; 12-04-2014, 10:11 PM.


                        • Meikyo
                          • Jun 2014
                          • 197


                          My attitude towards this has not changed much. I'm a little ambiguous.

                          I am personally slightly put off by a obligatory standing rule. I wish this forum to stay open as resource to anyone with a sincere interest in what is discussed here regardless of whether they choose to follow some set standard or not. Ideally no one should be barred. Even strictly non-sitting wife-beating alcoholics with a purely academic interest in the history of Zen clergy should be welcomed. Although of course encouraged to drop these bad habits and start sitting. Ideally! As long as people are both respectful and remotely interested in what we do I really see no problem. One should also try to share knowledge with the not-so-willing recipients if one truly believes it can help them. Ideally.

                          On the other hand I can fully respect and emphasize with Jundo's point of view. A place for Practice not Zenny social club! A standing "sat today"-rule will with a little force up the standard of Practice and Practitioners here. What will happen then long-term I think is that Treeleaf will be a place for serious Zen students and not for people "interested in Zen". The folks not truly dedicated to Practice will be slowly weeded out. This is fine with me. I came to have a Practice and not to play at one.

                          Bottom line: "Sat Today" is helpful to Practice and has helped me personally though I'm not entirely fond of all of its implications. I will trust and respect the verdict of my Teacher and the Sangha.

                          #Sat Today.
                          ~ Please remember that I am very fallible.



                          • Jundo
                            Treeleaf Founder and Priest
                            • Apr 2006
                            • 41220

                            Hi Aske,

                            The wife beating alcoholic who does not sit will be perfectly welcome (although not encouraged in that lifestyle) for the first few months. No need to comply. After that, he would be expected to sit if coming here.

                            Gassho, Jundo
                            ALL OF LIFE IS OUR TEMPLE


                            • Anshu Bryson
                              • Aug 2014
                              • 566

                              I treat this 'place' as I would a bricks-and-mortar building. If I were attending a 'physical' zendo, I would be sitting. I might have some peripheral social contact with other members before and after zazen, or outside the building altogether if I have a friendship, but not 'in' the zendo...

                              And as far as sitting goes, I would be SEEN to be sitting. As far as the 'declaration' is concerned, the only way Jundo knows if I am sitting is if I tell him (and the only way he knows I am NOT sitting is if I tell him); he shouldn't have to assume. So I am happy to tell him. And if that helps support someone else's practice, that's a bonus...

                              I don't see this forum as a message forum or a social network, but as a 'place', as a 'virtual zendo'. There are plenty of social networking opportunities outside of this 'place'; if I needed a hug, I'd go there. I need to practice; I come here. If the teacher tells me to jump, I dont ask "why?", I ask "how high?"... (from the famous koan: "What is the height of one man jumping...?")



                              sat today


                              • FabianS
                                • Nov 2014
                                • 26

                                Thank you, Bryson! Warm words that gave me once more a soft reminder.
                                I tend to post a little too often, that's a bad habit of mine. I still need to focus more on when it is adviseable or needed to really say something and when it is best to simply ackknowledge something in silence.
                                I very much like the idea of the "Sat Today" and already try to remmeber it, because it shares a community feeling and motivates. I came to this place to have the opportunity to sit with others. And even that simple Tag seen when browsing a few topics here gives a little boost.

                                Gassho, Fabian
                                It's not about me. It's not about you. It's about us.

