Consuming alcohol
Hi All,
I'll have a cocktail once in a while or a little wine with dinner. Never been a problem for me. I have seen many lives absolutely ruined by alchohol, though. The issue of intoxication is an interesting one, not sure if you want to go into it on this thread, but intoxication takes many forms.
CGrateful for your practiceComment
I don't drink at all (haven't had any alcohol for over 10 years!), but would never say that one should never drink to walk the Buddhist path; it would be rather hypocritical of me to say so!
It is really about not abusing alcohol, not about swearing off all alcohol forever. Middle way.
P.S. Perhaps I should have just a little bit of wine. I seem to be clinging to that 10 year thing.Comment
Yes, avoiding intoxication, and finding the middle way.
Many things can be intoxicating besides alchohol: sex, drugs, gambling, video games, love, books, movies, helping other people... almost anything really. To me intoxication is about that feeling of exhilaration, fascination, and immediately wanting more. It’s something that takes you away from an immediate experience of now. It’s about desire and craving, and avoidance, and also attachment, I think.
But of course the original question was about alcohol, so maybe what I’m talking about is for a different thread.
Lisa展道 渺寛 Tendō Byōkan
Please take my words with a big grain of salt. I know nothing. Wisdom is only found in our whole-hearted practice together.Comment
So many wise comments.
For some, even a drop is poison. For others, drinking in small doses and moderation is no problem at all, and may even lengthen life expectancy.
But do not drink before or during Zazen. One need not cloud the mind to taste Reality.
I have been to a few parties in Japan, including a cup filling karaoke singing wing ding with the Abbot of Sojiji Head Temple in Japan to mark the end of the year. A time for everything.
If you are not sure about your own abilities to handle moderation, than none is probably the best course.
I feel very lucky that alcohol does not hold much allure for me. I can enjoy a glass a few times a year, or not, it does not matter much. However, in my experience, most social gatherings involve nearly ubiquitous drinking. It is a social lubricant I guess, lowering the walls that most of us spend our lives building up. If ten to fifteen people are together in a room, statistically it is likely at that at least one of them is an alcoholic (recovering or not). So in any social situation, I choose not to drink (even a little), because there may be others in the room for whom even a drop is poison. Having another person present who chooses not to drink may help them avoid that first drop.
For me personally, "just a little drink" would keep the precept on intoxication, but "not a single drop" keeps the precept on devotion to Sangha (in the wider sense) if it helps someone who must abstain.
SekishiSekishi | 石志 | He/him | Better with a grain of salt, but best ignored entirely.Comment
So in any social situation, I choose not to drink (even a little), because there may be others in the room for whom even a drop is poison. Having another person present who chooses not to drink may help them avoid that first drop.
wow, I never thought of that. What a wonderful way to support someone, knowingly or unknowingly. I will keep this in mind in future. Thank you!
Lisa展道 渺寛 Tendō Byōkan
Please take my words with a big grain of salt. I know nothing. Wisdom is only found in our whole-hearted practice together.Comment
thank you very much, you've helped me.
I never liked to drink alcohol (don't like the taste), and I shouldn't (medical reasons). So this fits well for me, but others often see me as a spoil sport, and I feel bad about that.
Your observation it might eventually be helping someone else is a big relieve.
PS: Lisa, is there a self help group for people who are attached to this Sangha??
Are the three jewels in themselves breaking the precepts?治 Ji
花 KaComment
Joyo, good excuse to burn that guilt-inducing list of half a million books people have recommended!
Danny, yes, there is a group, and we are meeting at the pub for cocktails!
Lisa展道 渺寛 Tendō Byōkan
Please take my words with a big grain of salt. I know nothing. Wisdom is only found in our whole-hearted practice together.Comment