Re: Chöd and other Buddhist approaches to practical demonkeeping
Boring priest!!! :wink:
I do respect Chod and I relate to a lot of Tantric teachings, I actually see in Trungpa one of my root teachers and study his works all the time...
It is not about saying that Shikantaza or Tantra or this or that is superior...It is to not mix up practices. There is no fusion Buddhism as you may find in fusion cooking. Combine football and basket ball, and you ll end up with a funny game. I was reading an old text of Ejo, the Dharma heir of Dogen,Check the very end of the Absorption in the Treasury of Light' ... 0Light.pdf
It is dead clear
. It is not about the respect of orthodoxy. I think there is a huge gap between the techniques you use and Chod, which is a very complex and engaging ritual. Of course, one may use various tools when one is off the cushion... I also name my delusions and use the Work of Byron Katie. But the more I go, the less I do it. If I just come back instantly to the nameless, everything else vanishes.
Boring priest!!! :wink:
I do respect Chod and I relate to a lot of Tantric teachings, I actually see in Trungpa one of my root teachers and study his works all the time...
It is not about saying that Shikantaza or Tantra or this or that is superior...It is to not mix up practices. There is no fusion Buddhism as you may find in fusion cooking. Combine football and basket ball, and you ll end up with a funny game. I was reading an old text of Ejo, the Dharma heir of Dogen,Check the very end of the Absorption in the Treasury of Light' ... 0Light.pdf
It is dead clear
