Personality cults and fundamentalism

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  • Myoshin

    Re: Personality cults and fundamentalism

    I was not going to post anything more on this subject but I cannot take it anymore.

    I do not know you, in fact you may be a decent person in life but I really cannot stand you on this topic. You are reminding me of a child on a playground who became fed up with his friends and packed up his marbles in a huff and left. No matter what points we raise, what words of kindness and wisdom that are expressed you will still continue on your quest. You are not dropping ego, you are full of it. Even if you think you are right, there are times just to call it quits. No matter what either party says, if we agree or disagree this argument will just continue. So my advice is just to let it drop.

    If you are right, then congrats to you.

    How about we just sit.

    Gassho and thanks for the lesson on tolerance,



    • Jundo
      Treeleaf Founder and Priest
      • Apr 2006
      • 41220

      Re: Personality cults and fundamentalism

      Maybe, it is enough here, nothing more to say (although I hope Taigu might have more of his wise words)? Maybe all has been said that can be said?

      This is just life and human nature. Let's all sit.


      • Kevin
        • Oct 2007
        • 113

        Re: Personality cults and fundamentalism

        Originally posted by BrianP
        I am off tomorrow morning for a few days to the balmy beaches of Babbacombe Bay in South Devon with my wife to celebrate our 47th wedding anniversary on Tuesday
        Happy Anniversary, Daiku!



        • Shonin
          • Apr 2009
          • 885

          Re: Personality cults and fundamentalism

          Happy, Anniversary!!!!!


          • Kevin Solway
            • Dec 2008
            • 39

            Re: Personality cults and fundamentalism

            As a bit of fun, I thought I would relate what this thread has taught me about Zen practitioners. So I hope you can all take it with the good humour with which it is intended. I may sometimes be using a little hyperbole, so I hope you will allow me that.

            This is not to be taken as a criticism of Zen practitioners in particular, but is simply a reflection of the human condition, which some experience more than others.


            "You have opinions" really means "You are a deluded prat."

            "We are all deluded" really means "You are especially deluded".

            "Right speech is something that everyone should practice" really means "You are speaking rubbish".

            "I am no authority" really means "You can tell by my humility that I am an authority".

            "I think we need a little less certainty" really means "I am right and you are wrong".

            "Other people are not the problem" really means "You are the problem".

            "I do not know if any more can be said on this subject" really means "I can't stand to hear any more".

            "A wise fish swims past a baited hook" really means "This person is a worm, and I couldn't let it pass without saying something".

            "There is no need to respond to this" really means "I felt the need to respond".

            "Heed the advice of the wise" really means "Do what I tell you, you arrogant fool".

            "We are not practising the same Buddhism" really means "You are not practising any kind of Buddhism".

            "Happy Jihad!" really means "I will crush you, heathen".

            "A bit of poetry, a walk in the woods, playing with children..." really means "I am expressing my disgust in a message on my computer right now".

            "You are a koan in tolerance" really means "I can barely stand you".

            "You are only interested in picking up a fight" really means "You have the gall to disagree with me!"

            "Your videos are very professionally produced" really means "I disagree with everything you say in your videos".

            "This is not my opinion, it is the opinion of the Buddha" really means "I am right and you are wrong".

            "This is the ABC of my tradition" really means "If you don't agree with me, then you know nothing".

            "Maybe I've said too much" really means "I don't know what I'm saying".

            "You are like all the rest of us" really means "I am better than you".

            "Drop your opinions" really means "I am right".

            "Let's all sit" really means "I can't take this any more!".


            • Jundo
              Treeleaf Founder and Priest
              • Apr 2006
              • 41220

              Re: Personality cults and fundamentalism

              I think what everyone needs and wants to say has been said.

              Please, let us stop this thread here ... enough.

              Let us each return to our own Practice.


              • Shui_Di
                • Apr 2008
                • 213

                Re: Personality cults and fundamentalism

                Daikan Eno once said to his student not to "always" see other's fault, but to see our own's fault.

                Ok, be well

                Gassho, Mujo
                Practicing the Way means letting all things be what they are in their Self-nature. - Master Dogen.

