The Sitting Hall

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  • Shugen
    • Nov 2007
    • 4532

    The Sitting Hall

    Hi Eika,

    I have a Mac also. Oovoo has been fine until recently. They have upgraded their system in anticipation of Apple's new operating system Lion coming out next month. I've been using the koowy hall (see Shohei's reply further up the thread for the link). It seems to work okay for me though some people have been having issues with it. I think things are going to be changing anyway, but if you wanna try and sit with someone, you can try the koowy hall.

    On a completely different note, I scheduled myself to sit at 9 tonight and just found out my wife and I will be having a late dinner. I'll probably be late. (I don't know if I am smart enough to access the gmail calendar from my phone to change it)

    Meido Shugen
    明道 修眼


    • Jundo
      Treeleaf Founder and Priest
      • Apr 2006
      • 41039

      Re: The Sitting Hall

      Just a mention that we are also having an issue with Ustream for the weekly Zazenkai (new ads policy with tv-like commercials that would cost thousands of dollars in fees to remove). However, I think we have an alternative that we will try this weekend for our 4-hour monthly Zazenkai. If all goes well, the change will not be too noticeable.

      Gassho, J


      • Eika
        • Sep 2007
        • 806

        Re: The Sitting Hall

        Thanks, Ron. I'd overlooked the koowy hall . . . It worked great.

        [size=150:m8cet5u6]??[/size:m8cet5u6] We are involved in a life that passes understanding and our highest business is our daily life---John Cage


        • Onshin
          • Jul 2010
          • 462

          Re: The Sitting Hall

          Failed again this morning! just got a little red error sign that said click here for detail, (but it would'nt click). Tried the mebeam alternative at the bottom, it did nothing.
          "This traceless enlightenment continues endlessly" (Dogen Zenji)


          • Myoku
            • Jul 2010
            • 1491

            Re: The Sitting Hall

            Ouch .. just found i have been placing all my zazen times in the "private" calendar, not the treeleaf one; its kind of easy to add them to the wrong one. When clicking on the calendar one needs to pick "treeleaf sitting schedule" explicitly, not difficult, but I wasn't aware of this. So you not only couldnt see me in the zendo but not even my schedule ... Doesn't matter much, i agree :-D Anyway, now I'm correctly scheduled.
            Ona side note: Even though Mac OSX Lion is coming soon I wont be able to update and get back to oovoo, as two of the main apps I'm using are not expected to be Lion compatible soon, and I need them for daily work ... so still Peter the invisible zendo sitter


            • roky
              • Jul 2008
              • 311

              Re: The Sitting Hall

              hello all -- been trying out the Koowy(mebeam) zen hall -- so far, all is well, but we'll see -- seems very stable, though admittedly video quality is poor, but then, since i'm meditating, so what? -- and free!

              and thanks again shohei, really like the google calendar(once i figured it out) -- when i add the treeeleaf calendar to my google calendar, it is then in my time zone -- and if i remember to add my sits to the treeleaf calendar, not just my calendar, works so fine -- this will come in extra handy when the inevitable connection issues resurface, particularly when i go back to my desert wifi -- at least when we're on the calendar, we know who we're sitting with, even without video

              havn't tried adding myself on the calendar to someone else's sit -- has anyone else tried that yet?

              at first, i was in the wrong hall -- i see that the new hall on koowy is "treeleafzenhall" -- there also still exists "treeleaf-zenhall"(the old mebeam zen hall), and "treeleaf-zen"(i think the old meeting hall) -- apparently the old ones carried over from mebeam

              i will be sitting a retreat online beginning 7/12, as the wife is away until 7/20 -- i will try and do it in the hall -- i prefer koowy(not only does it work on macs, it also works on linux, which i prefer to use) -- but i do also have a partition for windows, if folks want to use oovoo -- thats assuming anyone else is sitting -- i would assume that at some point we need to work out which to use, oovoo vs. koowy(sounds like a japanese sci-fi -- maybe brad could write the script :lol: )

              gassho, roky
              "no resistance"
              thaddeus golas


              • roky
                • Jul 2008
                • 311

                Re: The Sitting Hall

                Originally posted by roky

                havn't tried adding myself on the calendar to someone else's sit -- has anyone else tried that yet?
                ok, just did it, was simple, click on the entry, click edit, and you can add yourself to another's sit -- also being sure to be using "treeleaf sitters schedule" in the calendar box -- very cool, its nice knowing who you're sitting with
                "no resistance"
                thaddeus golas


                • Myozan Kodo
                  Friend of Treeleaf
                  • May 2010
                  • 1901

                  Re: The Sitting Hall

                  Hi all,
                  Why am I the only name in the sitting hall calender? Am I in a calendar all of my own? I don't understand where you have to chose the Treelead calendar. Advice appreciated.


                  • Myoku
                    • Jul 2010
                    • 1491

                    Re: The Sitting Hall

                    you have to be added to the Treeleaf calendar (by your email address),
                    to make the treeleaf calendar visible to you; right now you only see you
                    private calendar. You can mail Shohei to add you; maybe I can add you
                    too, at least I see a button which says "add person" and asks for an email.


                    • Shohei
                      • Oct 2007
                      • 2854

                      Re: The Sitting Hall

                      Hi Soen!
                      Yes please send me a pm with your email address(if you do not have a gmail, account its best - aka - easiest for all, to set one up...takes 2 mins tops) and I will add you.
                      Besure, as mentioned above (thank you folks I think i forgot to mention that! ops: ) you must, when scheduling your self on the calendar be sure to set which calendar you are scheduling for (default is your email address, treeleaf is an option that must be manually selected)

                      For the record I have set you all up, with the ability to add others as they request. The steps are not hard but there are like 4 or them, I will put them here so you can give it a go if you want I will give you an email address to practice with too!

                      1) log into your gmail account.
                      2) go to calendars, on the left column find and click on the link that says settings
                      3) now find and click on the link that says Treeleaf Sitters Schedule
                      4) now find and click on the link that says "Share this calendar"
                      5) now add the new email address in the text box, beside it change the default option of "See all event details" to "Make changes AND manage sharing" - then click the save button at the bottom.

                      Ooops 5 steps! For those so inclined give it a whirl with this address (its mine). If you succeed then let us know here and you can lend a helping hand to others. If not, no worries! I will of course be around to help out as I can when ever needed!!

                      i would assume that at some point we need to work out which to use, oovoo vs. koowy(sounds like a japanese sci-fi -- maybe brad could write the script :lol: )
                      HAHA Indeed Roky, on both
                      We do as group, need to workout a solid technical solution but for the video guts as well as a nice (free :?)back up solution - because as in all things - its not a matter of IF, its WHEN.
                      Kloowy works most times in this capacity but for a main solution..well this Mac vs ooovoo update thing is hard to ignore.



                      • Myoku
                        • Jul 2010
                        • 1491

                        Re: The Sitting Hall

                        step 1) is probably meant as "log in your google account", maybe it works with gmail accounts too, I dont know if they have teamed up as I have no gmail, in any way, I log in with my google account
                        Thanks and _()_

                        ps.: Today i got into koowy, but it kicked me out after 5 minutes or so, due to inactivity I guess :lol:


                        • Myozan Kodo
                          Friend of Treeleaf
                          • May 2010
                          • 1901

                          Re: The Sitting Hall

                          Thanks Peter and Shohei!
                          Peter, I think Shohei is going to add me on the calandar.
                          By the way, am I right that there are two live zen hall systems being used? And that a Mac person and PC person will never meet in the hall, because they are using two seperate systems? And does that mean the sittting hall calander is the only common ground?

                          I hope a unified system and calandar, and both embedded on the site, are possible soon. I also know that everyone is doing their best!

                          Thanks again guys.


                          • Myoku
                            • Jul 2010
                            • 1491

                            Re: The Sitting Hall

                            oovoo is being used as the common hall up until a few weeks ago, when some change at oovoo made it difficult or impossible for Mac people to join. There is also a koowy (previously mebeam) system that has been used before oovoo and which is still an option for some Mac people (well, not working good for me too), so after all thats exactly what we aim for, a common system for the future. And i wouldnt mind to pay for it, if it only would be half way reasonable...


                            • Shugen
                              • Nov 2007
                              • 4532

                              The Sitting Hall


                              I think Koowy is usable for both Mac and PC. Shujin and I have sat together and I'm pretty sure he has a PC. As to being kicked out, I've noticed that Koowy will kick you out but then readmit you a few seconds later. (At least that's what happens with me)

                              Meido Shugen
                              明道 修眼


                              • Myoku
                                • Jul 2010
                                • 1491

                                Re: The Sitting Hall

                                Thanks Ron,
                                yep, koowy should be Mac and PC, I know Richard however never got in (he's on PC); and for me it sometimes work and sometimes not, no clue why. When being kicked out, I remain outside until I click it again, however, I dislike clicking every few minutes when sitting ( I know we sit with everything ;-))

