Thanks to Jundo and all who made this retreat possible. This was my first Rohatsu retreat. What a joy to experience.I did find the long periods of sitting a bit of a challenge to my back at times. By redirecting my attention away from my back I was able to complete the long Zazen periods.Again, thanks to all. GasshoTheophanSat Today
In this night filled with moon light
the drum sounded softly
and closed two days
closed a time that began long before the snow in September sunshine
closed us all in a tight embrace
with each other
and our ancestors
Even old Dogen and Ejo crack a smile
at so much dedication and luminous faces
eye brow to eye brow around the world
Nine bows: gratitude to Jundo, all our unsui, all who sat live & visible, all who sit throughout space and time, all ancestors, all guiding teachers past and present, my Ango Buddy, my parents and grandparents, my husband.
And congratulations to all first time retreatants - well done!
Gassho & hugs all around,
Thank you Jundo, and all treeleaf unsui.Thank you all participants for your practice.
Deep bows to all sangha.
Gi shu-George.Gi Shu -GeorgeComment
In this night filled with moon light
the drum sounded softly
and closed two days
closed a time that began long before the snow in September sunshine
closed us all in a tight embrace
with each other
and our ancestors
Even old Dogen and Ejo crack a smile
at so much dedication and luminous faces
eye brow to eye brow around the worldThank you for these beautiful words.
sat today展道 渺寛 Tendō Byōkan
Please take my words with a big grain of salt. I know nothing. Wisdom is only found in our whole-hearted practice together.Comment
Thank you Jundo, Unsui and all, what a wonderful retreat! Very much enjoyed how it traveled around the world...
Long sitting was indeed daunting; I see now that my pre-Rohatsu "training regimen" was about as useful as fighting a blazing fire with a wooden spoon I know :-)
What I found interesting, too, was becoming aware of how many times a day I wash my hands and, despite that, how many times I'd walk right by the printed gathas and then suddenly remember I forgot :-), even if specifically setting out for the bathroom with the intention of remembering, just a few feet away...
I am amazed at the dedication of all of you who participated in this. Thank you to Jundo and our other teachers who organized this retreat. I was unable to attend But I look forward to participating in the future.
Thank you
Gassho. Shawn
Sat todayComment
Thanks to everyone who led the Rohatsu sessions. I had never done a retreat before, and was intimidated going in. However I found the experience of sustained zazen and continual attention to mindfulness (such as with Oryoki) deeply rewarding.
In this night filled with moon light
the drum sounded softly
and closed two days
closed a time that began long before the snow in September sunshine
closed us all in a tight embrace
with each other
and our ancestors
Even old Dogen and Ejo crack a smile
at so much dedication and luminous faces
eye brow to eye brow around the world
Thank you to everyone who participated to make this retreat happen. It was both challenging and deeply rewarding. I also really enjoyed having all the Unsui involved and listening to their talks and insights into their practice. Much gratitude to Jundo for having the vision to make something like this happen.
I'm sure it will take several more days for everything to process and settle into a normal rhythm again. I did the last session of the retreat yesterday morning and several hours later it just felt strange to not have sat for so long. Funny how quickly perceptions can change.
Gassho to all who sat and will sit.
Sat TodayComment