Ango Commitment Thread

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  • Hoyu
    • Nov 2010
    • 2020

    Re: Ango Commitment Thread

    Originally posted by Risho
    Yeah I hear ya. I was thinking when I wrote those things that they were the things I would do in addition to what is mandatory for Treeleaf Ango, per Jundo sensei. Also, it sort of fits in with the things to give up (like sweets and other indulgences, large purchases, television, etc).


    That makes sense _/_
    Ho (Dharma)
    Yu (Hot Water)


    • Taylor
      • May 2010
      • 388

      Re: Ango Commitment Thread

      Originally posted by Saijun
      Originally posted by Taylor
      A commitment to two zazen periods daily. Sutra/Text study twice a week. And an emphasis on my judgement of others and how to reduce it/ the underlying causes of it.

      Simple enough, I think.

      Hello Taylor,

      If I may ask, which Sutra(s) will you be going through? Just curious.

      Metta and Gassho,

      Diamond, Vimalakirti, Heart Sutra, Hui-Neng, and Lotus

      The shorter sutras will be gone through line by line. Chewing, digesting, assimilating, integrating, being.

      And yes, Jundo, all of those bold things as well :P



      • Tb
        • Jan 2008
        • 3186

        Re: Ango Commitment Thread


        My additional Angocomittment this year will be to eat a kilo of candy.
        I will also write, read, and sew more.

        Life is our temple and its all good practice


        • Dokan
          Friend of Treeleaf
          • Dec 2010
          • 1222

          Re: Ango Commitment Thread

          I've been contemplating this thread and for me I see two separate things for my commitment. One is in line with Jundo's posts on Ango (something to give up). The other is something I'd like to commit to, that I actually enjoy but would like to be more consistent with.

          - Will commit to proceeding clearly and abstain from caffeine, sodas & alcohol. (Honestly not too painful as I typically only drink a cup of coffee in morning and occasionally a beer at night, but it's something!)
          - Will commit to honoring the body and abstain from any sexual impropriety. (Simply keeping my thoughts and actions pure and within the confines of my commitment to my wife.)
          - Will commit to 30 minutes per day of sewing & shakuhachi practices (alternating practice between days)


          We don't see things as they are, we see them as we are.
          ~Anaïs Nin


          • Nenka
            • Aug 2010
            • 1240

            Re: Ango Commitment Thread

            Originally posted by Fugen
            My additional Angocomittment this year will be to eat a kilo of candy.
            NOW WE'RE TALKIN'! :twisted:

            But, alas, I think I'll be giving up chocolate for a while (edited to add) because it's the one thing I eat absolutely mindlessly.

            And video games. That will give more time for all the, you know, boldface stuff up there.



            • Myozan Kodo
              Friend of Treeleaf
              • May 2010
              • 1901

              Re: Ango Commitment Thread

              I will try and live what I believe in, not what habit drives me to do. It is a commitment, moment to moment.


              • Ankai
                Novice Priest-in-Training
                • Nov 2007
                • 1067

                Re: Ango Commitment Thread

                Well, of course, as Jundo's early advice to me was whenever I asked any question about any topic (at one point it got to be like a punch line!) "MORE ZAZEN!"
                In addition to that, I'll do what I did for my wife during Lent (she's Catholic,) and what I did last year and give up breakfast in exchange for sitting. It was tough, but I've gotten through it and gained some personal insights, and no doubt will again.
                護道 安海

                -Godo Ankai

                I'm still just starting to learn. I'm not a teacher. Please don't take anything I say too seriously. I already take myself too seriously!


                • Kyonin
                  Dharma Transmitted Priest
                  • Oct 2010
                  • 6752

                  Re: Ango Commitment Thread

                  Well, I'll be practicing the Bold Typeface List of Doom, but also I will be giving up two things: bread (all types of bread, cookies, crackers, tortillas, etc) and videogames.

                  Tough stuff for me. Lets see how I handle all. :lol:
                  Hondō Kyōnin
                  奔道 協忍


                  • Heisoku
                    • Jun 2010
                    • 1338

                    Re: Ango Commitment Thread

                    I think I will relinquish my life of Spartan self-denial and also sit evening zazen regardless.
                    My other foible is the same as Taylor's, so I will attempt to reduce any judgementalism of myself and others and let the suchness be!
                    Heisoku 平 息
                    Every day is a journey, and the journey itself is home. (Basho)


                    • Jundo
                      Treeleaf Founder and Priest
                      • Apr 2006
                      • 41220

                      Re: Ango Commitment Thread

                      Originally posted by KvonNJ
                      what I did last year and give up breakfast in exchange for sitting. It was tough, but I've gotten through it and gained some personal insights, and no doubt will again.
                      Don't do anything unhealthy in this practice. Even the Buddha and Dogen made sure to have breakfast.

                      My additional Angocomittment this year will be to eat a kilo of candy.

                      Har har.

                      Gassho, J
                      ALL OF LIFE IS OUR TEMPLE


                      • Dokan
                        Friend of Treeleaf
                        • Dec 2010
                        • 1222

                        Re: Re: Ango Commitment Thread

                        Originally posted by chugai
                        I'm thinking maybe I'll only get on the computer one hour a week during Ango, that would be interesting ...
                        Wow didn't think about that one! I am connected from waking up to going to bed...either with smart phone, desktop or laptop. Maybe I'll do something with this as well. Would help with one of my other commitments as well. Thanks for the idea Chugai!

                        We don't see things as they are, we see them as we are.
                        ~Anaïs Nin


                        • Tb
                          • Jan 2008
                          • 3186

                          Re: Ango Commitment Thread


                          Hi, even though just an Unsui, and no authority of any kind, there is one thing i'd like to bring up here...

                          Ango is not about cutting away your "ten pounds of flesh", Ango is about living life.
                          Don't take away breakfast, add an extra slice of bread.
                          Don't take away being with your family, add an extra 5 minutes a day.
                          It's ok to add an extra bit of reading of sutras, of chanting, of...
                          But the main thing is, Ango is about living life to the fullest, don't miss that.
                          Don't strip your life, add to it.
                          Live it.

                          And if you fail, so what?
                          It's all part of the practice.
                          You will sometimes fail.
                          I failed miserably last year with one of my comittments.
                          That doesn't stop me from doing the same comittment this year.
                          The main point is not trying, but doing and comitting yourself to living life as fully as you can.

                          Life is our temple and its all good practice


                          • Dokan
                            Friend of Treeleaf
                            • Dec 2010
                            • 1222

                            Re: Ango Commitment Thread

                            Originally posted by Fugen
                            But the main thing is, Ango is about living life to the fullest, don't miss that.
                            Don't strip your life, add to it.
                            Live it.
                            Wonderful...thank you Fugen.


                            We don't see things as they are, we see them as we are.
                            ~Anaïs Nin


                            • Hoyu
                              • Nov 2010
                              • 2020

                              Re: Ango Commitment Thread

                              Fugen wrote:
                              Don't strip your life, add to it.
                              This is exactly my view towards what Ango means to me! I have been thinking more in terms of adding to my practice VS taking away from my life. However I do understand the importance of also giving something up as well.

                              Ho (Dharma)
                              Yu (Hot Water)


                              • Hogen
                                • Oct 2009
                                • 261

                                Re: Ango Commitment Thread

                                Originally posted by JRBrisson
                                Fugen wrote:
                                Don't strip your life, add to it.
                                This is exactly my view towards what Ango means to me! I have been thinking more in terms of adding to my practice VS taking away from my life. However I do understand the importance of also giving something up as well.

                                addition by subtraction is a valuable thing indeed.


