Yes, that's it. What Kokuu said. The world is right there, you are right there with it, you are it, it is you - what is there to get? Well, I think our mind says "What is there to get? What there is to get is the deep, clear feeling and knowledge that I am the world, that the universe is me. That's what there is to get. And I haven't felt that yet, haven't experienced that yet, so there must be something wrong." I think this is what Sam, and all of us, go through at times. Certainly has been there for me. But how can you "get" that when it's already occurring - what things just as they are need nothing else. That's faith. We're not waiting for the universe to tap us on the shoulder when we're sitting zazen and say, "Yes, you just got it. You're pure, enlightened now. You finally did it right." Not going to happen because it's already in us, all around us, as us, us as it, and if we can just open ourselves to it - well, that's zazen to me, a faith in opening beyond my ideas, my wants, to everything. Tony, I think you're doing great; the same way you go on that bike ride you describe, as Kokuu says, sit zazen like that.
PS: Nice to see you here Kokuu.
PS: Nice to see you here Kokuu.