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  • Jundo
    Treeleaf Founder and Priest
    • Apr 2006
    • 41202


    WELCOME ...

    ... to our TREELEAF 'AT HOME' Two Day 'ALL ONLINE' ROHATSU (Buddha's Enlightenment Day) RETREAT, being held by LIVE NETCAST on Saturday/Sunday December 6th and 7th, 2014 (though starting Friday night December 5th in some time zones).

    Please 'sit-a-long' with the LIVE NETCAST at the times below ... to be visible "live" on our Treeleaf Google+ Page during those hours:

    HOWEVER, you may still join the Retreat and sit-a-long at ANY AND ALL TIME after, by the real time recorded version at the links below (no different from the original!).

    The full sitting schedule is below, and you may download our CHANT BOOK HERE(LINK to PDF).

    and please review the various RETREAT POINTERS HERE(LINK to PDF).

    Recordings of each segment are posted below in time order ... and if we drop from mind all thought of 'now' 'then' 'here' and 'there' ... we will all be sitting together right when and where you are!

    This Retreat celebrates the 'official' closure of our ANGO (90 day Special Practice Season) at Treeleaf, is a part of current preparations for our JUKAI (Undertaking the Precepts) Ceremony in January, and marks ROHATSU ... the traditional holiday in Japan celebrating the time of the Buddha's Enlightenment.

    Jundo will be guiding the sittings on Saturday and Sunday from Japan, and our Treeleaf Priests including Fugen (from Sweden), Dosho and Yugen (from USA), Shokai (from Canada) and Kyonin (from Mexico) with be leading other portions on both days assisted by Shugen (USA) and Shingen (Canada). Because of time zones and other circumstance, the portions by Fugen, Kyonin, Shokai and Shugen have been pre-recorded. Other portions will be live.

    In case of technical problems, please just go along as best you can with the schedule ... we sit with "what is".. .

    OF COURSE, EVERYTHING IN MODERATION ... if the sitting ever feels too much, be sure to walk lots and lots of Kinhin (even if during a sitting period). And if the whole retreat becomes too much, or you feel ill, you may slow down ... , spread things out, shorten the sittings ... or STOP! Be sure that you have someone close by whom you can call, or who can check on you from time to time. If there is any question about health, do not take any chances!

    Our thanks to Sangha Member William Anderson for presenting a 15-Minute YOGA LESSON TO HELP US STRETCH DURING ANY BREAK TIME (LINK HERE)

    Please write and let us know how it goes. Gassho, Jundo


    DAY 1 UNIT 1
    (Live Netcast: Start = FRIDAY NY 4pm London 9pm / End = FRIDAY NY 7:05pm, London 12:05am)

    DAY 1
    06:00-06:50 AM Entrance by Officiant (Jundo) & Zazen. If you usually wear a Rakusu, DO NOT wear it yet (keep it in its bag) until Takkesage (Kesa Verse) later in morning.
    06:50-07:00 Kinhin* (All Kinhin times can be bathroom break)
    07:00-07:35 Zazen
    07:35-07:45 Kinhin

    07:45-08:25 Zazen + Kesa Verse
    08:25-09:05 "Long" Service.Please follow along in the Sutra Books that will be provided. Floor prostrations when hear ching-ching-ching-ching- ching roll of bell.
    09:05-09:20 REST PERIOD

    Unit 1-1


    DAY 1 UNIT 2
    (Live Netcast: Start=FRIDAY NY 7:20pm London SATURDAY 12:20am /End=FRIDAY NY 7:50pm, SATURDAY London 12:50am)

    09:20-09:50 Oryoki Bring you bowls and small table before start.
    09:50-10:30 Samu/Rest Period Mindfully wash and repack Oryoki bowls.

    Unit 1-2 Oryoki


    DAY 1 UNIT 3
    (Live Netcast: Start=FRIDAY NY 8:30pm London SATURDAY 1:30am /End=FRIDAY NY 10:45pm, SATURDAY London 3:45am)

    10:30-11:10 Zazen
    11:10-11:20 Kinhin
    11:20-12:00 Zazen &Dharma Talk Chant Gatha on Opening & Closing Sutra

    12:00-12:10 Kinhin
    12:10-12:45 Zazen
    12:45-13:10 REST PERIOD

    Unit 1-3


    DAY 1 UNIT 4
    (Live Netcast: Start=FRIDAY NY 11:10pm London SATURDAY 4:10am /End=FRIDAY NY 11:40pm, SATURDAY London 4:40am)

    13:10-13:40 Samu Work Practice Indoor if night time, Outdoor if daytime and possible
    13:40-14:30 REST PERIOD

    Unit 1-4 Samu


    DAY 1 UNIT 5
    (Live Netcast: Start=SATURDAY NY 12:30am London 5:30am /End=SATURDAY NY 1:30am, London 6:30am)

    14:30-15:00 Oryoki Bring you bowls and small table before start.
    15:00-16:00 Samu/Rest Period Mindfully wash and repack Oryoki bowls.

    1-5 Oryoki


    DAY 1 UNIT 6
    (Live Netcast: Start=SATURDAY NY 2:00am London 7:00am /End=SATURDAY NY 4:25am, London 9:25am)


    16:00-16:40 Zazen
    16:40-16:50 Kinhin
    16:50-17:40 Zazen & Dharma Talk Chant Gatha on Opening & Closing Sutra

    17:40-17:50 Kinhin
    17:50-18:25 Zazen
    18:25-19:00 REST PERIOD

    Unit 1-6
    Enjoy the videos and music you love, upload original content, and share it all with friends, family, and the world on YouTube.


    DAY 1 UNIT 7
    (Live Netcast: Start=SATURDAY NY 5:00am London 10:00am /End=SATURDAY NY 5:30am, London 10:30am)

    19:00-19:30 Samu Work Practice Indoor if night time, Outdoor if daytime and possible
    19:30-20:00 REST PERIOD

    Unit 1-7 Samu
    Enjoy the videos and music you love, upload original content, and share it all with friends, family, and the world on YouTube.


    DAY 1 UNIT 8
    (Live Netcast: Start=SATURDAY NY 6:00am London 11:00am /End=SATURDAY NY 8:30am, London 1:30pm)

    20:00-20:50 "Short" Service & Zazen Please follow along in the Sutra Books that will be provided. Floor prostrations when here ching-ching-ching-ching- ching roll of bell.
    20:50-21:00 Kinhin

    21:00-21:40 Zazen
    21:40-21:50 Kinhin
    21:50-22:30 Metta Chant & Zazen Close with Verse of Atonement & Four Vows



    DAY 1 UNIT 9
    ( No Live Netcast from SATURDAY NY 8:30am London 1:30pm to NY 4:00pm, London 9:00pm)

    (Optional: Waza = Tradition of 'All Night Zazen' ... but we recommend you sleep instead.
    See you in the morning)

    22:30 PM-
    (Day 2)
    05:30 AM


    However, this may be a good time for the 15-Minute YOGA LESSON TO HELP US STRETCH (LINK HERE) presented by our Sangha Member William.


    DAY 2 UNIT 1
    (Live Netcast: Start = SATURDAY NY 4pm London 9pm / End = SATURDAY NY 6:55pm, London 11:55pm)

    06:00-06:40 AM Zazen Begin sitting without instruction. If you usually wear a Rakusu, DO NOT wear it yet (keep it in its bag) until Takkesage (Kesa Verse) later in morning.
    06:40-07:00 Long (20 minute) Kinhin*
    07:00-07:35 Zazen
    07:35-07:45 Kinhin

    07:45-08:25 Zazen + Kesa Verse When instructed, place on Kesa and recite Kesa Verse. All others, hands in Gassho.
    08:25-08:55 "Long" Service Please follow along in the Sutra Books that will be provided. Floor prostrations when hear ching-ching-ching-ching- ching roll of bell.
    08:55-09:20 REST PERIOD

    Unit 2-1


    DAY 2 UNIT 2
    (Live Netcast:Start=SATURDAY NY 7:20pm London SUNDAY 12:20am/End=SATURDAY NY 7:50pm, SUNDAY London 12:50am)

    09:20-09:50 Oryoki Bring you bowls and small table before start.
    09:50-10:30 Samu/Rest Period Mindfully wash and repack Oryoki bowls.

    Unit 2-2 Oryoki


    DAY 2 UNIT 3
    (Live Netcast: Start=SATURDAY NY 8:30pm London SUNDAY 1:30am/End=SATURDAY NY 10:45pm, SUNDAY London 3:45am)

    10:30-11:10 Zazen
    11:10-11:20 Kinhin
    11:20-12:00 Zazen & Dharma Talk Chant Gatha on Opening & Closing Sutra

    12:00-12:10 Kinhin
    12:10-12:45 Zazen
    12:45-13:10 REST PERIOD

    Unit 2-3
    Enjoy the videos and music you love, upload original content, and share it all with friends, family, and the world on YouTube.


    DAY 2 UNIT 4
    (Live Netcast:Start=SATURDAY NY 11:10pm London SUNDAY 4:10am/End=SATURDAY NY 11:40pm, SUNDAY London 4:40am)

    13:10-13:40 Samu Work Practice Indoor if night time, Outdoor if daytime and possible
    13:40-14:30 REST PERIOD

    Unit 2-4 Samu


    DAY 2 UNIT 5
    (Live Netcast: Start=SUNDAY NY 12:30am London 5:30am /End=SUNDAY NY 1:30am, London 6:30am)

    14:30-15:00 Oryoki Bring you bowls and small table before start.
    15:00-16:00 Samu/Rest Period Mindfully wash and repack Oryoki bowls.

    Unit 2-5 Oryoki


    DAY 2 UNIT 6
    (Live Netcast: Start=SUNDAY NY 2:00am London 7:00am /End=SUNDAY NY 4:00 am, London 9:00am)

    16:00-16:40 Zazen
    16:40-16:50 Kinhin
    16:50-17:20 Zazen & Dharma Talk Chant Gatha on Opening & Closing Sutra

    17:20-17:30 Kinhin
    17:30-18:00 Zazen
    18:00-19:00 REST PERIOD

    Unit 2-6


    DAY 2 UNIT 7
    (Live Netcast: Start=SUNDAY NY 5:00am London 10:00am /End=SUNDAY NY 7:30am, London 12:30pm)

    19:00-19:50 "Short" Service & Zazen Please follow along in the Sutra Books that will be provided. Floor prostrations when here ching-ching-ching-ching- ching roll of bell.
    19:50-20:00 Kinhin
    20:00-20:40 Zazen & Dharma Talk Chant Gatha on Opening & Closing Sutra
    20:40-20:50 Kinhin
    20:50-21:20 Fukanzazengi & Zazen
    21:20-21:30 Verse of Atonement & Four Vows ... Closing Words ...

    Unit 2-7

    Nine Bows to All Who Sat This Retreat Together ...

    Last edited by Jundo; 12-07-2014, 09:57 AM.
  • Jundo
    Treeleaf Founder and Priest
    • Apr 2006
    • 41202

    The talks for this Retreat will all dance Ejo Zenji's KOMYOZO ZANMAI (Samadhi of the Treasury of Light):

    Koun Ejo Zenji (1198-1282) is Master Dogen's great Dharma Heir and Successor, next Abbot of Eiheiji, 'Ol Dogen's friend and secretary, the long time scribe and editor of Shobogenzo. Perhaps there was nobody closer to Dogen Zenji during his life. The following is Ejo's own work, written some 25 years after the death of Dogen.

    I may offer a talk on this during our upcoming Rohatsu Retreat. For now, I felt just to post sections in which Ejo is expressing the attitude of Zazen. Ejo riffs on the "Treasury of Light" which shines through and as both "enlightenment" and "delusion", and we might say that such is just the Clear, Boundless, Bright and Illuminated Sky and Mirror, clear yet never apart from the clouds. A Light which shines through and as all life's dark and like, rainy and sunny ... illuminating all. He speaks both of how marvelous and ordinary such is, and how foolish we are to search for this Light over distant hills or as some wowwy light show. I have boldfaced some passages most clearly about our way of sitting Shikantaza.

    Anyway, I just felt to drop Ejo's music here ... kinda long perhaps (the below is just a small bit of the essay) but worth the trip ...

    ** The following is a combination of translations by Deshimaru Roshi, Anzan Hoshin and Yasuda Joshu, and Thomas Cleary I have sometimes put wordings by various translators side by side in [ ], as it is good to see how the wisdom is expressed in various ways. If you would like to read the entire KOMYOZO ZANMAI, a full translation is available here:



    (Portion by Jundo)

    So, fools who hear some talk about "luminosity" might think that this is like the light of fireflies, like the light of lanterns, like the light of the sun or moon, the gleaming of gold or jewels. They look around for something that they already know. Looking for the blaze of radiance, they concentrate on their little minds and try to figure it out, trying to turn it into the realm of emptiness and silence. So they freeze and hide in motionlessness. They are unable to give up looking for some kind of thing that they can acquire. Or they think mystical thoughts and go on and on about how special it is. [ ... For this reason they stop movement and take refuge in stillness, or they are unable to relinquish ideas of an actual entity or false ideas of the existence of something to obtain, or their thoughts of inconceivable mystic wonder go on and on unceasingly and they think too deeply only of its rarity.] There are only too many people like this, sleeping with open eyes, just bags of borrowed rice.

    The Way is not a matter of thinking or of not-thinking. It cannot be attained through words or silence. As soon as you get involved in deliberation, you are ten million stages away.

    Monks, do not all of the strategies of cultivating something or of mystical principles or subtle states all fall within either thinking or not-thinking? Since it is not a matter of thinking or not-thinking, right now, give up on deluded views of attaining or rejecting.

    You do not release yourself into Totality or yield into freedom and ease. Instead you mutter that you are missing some essential trick or skill, or that you are just a beginner, or that you've started to practice too late in life. And so you remain usual people who have not shed a single deluded view. You do not release your assumptions of self-image. Although you dwell always in the Great Treasury of Luminosity, you sell yourself out for hard labour, wander in misery, always poor. Although born into wealth and ease, through your own views of poverty, you turn the body of clear radiance into a carrier of buckets of night soil, a shit hole cleaner. The view of a self should just be released right now.

    The Buddha has said, Mind, Buddha, and living beings are not three different things. He also said, There is only one truth. Even though you encounter such teachings, you still fall into delusions about self and other, noble and common, sacred and profane. Viewing objects laid out before you, you consider forms and sounds as poverty and wealth, loss and gain. And by holding on to these views, your practice is infected by hope and fear.

    (Portion by Fugen)

    From the very beginning, seeking concentration states and viewing practice and realization as two different things is different from the realised-practice of the harmonies and vast activity of the Transmission of luminosity.

    Unentangled by sensory objectification, real and unchanging, the essential manifests. This is the practice of alignment with radiance. Just aligning with the Luminosity of Awareness, dwelling at ease in it, is the supreme samadhi of shikantaza, just sitting.

    Putting aside brush and ink, avoiding others, and sitting alone in an empty valley, eating bark and fruit, dressed in hemp robes, sitting ceaselessly without lying down... If you are doing this to try to stop the mind and return to some motionless condition, to try to cut away your confusion and dwell in some absolute truth, to avoid samsaric conditions and attain nirvanic ones, then this is just hope and fear arising from grasping. [In your mind you are trying to stop movement and return it to stillness, cut off illusion completely, dwell only on absolute truth, reject samsara and grasp nirvana, despising the one and loving the other, all of this is clutching after.]

    However, looking around at monks these days, because they base everything on their own narrow views although they polish it day and night, they are just trying to rub through to get to something. Others try to swat away wandering thoughts, hoping to clear things up by beating out the flames, so that some mysteriously silent light will shine. If you think it is just a matter of stopping thoughts then don't wood, stones, and mud already do it better than you can?

    I feel a great respect from the depths of my compassion for you who continue the practice of zazen in the state of mind that I will now describe: without grasping anything [without being pulled around by states or objects] or having any goal, without being influenced by your personal understanding [or intellectual knowledge], without letting the experience that you have acquired in the dojo make you arrogant. Just with all the energy of your body and mind, throw them totally into Komyozo [the Great Treasury of Light] without looking back. Do not seek satori enlightenment. Do not try to hide or be rid of illusion. Do not hate the thoughts that arise, do not love them either and above all, do not nourish them [without aversion to the rising of thoughts, and yet without fondly continuing them]. In every way, you must practice the great sitting, here and now [Stably, calmly, practice shikantaza, just sitting].

    (Portion by Yugen)

    If you do not nourish a thought, it will not come back by itself. If you abandon yourself to the exhalation and let your inhalation fill you in a harmonious coming and going, nothing remains but a zafu beneath the empty sky, the weight of a flame [Like an empty space like a mass of fire, letting your breathing flow naturally out and in, sit decisively without getting involved in anything at all]. If you have no expectations about what you are doing and refuse to consider anything, you can cut everything off through zazen alone. Even if the eighty-four thousand bonno [delusions and harmful thoughts] come and go, if you attach no importance to them, then, right then and there, from each one of them, one after the other and all together, the marvelous mystery of the storehouse of great wisdom can arise [Even if eighty-four thousand thoughts come and go, each will display itself as the luminosity of perfect knowing itself if you do not hold to them and allow them to just go on their own way].

    There is not only the Komyo of the time of zazen. There is also the Komyo that, step after step, action after action [throughout life], gradually shows you that each phenomenon can be realized immediately, automatically, independently of your own understanding and your personal thoughts [This display of light must not just be something you experience only in sitting but in each step. This step, this step, of all of life are all the walking of luminosity. All through the day be dead to personal views or fragmented thoughts.]. Such is the true and authentic certification that exists without disturbing the expression of Komyo. [Breathing in, breathing out, hearing, touching, without thoughts of separation, is just the silent illumination of luminosity in which body and mind are single. Thus, when someone calls, you immediately answer.

    In this luminosity usual people and sages, deluded and enlightened are one. In the midst of impermanence, this luminosity is unobstructed. Forests, flowers, grasses, leaves; humans and animals; large or small, long or short, square or round: all display themselves simultaneously, free of discriminating thoughts or intention. This is luminosity unobstructed in impermanence. Luminosity is its own open brilliance; it does not depend on your mind.] It is the spiritual power of non-acting in the light that illuminates itself [this Light has never had any place of abode]. This komyo is originally non-substance, non-existence. This is why, even if many buddhas realize it in this world, they are still not of this world [When Buddhas appear in this universe, it does not arise with them.]. And being in nirvana, they are however not there either [When Buddhas cease, luminosity does not cease].

    (Portion by Jundo)

    At the hour of your birth, komyo was not in existence [When you are born, luminosity is not born]. At the hour of your death, it will not disappear. From the point of view of the buddha-state, it does not increase. From the point of view of the senses, it does not diminish [Buddhas do not have more of it; sentient beings do not have less. It is not more in Buddhas and not less in ordinary beings]. If you are deluded, it is not [It is not lost in confusion, not awakened by enlightenment]. Just as when you have illusions or doubts, you cannot ask the right question, when you have satori you cannot say so.[It has no rank, no form, and no name. This is the Body of Totality of all things.

    You cannot grasp it; you cannot throw it away. It is unattainable. Although it is unattainable, it penetrates this whole body. From the highest heaven to the deepest hell, all realms are illuminated perfectly. This is wondrous and inconceivably subtle luminosity.]

    Moment by moment, do not consider anything according to your [subjective thoughts]. Twenty-four hours a day, you should be as calm and supremely tranquil as the dead. Do not think of anything by yourselves [caught in subjective thoughts]. Thus, from breath to breath, your profound nature, like your sensory nature, will unconsciously, naturally become non-knowing, non-understanding. From that point, everything can naturally become calm, the radiance of komyo in the unity of body and mind. That is why when we call it, it has to reply quickly. It is the one and only komyo that harmonizes the people of satori and the people of illusion in one whole. So even if you start moving, the movement should not disturb you. And the forest, the flowers, the blades of grass, animals, human beings, all phenomena - be they long, short, square or round - can be realized immediately, automatically, independently of your personal understanding and the personal activity of your thoughts. Do not become attached to clothes, nor to food, nor to your home. Do not succumb to sensual desire or to the attachment of [lustful cravings], which are like the activity of animals. There is no point asking others about komyo because their komyo cannot be of any use to you. At its origin this samadhi is the holy dojo, the ocean of all the buddhas. It is therefore the greatest and most holy, of all the seats transmitted directly from buddha to buddha through the holy universal practice. Being disciples of Buddha now yourselves, you should do zazen peacefully on his seat.[ From beginninglessness, this samadhi is the seat of Awakening, the Ocean of Awake Awareness. This zazen is the Buddha's own practice, the sitting as Awake Awareness which is transmitted from Buddha to Buddha. You are a child of the Awakened Ones, so sit calmly in his own seat.][ Do not sit in the sitting of hells, the sitting of hungry ghosts, the sitting of beasts, the sitting of antigods, humans, or celestial beings; those with only hearsay knowledge or those who fabricate enlightenment experiences] And do not practice anything but shikantaza. Do not waste your time. This is what is known as the authentic spirit of the dojo and the true komyozo samadhi, the marvelous and splendid satori.[ This is the practice place of Ordinary Mind. This is the complete practice of the Treasury of Luminosity. This is inconceivable freedom.]

    This text should only be read by true disciples of Dogen,those who have permission to enter his room. I have written it for my companions in zazen so that they will not hold mistaken points of view, as much to improve myself as to educate others.
    Last edited by Jundo; 12-04-2014, 12:37 AM.


    • Jundo
      Treeleaf Founder and Priest
      • Apr 2006
      • 41202


      In the coming days leading up to the Retreat, we will provide various short lessons and tips to help you participate.

      First, the following video will explain a bit about how to make and dance with a simple, home Oryoki kit. All you need is:

      1 - Clean Pillow Case
      2 - Bowls and 1 Tea Cup (that fit into each other)
      1 - Cloth Napkin
      1 - Small Wiping Cloth
      1 - Table Spoon
      1 - Tea Spoon or Chop Sticks
      1 - Small Cut Piece of a New Sponge
      1 - Letter Envelope
      1 - A small dish on the side for the "Hungry Ghosts"

      Let's Get Ready to Rohatsu!

      Gassho, Jundo



      • Jundo
        Treeleaf Founder and Priest
        • Apr 2006
        • 41202


        In preparation for our upcoming Treeleaf Annual 'AT HOME' Two Day 'ALL ONLINE' ROHATSU (Buddha's Enlightenment Day) RETREAT ... to be LIVE NETCAST on the weekend of Saturday & Sunday, December 7 and 8, 2012 (though starting Friday night in some time zones) ... DETAILS ABOVE ...

        Going to the toilet is nature, is life, is Practice, is Zazen. All the Buddhas and Ancestors had to pee and poo, and so do you. But how we do our duty makes all the difference!

        Master Dogen devoted an entire chapter of Shobogenzo to latrine procedures (two chapters, actually!) ... and during our Retreat we should see going to the toilet as a sacred ritual. First, drop all thought of "clean" and "dirty" ... flush such discriminatory ideas away! However, even as we drop all idea of "clean" and "dirty", we try to stay clean (we are always working on several levels in Zen) ... so, if wearing a Rakusu, remove it and hang it outside the toilet room before entering. Then Gassho 3x (or, if you wish, do full prostrations 3x as monks do in traditional monasteries) toward the door of the toilet room and recite a 'Gatha' such as the following (by Ven. Thich Naht Hanh):

        Defiled or immaculate,
        increasing or decreasing--
        these concepts exist only in our mind.
        The reality of interbeing is unsurpassed.

        Of course, maintain silence in the bog. No reading material and, while one need not assume the Full Lotus Posture on the commode, one should do one's business with the sense of stillness-in-motion and non-attaining that is Zazen. Go with with Flow!

        Truly, peeing is only action in that moment, a perfect act complete unto itself ... it is not you peeing, or even the whole universe peeing in that instant (although it is that too) ... for 'tis Just Peeing. On exiting, bow again 3x to the toilet door and recite a Gatha such as ...

        Using the toilet I vow with all beings to eliminate defilement, removing greed, anger and ignorance.

        Then be sure to wash your hands (there is something to recite for that as well) ... By the way, a similar ritual should be performed prior to entering the bath or shower. In that case, please recite a Gatha such as ...

        Bathing the body,
        may all living beings
        be clean in body and mind,
        pure and shining within and without.

        We will have similar recitals of "Gatha" for use when brushing the teeth, washing the face and hands. They are printed in our "Chant Book" HERE (PDF), available for download for use during the Retreat.


        More here ...

        Gassho, Jundo

        PS - By the way, if one would like to see Master Dogen's actual "rules" for the Toilet (called the "Tosu", the "Eastern Hall", in a Zen monastery), you may be rather surprised. A most detailed ritual, right down to the squatting and clean-up.

          Dear All, a re-MINDer that our Treeleaf Annual 'AT HOME' Two Day 'ALL ONLINE' ROHATSU (Buddha's Enlightenment Day) RETREAT is to be LIVE NETCAST on the weekend of Saturday & Sunday, December 6th and 7th, 2014 (though starting Friday night December 5th in some time zones). The retreat is designed to be sat in any


        • Jundo
          Treeleaf Founder and Priest
          • Apr 2006
          • 41202


          Our topic today is Work Practice, Samu … which will be featured various periods during our Rohatsu Retreat.

          While Zazen is at the heart of our Way, other aspects of traditional Zen Practice are also "Zazen Off The Cushion" ... the vital and energetic non-doing of ‘Samu‘ traditional work practice is so.

          Samu is well described in this excerpt …

          Samu is manual work done with the same concentration as zazen. All masters of transmission, especially Master Hyakujo (720-814), have insisted on this. Even in his old age, Master Hyakujo worked every day in the field with his students. One day, they hid his tools, thinking that their master should spare himself. Hyakujo declared: "A day without working, a day without eating." And he stopped eating until his disciples gave him back his tools.
          In zen, work has great value, because it allows us to practise the Way in action. In the dojo and during retreats (sesshins), zazen is followed by samu, which is when we do the chores to ensure the smooth functioning of communal life. Samu also means putting our efforts at the service of the community, without expecting anything in return. from Zen, by Bovay, Kaltenbach and De Smedt, Albin Michel Publishing, 1993
          Yes, Samu is just Zazen in action. It may not look like seated meditation, but it is to be done from the same state of mental balance. Couple this with an attitude of goalless, non-striving, ‘just doing’, also a hallmark of Zazen. As well, work is to be performed mindfully, as the only action in and of the whole universe : One engaged in Samu should devote to it all care and attention, never wishing for or thinking of anything else in that moment of action.

          The result is a job performed diligently and patiently and with certain goals, but with no thought of anything to achieve (of course, not a contradiction in Zen). It may be a continuing job that just needs to be done without end, but we do it with all care moment by moment by moment for the time we have.

          I usually describe Samu in a nutshell as working diligently and carefully at one's task trying to get 'er done all while, simultaneously, dropping all thought of any goal to attain or anywhere to get! (Yes, seems contradictory, like seeing things two ways at once, as one)

          For example, we clean the dishes trying to get them clean (because nobody wants filthy dishes!) ... all the while dropping all thought of "clean" vs. "dirty" and anything to achieve, thereby achieving a certain Purity that sweeps in and through both clean and dirty. Thus, we achieve a Clean that cleans up as both clean and dirty!

          Those parents and workers with heavy family or employment duties even during Retreat can make that part of that their ‘Samu’, approaching it with the mindset described above. Treat every changed diaper, cooked meal and bedtime story read during the Retreat as 'Samu'. Treat every staple stapled, copy made on the copy machine, customer greeted as 'Samu' if needing to work during part of the 'Retreat'.

          Now, if you can, and the weather permits, it is lovely to do some outdoor work for Samu. Or one can clean (beyond "clean vs. dirty") around the house. However, if someone has physical or other limitations, even small tasks are fine.

          In years past, I have gathered fall leaves and cleaned the bathtub (an activity, frankly, I usually do not enjoy!) ...

          ... but I also have scrubbed dirty coins with an old toothbrush, repeatedly washing the same coins for the entire period (a seemingly pointless activity ... and that is also the point!).

          Fugen will be leading a section in which he will be sewing flags. I am not sure what that is about, but he explains here (who said Samu can't sometimes be fun too?)

          Enjoy the videos and music you love, upload original content, and share it all with friends, family, and the world on YouTube.

          All Good Samu, All Good Practice!

          Gassho, Jundo
          Last edited by Jundo; 12-04-2014, 05:04 AM.


          • Jundo
            Treeleaf Founder and Priest
            • Apr 2006
            • 41202

            And everyone ... do note that our Retreat will be guided in various portions by Fugen, Shokai, Yugen, Kyonin, Shingen and Shugen from Sweden, Canada, USA and Mexico (besides me in Japan). Because of time zone and other circumstances, some portions of the retreat had to be "pre-recorded". These include sections Day 1 Units 4 thru 8 and Day 2 Units 1 and (maybe) 4 & 5. The rest should be live netcast.

            Of course, when sitting, we drop aside all divisive thoughts of "then" and "now" and "here" and "then" .... all such categories of the mind. Thus, there is actually a great Teaching in our "non-distances" in time and place!

            Gassho, Jundo

            Last edited by Jundo; 12-04-2014, 05:12 AM.


            • Jundo
              Treeleaf Founder and Priest
              • Apr 2006
              • 41202


              We have some Bowing and Prostrations during our annual retreat ... especially times of prostrating (Raihai), done in a series or three (Sanpai) ...

              Many Westerners don't care for it, because it is not part of our culture generally. We see it as humiliating, embarrassing, somehow "idol worshipping" or undemocratic. I am often asked to whom or what we are bowing ... Is it to some thing, god, place like Mecca, person or effigy?

              I answer by saying that there is nothing that's true that is omitted from our bow. We might consider that we're simply bowing to the whole universe, and to ourself and the other people around us … after all, 'All is One'! The hands, palms upwards, are raised in a gesture traditionally symbolic of lifting the Buddha's feet over one's head, but that truly means lifting all things of the universe over one's head as the world lifts us. It's appropriate to cultivate an attitude of emptying, letting go, receptivity and gratitude in our bows.

              I do not necessarily think anything when bowing ... although I usually feel in my heart that "Great Gratitude" I sometimes mention.

              If there is some physical or personal reason not to prostrate, a simple Gassho can be substituted. However, there is greatness in the humility of the prostration.

              No less, are we raising something up or ... seen another way ... is the whole world raising us up at the same time?

              The Korean Zen folks are very big with the Prostrations, often recommending at least 108 each day. This site also has some good pictures on "how to" Prostrate.

              It is a powerful physical Practice. These days, I usually practice a deep Gassho during our Zazenkai and such. However, I engage in Prostrations also, during our more formal monthly Zazenkai, Rohatsu Retreat and like times.

              Many Tibetans (many Christians pilgrims too) will travel for hundreds of miles, prostrating with each step ...

              Gassho, Jundo


              (Usually repeated in groups of 3x)
              Last edited by Jundo; 10-02-2015, 12:50 AM.


              • Jundo
                Treeleaf Founder and Priest
                • Apr 2006
                • 41202

                Just a note on a "technical non-problem" ...

                Fugen's talk during DAY 1 UNIT 6 (16:50-17:40 Zazen & Dharma Talk Chant Gatha on Opening & Closing Sutra) is a little hard to hear. After discussing this, we are recommending headphones for that section or, if not possible, turning the volume way up. We are sorry for the difficulty, but what you can't hear may be more vital than anything heard.

                (Also the Heart Sutra Ceremony by Fugen a bit later is heard but not seen because of the camera angle).

                As I sometimes point out, if you had a seat at a talk by the Buddha or Dogen centuries ago, with no modern microphones and such, you probably would have missed half of what they said too!

                Technical "difficulties" teach us patience ... and thus I call them "non-difficulties". That is the whole point of Fugen's talk anyway.

                Happy Rohatsu Everyone! This thread is now open.

                Gassho, Jundo

                Last edited by Jundo; 12-05-2014, 01:03 PM.
                ALL OF LIFE IS OUR TEMPLE


                • Sekishi
                  Dharma Transmitted Priest
                  • Apr 2013
                  • 5673

                  Thank you all for your practice on this retreat. I am looking forward to sitting with you all.

                  For those who would like a hard-copy of Jundo's instructions above, I am working on a "printer friendly" version (with all forum controls removed, smaller type, etc.). I'll post them here in the next 30 minutes or so.

                  Sekishi | 石志 | He/him | Better with a grain of salt, but best ignored entirely.


                  • Sekishi
                    Dharma Transmitted Priest
                    • Apr 2013
                    • 5673

                    Here is the printer friendly version of this thread trimmed down to 22 pages (portrait orientation) with no forum buttons, controls, page headers, etc.:

                    See you all soon.

                    Sekishi | 石志 | He/him | Better with a grain of salt, but best ignored entirely.


                    • Mp

                      Originally posted by Sekishi
                      Here is the printer friendly version of this thread trimmed down to 22 pages (portrait orientation) with no forum buttons, controls, page headers, etc.:

                      See you all soon.

                      Nice one Sekishi, thank you. =)


                      #sattoday and just about to Rohatsu


                      • Jika
                        • Jun 2014
                        • 1337



                        治 Ji
                        花 Ka


                        • Troy
                          • Sep 2013
                          • 1318

                          Originally posted by Sekishi
                          Here is the printer friendly version of this thread trimmed down to 22 pages (portrait orientation) with no forum buttons, controls, page headers, etc.:

                          See you all soon.

                          Awesome thanks!



                          • Hotetsu
                            • Jun 2014
                            • 230

                            Awesome! Thanks! See everyone in a little while .

                            Forever is so very temporary...


                            • Steven
                              • Sep 2013
                              • 114

                              I thought I was going to be able to sit the majority of the retreat live with everyone and took vacation so I could finish up my research papers for school, but it looks like I may have to sit the retreat in its "live" recorded version. I'm usually pretty good at whipping together 10 page research papers fairly quickly, but these topics are giving me some trouble! Hopefully I will finish sometime tomorrow morning and will be able to join live, but if not I will be there with you anyway! I hope everyone has a good retreat.

                              # sat today

