Ango Commitment Thread

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  • Ekai
    • Feb 2011
    • 672

    Re: Ango Commitment Thread

    I am still undecided on what I am giving up. I am going give up something to allow more time for sewing, reading, etc. I feel it will be worth it and very fulfilling to create more time for the Ango commitments.



    • Nindo

      Re: Ango Commitment Thread

      I just wanted to post a link to a great article in Tricycle about temptation, restraint and dignity by Thanissaro Bhikkhu.

      This is why so much of the training lies in learning to put this aside, put that aside, give this up, give that up. Developing this habit on the external level makes us reflect on the internal level: Which attachments in the mind would be good to give up? Could our mind survive perfectly well without the things we tend to crave?
      The mind is even more independent when you develop the discernment that’s able to dig out the source of those impulses and see where they come from, to the point where the whole issue of temptation is no longer an issue because there’s nothing tempting. You look at the things that would pull the mind out of its stillness, out of its independence, and you realize they’re just not worth it. In the past you were training the mind in a sense of hunger—that’s what we do when we keep giving in to impulses: we’re training ourselves in hunger. But now you train the mind in the direction of having enough, of being free, and you realize that the sense of hunger that you used to cultivate is really a major source of suffering. You’re much better off without it.


      • Graceleejenkins
        • Feb 2011
        • 434

        Re: Ango Commitment Thread

        Wow! Great excerpts! Gassho!
        Sat today and 10 more in honor of Treeleaf's 10th Anniversary!


        • Risho
          • May 2010
          • 3178

          Re: Ango Commitment Thread

          Ditto on that, those are really good!


          • ChrisA
            • Jun 2011
            • 312

            Re: Ango Commitment Thread

            I know that most of the items below are just repetitions of the general ango commitments, but some have been tweaked a bit and -- to be honest -- if I post this out to the sangha I'm more likely to stick to it! finally, I like stating them as very clear commitments.

            I also should say that I'm very interested to see how others frame this....

            [quote]I commit to shikantaza zazen and/or kinhin for[list]20 minutes each morning,
            20 minutes each evening, and
            10 minutes each midday.
            Chris Seishi Amirault


            • Amelia
              • Jan 2010
              • 4980

              Re: Ango Commitment Thread

              I commit to:

              Sit every day, and extend the period of sitting at least five minutes beyond my initial urge to stop. I will sit for a second time each day as time allows.

              Join in each and every 90 minute Saturday Treeleaf Zazenkai, and 4-hour monthly Treeleaf Zazenkai netcast without fail

              Add Metta Verse Practice and Nurturing Seeds Practice to my routine each day

              Listen to each 'Sit-a-Long' Talk

              Join in weekly Practice Partner Exercises

              Join frequently in online discussions in our Jukai/Ango Forum

              Meet with Jundo or Taigu by Skype video at least once per month or as time allows.

              Complete and participate in each of the readings and discussions each week regarding the individual Precepts, as well as complete Rakusu sewing. (This depends on my ability to gather materials, which I will decide on shortly)

              Make formal study on the meaning and philosophy of Samu, and apply such perspectives and attitudes in your family and work duties each day.

              Give up one or two items or passions one truly loves during the Practice period, for example, sweets after meals, luxurious meals, cigarettes, television, consumer purchases of luxury items. (I'm already on a very tight budget, so I'll see what else I can frugalize on.)

              mindful eating, and silently or orally recite one short meal chant before all meals

              Charitable donations of my time to anyone I meet that is in need (I don't have a job and can't give money)



              There you have it. Gassho to all participating.
              求道芸化 Kyūdō Geika
              I am just a priest-in-training, please do not take anything I say as a teaching.


              • BrianW
                • Oct 2008
                • 511

                Re: Ango Commitment Thread

                My Ango practice will be dedicated to those close to us we lost this past mother, my wife's father, and our dog. So I dang well better stay on track or someone can hit me with a wisk or whatever is handy. (I would use stronger language, but keeping mindful of the precepts.) In addition to what the basic list is for Ango I will do the following:

                I find 40 mins. of zazen to be perfect for me. I have slipped away from this doing 20 to 30. Thus, I will practice a minimum of 40 minutes in one continuous sitting. In addition, I will add another sitting time per day...that will vary and subject to time constraints.

                For my samu, I will volunteer at a local animal shelter. I have not yet worked out the details on this one, but have been doing research on what is available.



                • Jiken
                  • Jan 2011
                  • 753

                  Re: Ango Commitment Thread

                  For me I am committing to no late night snacking and sweets


                  • Dosho
                    • Jun 2008
                    • 5784

                    Re: Ango Commitment Thread

                    Hi all,

                    Here are my commitments for Ango:

                    - I will add 5 minutes to my current sitting as well as add a second sitting, for a total of two 30 minute sits.

                    - I will join each zazenkai, both the 90 minute and 4 hour versions, live each week.

                    - I will be more consistent with my metta practice and add nurturing seeds, doing both each day.

                    - I will listen to each sit-a-long as soon as I have the occasion to do so.

                    - I will undertake the practice partner exercises with my Ango partner (JRBrisson).

                    - I will join in the discussions on the forum, particularly those relating to Ango and Jukai.

                    - I will meet with Jundo on Skype at regular intervals.

                    - I will sew a rakusu as part of my preparations for Jukai.

                    - I will strive to incorporate the principles of samu into my daily work practice.

                    - I will continue to reduce those things in which I often overindulge, including fats, sweets, television and internet, as well as my dwelling in thoughts and performing actions that are inconsistent with the Precepts.

                    - I will undertake these commitments in cooperation with the members of the sangha and will do whatever I can to support their commitments to Ango, Jukai, the Precepts, and to all living beings (myself included).

                    Deep bows to all who choose to participate in this Ango and continue to teach me every day.



                    • louis
                      • Aug 2007
                      • 172

                      Re: Ango Commitment Thread

                      Here's to two a day sits, my normal morning and a shorter evening sit.
                      Bye bye to evening snacks.


                      • tedmac
                        • Jun 2010
                        • 89

                        Re: Ango Commitment Thread

                        I'm in like Flynn. Committing to the basic set plus swearing off cokes and french fries in favor of healthier choices. Ango coincides with training for a 5k and continued dissertation work, and one goal is to realize a fuller presence in those and other activities.
                        Ted (Untei)


                        • Amelia
                          • Jan 2010
                          • 4980

                          Re: Ango Commitment Thread

                          I think I am going to give up slouching, shaking my legs, and biting my nails. I vow stillness.
                          求道芸化 Kyūdō Geika
                          I am just a priest-in-training, please do not take anything I say as a teaching.


                          • Hogo
                            • Feb 2010
                            • 497

                            Re: Ango Commitment Thread

                            Aside from refocusing my efforts on a long neglected practice, I also plan to be more mindful day to day, and will be attempting a near meatless and overall healthier diet for the future.
                            Gassho ~ Hogo.
                            P.S. I say "near " meatless as I have not ruled out an ocasional meal of (localy farmed) eggs or fish. All things in moderation.


                            • Kyonin
                              Dharma Transmitted Priest
                              • Oct 2010
                              • 6752

                              Re: Ango Commitment Thread

                              Originally posted by Amelia
                              I think I am going to give up slouching, shaking my legs, and biting my nails. I vow stillness.
                              From all the commitments I have read, yours is perhaps one of the most difficult and one that I need. To achieve stillness. I shall join you on this one.
                              Hondō Kyōnin
                              奔道 協忍


                              • berrykat
                                • Apr 2009
                                • 36

                                Re: Ango Commitment Thread

                                I commit to participate in Ango I will give up chocolate I am a late starter ops: -Gasho Andrea

