Personality cults and fundamentalism

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  • Shonin
    • Apr 2009
    • 885

    Re: Personality cults and fundamentalism

    deleted due to Dave Incident


    • Shonin
      • Apr 2009
      • 885

      Re: Personality cults and fundamentalism

      Tobi, well I see how your explanation is quite valid in scientific terms. But are we sure ( with plenty of proof dated and categorized by approved researchers in the field) that the invisibility is even in fact light based as opposed to a form of invisibility where it renders our minds incapable of processing it's pressence. Like a form of brain washing...psychic camoflage even.

      Could you imagine being that irritating to others for 20 years? I think i'd probably drown myself just to benefit society. From compassion, not self loathing. I'm quite realized in that respect ya know. Or I guess you wouldn;t know because noone is as realized as myself on such things. Not even Kevin the Dancing Monkey.

      DANCE KEVIN!!! DANCE!! DANCE, WITH ALL YOUR MONKEY HEART HAS TO OFFER!!* gets out his lil music box and begins the hand cranking*.


      • Tobiishi
        • Jan 2009
        • 461

        Re: Personality cults and fundamentalism

        somebody get dave a xanax :shock:
        It occurs to me that my attachment to this body is entirely arbitrary. All the evidence is subjective.


        • Shonin
          • Apr 2009
          • 885

          Re: Personality cults and fundamentalism

          Not that I dispute my need for anti-anxiety meds from time to time, but i mean over a statement about psychic camoflage, Tobi? That's a lil drastic.* impish grin*

          Dave _/_


          • will
            • Jun 2007
            • 2331

            Re: Personality cults and fundamentalism

            DANCE KEVIN!!! DANCE!!
            Enough with the Zoolander already. It stings me like a fisher my ass.

            To save all sentient beings, though beings are numberless.
            To penetrate reality, though reality is boundless.
            To transform all delusion, though delusions are immeasurable.
            To attain the enlightened way, a way non-attainable.


            • Shonin
              • Apr 2009
              • 885

              Re: Personality cults and fundamentalism

              sorry been forever since I've seen the movie. don't get it.

              But that is farrrrr nicer than the post full of pure belligerency i deleted. That one made chet look like one of the friendlier foks here.

              Dave _/_


              • Jundo
                Treeleaf Founder and Priest
                • Apr 2006
                • 41220

                Re: Personality cults and fundamentalism

                This thread is offering a great teaching to many of us on tolerance and open mindedness ... although not perhaps in the manner originally intended ...

                We all need to work with this "I can't stand", so this is a great opportunity for us too. It takes two to "I can't stand" ... the stand-er and the stand-ee. Both have control of the standing in this case of "I can't stand". So, even as we cooly and calmly object to this or that situation ... even as we may protest what may be something worth speaking up about (I do that all the time, because there are many things in this world worth caring about) ... be and find the stillness and acceptance within you of the situation. Don't be "I can't stand" even as someone stands on your foot. We should not even "I can't stand" this "I can't stand" itself!

                ... open the hand of thought, and let "I can't stand" go ...

                Gassho, J
                ALL OF LIFE IS OUR TEMPLE


                • will
                  • Jun 2007
                  • 2331

                  Re: Personality cults and fundamentalism

                  sorry been forever since I've seen the movie. don't get it.
                  There's a part in the movie that is exactly like what you said. He's dressed in a monkey costume at a photo shoot and someone saying "DANCE DEREK! DANCE MONKEY! DANCE!"

                  The other part of my post is another quote from the movie. I thought that's where you got it from.

                  sidenote: Thanks for the post Jundo.


                  To save all sentient beings, though beings are numberless.
                  To penetrate reality, though reality is boundless.
                  To transform all delusion, though delusions are immeasurable.
                  To attain the enlightened way, a way non-attainable.


                  • Shonin
                    • Apr 2009
                    • 885

                    Re: Personality cults and fundamentalism

                    No I was just thinking of dancing monkeys as tools of entertainment.

                    Dave _/_


                    • Kevin
                      • Oct 2007
                      • 113

                      Re: Personality cults and fundamentalism

                      I've been debating whether or not to post here...

                      I'm generally a non-confrontational person. In my experience, in order for a confrontation to have a positive result, I believe at least the following conditions need to be present:

                      Both parties must:
                      • 1. Bring a clarity of perception to the confrontation
                        2. Practice sensitivity and accuracy in all communications
                        3. Be unattached to their own point of view (ie. be willing to change their own mind)

                      These conditions are so difficult to meet, especially when the confrontation involves intense emotions, that I rarely engage in confrontation. I don't know if this is from a fear of the often damaging negative external results -- hurt feelings, damaged relationships, entrenched viewpoints, etc. -- that come from confrontations where the above conditions are not present, or if it's from a desire to avoid the negative internal results -- anger, frustration, fear, physical tension, etc -- that come from confrontations with negative results.

                      Interestingly, though I have played no direct role in this thread, I have felt all of those negative internal results as I've read through it day over day.

                      So, I want simply to say THANK YOU to all who have participated on this thread. You have all given me a wonderful opportunity to practice with these negative results. As I read and feel them, I watch them. Then, as Jundo said, I take them to the zafu and practice letting them go. Deepest gassho to you all for your honesty here, and for providing this opportunity for me to practice with some difficult (for me) emotions.



                      • will
                        • Jun 2007
                        • 2331

                        Re: Personality cults and fundamentalism

                        No I was just thinking of dancing monkeys as tools of entertainment.
                        That is also related to the reference in the movie. I think it's just a relatively known Colloquialism.

                        To save all sentient beings, though beings are numberless.
                        To penetrate reality, though reality is boundless.
                        To transform all delusion, though delusions are immeasurable.
                        To attain the enlightened way, a way non-attainable.


                        • Tobiishi
                          • Jan 2009
                          • 461

                          Re: Personality cults and fundamentalism

                          Tobi, well I see how your explanation is quite valid in scientific terms. But are we sure ( with plenty of proof dated and categorized by approved researchers in the field) that the invisibility is even in fact light based as opposed to a form of invisibility where it renders our minds incapable of processing it's pressence. Like a form of brain washing...psychic camoflage even.
                          I thought about referencing all the peer-reviewed articles I've written on this very subject, and posting a couple of videos I recorded at my home where Stephen Hawking and I chatted about invisibility and the possible quantum implications of super-tiny singularities, and then further stunning your imperious doubting mind with the solid fact of the letter hanging in a frame on my wall here, signed by Ross Perot, in which he states unequivocally that "I don't see no damn pink unicorn... what's that smell?"

                          But then I thought, you know what? Dave doesn't need all that, 'cause Dave's a reasonable and level-headed kind of guy. All I really have to do is point out that of all the different living creatures, both human and not, who obviously cannot see my pink unicorn, the one that proves it's not "brainwashing" is Hector, the invisible turkey-buzzard. If one invisible animal cannot see another invisible animal... I mean, what more do you need?

                          (don't feel bad, everyone gets their precious illusions dashed bleeding and shattered to the cruel asphalt once in a while)

                          It occurs to me that my attachment to this body is entirely arbitrary. All the evidence is subjective.


                          • Eika
                            • Sep 2007
                            • 806

                            Re: Personality cults and fundamentalism

                            Originally posted by Jundo
                            This thread is offering a great teaching to many of us on tolerance and open mindedness ... although not perhaps in the manner originally intended ...

                            We all need to work with this "I can't stand", so this is a great opportunity for us too. It takes two to "I can't stand" ... the stand-er and the stand-ee. Both have control of the standing in this case of "I can't stand". So, even as we cooly and calmly object to this or that situation ... even as we may protest what may be something worth speaking up about (I do that all the time, because there are many things in this world worth caring about) ... be and find the stillness and acceptance within you of the situation. Don't be "I can't stand" even as someone stands on your foot. We should not even "I can't stand" this "I can't stand" itself!

                            ... open the hand of thought, and let "I can't stand" go ...

                            Gassho, J

                            I hear you.

                            [size=150:m8cet5u6]??[/size:m8cet5u6] We are involved in a life that passes understanding and our highest business is our daily life---John Cage


                            • Rich
                              • Apr 2009
                              • 2616

                              Re: Personality cults and fundamentalism

                              Hi Kevin Solway,
                              I just watched your videos and read most of the comments here. A little overwhelming. I was wondering if you would be willing to just put down all of your opinions and join in a future discussion here that relates you in a more personal way to Buddhist thinking. For me it has always been my neurotic thinking and delusion which has gotten in the way of world peace.


                              ps your videos are very professionally produced
                              無 (MU, Emptiness) and 氷 (HYO, Ice) ... Emptiness Ice ...



                              • Reformed_Buddha

                                Re: Personality cults and fundamentalism

                                I wrote a little about cults here. ... dhism.html

                                "Somebody give Dave a Xanex"...priceless. LOL

