could be, could be Steph... but than again... who is to decide what is the best action?
maybe if everyone one did their part and acted kindly to one another it would change the world much more than a grand revolution?
i think that do teach people and help them one by one... by living a life that is kind and compassionate we might actually help more than by trying to change everything that seems wrong.
live your life... day by day moment by moment while straving to do good and to avoid evil if everyone did that the world would be better than by any great movment to change the world and bring social justice...
but than again i may be wrong...
we each must find our way to live according to what is right for us.
The mark of the immature man is that he wants to die nobly for a cause, while the mark of a mature man is that he wants to live humbly for one
Wilhelm Stekel (Austrian psychoanalyst, 1868-1940)
Wilhelm Stekel (Austrian psychoanalyst, 1868-1940)
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