Ango Commitment Thread

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  • Mari
    • Jun 2011
    • 45

    Ango Commitment Thread

    I was talking with Fugen and he mentioned that I could make a list of things I'm willing to commit to during the Ango and post them. Then others can post what commitments they're willing to make if they want to here.

    Thus far, I've decided on giving up coffee and diet soda. Also I will commit to eating three meals a day, which will be challenging for me considering my very difficult situation with food and not being very willing to eat. I'll also get a bucket, put it on my altar, and every day that I manage not to smoke cigarettes, I'll place some money in the bucket.

    So, if you'd like, share what you're willing to commit to during the Ango.
    skype - justmari73
  • Risho
    • May 2010
    • 3178

    Re: Ango Commitment Thread

    Oh wow.. quitting smoking and coffee? I applaud your courage. Seriously if you need any motivation, etc I'm here. I quit both, not together though.

    For Ango, I will be giving up drinking alcohol (not drinking altogether; I do need water :P). I will also be giving up sweets. Finally, I will be giving up complaining. I realize I complain a lot sometimes using a sarcastic wit to seduce others into my line of thinking. But in the end complaining to me is just another rejection of what is, so instead of being a complainer I will be a fixer with nothing to fix.




    • Saijun
      • Jul 2010
      • 667

      Re: Ango Commitment Thread

      Hello friends,

      I was going to give up caffeine altogether. However, it has recently come to my attention that caffeine consumption is, in fact, an alternative therapy for some stuff that I'm dealing with at the moment. So out that goes.

      I'm going to give up desserts, snacking, etc., as food is definitely a large attachment for me. Additionally, I'm committing to half an hour of yoga every day, and at least 2 total hours of Zazen daily. And focus very hard on right speech in the workplace. That's another big one for me.

      Metta and Gassho,

      To give up yourself without regret is the greatest charity. --RBB


      • disastermouse

        Re: Ango Commitment Thread

        My ango commitment is simple - daily zazen practice - regardless of whether I'm working or not.



        • Taylor
          • May 2010
          • 388

          Re: Ango Commitment Thread

          A commitment to two zazen periods daily. Sutra/Text study twice a week. And an emphasis on my judgement of others and how to reduce it/ the underlying causes of it.

          Simple enough, I think.



          • Shugen
            • Nov 2007
            • 4532

            Ango Commitment Thread

            A commitment to daily Zazen practice and a reduction of alcohol and caffeine intake by half.

            Meido Shugen
            明道 修眼


            • Saijun
              • Jul 2010
              • 667

              Re: Ango Commitment Thread

              Originally posted by Taylor
              A commitment to two zazen periods daily. Sutra/Text study twice a week. And an emphasis on my judgement of others and how to reduce it/ the underlying causes of it.

              Simple enough, I think.

              Hello Taylor,

              If I may ask, which Sutra(s) will you be going through? Just curious.

              Metta and Gassho,

              To give up yourself without regret is the greatest charity. --RBB


              • Kaishin
                • Dec 2010
                • 2322

                Re: Ango Commitment Thread

                Thank you for starting this thread, Mari. I haven't worked out everything I plan to do for Ango, but I am definitely committing to daily zazen of 30 minutes and participating in all zazenkai. I will likely give up sweets/junk food (something I should do permanently really). Also some type of formal mindfulness practice at work, where I tend to get very stressed and irritable.
                Kaishin (開心, Open Heart)
                Please take this layman's words with a grain of salt.


                • Seiryu
                  • Sep 2010
                  • 642

                  Re: Ango Commitment Thread

                  A commitment to Daily Zazen and Dharma study!


                  清竜 Seiryu


                  • Jundo
                    Treeleaf Founder and Priest
                    • Apr 2006
                    • 41220

                    Re: Ango Commitment Thread


                    Let me add that really the following suggestions for the Ango are not "optional", and are asked of everyone absent some true extenuating circumstances which render them a total and complete impossibility! 8)

                    As I wrote ...

                    I believe that Ango participants should commit to all or most of the following. In all cases, the emphasis will be on increasing ... not raw quantity ... but the sincerity, commitment, vigor and seriousness of what we undertake:
                    MARKED IN BOLDFACE

                    + Add a minimum of 5 minutes per sitting to however long one's current sitting time, and commit to sit that time - at least daily - without missing a single day. As well, for those who can and whose schedule will realistically allow ... consider adding an additional full sitting period per day to however many times per day one is now sitting Zazen. Whatever your commitment, be realistic about what you can maintain ... and then (absent sheer impossibility) stick with it, without missing a single day

                    + Join in each and every 90 minute Saturday Treeleaf Zazenkai, and 4-hour monthly Treeleaf Zazenkai netcast without fail. However, as always, each will be available in recorded form (so may be joined at a time to fit your schedule).

                    + Add, if you can, Metta Verse Practice ( viewtopic.php?f=1&t=1199 ) and Nurturing Seeds Practice ( viewtopic.php?f=1&t=1730 ) to your routine each day.

                    + Listen, as possible, to each 'Sit-a-Long' Talk (to be presented by Jundo and Taigu) during the practice period, also all available in recorded form to meet your schedule. A special series of talks will be presented during the Ango and Jukai period.

                    + Join in our weekly Practice Partner Exercises, a series of short assignments to be led by our novice-priests at Treeleaf, and to be undertaken in pairs with another Ango participant (details later).

                    + Join frequently in online discussions in our Jukai/Ango Forum of the content and Ango experiences, sharing the ups and downs and middles.

                    + If technically possible, commit to meet with Jundo or Taigu by Skype video at least once per month during the Ango.

                    + If simultaneously studying for Jukai, complete and participate in each of the readings and discussions each week regarding the individual Precepts, as well as complete Rakusu sewing.

                    + Make formal study on the meaning and philosophy of Samu (work practice, the central theme of Dogen's "Instructions for the Cook"), and apply such perspectives and attitudes in your family and work duties each day.

                    + Commit to give up one or two items or passions one truly loves during the Practice period, for example, sweets after meals, luxurious meals, cigarettes, television, consumer purchases of luxury items.

                    + Commit to mindful eating, and silently or orally recite one short meal chant before all meals (here is one I suggest).

                    (Hands in Gassho) This food comes from the efforts
                    of all sentient beings past and present,
                    and is medicine for nourishment of our Practice.
                    We offer this meal of many virtues and tastes
                    to the Buddha, Dharma, and Sangha,
                    and to all life in every realm of existence.
                    May all sentient beings in the universe
                    be sufficiently nourished.

                    + Commit a portion of your weekly income during the period to extra charitable donations (assuming you have the financial ability). We do not accept any "Dana" financial contributions for Treeleaf, as we now have sufficient resources for what we are doing. However, we do encourage people to make financial donations to charities that help folks, e.g., feeding the poor, finding a cure for a disease. Both donations and Samu work should be a bit beyond the point where it starts to hurt. If you have the time, consider extra volunteer activities in your community as well.

                    + Commit to sit our SPECIAL NETCAST ROHATSU RETREAT (to be held online, currently scheduled for netcast the weekend of December 3rd & 4th and/or Taigu's Kannon Retreat in Europe in late December) at the culmination of the Ango. Again, it would be good to participate "live", but the Rohatsu Netcast will be available in recorded form to fit schedules. The retreat will likely be similar to last year's schedule and content:

           ... 10---.html
                    The other activities, not marked in BOLDFACE are merely "strongly suggested". :twisted:

                    Gassho, Jundo
                    ALL OF LIFE IS OUR TEMPLE


                    • Hogen
                      • Oct 2009
                      • 261

                      Re: Ango Commitment Thread

                      two zazen periods a day
                      no soda (a lunchtime favorite)



                      • Echo
                        • Apr 2011
                        • 26

                        Re: Ango Commitment Thread

                        Zazen daily, before class and in the evening. No cigarettes, no soft drinks. No way am I giving up coffee, though - surviving school without it is definitely outside the realm of possibility. I lack the the financial means for charitable donations, but will be putting in some extra effort as an anatomy TA.

                        More importantly, however, I'm committing to doing the practice - ALL of it, including chanting and prostrations and other things I'm averse to, no ifs, ands, or buts. Something tells me that's going to be much more difficult than giving up the bad habits, but it's going to be an interesting learning experience.

                        EDIT: On second thought, no prostrations - gotta keep it at least somewhat within the realm of possibility. And I'm definitely all prostrated out after my Christian days - that just brings me full circle to a very negative place that I'm definitely not ready to revisit. Not now. Perhaps not ever.


                        • murasaki
                          • Mar 2009
                          • 473

                          Re: Ango Commitment Thread

                          I would like to commit to two zazen periods per day of no less than 10 minutes, and the meal chants and mindful eating.

                          There are a lot of things I would like to give up or commit to doing for Ango, but since I am trying already to replace some negative/counterproductive habits with positive ones in other areas of my life, and this is a slow and gradual process, I don't want to overwhelm myself. I would say that the most important thing for me (besides zazen and taking better care of myself) for Ango would be to reduce my complaining, like Risho has committed to doing. I noticed that I do that a lot...big non-acceptance issues there.

                          Not to be a copycat...well, actually, copying is the sincerest form of flattery. No, seriously, I need to work on the complaining.

                          So...zazen, mindful eating, and no whining. Even about the hot weather. Especially about the hot weather. Whew, I'm in trouble...

                          "The Girl Dragon Demon", the random Buddhist name generator calls have been warned.

                          Feed your good wolf.


                          • Hoyu
                            • Nov 2010
                            • 2020

                            Re: Ango Commitment Thread

                            Hi All,

                            I didn't reply to this thread yet because I was kind of confused about what its point was? When I signed up for Ango I was agreeing to do all that Jundo Sensei said was mandatory. So I guess there isn't much to write about for me because what I'm going to be doing what has already been clearly spelled out.

                            Ho (Dharma)
                            Yu (Hot Water)


                            • Risho
                              • May 2010
                              • 3178

                              Re: Ango Commitment Thread

                              Yeah I hear ya. I was thinking when I wrote those things that they were the things I would do in addition to what is mandatory for Treeleaf Ango, per Jundo sensei. Also, it sort of fits in with the things to give up (like sweets and other indulgences, large purchases, television, etc).



