Re: Fantasizing: Is it really worth it?
I know this well, and yet...
Waking up from a good dream and wanting it to continue, knowing that it never will... kind of like all the good things in life, too. I hope I am learning to drop things better...
I write as a hobby, and sometimes in the midst of a great story, I stop, knowing it is not real and will never be real, and I feel agitated at this fact-- at my plain life.
It's okay, though.
Ah! So many times. My teen years were dedicated to it! So much suffering, too, as a result! (Anyone ever read I Never Promised You a Rose Garden, by Joanne Greenburg?)
Here's the odd thing-- it did (causing me to believe in some semblance of the Law of Attraction). But then, failing to rejoice in the loveliness of a dream come true, I built other dreams. Never satisfied... tsk tsk...
Since Harry Potter has been quoted lately, here's another one:
"It does not do to dwell on dreams and forget to live." --Dumbledore :mrgreen:
Be careful! Extractors might get into your subconscious and steal your secrets!
Thank you all for these bits of wisdom. _/_ And thanks to Jundo especially for going into some details in this thread that I needed to know.
Great thread!
Originally posted by Ekai
Waking up from a good dream and wanting it to continue, knowing that it never will... kind of like all the good things in life, too. I hope I am learning to drop things better...
I write as a hobby, and sometimes in the midst of a great story, I stop, knowing it is not real and will never be real, and I feel agitated at this fact-- at my plain life.
It's okay, though.

Originally posted by Ekai
Originally posted by Ekai
Originally posted by Jundo
"It does not do to dwell on dreams and forget to live." --Dumbledore :mrgreen:
Originally posted by Rich
Originally posted by Sydney
Originally posted by Heisoku
Originally posted by Jundo
Great thread!