Fear of (method of) death

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  • Keishin
    • Jun 2007
    • 471

    Re: Fear of (method of) death

    Hellos to Alan, and all others posting here!

    Way back when, people would tell me I needed, Needed, NEEDED a cell phone. I would say, Why? They would say--well, what if your car broke down? And I would say 'then I would pull over by the side of the road.' And they would say--well how would you get help? And I would say 'I would just have to wait until someone stopped and called for help from their cell phone.' And they would say something like---well what if it was an ax murderer who stopped 'to help' you? And I would say 'well then that answers that question.' And they would say 'what question?' And I would say 'the answer to the question--how does this life end for me?'--it's going to be today, ax murderer by the side of the road!'

    'How would having a cell phone help me in that situation?' I would ask--'All I'm going to have time to tell someone one the other end is 'Oh, look, a man has stopped, he is getting out of his car and he has an ax!'

    These little somewhat odd conversations regarding how important a cell phone would be for my safety actually ended up helping me a lot with this subject of death.
    One of these days there will be the answer to that question: how does this life end for me?
    By this life of course I am referring to the collection of biological material assigned a certain name, address, social security number and all that jazz. By ending I mean no more breathing, no one to drag this skin bag of bones around anymore.

    Life however....
    and there is no getting out of it: I mean, Where do 'I' go? Nowhere. Fast (or slowly as the case might be).

    I am curious now, thanks to cell phone enthusiasts as to what the answer to that question will be. I hope I am around to find out!

    ps (years later, I do have a cell phone which I find to be indispensable! Haven't had any 'emergency' use for it yet, but I'll keep you posted!)


    • Kaishin
      • Dec 2010
      • 2322

      Re: Fear of (method of) death

      Speaking of technology, this of course veers into questions of The Singularity and transferrable consciousness... who knows what these may bring.
      Kaishin (開心, Open Heart)
      Please take this layman's words with a grain of salt.

